2 Corinthians 4:10 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

10 Always G3842 bearing about G4064 in G1722 the body G4983 the dying G3500 of the Lord G2962 Jesus, G2424 that G2443 the life G2222 also G2532 of Jesus G2424 might be made manifest G5319 in G1722 our G2257 body. G4983

Cross Reference

Romans 6:5 STRONG

For G1063 if G1487 we have been G1096 planted together G4854 in the likeness G3667 of his G846 death, G2288 we shall be G2071 also G235 G2532 in the likeness of his resurrection: G386

2 Timothy 2:11 STRONG

It is a faithful G4103 saying: G3056 For G1063 if G1487 we be dead with G4880 him, we shall G4800 also G2532 live with G4800 him:

Romans 6:8 STRONG

Now G1161 if G1487 we be dead G599 with G4862 Christ, G5547 we believe G4100 that G3754 we shall G4800 also G2532 live G4800 with him: G846

2 Corinthians 1:5 STRONG

For G3754 as G2531 the sufferings G3804 of Christ G5547 abound G4052 in G1519 us, G2248 so G3779 our G2257 consolation G3874 also G2532 aboundeth G4052 by G1223 Christ. G5547

2 Corinthians 1:9 STRONG

But G235 G846 we had G2192 the sentence G610 of death G2288 in G1722 ourselves, G1438 that G3363 we should G3982 not G3363 trust G3982 in G1909 ourselves, G1438 G5600 but G235 in G1909 God G2316 which G3588 raiseth G1453 the dead: G3498

Galatians 6:17 STRONG

From henceforth G3064 let G3930 no man G3367 trouble G3930 me: G2873 G3427 for G1063 I G1473 bear G941 in G1722 my G3450 body G4983 the marks G4742 of the Lord G2962 Jesus. G2424

John 14:19 STRONG

Yet G2089 a little while, G3397 and G2532 the world G2889 seeth G2334 me G3165 no more; G3765 but G1161 ye G5210 see G2334 me: G3165 because G3754 I G1473 live, G2198 ye G5210 shall live G2198 also. G2532

Acts 18:9-10 STRONG

Then G1161 spake G2036 the Lord G2962 to Paul G3972 in G1223 the night G3571 by G1722 a vision, G3705 Be G5399 not G3361 afraid, G5399 but G235 speak, G2980 and G2532 hold G4623 not G3361 thy peace: G4623 For G1360 I G1473 am G1510 with G3326 thee, G4675 and G2532 no man G3762 shall set on G2007 thee G4671 to hurt G2559 thee: G4571 for G1360 I G3427 have G2076 much G4183 people G2992 in G1722 this G5026 city. G4172

Romans 8:17-18 STRONG

And G1161 if G1487 children, G5043 then G2532 heirs; G2818 heirs G2818 of God, G3303 G2316 and G1161 joint-heirs G4789 with Christ; G5547 if so be G1512 that we suffer with G4841 him, that G2443 we may be G4888 also G2532 glorified together. G4888 For G1063 I reckon G3049 that G3754 the sufferings G3804 of this present G3568 time G2540 are not G3756 worthy G514 to be compared with G4314 the glory G1391 which shall G3195 be revealed G601 in G1519 us. G2248

Romans 8:36 STRONG

As G2531 it is written, G1125 G3754 For thy G4675 sake G1752 we are killed G2289 all G3650 the day long; G2250 we are accounted G3049 as G5613 sheep G4263 for the slaughter. G4967

2 Corinthians 13:4 STRONG

For G1063 G2532 though G1487 he was crucified G4717 through G1537 weakness, G769 yet G235 he liveth G2198 by G1537 the power G1411 of God. G2316 For G1063 we G2249 also G2532 are weak G770 in G1722 him, G846 but G235 we shall live G2198 with G4862 him G846 by G1537 the power G1411 of God G2316 toward G1519 you. G5209

Philippians 3:10-11 STRONG

That I may know G1097 him, G846 and G2532 the power G1411 of his G846 resurrection, G386 and G2532 the fellowship G2842 of his G846 sufferings, G3804 being made conformable G4833 unto his G846 death; G2288 If by any means G1513 I might attain G2658 unto G1519 the resurrection G1815 of the dead. G3498

Colossians 1:24 STRONG

Who G3739 now G3568 rejoice G5463 in G1722 my G3450 sufferings G3804 for G5228 you, G5216 and G2532 fill up G466 that which is behind G5303 of the afflictions G2347 of Christ G5547 in G1722 my G3450 flesh G4561 for G5228 his G846 body's G4983 sake, G5228 which is G3603 the church: G1577

