2 Chronicles 8:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 But of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 did Solomon H8010 make H5414 no servants H5650 for his work; H4399 but they were men H582 of war, H4421 and chief H8269 of his captains, H7991 and captains H8269 of his chariots H7393 and horsemen. H6571

Cross Reference

Exodus 19:5-6 STRONG

Now therefore, if ye will obey H8085 my voice H6963 indeed, H8085 and keep H8104 my covenant, H1285 then ye shall be a peculiar treasure H5459 unto me above all people: H5971 for all the earth H776 is mine: And ye shall be unto me a kingdom H4467 of priests, H3548 and an holy H6918 nation. H1471 These are the words H1697 which thou shalt speak H1696 unto the children H1121 of Israel. H3478

Leviticus 25:39-46 STRONG

And if thy brother H251 that dwelleth by thee be waxen poor, H4134 and be sold H4376 unto thee; thou shalt not compel H5647 him to serve H5656 as a bondservant: H5650 But as an hired servant, H7916 and as a sojourner, H8453 he shall be with thee, and shall serve H5647 thee unto the year H8141 of jubile: H3104 And then shall he depart H3318 from thee, both he and his children H1121 with him, and shall return H7725 unto his own family, H4940 and unto the possession H272 of his fathers H1 shall he return. H7725 For they are my servants, H5650 which I brought forth H3318 out of the land H776 of Egypt: H4714 they shall not be sold H4376 as H4466 bondmen. H5650 Thou shalt not rule H7287 over him with rigour; H6531 but shalt fear H3372 thy God. H430 Both thy bondmen, H5650 and thy bondmaids, H519 which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen H1471 that are round about H5439 you; of them shall ye buy H7069 bondmen H5650 and bondmaids. H519 Moreover of the children H1121 of the strangers H8453 that do sojourn H1481 among you, of them shall ye buy, H7069 and of their families H4940 that are with you, which they begat H3205 in your land: H776 and they shall be your possession. H272 And ye shall take them as an inheritance H5157 for your children H1121 after H310 you, to inherit H3423 them for a possession; H272 they shall be your bondmen H5647 for ever: H5769 but over your brethren H251 the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 ye shall not rule H7287 one H376 over another H251 with rigour. H6531

1 Samuel 8:11-12 STRONG

And he said, H559 This will be the manner H4941 of the king H4428 that shall reign H4427 over you: He will take H3947 your sons, H1121 and appoint H7760 them for himself, for his chariots, H4818 and to be his horsemen; H6571 and some shall run H7323 before H6440 his chariots. H4818 And he will appoint H7760 him captains H8269 over thousands, H505 and captains H8269 over fifties; H2572 and will set them to ear H2790 his ground, H2758 and to reap H7114 his harvest, H7105 and to make H6213 his instruments H3627 of war, H4421 and instruments H3627 of his chariots. H7393

Galatians 4:26 STRONG

But G1161 Jerusalem G2419 which is above G507 is G2076 free, G1658 which G3748 is G2076 the mother G3384 of us G2257 all. G3956

Galatians 4:31 STRONG

So then, G686 brethren, G80 we are G2070 not G3756 children G5043 of the bondwoman, G3814 but G235 of the free. G1658

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Matthew Henry Commentary » Commentary on 2 Chronicles 8

Commentary on 2 Chronicles 8 Matthew Henry Commentary

Chapter 8

In this chapter we are told,

  • I. What cities Solomon built (v. 1-6).
  • II. What workmen Solomon employed (v. 7-10).
  • III. What care he took about a proper settlement for his wife (v. 11).
  • IV. What a good method he put the temple-service into (v. 12-16).
  • V. What trading he had with foreign countries (v. 17, 18).

