Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Kings » Chapter 12 » Verse 9

2 Kings 12:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 But Jehoiada H3077 the priest H3548 took H3947 a H259 chest, H727 and bored H5344 a hole H2356 in the lid H1817 of it, and set H5414 it beside H681 the altar, H4196 on the right side H3225 as one H376 cometh H935 into the house H1004 of the LORD: H3068 and the priests H3548 that kept H8104 the door H5592 put H5414 therein all the money H3701 that was brought H935 into the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068

Cross Reference

Mark 12:41 STRONG

And G2532 Jesus G2424 sat G2523 over against G2713 the treasury, G1049 and beheld G2334 how G4459 the people G3793 cast G906 money G5475 into G1519 the treasury: G1049 and G2532 many G4183 that were rich G4145 cast in G906 much. G4183

Psalms 84:10 STRONG

For a day H3117 in thy courts H2691 is better H2896 than a thousand. H505 I had rather H977 be a doorkeeper H5605 in the house H1004 of my God, H430 than to dwell H1752 in the tents H168 of wickedness. H7562

Jeremiah 35:4 STRONG

And I brought H935 them into the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 into the chamber H3957 of the sons H1121 of Hanan, H2605 the son H1121 of Igdaliah, H3012 a man H376 of God, H430 which was by H681 the chamber H3957 of the princes, H8269 which was above H4605 the chamber H3957 of Maaseiah H4641 the son H1121 of Shallum, H7967 the keeper H8104 of the door: H5592

Luke 21:1 STRONG

And G1161 he looked up, G308 and saw G1492 the rich men G4145 casting G906 their G846 gifts G1435 into G1519 the treasury. G1049

2 Kings 22:4 STRONG

Go up H5927 to Hilkiah H2518 the high H1419 priest, H3548 that he may sum H8552 the silver H3701 which is brought H935 into the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 which the keepers H8104 of the door H5592 have gathered H622 of the people: H5971

2 Kings 23:4 STRONG

And the king H4428 commanded H6680 Hilkiah H2518 the high H1419 priest, H3548 and the priests H3548 of the second order, H4932 and the keepers H8104 of the door, H5592 to bring forth H3318 out of the temple H1964 of the LORD H3068 all the vessels H3627 that were made H6213 for Baal, H1168 and for the grove, H842 and for all the host H6635 of heaven: H8064 and he burned H8313 them without H2351 Jerusalem H3389 in the fields H7709 of Kidron, H6939 and carried H5375 the ashes H6083 of them unto Bethel. H1008

2 Kings 25:18 STRONG

And the captain H7227 of the guard H2876 took H3947 Seraiah H8304 the chief H7218 priest, H3548 and Zephaniah H6846 the second H4932 priest, H3548 and the three H7969 keepers H8104 of the door: H5592

1 Chronicles 15:18 STRONG

And with them their brethren H251 of the second H4932 degree, Zechariah, H2148 Ben, H1122 and Jaaziel, H3268 and Shemiramoth, H8070 and Jehiel, H3171 and Unni, H6042 Eliab, H446 and Benaiah, H1141 and Maaseiah, H4641 and Mattithiah, H4993 and Elipheleh, H466 and Mikneiah, H4737 and Obededom, H5654 and Jeiel, H3273 the porters. H7778

1 Chronicles 15:24 STRONG

And Shebaniah, H7645 and Jehoshaphat, H3146 and Nethaneel, H5417 and Amasai, H6022 and Zechariah, H2148 and Benaiah, H1141 and Eliezer, H461 the priests, H3548 did blow H2690 H2690 with the trumpets H2689 before H6440 the ark H727 of God: H430 and Obededom H5654 and Jehiah H3174 were doorkeepers H7778 for the ark. H727

