2 Chronicles 34:20 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

20 And the king H4428 commanded H6680 Hilkiah, H2518 and Ahikam H296 the son H1121 of Shaphan, H8227 and Abdon H5658 the son H1121 of Micah, H4318 and Shaphan H8227 the scribe, H5608 and Asaiah H6222 a servant H5650 of the king's, H4428 saying, H559

Cross Reference

2 Kings 22:12 STRONG

And the king H4428 commanded H6680 Hilkiah H2518 the priest, H3548 and Ahikam H296 the son H1121 of Shaphan, H8227 and Achbor H5907 the son H1121 of Michaiah, H4320 and Shaphan H8227 the scribe, H5608 and Asahiah H6222 a servant H5650 of the king's, H4428 saying, H559

2 Kings 25:22 STRONG

And as for the people H5971 that remained H7604 in the land H776 of Judah, H3063 whom Nebuchadnezzar H5019 king H4428 of Babylon H894 had left, H7604 even over them he made Gedaliah H1436 the son H1121 of Ahikam, H296 the son H1121 of Shaphan, H8227 ruler. H6485

Jeremiah 26:22 STRONG

And Jehoiakim H3079 the king H4428 sent H7971 men H582 into Egypt, H4714 namely, Elnathan H494 the son H1121 of Achbor, H5907 and certain men H582 with him into Egypt. H4714

Jeremiah 26:24 STRONG

Nevertheless the hand H3027 of Ahikam H296 the son H1121 of Shaphan H8227 was with Jeremiah, H3414 that they should not give H5414 him into the hand H3027 of the people H5971 to put him to death. H4191

Jeremiah 40:6 STRONG

Then went H935 Jeremiah H3414 unto Gedaliah H1436 the son H1121 of Ahikam H296 to Mizpah; H4708 and dwelt H3427 with him among H8432 the people H5971 that were left H7604 in the land. H776

Jeremiah 40:9 STRONG

And Gedaliah H1436 the son H1121 of Ahikam H296 the son H1121 of Shaphan H8227 sware H7650 unto them and to their men, H582 saying, H559 Fear H3372 not to serve H5647 the Chaldeans: H3778 dwell in H3427 the land, H776 and serve H5647 the king H4428 of Babylon, H894 and it shall be well H3190 with you.

Jeremiah 40:14 STRONG

And said H559 unto him, Dost thou certainly H3045 know H3045 that Baalis H1185 the king H4428 of the Ammonites H1121 H5983 hath sent H7971 Ishmael H3458 the son H1121 of Nethaniah H5418 to slay H5221 H5315 thee? But Gedaliah H1436 the son H1121 of Ahikam H296 believed H539 them not.

Commentary on 2 Chronicles 34 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ch 34:1, 2. Josiah's Good Reign.

1. Josiah was eight years old—(See on 2Ki 22:1). The testimony borne to the undeviating steadfastness of his adherence to the cause of true religion places his character and reign in honorable contrast with those of many of his royal predecessors.

2Ch 34:3-7. He Destroys Idolatry.

3. in the eighth year of his reign—This was the sixteenth year of his age, and, as the kings of Judah were considered minors till they had completed their thirteenth year, it was three years after he had attained majority. He had very early manifested the piety and excellent dispositions of his character. In the twelfth year of his reign, but the twentieth of his age, he began to take a lively interest in the purgation of his kingdom from all the monuments of idolatry which, in his father's short reign, had been erected. At a later period, his increasing zeal for securing the purity of divine worship led him to superintend the work of demolition in various parts of his dominion. The course of the narrative in this passage is somewhat different from that followed in the Book of Kings. For the historian, having made allusion to the early manifestation of Josiah's zeal, goes on with a full detail of all the measures this good king adopted for the extirpation of idolatry; whereas the author of the Book of Kings sets out with the cleansing of the temple, immediately previous to the celebration of the passover, and embraces that occasion to give a general description of Josiah's policy for freeing the land from idolatrous pollution. The exact chronological order is not followed either in Kings or Chronicles. But it is clearly recorded in both that the abolition of idolatry began in the twelfth and was completed in the eighteenth year of Josiah's reign. Notwithstanding Josiah's undoubted sincerity and zeal and the people's apparent compliance with the king's orders, he could not extinguish a strongly rooted attachment to idolatries introduced in the early part of Manasseh's reign. This latent predilection appears unmistakably developed in the subsequent reigns, and the divine decree for the removal of Judah, as well as Israel, into captivity was irrevocably passed.

4. the graves of them that had sacrificed unto them—He treated the graves themselves as guilty of the crimes of those who were lying in them [Bertheau].

5. he burnt the bones of the priests upon their altars—A greater brand of infamy could not have been put on idolatrous priests than the disinterment of their bones, and a greater defilement could not have been done to the altars of idolatry than the burning upon them the bones of those who had there officiated in their lifetime.

6. with their mattocks—or, "in their deserts"—so that the verse will stand thus: "And so did [namely, break the altars and burn the bones of priests] he in the cities of Manasseh, and Ephraim, and Simeon, even unto Naphtali, in their deserted suburbs." The reader is apt to be surprised on finding that Josiah, whose hereditary possessions were confined to the kingdom of Judah, exercised as much authority among the tribes of Ephraim, Manasseh, Simeon, and others as far as Naphtali, as he did within his own dominion. Therefore, it is necessary to observe that, after the destruction of Samaria by Shalmaneser, the remnant that continued on the mountains of Israel maintained a close intercourse with Judah, and looked to the sovereigns of that kingdom as their natural protectors. Those kings acquired great influence over them, which Josiah exercised in removing every vestige of idolatry from the land. He could not have done this without the acquiescence of the people in the propriety of this proceeding, conscious that this was conformable to their ancient laws and institutions. The Assyrian kings, who were now masters of the country, might have been displeased at the liberties Josiah took beyond his own territories. But either they were not informed of his doings, or they did not trouble themselves about his religious proceedings, relating, as they would think, to the god of the land, especially as he did not attempt to seize upon any place or to disturb the allegiance of the people [Calmet].

2Ch 34:8-18. He Repairs the Temple.

8. in the eighteenth year of his reign … he sent Shaphan—(See on 2Ki 22:3-9).

2Ch 34:19-33. And, Causing the Law to Be Read, Renews the Covenant between God and the People.

19. when the king had heard the words of the law, &c.—(See on 2Ki 22:11-20; 23:1-3).