2 Chronicles 33:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 Neither will I any more H3254 remove H5493 the foot H7272 of Israel H3478 from out H5921 of the land H127 which I have appointed H5975 for your fathers; H1 so that H518 they will take heed H8104 to do H6213 all that I have commanded H6680 them, according to the whole law H8451 and the statutes H2706 and the ordinances H4941 by the hand H3027 of Moses. H4872

Cross Reference

2 Samuel 7:10 STRONG

Moreover I will appoint H7760 a place H4725 for my people H5971 Israel, H3478 and will plant H5193 them, that they may dwell H7931 in a place of their own, and move H7264 no more; neither shall the children H1121 of wickedness H5766 afflict H6031 them any more, H3254 as beforetime, H7223

Leviticus 8:36 STRONG

So Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 did H6213 all things H1697 which the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 by the hand H3027 of Moses. H4872

Leviticus 10:11 STRONG

And that ye may teach H3384 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 all the statutes H2706 which the LORD H3068 hath spoken H1696 unto them by the hand H3027 of Moses. H4872

Deuteronomy 4:40 STRONG

Thou shalt keep H8104 therefore his statutes, H2706 and his commandments, H4687 which I command H6680 thee this day, H3117 that it may go well H3190 with thee, and with thy children H1121 after H310 thee, and that thou mayest prolong H748 thy days H3117 upon the earth, H127 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 giveth H5414 thee, for ever.

Deuteronomy 5:1 STRONG

And Moses H4872 called H7121 all Israel, H3478 and said H559 unto them, Hear, H8085 O Israel, H3478 the statutes H2706 and judgments H4941 which I speak H1696 in your ears H241 this day, H3117 that ye may learn H3925 them, and keep, H8104 and do H6213 them.

Deuteronomy 8:1 STRONG

All the commandments H4687 which I command H6680 thee this day H3117 shall ye observe H8104 to do, H6213 that ye may live, H2421 and multiply, H7235 and go in H935 and possess H3423 the land H776 which the LORD H3068 sware H7650 unto your fathers. H1

Deuteronomy 30:15-20 STRONG

See, H7200 I have set H5414 before H6440 thee this day H3117 life H2416 and good, H2896 and death H4194 and evil; H7451 In that I command H6680 thee this day H3117 to love H157 the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 to walk H3212 in his ways, H1870 and to keep H8104 his commandments H4687 and his statutes H2708 and his judgments, H4941 that thou mayest live H2421 and multiply: H7235 and the LORD H3068 thy God H430 shall bless H1288 thee in the land H776 whither thou goest H935 to possess H3423 it. But if thine heart H3824 turn away, H6437 so that thou wilt not hear, H8085 but shalt be drawn away, H5080 and worship H7812 other H312 gods, H430 and serve H5647 them; I denounce H5046 unto you this day, H3117 that ye shall surely H6 perish, H6 and that ye shall not prolong H748 your days H3117 upon the land, H127 whither thou passest over H5674 Jordan H3383 to go H935 to possess H3423 it. I call H5749 heaven H8064 and earth H776 to record H5749 this day H3117 against you, that I have set H5414 before H6440 you life H2416 and death, H4194 blessing H1293 and cursing: H7045 therefore choose H977 life, H2416 that both thou and thy seed H2233 may live: H2421 That thou mayest love H157 the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 and that thou mayest obey H8085 his voice, H6963 and that thou mayest cleave H1692 unto him: for he is thy life, H2416 and the length H753 of thy days: H3117 that thou mayest dwell H3427 in the land H127 which the LORD H3068 sware H7650 unto thy fathers, H1 to Abraham, H85 to Isaac, H3327 and to Jacob, H3290 to give H5414 them.

