Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Kings » Chapter 10 » Verse 27

2 Kings 10:27 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

27 And they brake down H5422 the image H4676 of Baal, H1168 and brake down H5422 the house H1004 of Baal, H1168 and made H7760 it a draught house H4163 H4280 unto this day. H3117

Cross Reference

Ezra 6:11 STRONG

Also H4481 I have made H7761 a decree, H2942 that whosoever H3606 H606 shall alter H8133 this H1836 word, H6600 let timber H636 be pulled down H5256 from H4481 his house, H1005 and being set up, H2211 let him be hanged H4223 thereon; H5922 and let his house H1005 be made H5648 a dunghill H5122 for H5922 this. H1836

Daniel 2:5 STRONG

The king H4430 answered H6032 and said H560 to the Chaldeans, H3779 The thing H4406 is gone H230 from me: H4481 if H2006 ye will not H3809 make known H3046 unto me the dream, H2493 with the interpretation H6591 thereof, ye shall be cut H5648 in pieces, H1917 and your houses H1005 shall be made H7761 a dunghill. H5122

Daniel 3:29 STRONG

Therefore I H4481 make H7761 a decree, H2942 That every H3606 people, H5972 nation, H524 and language, H3961 which speak H560 any thing amiss H7960 H7955 against H5922 the God H426 of Shadrach, H7715 Meshach, H4336 and Abednego, H5665 shall be cut H5648 in pieces, H1917 and their houses H1005 shall be made H7739 a dunghill: H5122 because H6903 H3606 there is H383 no H3809 other H321 God H426 that can H3202 deliver H5338 after this H1836 sort.

1 Kings 16:32 STRONG

And he reared up H6965 an altar H4196 for Baal H1168 in the house H1004 of Baal, H1168 which he had built H1129 in Samaria. H8111

Leviticus 26:30 STRONG

And I will destroy H8045 your high places, H1116 and cut down H3772 your images, H2553 and cast H5414 your carcases H6297 upon the carcases H6297 of your idols, H1544 and my soul H5315 shall abhor H1602 you.

Deuteronomy 7:5 STRONG

But thus shall ye deal H6213 with them; ye shall destroy H5422 their altars, H4196 and break down H7665 their images, H4676 and cut down H1438 their groves, H842 and burn H8313 their graven images H6456 with fire. H784

Deuteronomy 7:25 STRONG

The graven images H6456 of their gods H430 shall ye burn H8313 with fire: H784 thou shalt not desire H2530 the silver H3701 or gold H2091 that is on them, nor take H3947 it unto thee, lest thou be snared H3369 therein: for it is an abomination H8441 to the LORD H3068 thy God. H430

2 Kings 18:4 STRONG

He removed H5493 the high places, H1116 and brake H7665 the images, H4676 and cut down H3772 the groves, H842 and brake in pieces H3807 the brasen H5178 serpent H5175 that Moses H4872 had made: H6213 for unto those days H3117 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 did burn incense H6999 to it: and he called H7121 it Nehushtan. H5180