1 Peter 4:13 STRONG

But G235 rejoice, G5463 inasmuch as G2526 ye are partakers G2841 of Christ's G5547 sufferings; G3804 that, G2443 when G1722 his G846 glory G1391 shall be revealed, G602 ye may be glad G5463 also G2532 with exceeding joy. G21

Revelation 1:17 STRONG

And G2532 when G3753 I saw G1492 him, G846 I fell G4098 at G4314 his G846 feet G4228 as G5613 dead. G3498 And G2532 he laid G2007 his G846 right G1188 hand G5495 upon G1909 me, G1691 saying G3004 unto me, G3427 Fear G5399 not; G3361 I G1473 am G1510 the first G4413 and G2532 the last: G2078

Commentary on 2 Corinthians 4 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Co 4:1-18. His Preaching Is Open and Sincere, though to Many the Gospel Is Hidden.

For he preaches Christ, not himself: the human vessel is frail that God may have the glory; yet, though frail, faith and the hope of future glory sustain him amidst the decay of the outward man.

1. Therefore—Greek, "For this cause": Because we have the liberty-giving Spirit of the Lord, and with unveiled face behold His glory (2Co 3:17, 18).

seeing we have this ministry—"The ministration of the Spirit" (2Co 3:8, 9): the ministry of such a spiritual, liberty-giving Gospel: resuming 2Co 3:6, 8.

received mercy—from God, in having had this ministry conferred on us (2Co 3:5). The sense of "mercy" received from God, makes men active for God (1Ti 1:11-13).

we faint not—in boldness of speech and action, and patience in suffering (2Co 4:2, 8-16, &c.).

2. renounced—literally, "bid farewell to."

of dishonesty—rather, "of shame." "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ" (Ro 1:16). Shame would lead to hiding (2Co 4:3); whereas "we use great plainness of speech" (2Co 3:12); "by manifestation of the truth." Compare 2Co 3:3, "manifestly declared." He refers to the disingenuous artifices of "many" teachers at Corinth (2Co 2:17; 3:1; 11:13-15).

handling … deceitfully—so "corrupt" or adulterate "the word of God" (2Co 2:17; compare 1Th 2:3, 4).

commending—recommending ourselves: recurring to 2Co 3:1.

to—to the verdict of.

every man's conscience—(2Co 5:11). Not to men's carnal judgment, as those alluded to (2Co 3:1).

in the sight of God—(2Co 2:17; Ga 1:10).

3. But if—Yea, even if (as I grant is the case).

hid—rather (in reference to 2Co 3:13-18), "veiled." "Hid" (Greek, Col 3:3) is said of that withdrawn from view altogether. "Veiled," of a thing within reach of the eye, but covered over so as not to be seen. So it was in the case of Moses' face.

to them—in the case only of them: for in itself the Gospel is quite plain.

that are lost—rather, "that are perishing" (1Co 1:18). So the same cloud that was "light" to the people of God, was "darkness" to the Egyptian foes of God (Ex 14:20).

4. In whom—Translate, "In whose case."

god of this world—The worldly make him their God (Php 3:19). He is, in fact, "the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that ruleth in the children of disobedience" (Eph 2:2).

minds—"understandings": "mental perceptions," as in 2Co 3:14.

them which believe not—the same as "them that are lost" (or "are perishing"). Compare 2Th 2:10-12. South quaintly says, "when the malefactor's eyes are covered, he is not far from his execution" (Es 7:8). Those perishing unbelievers are not merely veiled, but blinded (2Co 3:14, 15): Greek, not "blinded," but "hardened."

light of the glorious gospel of Christ—Translate, "The illumination (enlightening: the propagation from those already enlightened, to others of the light) of the Gospel of the glory of Christ." "The glory of Christ" is not a mere quality (as "glorious" would express) of the Gospel; it is its very essence and subject matter.

image of God—implying identity of nature and essence (Joh 1:18; Col 1:15; Heb 1:3). He who desires to see "the glory of God," may see it "in the face of Jesus Christ" (2Co 4:6; 1Ti 6:14-16). Paul here recurs to 2Co 3:18. Christ is "the image of God," into which "same image" we, looking on it in the mirror of the Gospel, are changed by the Spirit; but this image is not visible to those blinded by Satan [Alford].

5. For—Their blindness is not our fault, as if we had self-seeking aims in our preaching.

preach … Christ … the Lord—rather, "Christ as Lord," and ourselves as your servants, &c. "Lord," or "Master," is the correlative term to "servants."

