Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Chronicles » Chapter 6 » Verse 34

2 Chronicles 6:34 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

34 If thy people H5971 go out H3318 to war H4421 against their enemies H341 by the way H1870 that thou shalt send H7971 them, and they pray H6419 unto thee toward H1870 this city H5892 which thou hast chosen, H977 and the house H1004 which I have built H1129 for thy name; H8034

Cross Reference

1 Kings 8:44-45 STRONG

If thy people H5971 go out H3318 to battle H4421 against their enemy, H341 whithersoever H1870 thou shalt send H7971 them, and shall pray H6419 unto the LORD H3068 toward H1870 the city H5892 which thou hast chosen, H977 and toward the house H1004 that I have built H1129 for thy name: H8034 Then hear H8085 thou in heaven H8064 their prayer H8605 and their supplication, H8467 and maintain H6213 their cause. H4941

Daniel 6:10 STRONG

Now when Daniel H1841 knew H3046 that the writing H3792 was signed, H7560 he went H5954 into his house; H1005 and his windows H3551 being open H6606 in his chamber H5952 toward H5049 Jerusalem, H3390 he kneeled H1289 upon H5922 his knees H1291 three H8532 times H2166 a day, H3118 and prayed, H6739 and gave thanks H3029 before H6925 his God, H426 as H6903 H3606 he did H1934 H5648 aforetime. H4481 H1836 H6928

Isaiah 14:32 STRONG

What shall one then answer H6030 the messengers H4397 of the nation? H1471 That the LORD H3068 hath founded H3245 Zion, H6726 and the poor H6041 of his people H5971 shall trust H2620 in it.

2 Chronicles 32:20-21 STRONG

And for this cause Hezekiah H3169 the king, H4428 and the prophet H5030 Isaiah H3470 the son H1121 of Amoz, H531 prayed H6419 and cried H2199 to heaven. H8064 And the LORD H3068 sent H7971 an angel, H4397 which cut off H3582 all the mighty men H1368 of valour, H2428 and the leaders H5057 and captains H8269 in the camp H4264 of the king H4428 of Assyria. H804 So he returned H7725 with shame H1322 of face H6440 to his own land. H776 And when he was come H935 into the house H1004 of his god, H430 they that came forth H3329 of his own bowels H4578 slew H5307 him there with the sword. H2719

2 Chronicles 20:6-13 STRONG

And said, H559 O LORD H3068 God H430 of our fathers, H1 art not thou God H430 in heaven? H8064 and rulest H4910 not thou over all the kingdoms H4467 of the heathen? H1471 and in thine hand H3027 is there not power H3581 and might, H1369 so that none is able to withstand H3320 thee? Art not thou our God, H430 who didst drive out H3423 the inhabitants H3427 of this land H776 before H6440 thy people H5971 Israel, H3478 and gavest H5414 it to the seed H2233 of Abraham H85 thy friend H157 for ever? H5769 And they dwelt H3427 therein, and have built H1129 thee a sanctuary H4720 therein for thy name, H8034 saying, H559 If, when evil H7451 cometh H935 upon us, as the sword, H2719 judgment, H8196 or pestilence, H1698 or famine, H7458 we stand H5975 before H6440 this house, H1004 and in thy presence, H6440 (for thy name H8034 is in this house,) H1004 and cry H2199 unto thee in our affliction, H6869 then thou wilt hear H8085 and help. H3467 And now, behold, the children H1121 of Ammon H5983 and Moab H4124 and mount H2022 Seir, H8165 whom thou wouldest not let H5414 Israel H3478 invade, H935 when they came out H935 of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 but they turned H5493 from them, and destroyed H8045 them not; Behold, I say, how they reward H1580 us, to come H935 to cast us out H1644 of thy possession, H3425 which thou hast given us to inherit. H3423 O our God, H430 wilt thou not judge H8199 them? for we have no might H3581 against H6440 this great H7227 company H1995 that cometh H935 against us; neither know H3045 we H587 what to do: H6213 but our eyes H5869 are upon thee. And all Judah H3063 stood H5975 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 with H1571 their little ones, H2945 their wives, H802 and their children. H1121

2 Chronicles 20:4 STRONG

And Judah H3063 gathered themselves together, H6908 to ask H1245 help of the LORD: H3068 even out of all the cities H5892 of Judah H3063 they came H935 to seek H1245 the LORD. H3068

2 Chronicles 18:31 STRONG

And it came to pass, when the captains H8269 of the chariots H7393 saw H7200 Jehoshaphat, H3092 that they said, H559 It is the king H4428 of Israel. H3478 Therefore they compassed about H5437 him to fight: H3898 but Jehoshaphat H3092 cried out, H2199 and the LORD H3068 helped H5826 him; and God H430 moved H5496 them to depart from him.