2 Kings 23:7-14 STRONG

And he brake down H5422 the houses H1004 of the sodomites, H6945 that were by the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 where the women H802 wove H707 hangings H1004 for the grove. H842 And he brought H935 all the priests H3548 out of the cities H5892 of Judah, H3063 and defiled H2930 the high places H1116 where the priests H3548 had burned incense, H6999 from Geba H1387 to Beersheba, H884 and brake down H5422 the high places H1116 of the gates H8179 that were in the entering in H6607 of the gate H8179 of Joshua H3091 the governor H8269 of the city, H5892 which were on a man's H376 left hand H8040 at the gate H8179 of the city. H5892 Nevertheless the priests H3548 of the high places H1116 came not up H5927 to the altar H4196 of the LORD H3068 in Jerusalem, H3389 but they did eat H398 of the unleavened bread H4682 among H8432 their brethren. H251 And he defiled H2930 Topheth, H8612 which is in the valley H1516 of the children H1121 H1121 of Hinnom, H2011 that no man H376 might make his son H1121 or his daughter H1323 to pass through H5674 the fire H784 to Molech. H4432 And he took away H7673 the horses H5483 that the kings H4428 of Judah H3063 had given H5414 to the sun, H8121 at the entering in H935 of the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 by the chamber H3957 of Nathanmelech H5419 the chamberlain, H5631 which was in the suburbs, H6503 and burned H8313 the chariots H4818 of the sun H8121 with fire. H784 And the altars H4196 that were on the top H1406 of the upper chamber H5944 of Ahaz, H271 which the kings H4428 of Judah H3063 had made, H6213 and the altars H4196 which Manasseh H4519 had made H6213 in the two H8147 courts H2691 of the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 did the king H4428 beat down, H5422 and brake them down H7323 from thence, and cast H7993 the dust H6083 of them into the brook H5158 Kidron. H6939 And the high places H1116 that were before H6440 Jerusalem, H3389 which were on the right hand H3225 of the mount H2022 of corruption, H4889 which Solomon H8010 the king H4428 of Israel H3478 had builded H1129 for Ashtoreth H6253 the abomination H8251 of the Zidonians, H6722 and for Chemosh H3645 the abomination H8251 of the Moabites, H4124 and for Milcom H4445 the abomination H8441 of the children H1121 of Ammon, H5983 did the king H4428 defile. H2930 And he brake in pieces H7665 the images, H4676 and cut down H3772 the groves, H842 and filled H4390 their places H4725 with the bones H6106 of men. H120

2 Chronicles 34:3-7 STRONG

For in the eighth H8083 year H8141 of his reign, H4427 while he was yet young, H5288 he began H2490 to seek H1875 after the God H430 of David H1732 his father: H1 and in the twelfth H8147 H6240 year H8141 he began H2490 to purge H2891 Judah H3063 and Jerusalem H3389 from the high places, H1116 and the groves, H842 and the carved images, H6456 and the molten images. H4541 And they brake down H5422 the altars H4196 of Baalim H1168 in his presence; H6440 and the images, H2553 that were on high above them, H4605 he cut down; H1438 and the groves, H842 and the carved images, H6456 and the molten images, H4541 he brake in pieces, H7665 and made dust H1854 of them, and strowed H2236 it upon H6440 the graves H6913 of them that had sacrificed H2076 unto them. And he burnt H8313 the bones H6106 of the priests H3548 upon their altars, H4196 and cleansed H2891 Judah H3063 and Jerusalem. H3389 And so did he in the cities H5892 of Manasseh, H4519 and Ephraim, H669 and Simeon, H8095 even unto Naphtali, H5321 with their mattocks H2719 round about. H5439 And when he had broken down H5422 the altars H4196 and the groves, H842 and had beaten H3807 the graven images H6456 into powder, H1854 and cut down H1438 all the idols H2553 throughout all the land H776 of Israel, H3478 he returned H7725 to Jerusalem. H3389

Commentary on 2 Kings 10 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ki 10:1-17. Jehu Causes Seventy of Ahab's Children to Be Beheaded.

1-4. Ahab had seventy sons in Samaria—As it appears (2Ki 10:13), that grandsons are included it is probable that this number comprehended the whole posterity of Ahab. Their being all assembled in that capital might arise from their being left there on the king's departure for Ramoth-gilead, or from their taking refuge in some of the strongholds of that city on the news of Jehu's conspiracy. It may be inferred from the tenor of Jehu's letters that their first intention was to select the fittest of the royal family and set him up as king. Perhaps this challenge of Jehu was designed as a stroke of policy on his part to elicit their views, and to find out whether they were inclined to be pacific or hostile. The bold character of the man, and the rapid success of his conspiracy, terrified the civic authorities of Samaria and Jezreel into submission.

