2 Chronicles 9:7 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 Happy H835 are thy men, H582 and happy H835 are these thy servants, H5650 which stand H5975 continually H8548 before H6440 thee, and hear H8085 thy wisdom. H2451

Cross Reference

Deuteronomy 33:9 STRONG

Who said H559 unto his father H1 and to his mother, H517 I have not seen H7200 him; neither did he acknowledge H5234 his brethren, H251 nor knew H3045 his own children: H1121 for they have observed H8104 thy word, H565 and kept H5341 thy covenant. H1285

1 Kings 10:8 STRONG

Happy H835 are thy men, H582 happy H835 are these thy servants, H5650 which stand H5975 continually H8548 before H6440 thee, and that hear H8085 thy wisdom. H2451

Psalms 27:4 STRONG

One H259 thing have I desired H7592 of the LORD, H3068 that will I seek H1245 after; that I may dwell H3427 in the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 all the days H3117 of my life, H2416 to behold H2372 the beauty H5278 of the LORD, H3068 and to enquire H1239 in his temple. H1964

Psalms 84:10-12 STRONG

For a day H3117 in thy courts H2691 is better H2896 than a thousand. H505 I had rather H977 be a doorkeeper H5605 in the house H1004 of my God, H430 than to dwell H1752 in the tents H168 of wickedness. H7562 For the LORD H3068 God H430 is a sun H8121 and shield: H4043 the LORD H3068 will give H5414 grace H2580 and glory: H3519 no good H2896 thing will he withhold H4513 from them that walk H1980 uprightly. H8549 O LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 blessed H835 is the man H120 that trusteth H982 in thee.

Proverbs 3:3 STRONG

Let not mercy H2617 and truth H571 forsake H5800 thee: bind H7194 them about thy neck; H1621 write H3789 them upon the table H3871 of thine heart: H3820

Proverbs 3:14 STRONG

For the merchandise H5504 of it is better H2896 than the merchandise H5505 of silver, H3701 and the gain H8393 thereof than fine gold. H2742

Proverbs 8:34 STRONG

Blessed H835 is the man H120 that heareth H8085 me, watching H8245 daily H3117 H3117 at my gates, H1817 waiting H8104 at the posts H4201 of my doors. H6607

Proverbs 10:21 STRONG

The lips H8193 of the righteous H6662 feed H7462 many: H7227 but fools H191 die H4191 for want H2638 of wisdom. H3820

Proverbs 13:20 STRONG

He that walketh H1980 with wise H2450 men shall be wise: H2449 but a companion H7462 of fools H3684 shall be destroyed. H7321

Luke 10:39-42 STRONG

And G2532 she G3592 had G2258 a sister G79 called G2564 Mary, G3137 which G3739 also G2532 sat G3869 at G3844 Jesus' G2424 feet, G4228 and heard G191 his G846 word. G3056 But G1161 Martha G3136 was cumbered G4049 about G4012 much G4183 serving, G1248 and G1161 came to him, G2186 and said, G2036 Lord, G2962 dost G3199 thou G4671 not G3756 care G3199 that G3754 my G3450 sister G79 hath left G2641 me G3165 to serve G1247 alone? G3441 bid G2036 her G846 therefore G3767 that G2443 she help G4878 me. G3427 And G1161 Jesus G2424 answered G611 and said G2036 unto her, G846 Martha, G3136 Martha, G3136 thou art careful G3309 and G2532 troubled G5182 about G4012 many things: G4183 But G1161 one thing G1520 is G2076 needful: G5532 and G1161 Mary G3137 hath chosen G1586 that good G18 part, G3310 which G3748 shall G851 not G3756 be taken away G851 from G575 her. G846

Luke 11:28 STRONG

But G1161 he G846 said, G2036 Yea rather, G3304 blessed G3107 are they that hear G191 the word G3056 of God, G2316 and G2532 keep G5442 it. G846

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on 2 Chronicles 9

Commentary on 2 Chronicles 9 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-12

The visit of the queen of Sheba . Cf. 1 Kings 10:1-13. - This event is narrated as a practical proof of Solomon's extraordinary wisdom. The narrative agrees so exactly in both texts, with the exception of some few quite unimportant differences, that we must regard them as literal extracts from an original document which they have used in common. For the commentary on this section, see on 1 Kings 10:1-13.

Verses 13-21

Solomon's revenue in gold, and the use he made of it. Cf. 1 Kings 10:14-22, and the commentary there on this section, which is identical in both narratives, with the exception of some trifling differences. Before מביאים והסּחרים the relative pronoun is to be supplied: “and what the merchants brought.” As to the derivation of the word פּחות , which comes from the Aramaic form פּחה , governor (2 Chronicles 9:14), see on Haggai 1:1. - תּרשׁישׁ הלכות אניּות , in 2 Chronicles 9:21, ships going to Tarshish, is an erroneous paraphrase of תּרשׁישׁ אניּות , Tarshish-ships, i.e., ships built for long sea voyages; for the fleet did not go to Tartessus in Spain, but to Ophir in Southern Arabia (see on 1 Kings 9:26.). All the rest has been explained in the commentary on 1 Kings 10.

Verses 22-24

In 2 Chronicles 9:22-28, all that remained to be said of Solomon's royal glory, his riches, his wisdom, and his revenues, is in conclusion briefly summed up, as in 1 Kings 10:23-29. From 2 Chronicles 9:25 onwards, the account given in the Chronicle diverges from that in 1 Kings 10:26., in so far that what is narrated in 1 Kings 10:26-28 concerning Solomon's chariots and horses, and his trade with Egypt in horses, is here partly replaced by statements similar in import to those in 1 Kings 5, because the former matters had been already treated of in Chr. 2 Chronicles 1:14-17.

Verses 25-28

2 Chronicles 9:25 does not correspond to the passage 1 Kings 10:26, but in contents and language agrees with 1 Kings 5:6, and 2 Chronicles 9:26 with 1 Kings 5:1. Only the general estimate of Solomon's riches in gold and silver, in 2 Chronicles 9:27, repeated from 2 Chronicles 1:15, corresponds to 1 Kings 10:27. Finally, in 2 Chronicles 9:28 the whole description is rounded off; all that has already been said in 2 Chronicles 1:16, 2 Chronicles 1:17 as to the trade in horses with Egypt (1 Kings 10:28-29) being drawn together into one general statement.

Verses 29-31

Conclusion of Solomon's history. - 2 Chronicles 9:29. Sources; see the introduction .

2 Chronicles 9:30-31

The length of his reign, his death and burial, and his successor, as in 1 Kings 11:42.