2Ch 8:1-11

This we had 1 Ki. 9:10-24, and therefore shall only observe here,

  • I. Though Solomon was a man of great learning and knowledge, yet he spent his days, not in contemplation, but in action, not in his study, but in his country, in building cities and fortifying them, in a time of peace preparing for a time of war, which is as much a man's business as it is in summer to provide food for winter.
  • II. As he was a man of business himself, and did not consult his own ease, so he employed a great many hands, kept abundance of people to work. It is the interest of a state by all means possible to promote and encourage industry, and to keep its subjects from idleness. A great many strangers there were in Israel, many that remained of the Canaanites; and they were welcome to live there, but not to live and do nothing. The men of Laish, who had no business, were an easy prey to the invaders, Jdg. 18:7.
  • III. When Solomon had begun with building the house of God, and made good work and quick work of that, he prospered in all his undertakings, so that he built all that he desired to build, v. 6. Those who have a genius for building find that one project draws on another, and the latter must amend and improve the former. Now observe,
    • 1. How the divine providence gratified even Solomon's humour, and gave him success, not only in all that he needed to build and that it was for his advantage to build, but in all that he had a mind to build. So indulgent a Father God is sometimes to the innocent desires of his children that serve him. Thus he pleased Jacob with that promise, Joseph shall put his hand on thy eyes.
    • 2. Solomon knew how to set bounds to his desires. He was not one of those that enlarge them endlessly, and can never be satisfied, but knew when to draw in; for he finished all he desired, and then he desired no more. He did not sit down and fret that he had not more cities to build, as Alexander did that he had not more worlds to conquer, Hab. 2:5.
  • IV. That one reason why Solomon built a palace on purpose for the queen, and removed her and her court to it, was because he thought it by no means proper that she should dwell in the house of David (v. 11), considering that that had been a place of great piety, and perhaps her house was a place of great vanity. She was proselyted, it is likely, to the Jewish religion; but it is a question whether all her servants were. Perhaps they had among them the idols of Egypt, and a great deal of profaneness and debauchery. Now, though Solomon had not zeal and courage enough to suppress and punish what was amiss there, yet he so far consulted the honour of his father's memory that he would not suffer that place to be thus profaned where the ark of God had been and where holy David had prayed many a good prayer and sung many a sweet psalm. Not that all the places where the ark had been were so holy as never to be put to a common use; for then the houses of Abinadab and Obed-edom must have been so. But the place where it had been so long, and had been so publicly attended on, was so venerable that it was not fit to be the place of so much gaiety, not to say iniquity, as was to be found, I fear, in the court that Pharaoh's daughter kept. Note, Between things sacred and things common the ancient landmarks ought to be kept up. It was an outer-court of the temple that was the court of the women.

2Ch 8:12-18

Here is,

  • I. Solomon's devotion. The building of the temple was in order to the service of the temple. Whatever cost he was at in rearing the structure, if he had neglected the worship that was to be performed there, it would all have been to no purpose. Assisting the devotion of others will not atone for our own neglects. When Solomon had built the temple,
    • 1. He kept up the holy sacrifices there, according to the law of Moses, v. 12, 13. In vain had the altar been built, and in vain had fire come down from heaven, if sacrifices had not been constantly brought as the food of the altar and the fuel of that fire. There were daily sacrifices, a certain rate every day, as duly as the day came, weekly sacrifices on the sabbath, double to what was offered on other days, monthly sacrifices on the new moons, and yearly sacrifices at the three solemn feasts. Those are spiritual sacrifices that are now required of us, which we are to bring daily and weekly; and it is good to be in a settled method of devotion.
    • 2. He kept up the holy songs there, according to the law of David, who is here called the man of God, as Moses was, because he was both instructed and authorised of God to make these establishments; and Solomon took care to see them observed as the duty of every day required, v. 14. Solomon, though a wise and great man and the builder of the temple, did not attempt to amend, alter, or add to what the man of God had, in God's name, commanded, but closely adhered to that, and used his authority to have that duly observed; and then none departed from the commandment of the king concerning any matter, v. 15. He observed God's laws, and then all obeyed his orders. When the service of the temple was put into this good order, then it is said, The house of the Lord was perfected, v. 16. The work was the main matter, not the place; the temple was unfinished till all this was done.
  • II. Solomon's merchandise. He did himself in person visit the sea-port towns of Eloth and Ezion-geber; for those that deal much in the world will find it their interest, as far as they can, to inspect their affairs themselves and to see with their own eyes, v. 17. Canaan was a rich country, and yet must send to Ophir for gold; the Israelites were a wise and understanding people, and yet must be beholden to the king of Tyre for men that had knowledge of the seas, v. 18. Yet Canaan was God's peculiar land, and Israel God's peculiar people. This teaches us that grace, and not gold, is the best riches, and acquaintance with God and his law, not with arts and sciences, the best knowledge.