6. For—proof that we are true servants of Jesus unto you.

commanded the light—Greek, "By speaking the word, commanded light" (Ge 1:3).

hath shined—rather, as Greek, "is He who shined." (It is God) who commanded light, &c., that shined, &c., (Job 37:15): Himself our Light and Sun, as well as the Creator of light (Mal 4:2; Joh 8:12). The physical world answers to the spiritual.

in our hearts—in themselves dark.

to give the light—that is, to propagate to others the light, &c., which is in us (compare Note, see on 2Co 4:4).

the glory of God—answering to "the glory of Christ" (see on 2Co 4:4).

in the face of Jesus Christ—Some of the oldest manuscripts retain "Jesus." Others omit it. Christ is the manifestation of the glory of God, as His image (Joh 14:9). The allusion is still to the brightness on Moses' "face." The only true and full manifestation of God's brightness and glory is "in the face of Jesus" (Heb 1:3).

7. "Lest any should say, How then is it that we continue to enjoy such unspeakable glory in a mortal body? Paul replies, this very fact is one of the most marvellous proofs of God's power, that an earthen vessel could bear such splendor and keep such a treasure" [Chrysostom, Homilies, 8.496, A]. The treasure or "the light of the knowledge of the glory of God." The fragile "earthen vessel" is the body, the "outward man" (2Co 4:16; compare 2Co 4:10), liable to afflictions and death. So the light in Gideon's pitchers, the type (Jud 7:16-20, 22). The ancients often kept their treasures in jars or vessels of earthenware. "There are earthen vessels which yet may be clean; whereas a golden vessel may be filthy" [Bengel].

that the excellency of the power, &c.—that the power of the ministry (the Holy Spirit), in respect to its surpassing "excellency," exhibited in winning souls (1Co 2:4) and in sustaining us ministers, might be ascribed solely to God, we being weak as earthen vessels. God often allows the vessel to be chipped and broken, that the excellency of the treasure contained, and of the power which that treasure has, may be all His (2Co 4:10, 11; Joh 3:30).

may be of God … not of us—rather, as Greek, "may be God's (may be seen and be thankfully [2Co 4:15] acknowledged to belong to God), and not (to come) from us." The power not merely comes from God, but belongs to Him continually, and is to be ascribed to him.

8. Greek, "BEING hard pressed, yet not inextricably straitened; reduced to inextricable straits" (nominative to "we have," 2Co 4:7).

on every side—Greek, "in every respect" (compare 2Co 4:10, "always"; 2Co 7:5). This verse expresses inward distresses; 2Co 4:9, outward distresses (2Co 7:5). "Without were fightings; within were fears." The first clause in each member of the series of contrasted participles, implies the earthiness of the vessels; the second clause, the excellency of the power.

perplexed, but not in despair—Greek, "not utterly perplexed." As perplexity refers to the future, so "troubled" or "hard pressed" refers to the present.

9. not forsaken—by God and man. Jesus was forsaken by both; so much do His sufferings exceed those of His people (Mt 27:46).

cast down—or "struck down"; not only "persecuted," that is, chased as a deer or bird (1Sa 26:20), but actually struck down as with a dart in the chase (Heb 11:35-38). The Greek "always" in this verse means, "throughout the whole time"; in 2Co 4:11 the Greek is different, and means, "at every time," "in every case when the occasion occurs."

10. bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus—that is, having my body exposed to being put to death in the cause of Jesus (the oldest manuscripts omit "the Lord"), and having in it the marks of such sufferings, I thus bear about wheresoever I go, an image of the suffering Saviour in my own person (2Co 4:11; 2Co 1:5; compare 1Co 15:31). Doubtless, Paul was exposed to more dangers than are recorded in Acts (compare 2Co 7:5; 11:26). The Greek for "the dying" is literally, "the being made a corpse," such Paul regarded his body, yet a corpse which shares in the life-giving power of Christ's resurrection, as it has shared in His dying and death.

that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body—rather, "may be." The name "Jesus," by itself is often repeated here as Paul seems, amidst sufferings, peculiarly to have felt its sweetness. In 2Co 4:11 the same words occur with the variation, "in our mortal flesh. The fact of a dying, corpse-like body being sustained amidst such trials, manifests that "the (resurrection) life also," as well as the dying, "of Jesus," exerts its power in us. I thus bear about in my own person an image of the risen and living, as well as of the suffering, Saviour. The "our" is added here to "body," though not in the beginning of the verse. "For the body is ours not so much in death, as in life" [Bengel].