2 Chronicles 24:8-14 STRONG

And at the king's H4428 commandment H559 they made H6213 a H259 chest, H727 and set H5414 it without H2351 at the gate H8179 of the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068 And they made H5414 a proclamation H6963 through Judah H3063 and Jerusalem, H3389 to bring in H935 to the LORD H3068 the collection H4864 that Moses H4872 the servant H5650 of God H430 laid upon Israel H3478 in the wilderness. H4057 And all the princes H8269 and all the people H5971 rejoiced, H8055 and brought in, H935 and cast H7993 into the chest, H727 until they had made an end. H3615 Now it came to pass, that at what time H6256 the chest H727 was brought H935 unto the king's H4428 office H6486 by the hand H3027 of the Levites, H3881 and when they saw H7200 that there was much H7227 money, H3701 the king's H4428 scribe H5608 and the high H7218 priest's H3548 officer H6496 came H935 and emptied H6168 the chest, H727 and took H5375 it, and carried H7725 it to his place H4725 again. H7725 Thus they did H6213 day H3117 by day, H3117 and gathered H622 money H3701 in abundance. H7230 And the king H4428 and Jehoiada H3077 gave H5414 it to such as did H6213 the work H4399 of the service H5656 of the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 and hired H7936 masons H2672 and carpenters H2796 to repair H2318 the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 and also such as wrought H2796 iron H1270 and brass H5178 to mend H2388 the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068 So the workmen H4399 H6213 wrought, H6213 and the work H4399 was H5927 perfected H724 by them, H3027 and they set H5975 the house H1004 of God H430 in his state, H4971 and strengthened H553 it. And when they had finished H3615 it, they brought H935 the rest H7605 of the money H3701 before H6440 the king H4428 and Jehoiada, H3077 whereof were made H6213 vessels H3627 for the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 even vessels H3627 to minister, H8335 and to offer H5927 withal, and spoons, H3709 and vessels H3627 of gold H2091 and silver. H3701 And they offered H5927 burnt offerings H5930 in the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 continually H8548 all the days H3117 of Jehoiada. H3077

Jeremiah 52:24 STRONG

And the captain H7227 of the guard H2876 took H3947 Seraiah H8304 the chief H7218 priest, H3548 and Zephaniah H6846 the second H4932 priest, H3548 and the three H7969 keepers H8104 of the door: H5592

Commentary on 2 Kings 12 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



In this chapter some account is given of the reign of Jehoash, that it was long, and the beginning of it good, during the life of Jehoiada, 2 Kings 12:1 how urgent he was to have the temple repaired, and what methods were taken for that purpose, 2 Kings 12:4, how meanly, as well as impiously, he behaved, when the king of Syria was about to come up to Jerusalem and besiege it, 2 Kings 12:17, and the chapter is closed with an account of his death, and the manner of it, 2 Kings 12:19.

Verse 1

In the seventh year of Jehu Jehoash began to reign,.... So that he reigned twenty one or twenty two years contemporary with Jehu's reign, for Jehu reigned twenty eight years:

and forty years reigned he in Jerusalem; the same number of years David and Solomon reigned:

and his mother's name was Zibiah of Beersheba; a city in the tribe of Simeon, in the extreme part of the land of Canaan southward; her name in the Chaldee dialect is Tabitha, the same with Dorcas in Greek, Acts 9:36.

Verse 2

And Jehoash did that which was right in the sight of the Lord all his days,.... Worshipping the only true God, and ruling and walking according to the law of God:

wherein Jehoiada the priest instructed him; and so long as he observed his instructions, and as long as that priest lived, he reigned well; for to that period "all his days must be limited"; for after his death he was seduced by the princes of Judah to idolatry, and lived scandalously, and died ignominiously; see 2 Chronicles 24:2.

Verse 3

But the high places were not taken away,.... Used before the temple was built, or set up in Rehoboam's time, 1 Kings 14:23 contrary to the law of God, which required that sacrifices should only be offered in the place the Lord chose to dwell in, Deuteronomy 12:4 the people still sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places; as they had done in the times of Athaliah, and though the pure worship of God was restored at Jerusalem; and indeed this they did in all preceding reigns; nor was it in the power of the best of kings, at least they did not think it safe to attempt to remove them till Hezekiah's time; so fond were the people of them because of their antiquity and supposed sanctity, and for the sake of ease.

Verse 4

And Jehoash said to the priests,.... Being minded or having it in his heart, to repair the temple, as in 2 Chronicles 24:4 not only because it was the sanctuary of the Lord, though that chiefly, but because it had been a sanctuary to him, where he was hid and preserved six years:

all the money of the dedicated things that is brought into the house of the Lord: or rather, "that is to be brought", as De Dieu, and others render it, the particulars of which follow:

even the money of everyone that passeth the account; or that passeth among them that are numbered, as in Exodus 30:13 that were upwards of twenty years of age, and bound to pay the half shekel for the ransom of their souls; and it is called the collection or burden Moses laid on them in the wilderness, 2 Chronicles 24:6.

the money that every man is set at; the price the priest set upon or estimated a man at, or whomsoever that belonged to him, that he devoted to the Lord, which by the law he was bound to pay for his redemption, and, till that was done, he and they were not his, but the Lord's, of which see Leviticus 27:1 and here the Targum calls it, the money of the redemption of souls, which is the gift of a man for the redemption of his soul:

and all the money that cometh into any man's heart to bring into the house of the Lord: vows and freewill offerings made of their own accord.