1 Chronicles 17:9 STRONG

Also I will ordain H7760 a place H4725 for my people H5971 Israel, H3478 and will plant H5193 them, and they shall dwell H7931 in their place, and shall be moved H7264 no more; neither shall the children H1121 of wickedness H5766 waste H1086 them any more, H3254 as at the beginning, H7223

2 Chronicles 7:17-22 STRONG

And as for thee, if thou wilt walk H3212 before H6440 me, as David H1732 thy father H1 walked, H1980 and do H6213 according to all that I have commanded H6680 thee, and shalt observe H8104 my statutes H2706 and my judgments; H4941 Then will I stablish H6965 the throne H3678 of thy kingdom, H4438 according as I have covenanted H3772 with David H1732 thy father, H1 saying, H559 There shall not fail H3772 thee a man H376 to be ruler H4910 in Israel. H3478 But if ye turn away, H7725 and forsake H5800 my statutes H2708 and my commandments, H4687 which I have set H5414 before H6440 you, and shall go H1980 and serve H5647 other H312 gods, H430 and worship H7812 them; Then will I pluck them up by the roots H5428 out of my land H127 which I have given H5414 them; and this house, H1004 which I have sanctified H6942 for my name, H8034 will I cast out H7993 of my sight, H6440 and will make H5414 it to be a proverb H4912 and a byword H8148 among all nations. H5971 And this house, H1004 which is high, H5945 shall be an astonishment H8074 to every one that passeth H5674 by it; so that he shall say, H559 Why hath the LORD H3068 done H6213 thus unto this land, H776 and unto this house? H1004 And it shall be answered, H559 Because they forsook H5800 the LORD H3068 God H430 of their fathers, H1 which brought them forth H3318 out of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 and laid hold H2388 on other H312 gods, H430 and worshipped H7812 them, and served H5647 them: therefore hath he brought H935 all this evil H7451 upon them.

Isaiah 1:19-20 STRONG

If ye be willing H14 and obedient, H8085 ye shall eat H398 the good H2898 of the land: H776 But if ye refuse H3985 and rebel, H4784 ye shall be devoured H398 with the sword: H2719 for the mouth H6310 of the LORD H3068 hath spoken H1696 it.

Ezekiel 33:25-26 STRONG

Wherefore say H559 unto them, Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Ye eat H398 with the blood, H1818 and lift up H5375 your eyes H5869 toward your idols, H1544 and shed H8210 blood: H1818 and shall ye possess H3423 the land? H776 Ye stand H5975 upon your sword, H2719 ye work H6213 abomination, H8441 and ye defile H2930 every one H376 his neighbour's H7453 wife: H802 and shall ye possess H3423 the land? H776

Luke 1:6 STRONG

And G1161 they were G2258 both G297 righteous G1342 before G1799 God, G2316 walking G4198 in G1722 all G3956 the commandments G1785 and G2532 ordinances G1345 of the Lord G2962 blameless. G273

Galatians 3:10-13 STRONG

For G1063 as many as G3745 are G1526 of G1537 the works G2041 of the law G3551 are G1526 under G5259 the curse: G2671 for G1063 it is written, G1125 Cursed G1944 is every one G3956 that G3739 continueth G1696 not G3756 in G1722 all things G3956 which G3588 are written G1125 in G1722 the book G975 of the law G3551 to do G4160 them. G846 But G1161 that G3754 no man G3762 is justified G1344 by G1722 the law G3551 in the sight G3844 of God, G2316 it is evident: G1212 for, G3754 The just G1342 shall live G2198 by G1537 faith. G4102 And G1161 the law G3551 is G2076 not G3756 of G1537 faith: G4102 but, G235 The man G444 that doeth G4160 them G846 shall live G2198 in G1722 them. G846 Christ G5547 hath redeemed G1805 us G2248 from G1537 the curse G2671 of the law, G3551 being made G1096 a curse G2671 for G5228 us: G2257 for G1063 it is written, G1125 Cursed G1944 is every one G3956 that hangeth G2910 on G1909 a tree: G3586

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » John Gill's Exposition of the Bible » Commentary on 2 Chronicles 33

Commentary on 2 Chronicles 33 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



This chapter gives an account of the reign of Manasseh, of his idolatries and impieties, 2 Chronicles 33:1, of his captivity, humiliation, repentance, and reformation, 2 Chronicles 33:11 of his last end, death, and burial, 2 Chronicles 33:18 and of the wicked reign of Amon his son, and of his death by his servants, 2 Chronicles 33:21.