2 Chronicles 14:9-12 STRONG

And there came out H3318 against them Zerah H2226 the Ethiopian H3569 with an host H2428 of a thousand H505 thousand, H505 and three H7969 hundred H3967 chariots; H4818 and came H935 unto Mareshah. H4762 Then Asa H609 went out H3318 against H6440 him, and they set the battle H4421 in array H6186 in the valley H1516 of Zephathah H6859 at Mareshah. H4762 And Asa H609 cried H7121 unto the LORD H3068 his God, H430 and said, H559 LORD, H3068 it is nothing with thee to help, H5826 whether H996 with many, H7227 or with them that have no power: H3581 help H5826 us, O LORD H3068 our God; H430 for we rest H8172 on thee, and in thy name H8034 we go H935 against this multitude. H1995 O LORD, H3068 thou art our God; H430 let not man H582 prevail H6113 against thee. So the LORD H3068 smote H5062 the Ethiopians H3569 before H6440 Asa, H609 and before H6440 Judah; H3063 and the Ethiopians H3569 fled. H5127

2 Chronicles 6:6 STRONG

But I have chosen H977 Jerusalem, H3389 that my name H8034 might be there; and have chosen H977 David H1732 to be over my people H5971 Israel. H3478

Numbers 31:2-6 STRONG

Avenge H5358 H5360 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 of the Midianites: H4084 afterward H310 shalt thou be gathered H622 unto thy people. H5971 And Moses H4872 spake H1696 unto the people, H5971 saying, H559 Arm H2502 some H582 of yourselves unto the war, H6635 and let them go against the Midianites, H4080 and avenge H5414 H5360 the LORD H3068 of Midian. H4080 Of every tribe H4294 H4294 a thousand, H505 H505 throughout all the tribes H4294 of Israel, H3478 shall ye send H7971 to the war. H6635 So there were delivered H4560 out of the thousands H505 of Israel, H3478 a thousand H505 of every tribe, H4294 twelve H8147 H6240 thousand H505 armed H2502 for war. H6635 And Moses H4872 sent H7971 them to the war, H6635 a thousand H505 of every tribe, H4294 them and Phinehas H6372 the son H1121 of Eleazar H499 the priest, H3548 to the war, H6635 with the holy H6944 instruments, H3627 and the trumpets H2689 to blow H8643 in his hand. H3027

1 Kings 8:13 STRONG

I have surely H1129 built H1129 thee an house H1004 to dwell in, H2073 a settled place H4349 for thee to abide in H3427 for ever. H5769

1 Samuel 15:18 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 sent H7971 thee on a journey, H1870 and said, H559 Go H3212 and utterly destroy H2763 the sinners H2400 the Amalekites, H6002 and fight H3898 against them until they be consumed. H3615

1 Samuel 15:3 STRONG

Now go H3212 and smite H5221 Amalek, H6002 and utterly destroy H2763 all that they have, and spare H2550 them not; but slay H4191 both man H376 and woman, H802 infant H5768 and suckling, H3243 ox H7794 and sheep, H7716 camel H1581 and ass. H2543

Judges 1:1-2 STRONG

Now after H310 the death H4194 of Joshua H3091 it came to pass, that the children H1121 of Israel H3478 asked H7592 the LORD, H3068 saying, H559 Who shall go up H5927 for us against the Canaanites H3669 first, H8462 to fight H3898 against them? And the LORD H3068 said, H559 Judah H3063 shall go up: H5927 behold, I have delivered H5414 the land H776 into his hand. H3027