Verse 5

Let the priests take it to them, every man of his acquaintance,.... Of those that were most known by them; for the priests had cities assigned them in several parts of the land, and they that dwelt with them in them, or in the parts adjacent to them, were best known by them; and they were sent into all the cities, some to one and some to another, where they were most acquainted, to collect money, both what was due by law, and what the people should freely give, see 2 Chronicles 24:5.

and let them repair the breaches of the house, wheresoever any breach shall be found: that is, of the temple, which, according to the Jewish chronologyF9Seder Olam Rabba, c. 18. , had been built but one hundred and fifty five years; and being built very strong, would have needed no considerable repairs as yet, but that it had been broken up and misused by Athaliah and her sons, 2 Chronicles 24:7.

Verse 6

But it was so, that in the twenty and third year of King Jehoash, the priests had not repaired the breaches of the house. Either the people being backward to pay in the money, or the priests converted it to their own use: or, however, were negligent of doing the work enjoined them by the king, either in collecting the money, or in using it as they were directed.

Verse 7

Then King Jehoash called for Jehoiada the priest, and the other priests,.... The common priests, Jehoiada being high priest:

and said unto them, why repair ye not the breaches of the house? in which they appeared to him very dilatory; the reason might be, the people were not forward to pay in their money, and they might not choose to begin the repairs until they had got it all in, or at least what was sufficient to carry them through them:

now therefore receive no more money of your acquaintance; suspecting that what they had received they kept for their own use:

but deliver it for the breaches of the house; into other hands for that use, and so dismissed them at once from collecting the money, and being concerned in the repairs of the temple.

Verse 8

And the priests consented to receive no more money of the people,.... And delivered up what they had:

neither to repair the breaches of the house; being very willing to be stop both services, and especially since they seemed to be suspected.

Verse 9

But Jehoiada the priest took a chest,.... By the commandment of the king, 2 Chronicles 24:8, to put the money collected into, to prevent any fraud, or suspicion of any:

and bored a hole in the lid of it; to drop the money into, by which means it could not be taken out without taking off the lid:

and set it beside the altar; the altar of burnt offering, in the court:

on the right side, as one cometh into the house of the Lord; that is, on the north; for the entrance into the temple was at the east: in 2 Chronicles 24:8, it is said to be set without at the gate of the house; which Dr. LightfootF11Prospect of the Temple, ch. 30. p. 20, 22. thinks respects another time, and that either another chest was made, or the same that was first placed by the altar, in the court of the priests, and so in their hands, and the money not coming in apace, was removed without the court at the entrance of it, whither the people brought it readily:

and the priests that kept the door; the door of the outward court, the levites, the porters, or rather, as the Targum, the priests, the treasurers, who were appointed to this service in the room of the others dismissed; and so Kimchi and other Jewish commentators interpret this of the keepers of the vessels of the sanctuary, and not of the doors of it:

these put therein all the money that was brought into the house of the Lord; by the people from the several parts of the country, who, by proclamation, were required so to do, and very readily did, 2 Chronicles 24:9.

Verse 10

And it was so, when they saw that there was much money in the chest,.... Which might easily be guessed at by the number of the people which contributed:

that the king's and the high priest came up; to the temple; the high priest did not choose to come alone, lest he should be suspected, but to have the king's secretary with him, that the money might be taken out of the chest, and told in the presence of them both: in 2 Chronicles 24:11 instead of the "high priest", it is the "high priest's officer", which the Targum there calls the Sagan of the high priest, or his deputy, who, perhaps, attended when the high priest could not:

and they put up in bags, and told the money that was found in the house of the Lord; that is, they poured the money out of the chest, or emptied it, as in 2 Chronicles 24:11 and counted it, and very likely set down the sum in writing, and put it up in bags, very probably sealed.

Verse 11

And they gave the money, being told, into the hands of them that did the work, that had the oversight of the house of the Lord,.... Who were appointed overseers of the workmen employed in the repairs of the temple; which overseers were laymen, and not priests, they being discharged from any concern in the repairs: this money "told", Kimchi interprets of its being coined; he supposes money coined and uncoined to be brought, which was put in separate bags; and that, which was not coined, they coined it before they delivered it to the overseers to pay the workmen with:

and they laid it out to the carpenters and builders that wrought upon the house of the Lord; paid them with it, some that wrought in cutting the timber, and others in building with it.

Verse 12

And to masons, and hewers of stone,.... Which they cut out of the mountain, and the masons repaired the stone walls with:

and to buy timber; felled in Lebanon:

and hewed stone; fitted for building with:

to repair the breaches of the house of the Lord; where both timber and stone were wanting:

and for all that was laid out for the house to repair it; in whatsoever else it needed, as iron and brass to mend it, 2 Chronicles 24:12.