Verses 1-9

Manasseh was twelve years old,.... From hence to the end of 2 Chronicles 33:9 the same things are recorded, almost word for word, as in 2 Kings 21:1, see the notes there. See Gill on 2 Kings 21:1.

Verse 10

And the Lord spake to Manasseh, and to his people,.... By his servants the prophets, see 2 Kings 21:10, where what was said to them is recorded:

but they would not hearken; to what was said, to reproofs, admonitions, and exhortations to repent and reform.

Verse 11

Wherefore the Lord brought upon them the captains of the host of the king of Assyria,.... Who was Esarhaddon, the son and successor of Sennacherib; this, according to the Jewish chronologyF6Seder Olam Rabba, c. 24. p. 67. , was in the twenty second year of Manasseh's reign:

which took Manasseh among the thorns; in a thicket of briers and thorns, where, upon his defeat, he had hid himself; a fit emblem of the afflictions and troubles his sins brought him into:

and bound him with fetters; hands and feet; with chains of brass, as the Targum, such as Zedekiah was bound with, 2 Kings 25:7, not chains of gold, with which Mark Antony bound a king of Armenia, for the sake of honourF7Vell. Patercul. Hist. Roman. l. 2. :

and carried him to Babylon; for now the king of Assyria was become master of that city, and added it to his monarchy, and made it the seat of his residence; at least some times that and sometimes Nineveh, Merodachbaladan being dead, or conquered; though, according to SuidasF8In voce μανασσης. , it was he that took Manasseh; and by an Arabic writerF9Abulpharag. Hist. Dynast. Dyn. 3. p. 67. So Suidas, ib. , he is said to be carried to Nineveh.

Verse 12

And when he was in affliction,.... In prison; however, in fetters; according to the Targum, the Chaldeans made an instrument of brass with holes in it, and put him in it, and fire about it, something like the brasen bull of Perillus; and the above Arabian writerF11Abulph. & Suidas, ib. (Hist. Dynast. Dyn. 3. p. 67.) calls it a tower of brass:

he besought the Lord his God; by prayer and supplication:

and humbled himself greatly before the Lord God of his fathers; confessing his sins, expressing great sorrow and repentance for them.

Verse 13

And prayed unto him,.... To have mercy on him, and forgive him his sins:

and he was entreated of him, and heard his supplication; and granted his request, showed favour to him, and forgave him his sins:

and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom; so wrought upon the heart of the king of Assyria, as to give him his liberty, and restore him to his dominions; it is very probable his captivity was not long; for, being soon brought by his affliction to a sense and confession of his sins, by the overruling providence of God, he was quickly released:

then Manasseh knew that the Lord he was God; and not the idols he had served; that he was a holy God, and hated sin, and a just God in afflicting him for it, and gracious and merciful in forgiving his sins, and bringing him out of his troubles.

Verse 14

Now after this he built a wall without the city of David,.... Which perhaps had been broken down by the Assyrian army, when it came and took him; VitringaF12Comment. in Jesaiam, c. 22. 9. thinks this is the wall of the pool of Siloah, Nehemiah 3:15 which seems to be the first and oldest wall, as JosephusF13De Bello Jud. l. 5. c. 4. sect. 9. ; for that turning to the north bent towards the pool of Siloam; an Arabic writerF14Abulpharag. Hist. Dynast. Dyn. 3. p. 67. calls it the southern wall:

on the west side of Gihon; on the west side of the city, towards Gihon; for that was to the west of it, 2 Chronicles 32:30,

in the valley, even to the entering in at the fish gate; through which the fish were brought from Joppa, and where, according to the Targum, they were sold:

and compassed about Ophel; the eastern part of Mount Zion; some say it was the holy of holies, 2 Chronicles 27:3,

and raised it up a very great height; built the wall very high there:

and put captains of war in all the fenced cities of Judah; this he did to put his kingdom in a posture of defence, should it be attacked by the Assyrian army again.