5. he that was over the house—the governor or chamberlain of the palace.

the bringers-up of the children—Anciently, and still also in many Eastern countries, the principal grandees were charged with the support and education of the royal princes. This involved a heavy expense which they were forced to bear, but for which they endeavored to find some compensation in the advantages of their connection with the court.

6. take ye the heads of the men, your master's sons—The barbarous practice of a successful usurper slaughtering all who may have claims to the throne, has been frequently exemplified in the ancient and modern histories of the East.

8. Lay ye them in two heaps at the entering in of the gate, &c.—The exhibition of the heads of enemies is always considered a glorious trophy. Sometimes a pile of heads is erected at the gate of the palace; and a head of peculiarly striking appearance selected to grace the summit of the pyramid.

9-11. said to all the people, Ye be righteous, &c.—A great concourse was assembled to gaze on this novel and ghastly spectacle. The speech which Jehu addressed to the spectators was artfully framed to impress their minds with the idea that so wholesale a massacre was the result of the divine judgments denounced on the house of Ahab; and the effect of it was to prepare the public mind for hearing, without horror, of a similar revolting tragedy which was soon after perpetrated, namely, the extinction of all the influential friends and supporters of the dynasty of Ahab, including those of the royal house of Judah.

13, 14. We are the brethren of Ahaziah—that is, not full, but step-brothers, sons of Jehoram by various concubines. Ignorant of the revolution that had taken place, they were travelling to Samaria on a visit to their royal relatives of Israel, when they were seized and put to death, because of the apprehension that they might probably stimulate and strengthen the party that still remained faithful in their allegiance to Ahab's dynasty.

children of the queen—that is, of the queen mother, or regent, Jezebel.

15-18. Jehonadab the son of Rechab—(See 1Ch 2:55). A person who, from his piety and simple primitive manner of life (Jer 35:1-19), was highly esteemed, and possessed great influence in the country. Jehu saw in a moment the advantage that his cause would gain from the friendship and countenance of this venerable man in the eyes of the people, and accordingly paid him the distinguished attention of inviting him to a seat in his chariot.

give me thine hand—not simply to aid him in getting up, but for a far more significant and important purpose—the giving, or rather joining hands, being the recognized mode of striking a league or covenant, as well as of testifying fealty to a new sovereign; accordingly, it is said, "he [Jehonadab] gave him [Jehu] his hand."

2Ki 10:18-29. He Destroys the Worshippers of Baal.

19. call unto me all the prophets of Baal—The votaries of Baal are here classified under the several titles of prophets, priests, and servants, or worshippers generally. They might be easily convened into one spacious temple, as their number had been greatly diminished both by the influential ministrations of Elijah and Elisha, and also from the late King Joram's neglect and discontinuance of the worship. Jehu's appointment of a solemn sacrifice in honor of Baal, and a summons to all his worshippers to join in its celebration, was a deep-laid plot, which he had resolved upon for their extinction, a measure in perfect harmony with the Mosaic law, and worthy of a constitutional king of Israel. It was done, however, not from religious, but purely political motives, because he believed that the existence and interests of the Baalites were inseparably bound up with the dynasty of Ahab and because he hoped that by their extermination he would secure the attachment of the far larger and more influential party who worshipped God in Israel. Jehonadab's concurrence must have been given in the belief of his being actuated solely by the highest principles of piety and zeal.

22. Bring forth vestments for all the worshippers of Baal—The priests of Baal were clad, probably, in robes of white byssus while they were engaged in the functions of their office, and these were kept under the care of an officer in a particular wardrobe of Baal's temple. This treacherous massacre, and the means taken to accomplish it, are paralleled by the slaughter of the Janissaries and other terrible tragedies in the modern history of the East.

29. Howbeit from the sins of Jeroboam … Jehu departed not from after them—Jehu had no intention of carrying his zeal for the Lord beyond a certain point, and as he considered it impolitic to encourage his subjects to travel to Jerusalem, he re-established the symbolic worship of the calves.