Verse 13

Howbeit there were not made for the house of the Lord, bowls of silver,.... Either to hold the blood of the sacrifices, or the drink offerings of wine:

snuffers; to trim the lamps; or, as Jarchi and other writers, both Jewish and Christian, musical instruments:

basins; vessels to sprinkle the blood with, as the word signifies:

trumpets; silver ones, to call the assembly, blow over the sacrifices, &c.

any vessels of gold, or vessels of silver; for any other use: these were not made

of the money that was brought into the house of the Lord; yet, in 2 Chronicles 24:14, it is said they were, which is to be reconciled thus; they did not make any of those things at first, until the house was repaired, and the charges of it defrayed; and then of what remained they made vessels for the house, which were wanting, that Athaliah had bestowed on Baalim, 2 Chronicles 24:7.

Verse 14

But they gave that to the workmen, and repaired therewith the house of the Lord. They took care that the workmen should first be paid for the repairs of the temple.

Verse 15

Moreover, they reckoned not with the men into whose hand they delivered the money to be bestowed on the workmen,.... That is, the king's secretary and the high priest, or his officer, never called to account the overseers of the workmen, to whom they committed the money to pay them with; never examined how they laid it out, and for what:

for they dealt faithfully; they saw they acted such an honest and upright part, and such an high opinion had they of them, that they never examined their accounts, or called for their bills.

Verse 16

The trespass money and sin money was not brought into the house of the Lord,.... Which was the money persons at a distance sent for their trespass and sin offerings instead of cattle, with which the sacrifices were bought; and what remained of the money was not brought into the temple, and made use of in the above manner:

it was the priest's; the overplus of it, and such of the sacrifices which by the law were appropriated to them.

Verse 17

Then Hazael king of Syria went up and fought against Gath, and took it,.... When Jehoiada was dead, and Jehoash was become an apostate, the Lord suffered the king of Syria to be a scourge to him; who first attacked Gath, and took it, which was formerly one of the principalities of the Philistines, but was subdued by David, and had been in the hands of the Israelites ever since; the king of Syria began with this, as nearest to him, to open the way for what he had further in view:

and Hazael set his face to go up to Jerusalem; he made such preparations, and took such measures, as plainly indicated what his design was.

Verse 18

And Jehoash king of Judah took all the hallowed things that Jehoshaphat, and Jehoram, and Ahaziah, his fathers, kings of Judah, had dedicated,.... To sacred uses, and had laid up in the temple:

and his own hallowed things: which he had devoted to the same uses:

and all the gold that was found in the treasures of the house of the Lord: which were gifts and presents from divers persons for sacred services:

and sent it to Hazael king of Syria, and he went away from Jerusalem; to bribe him, that he might desist from his purpose; which showed a meanness of spirit, and was the effect of his idolatry and apostasy, having forsaken the Lord, and being forsaken by him; in whom should have been his trust and confidence, and then he need not have been afraid to meet the king of Syria.

Verse 19

And the rest of the acts of Jehoash, and all that he did, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah? In the registers and annals of those princes; some of them are to be met with in 2 Chronicles 24:1.

Verse 20

And his servants arose,.... This was after he had slain Zechariah the son of Jehoiada, who reproved him for his idolatry; and after a second expedition of the king of Syria, who came to Jerusalem, and spoiled it, and left Jehoash diseased, as is recorded in 2 Chronicles 24:23,

and made a conspiracy; not to get the kingdom into their hands, for his son succeeded him, but to avenge the death of Zechariah:

and slew Jehoash in the house of Millo, which goeth down to Silla; these are both names of places; perhaps the latter is mentioned, to distinguish this Bethmillo from Millo in Zion; or rather that itself is meant, and described by the descent from it to a causeway, as Silla may signify, which led to the royal palace.

Verse 21

For Jozachar the son of Shimeath,.... Said to be an Ammonitess, and this man's name Zabad, 2 Chronicles 24:26,

and Jehozabad the son of Shomer, his servants; who is said in the same place to be the son of Shimrith a Moabitess:

these smote him, and he died; justly did he fall by the hands of such persons for his idolatry:

and they buried him with his fathers in the city of David; but not in the sepulchres of the kings, because of his idolatry and murder of a priest of the Lord:

and Amaziah his son reigned in his stead; the conspirators not seeking the kingdom, but vengeance on him for his sins, which, whether right in them to do, was suffered by the Lord.