Verse 15

And he took away the strange gods, and the idol out of the house of the Lord,.... Which he had set there, 2 Chronicles 33:7.

and all the altars that he had built in the mount of the house of the Lord, and in Jerusalem; see 2 Chronicles 33:4,

and cast them out of the city; perhaps into the brook Kidron; all this he did to show the sincerity of his repentance for his idolatry, and his abhorrence of it.

Verse 16

And he repaired the altar of the Lord,.... Which was fallen to ruin, being neglected and disused in his times of idolatry: or, according to the Keri, or marginal reading, and so the Targum, "he built it"; which perhaps he had before pulled down and destroyed:

and sacrificed thereon peace offerings and thank offerings; to the Lord, for bringing him out of captivity, and restoring him to his kingdom; and especially for converting him from his idolatries, giving him repentance for them, and forgiveness of sins:

and commanded Judah to serve the Lord God of Israel; and him only; another instance of the truth of his repentance, in endeavouring to reform those whom he had misled, and restore the true worship of God among them, and bring them back to that.

Verse 17

Nevertheless, the people did sacrifice still in the high places,.... Not in those that were built for idols, at least did not sacrifice to them; for it follows:

yet unto the Lord their God only; the Targum is,"to the name of the Word of the Lord their God.'

Verse 18

Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh,.... Good and bad, what were done by him both before and after his conversion:

and his prayer unto his God; which it seems was taken and recorded, but now lost; for as for that which is among the apocryphal writings, there is no reason to believe it to be his, though it is thought to be so by manyF15Vid. Fabritii Bibliothec. Graec. l. 3. c. 31. p. 738,739. :

and the words of the seers; or the prophets, as the Targum; and the prophets in his days, according to the Jewish chronologyF16Seder Olam Rabba, c. 20. , were Joel, Nahum, and Habakkuk:

that spake to him in the name of the Lord God of Israel; words of admonition and reproof before his humiliation, and words of comfort, advice, and instruction, after it; the Targum is,"that spake to him in the name of the Word of the Lord God of Israel:"

behold, they are written in the book of the kings of Israel; not in the canonical book so called, where none of the above things, namely, his prayer, and the speeches of the prophets, are to be found, at least not all; but in the annals of the kings of Israel, now lost.

Verse 19

His prayer also,.... Was not only recorded in the above annals, but in the writings of another person after mentioned:

and how God was entreated of him; heard his prayer, and showed him favour both in a temporal and spiritual way; for though the Jews would not allow that he was saved, or had a part in the world to come, eternal lifeF17Misn. Sanhedrin, c. 11. sect. 2. , yet there appears no just reason why it should be so thought:

and all his sin, and his trespass; his impieties, idolatries, and murders: and the places wherein he built high places; see 2 Chronicles 33:3.

and set up groves; statues in groves:

and graven images, before he was humbled; see 2 Chronicles 33:7,

behold, they are written among the sayings of the seers; or of Hosea, the name of a prophet who wrote the history of his own times; so the Targrim and Vulgate Latin version; and, according to the Jewish chronologyF18Seder Olam Zuta, p. 105. Ed. Meyer. , there was a prophet of this name in the times of Amon the son of Manasseh.

Verses 20-25

So Manasseh slept with his fathers, and they buried him in his own house,.... That is, in the garden of his house; see Gill on 2 Kings 21:18; there; to which may be added, that the JewsF19Cippi Heb. p. 43. in later times buried in a garden; though it was the custom of the ancients, both GreeksF20Plato in Minoe. and RomansF21Servius in Virgil. Aeneid. 5. "praeterea si nova", & in l. 6. "sedibus hunc refer", &c. , to bury the dead in their own houses; hence sprung the worship of the Lares and Penates, the household gods: from hence to the end of the chapter is the same with 2 Kings 21:18.