2 Chronicles 9:2 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

2 And Solomon H8010 told H5046 her all her questions: H1697 and there was nothing hid H5956 from Solomon H8010 which he told H5046 her not.

Cross Reference

1 Kings 3:12 STRONG

Behold, I have done H6213 according to thy words: H1697 lo, I have given H5414 thee a wise H2450 and an understanding H995 heart; H3820 so that there was none like thee before H6440 thee, neither after H310 thee shall any arise H6965 like unto thee.

1 Kings 4:29 STRONG

And God H430 gave H5414 Solomon H8010 wisdom H2451 and understanding H8394 exceeding H3966 much, H7235 and largeness H7341 of heart, H3820 even as the sand H2344 that is on the sea H3220 shore. H8193

Proverbs 13:20 STRONG

He that walketh H1980 with wise H2450 men shall be wise: H2449 but a companion H7462 of fools H3684 shall be destroyed. H7321

Proverbs 18:4 STRONG

The words H1697 of a man's H376 mouth H6310 are as deep H6013 waters, H4325 and the wellspring H4726 of wisdom H2451 as a flowing H5042 brook. H5158

Mark 4:11 STRONG

And G2532 he said G3004 unto them, G846 Unto you G5213 it is given G1325 to know G1097 the mystery G3466 of the kingdom G932 of God: G2316 but G1161 unto them G1565 that are without, G1854 all these things G3956 are done G1096 in G1722 parables: G3850

Mark 4:34 STRONG

But G1161 without G5565 a parable G3850 spake G2980 he not G3756 unto them: G846 and G1161 when they were alone, G2398 G2596 he expounded G1956 all things G3956 to his G846 disciples. G3101

John 15:15 STRONG

Henceforth G3765 I call G3004 you G5209 not G3765 servants; G1401 for G3754 the servant G1401 knoweth G1492 not G3756 what G5101 his G846 lord G2962 doeth: G4160 but G1161 I have called G2046 you G5209 friends; G5384 for G3754 all things G3956 that G3739 I have heard G191 of G3844 my G3450 Father G3962 I have made known G1107 unto you. G5213

Colossians 2:3 STRONG

In G1722 whom G3739 are G1526 hid G614 all G3956 the treasures G2344 of wisdom G4678 and G2532 knowledge. G1108

Hebrews 4:12 STRONG

For G1063 the word G3056 of God G2316 is quick, G2198 and G2532 powerful, G1756 and G2532 sharper G5114 than G5228 any G3956 twoedged G1366 sword, G3162 piercing G1338 even to G891 the dividing asunder G3311 of soul G5590 and G5037 G2532 spirit, G4151 and G5037 G2532 of the joints G719 and G2532 marrow, G3452 and G2532 is a discerner G2924 of the thoughts G1761 and G2532 intents G1771 of the heart. G2588

James 1:5 STRONG

G1161 If any G1536 of you G5216 lack G3007 wisdom, G4678 let him ask G154 of G3844 God, G2316 that giveth G1325 to all G3956 men liberally, G574 and G2532 upbraideth G3679 not; G3361 and G2532 it shall be given G1325 him. G846

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on 2 Chronicles 9

Commentary on 2 Chronicles 9 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-12

The visit of the queen of Sheba . Cf. 1 Kings 10:1-13. - This event is narrated as a practical proof of Solomon's extraordinary wisdom. The narrative agrees so exactly in both texts, with the exception of some few quite unimportant differences, that we must regard them as literal extracts from an original document which they have used in common. For the commentary on this section, see on 1 Kings 10:1-13.

Verses 13-21

Solomon's revenue in gold, and the use he made of it. Cf. 1 Kings 10:14-22, and the commentary there on this section, which is identical in both narratives, with the exception of some trifling differences. Before מביאים והסּחרים the relative pronoun is to be supplied: “and what the merchants brought.” As to the derivation of the word פּחות , which comes from the Aramaic form פּחה , governor (2 Chronicles 9:14), see on Haggai 1:1. - תּרשׁישׁ הלכות אניּות , in 2 Chronicles 9:21, ships going to Tarshish, is an erroneous paraphrase of תּרשׁישׁ אניּות , Tarshish-ships, i.e., ships built for long sea voyages; for the fleet did not go to Tartessus in Spain, but to Ophir in Southern Arabia (see on 1 Kings 9:26.). All the rest has been explained in the commentary on 1 Kings 10.

Verses 22-24

In 2 Chronicles 9:22-28, all that remained to be said of Solomon's royal glory, his riches, his wisdom, and his revenues, is in conclusion briefly summed up, as in 1 Kings 10:23-29. From 2 Chronicles 9:25 onwards, the account given in the Chronicle diverges from that in 1 Kings 10:26., in so far that what is narrated in 1 Kings 10:26-28 concerning Solomon's chariots and horses, and his trade with Egypt in horses, is here partly replaced by statements similar in import to those in 1 Kings 5, because the former matters had been already treated of in Chr. 2 Chronicles 1:14-17.

Verses 25-28

2 Chronicles 9:25 does not correspond to the passage 1 Kings 10:26, but in contents and language agrees with 1 Kings 5:6, and 2 Chronicles 9:26 with 1 Kings 5:1. Only the general estimate of Solomon's riches in gold and silver, in 2 Chronicles 9:27, repeated from 2 Chronicles 1:15, corresponds to 1 Kings 10:27. Finally, in 2 Chronicles 9:28 the whole description is rounded off; all that has already been said in 2 Chronicles 1:16, 2 Chronicles 1:17 as to the trade in horses with Egypt (1 Kings 10:28-29) being drawn together into one general statement.

Verses 29-31

Conclusion of Solomon's history. - 2 Chronicles 9:29. Sources; see the introduction .

2 Chronicles 9:30-31

The length of his reign, his death and burial, and his successor, as in 1 Kings 11:42.