Joshua 8:1-8 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Joshua, H3091 Fear H3372 not, neither be thou dismayed: H2865 take H3947 all the people H5971 of war H4421 with thee, and arise, H6965 go up H5927 to Ai: H5857 see, H7200 I have given H5414 into thy hand H3027 the king H4428 of Ai, H5857 and his people, H5971 and his city, H5892 and his land: H776 And thou shalt do H6213 to Ai H5857 and her king H4428 as thou didst H6213 unto Jericho H3405 and her king: H4428 only the spoil H7998 thereof, and the cattle H929 thereof, shall ye take for a prey H962 unto yourselves: lay H7760 thee an ambush H693 for the city H5892 behind H310 it. So Joshua H3091 arose, H6965 and all the people H5971 of war, H4421 to go up H5927 against Ai: H5857 and Joshua H3091 chose out H977 thirty H7970 thousand H505 mighty H1368 men H376 of valour, H2428 and sent them away H7971 by night. H3915 And he commanded H6680 them, saying, H559 Behold, H7200 ye shall lie in wait H693 against the city, H5892 even behind H310 the city: H5892 go H7368 not very H3966 far H7368 from the city, H5892 but be ye all ready: H3559 And I, and all the people H5971 that are with me, will approach H7126 unto the city: H5892 and it shall come to pass, when they come out H3318 against H7125 us, as at the first, H7223 that we will flee H5127 before H6440 them, (For they will come out H3318 after H310 us) till we have drawn H5423 them from the city; H5892 for they will say, H559 They flee H5127 before H6440 us, as at the first: H7223 therefore we will flee H5127 before H6440 them. Then ye shall rise up H6965 from the ambush, H693 and seize H3423 upon the city: H5892 for the LORD H3068 your God H430 will deliver H5414 it into your hand. H3027 And it shall be, when ye have taken H8610 the city, H5892 that ye shall set H3341 the city H5892 on fire: H784 according to the commandment H1697 of the LORD H3068 shall ye do. H6213 See, H7200 I have commanded H6680 you.

Joshua 1:2-5 STRONG

Moses H4872 my servant H5650 is dead; H4191 now therefore arise, H6965 go over H5674 this Jordan, H3383 thou, and all this people, H5971 unto the land H776 which I do give H5414 to them, even to the children H1121 of Israel. H3478 Every place H4725 that the sole H3709 of your foot H7272 shall tread upon, H1869 that have I given H5414 unto you, as I said H1696 unto Moses. H4872 From the wilderness H4057 and this Lebanon H3844 even unto the great H1419 river, H5104 the river H5104 Euphrates, H6578 all the land H776 of the Hittites, H2850 and unto the great H1419 sea H3220 toward the going down H3996 of the sun, H8121 shall be your coast. H1366 There shall not any man H376 be able to stand H3320 before H6440 thee all the days H3117 of thy life: H2416 as I was with Moses, H4872 so I will be with thee: I will not fail H7503 thee, nor forsake H5800 thee.

Deuteronomy 20:1-4 STRONG

When thou goest out H3318 to battle H4421 against thine enemies, H341 and seest H7200 horses, H5483 and chariots, H7393 and a people H5971 more H7227 than thou, be not afraid H3372 of them: for the LORD H3068 thy God H430 is with thee, which brought thee up H5927 out of the land H776 of Egypt. H4714 And it shall be, when ye are come nigh H7126 unto the battle, H4421 that the priest H3548 shall approach H5066 and speak H1696 unto the people, H5971 And shall say H559 unto them, Hear, H8085 O Israel, H3478 ye approach H7131 this day H3117 unto battle H4421 against your enemies: H341 let not your hearts H3824 faint, H7401 fear H3372 not, and do not tremble, H2648 neither be ye terrified H6206 because H6440 of them; For the LORD H3068 your God H430 is he that goeth H1980 with you, to fight H3898 for you against your enemies, H341 to save H3467 you.

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on 2 Chronicles 6

Commentary on 2 Chronicles 6 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-11

The words with which Solomon celebrates this wondrous evidence of the divine favour, entirely coincide with the narrative in 1 Kings 8:12-21, except that in 2 Chronicles 6:5. the actual words of Solomon's speech are more completely given than in 1 Kings 8:16, where the words, “and I have not chosen a man to be prince over my people Israel, and I have chosen Jerusalem that my name might be there,” are omitted. For the commentary on this address, see on 1 Kings 8:12-21.