11. we which live—in the power of Christ's "life" manifested in us, in our whole man body as well as spirit (Ro 8:10, 11; see on 2Co 4:10; compare 2Co 5:15). Paul regards his preservation amidst so many exposures to "death," by which Stephen and James were cut off, as a standing miracle (2Co 11:23).

delivered unto—not by chance; by the ordering of Providence, who shows "the excellency of His power" (2Co 4:7), in delivering unto DEATH His living saints, that He may manifest LIFE also in their dying flesh. "Flesh," the very element of decay (not merely their "body"), is by Him made to manifest life.

12. The "death" of Christ manifested in the continual "perishing of our outward man" (2Co 4:16), works peculiarly in us, and is the means of working spiritual "life" in you. The life whereof we witness in our bodily dying, extends beyond ourselves, and is brought by our very dying to you.

13. Translate as Greek, "BUT having," &c., that is, not withstanding the trials just mentioned, we having, &c.

the same spirit of faith, according as it, &c.—Compare Ro 8:15, on the usage of "spirit of faith." The Holy Spirit acting on our spirit. Though "death worketh in us, and life in you" (2Co 4:12), yet as we have the same spirit of faith as you, we therefore [believingly] look for the same immortal life as you [Estius], and speak as we believe. Alford not so well translates, "The same … faith with that described in the Scriptures" (Ps 116:10). The balance of the sentence requires the parallelism to be this, "According to that which is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak," namely, without fear, amidst "afflictions" and "deaths" (2Co 4:17).

14. Knowing—by faith (2Co 5:1).

shall raise up us also—at the resurrection (1Co 6:13, 14).

by Jesus—The oldest manuscripts have "with Jesus."

present us—vividly picturing the scene before the eyes (Jude 24).

with you—(2Co 1:14; 1Th 2:19, 20; 3:13).

15. For—Confirming his assertion "with you" (2Co 4:14), and "life … worketh in you" (2Co 4:12).

all things—whether the afflictions and labors of us ministers (2Co 4:8-11), or your prosperity (2Co 4:12; 1Co 3:21, 22; 4:8-13).

for your sakes—(2Ti 2:10).

abundant grace, &c.—rather, "That grace (the grace which preserves us in trials and works life in you), being made the greater (multiplied), by means of the greater number (of its recipients), may cause the thanksgiving to abound to the glory of God." [Chrysostom] (2Co 1:11; 9:11, 12). The Greek is susceptible also of this translation, "That grace, being made the greater (multiplied) on account of the thanksgiving of the greater number (for grace already received), may abound (abundantly redound) to," &c. Thus the Greek for "abound" has not to be taken in an active sense, but in its ordinary neuter sense, and so the other Greek words. Thanksgiving invites more abundant grace (2Ch 20:19-22; Ps 18:3; 50:23).

16. we faint not—notwithstanding our sufferings. Resuming 2Co 4:1.

outward man—the body, the flesh.

perish—"is wearing away"; "is wasted away" by afflictions.

inward man—our spiritual and true being, the "life" which even in our mortal bodies (2Co 4:11) "manifests the life of Jesus."

is renewed—"is being renewed," namely, with fresh "grace" (2Co 4:15), and "faith" (2Co 4:13), and hope (2Co 4:17, 18).

17. which is but for a moment—"Our PRESENT light (burden of) affliction" (so the Greek; compare Mt 11:30), [Alford]. Compare "now for a season … in heaviness" (1Pe 1:6). The contrast, however, between this and the "ETERNAL weight of glory" requires, I think, the translation, "Which is but for the present passing moment." So Wahl. "The lightness of affliction" (he does not express "burden" after "light"; the Greek is "the light of affliction") contrasts beautifully with the "weight of the glory."

worketh—rather, "worketh out."

a far more exceeding and—rather, "in a surpassing and still more surpassing manner" [Alford]; "more and more exceedingly" [Ellicott, Trench, and others]. Greek, "in excess and to excess." The glory exceeds beyond all measure the affliction.

18. look not at—as our aim.

things … seen—"earthly things" (Php 3:19). We mind not the things seen, whether affliction or refreshment come, so as to be seduced by the latter, or deterred by the former [Chrysostom].

things … not seen—not "the invisible things" of Ro 1:20, but the things which, though not seen now, shall be so hereafter.

temporal—rather, "for a time"; in contrast to eternal. English Version uses "temporal" for temporary. The Greek is rightly translated in the similar passage, "the pleasures of sin for a season."