Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Chronicles » Chapter 4 » Verse 7-22

2 Chronicles 4:7-22 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 And he made H6213 ten H6235 candlesticks H4501 of gold H2091 according to their form, H4941 and set H5414 them in the temple, H1964 five H2568 on the right hand, H3225 and five H2568 on the left. H8040

8 He made H6213 also ten H6235 tables, H7979 and placed H3240 them in the temple, H1964 five H2568 on the right side, H3225 and five H2568 on the left. H8040 And he made H6213 an hundred H3967 basons H4219 of gold. H2091

9 Furthermore he made H6213 the court H2691 of the priests, H3548 and the great H1419 court, H5835 and doors H1817 for the court, H5835 and overlaid H6823 the doors H1817 of them with brass. H5178

10 And he set H5414 the sea H3220 on the right H3233 side H3802 of the east end, H6924 over against H4136 the south. H5045

11 And Huram H2361 made H6213 the pots, H5518 and the shovels, H3257 and the basons. H4219 And Huram H2361 H2438 finished H3615 H6213 the work H4399 that he was to make H6213 for king H4428 Solomon H8010 for the house H1004 of God; H430

12 To wit, the two H8147 pillars, H5982 and the pommels, H1543 and the chapiters H3805 which were on the top H7218 of the two pillars, H5982 and the two H8147 wreaths H7639 to cover H3680 the two H8147 pommels H1543 of the chapiters H3805 which were on the top H7218 of the pillars; H5982

13 And four H702 hundred H3967 pomegranates H7416 on the two H8147 wreaths; H7639 two H8147 rows H2905 of pomegranates H7416 on each H259 wreath, H7639 to cover H3680 the two H8147 pommels H1543 of the chapiters H3805 which were upon H6440 the pillars. H5982

14 He made H6213 also bases, H4350 and lavers H3595 made H6213 he upon the bases; H4350

15 One H259 sea, H3220 and twelve H8147 H6240 oxen H1241 under it.

16 The pots H5518 also, and the shovels, H3257 and the fleshhooks, H4207 and all their instruments, H3627 did Huram H2361 his father H1 make H6213 to king H4428 Solomon H8010 for the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 of bright H4838 brass. H5178

17 In the plain H3603 of Jordan H3383 did the king H4428 cast H3332 them, in the clay H5645 ground H127 between Succoth H5523 and Zeredathah. H6868

18 Thus Solomon H8010 made H6213 all these vessels H3627 in great H3966 abundance: H7230 for the weight H4948 of the brass H5178 could not be found out. H2713

19 And Solomon H8010 made H6213 all the vessels H3627 that were for the house H1004 of God, H430 the golden H2091 altar H4196 also, and the tables H7979 whereon the shewbread H3899 H6440 was set;

20 Moreover the candlesticks H4501 with their lamps, H5216 that they should burn H1197 after the manner H4941 before H6440 the oracle, H1687 of pure H5462 gold; H2091

21 And the flowers, H6525 and the lamps, H5216 and the tongs, H4457 made he of gold, H2091 and that perfect H4357 gold; H2091

22 And the snuffers, H4212 and the basons, H4219 and the spoons, H3709 and the censers, H4289 of pure H5462 gold: H2091 and the entry H6607 of the house, H1004 the inner H6442 doors H1817 thereof for the most H6944 holy H6944 place, and the doors H1817 of the house H1004 of the temple, H1964 were of gold. H2091

Commentary on 2 Chronicles 4 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ch 4:1. Altar of Brass.

1. he made an altar of brass—Steps must have been necessary for ascending so elevated an altar, but the use of these could be no longer forbidden (Ex 20:26) after the introduction of an official costume for the priests (Ex 28:42). It measured thirty-five feet by thirty-five, and in height seventeen and a half feet. The thickness of the metal used for this altar is nowhere given; but supposing it to have been three inches, the whole weight of the metal would not be under two hundred tons [Napier].

2Ch 4:2-5. Molten Sea.

2. he made a molten sea—(See on 1Ki 7:23), as in that passage "knops" occur instead of "oxen." It is generally supposed that the rows of ornamental knops were in the form of ox heads.

3. Two rows of oxen were cast, when it was cast—The meaning is, that the circular basin and the brazen oxen which supported it were all of one piece, being cast in one and the same mould. There is a difference in the accounts given of the capacity of this basin, for while in 1Ki 7:26 it is said that two thousand baths of water could be contained in it, in this passage no less than three thousand are stated. It has been suggested that there is here a statement not merely of the quantity of water which the basin held, but that also which was necessary to work it, to keep it flowing as a fountain; that which was required to fill both it and its accompaniments. In support of this view, it may be remarked that different words are employed: the one in 1Ki 7:26 rendered contained; the two here rendered, received and held. There was a difference between receiving and holding. When the basin played as a fountain, and all its parts were filled for that purpose, the latter, together with the sea itself, received three thousand baths; but the sea exclusively held only two thousand baths, when its contents were restricted to those of the circular basin. It received and held three thousand baths [Calmet, Fragments].

2Ch 4:6-18. The Ten Lavers, Candlesticks, and Tables.

6. ten lavers—(See on 1Ki 7:27). The laver of the tabernacle had probably been destroyed. The ten new ones were placed between the porch and the altar, and while the molten sea was for the priests to cleanse their hands and feet, these were intended for washing the sacrifices.

7. ten candlesticks—(See on 1Ki 7:49). The increased number was not only in conformity with the characteristic splendor of the edifice, but also a standing emblem to the Hebrews, that the growing light of the word was necessary to counteract the growing darkness in the world [Lightfoot].

11. Huram made—(See on 1Ki 7:40).