Verses 12-42

Solomon's dedicatory prayer likewise corresponds exactly with the account of it given in 1 Kings 8:22-53 till near the end (2 Chronicles 6:40-42), where it takes quite a different turn. Besides this, in the introduction (2 Chronicles 6:13) Solomon's position during the prayer is more accurately described, it being there stated that Solomon had caused a high stage ( כּיּור , a basin-like elevation) to be erected, which he ascended, and kneeling, spoke the prayer which follows. This fact is not stated in 1 Kings 8:22, and Then. and Berth. conjecture that it has been dropped out of our text only by mistake. Perhaps so, but it may have been passed over by the author of the books of Kings as a point of subordinate importance. On the contents of the prayer, which begins with the joyful confession that the Lord had fulfilled His promise to David in reference to the building of the temple, and proceeds with a request for a further bestowment of the blessing promised to His people, and a supplication that all prayers made to the Lord in the temple may be heard, see the Com. on 1 Kings 8:22. The conclusion of the prayer in the Chronicle is different from that in 1 Kings 8. There the last supplication, that the prayers might be heard, is followed by the thought: for they (the Israelites) are Thy people and inheritance; and in the further amplification of this thought the prayer returns to the idea with which it commenced. In the narrative of the Chronicle, on the other hand, the supplications conclude with the general thought (2 Chronicles 6:40): “Now, my God, let, I beseech Thee, Thine eyes be open, and Thine ears attend unto the prayer of this place” (i.e., unto the prayer spoken in this place). There follows, then, the conclusion of the whole prayer - a summons to the Lord (2 Chronicles 6:41.): “And now, Lord God, arise into Thy rest, Thou and the ark of Thy strength; let Thy priests, Lord God, clothe themselves in salvation, and Thy saints rejoice in good! Lord God, turn not away the face of Thine anointed: remember the pious deeds of Thy servant David.” הסדים as in 2 Chronicles 32:32; 2 Chronicles 35:26, and Nehemiah 13:14. On this Thenius remarks, to 1 Kings 8:53 : “This conclusion is probably authentic, for there is in the text of the prayer, 1 Kings 8, no special expression of dedication, and this the summons to enter into possession of the temple very fittingly supplies. The whole contents of the conclusion are in perfect correspondence with the situation, and, as to form, nothing better could be desired. It can scarcely be thought an arbitrary addition made by the chronicler for no other reason than that the summons spoken of, if taken literally, is irreconcilable with the entrance of the cloud into the temple, of which he has already given us an account.” Berth. indeed thinks that it does not thence follow that our conclusion is authentic, and considers it more probable that it was introduced because it appeared more suitable, in place of the somewhat obscure words in 1 Kings 8:51-53, though not by the author of the Chronicle, and scarcely at an earlier time. The decision on this question can only be arrived at in connection with the question as to the origin of the statements peculiar to the Chronicle contained in 2 Chronicles 7:1-3.

If we consider, in the first place, our verses in themselves, they contain no thought which Solomon might not have spoken, and consequently nothing which would tend to show that they are not authentic. It is true that the phrase קשּׁבות אזניך occurs only here and in 2 Chronicles 7:15, and again in Psalms 130:2, and the noun נוּח instead of מנוּחה is found only in Esther 9:16-18 in the form נוח ; but even if these two expressions be peculiar to the later time, no further conclusion can be drawn from that, than that the author of the Chronicle has here, as often elsewhere, given the thoughts of his authority in the language of his own time. Nor is the relation in which 2 Chronicles 6:41, 2 Chronicles 6:42 stand to Psalms 132:8-10 a valid proof of the later composition of the conclusion of our prayer. For ( a ) it is still a question whether our verses have been borrowed from Ps 132, or the verses of the psalm from our passage; and ( b ) the period when Psalms 138:1-8 was written is so doubtful, that some regard it as a Solomonic psalm, while others place it in the post-exilic period. Neither the one nor the other of these questions can be determined on convincing grounds. The appeal to the fact that the chronicler has compounded the hymn in 1 Chron 15 also out of post-exilic psalms proves nothing, for even in that case it is at least doubtful if that be a correct account of the matter. But the further assertion, that the conclusion (2 Chronicles 6:42) resembles Isaiah 55:3, and that recollections of this passage may have had some effect also on the conclusion (2 Chronicles 6:41), is undoubtedly erroneous, for דויד חסדי in 2 Chronicles 6:42 has quite a different meaning from that which it has in Isaiah 55:3. There דּוד חסדי are the favours granted to David by the Lord; in 2 Chronicles 6:42, on the contrary, they are the pious deeds of David, - all that he had done for the raising and advancement of the public worship (see above). The phrase וגו קוּמה , “Arise, O Lord God, into Thy rest,” is modelled on the formula which was spoken when the ark was lifted and when it was set down on the journey through the wilderness, which explains both קוּמה and the use of לנוּחך , which is formed after בּנוּחה , Numbers 10:36. The call to arise into rest is not inconsistent with the fact that the ark had already been brought into the most holy place, for קוּמה has merely the general signification, “to set oneself to anything.” The idea is, that God would now take the rest to which the throne of His glory had attained, show Himself to His people from this His throne to be the God of salvation, endue His priests, the guardians of His sanctuary, with salvation, and cause the pious to rejoice in His goodness. בטּוב ישׂמחוּ is generalized in Psalms 132:9 into ירנּנוּ . פּני פ השׁב , to turn away the face of any one, i.e., to deny the request, cf. 1 Kings 2:16.