Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Kings » Chapter 16 » Verse 17

2 Kings 16:17 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

17 And king H4428 Ahaz H271 cut off H7112 the borders H4526 of the bases, H4350 and removed H5493 the laver H3595 from off them; and took down H3381 the sea H3220 from off the brasen H5178 oxen H1241 that were under it, and put H5414 it upon a pavement H4837 of stones. H68

Cross Reference

1 Kings 7:23-39 STRONG

And he made H6213 a molten H3332 sea, H3220 ten H6235 cubits H520 from the one brim H8193 to the other: H8193 it was round H5696 all about, H5439 and his height H6967 was five H2568 cubits: H520 and a line H6957 H6961 of thirty H7970 cubits H520 did compass H5437 it round about. H5439 And under the brim H8193 of it round about H5439 there were knops H6497 compassing H5437 it, ten H6235 in a cubit, H520 compassing H5362 the sea H3220 round about: H5439 the knops H6497 were cast H3333 in two H8147 rows, H2905 when it was cast. H3332 It stood H5975 upon twelve H8147 H6240 oxen, H1241 three H7969 looking H6437 toward the north, H6828 and three H7969 looking H6437 toward the west, H3220 and three H7969 looking H6437 toward the south, H5045 and three H7969 looking H6437 toward the east: H4217 and the sea H3220 was set above H4605 upon them, and all their hinder parts H268 were inward. H1004 And it was an hand breadth H2947 thick, H5672 and the brim H8193 thereof was wrought H4639 like the brim H8193 of a cup, H3563 with flowers H6525 of lilies: H7799 it contained H3557 two thousand H505 baths. H1324 And he made H6213 ten H6235 bases H4350 of brass; H5178 four H702 cubits H520 was the length H753 of one H259 base, H4350 and four H702 cubits H520 the breadth H7341 thereof, and three H7969 cubits H520 the height H6967 of it. And the work H4639 of the bases H4350 was on this manner: they had borders, H4526 and the borders H4526 were between the ledges: H7948 And on the borders H4526 that were between the ledges H7948 were lions, H738 oxen, H1241 and cherubims: H3742 and upon the ledges H7948 there was a base H3653 above: H4605 and beneath the lions H738 and oxen H1241 were certain additions H3914 made of thin H4174 work. H4639 And every H259 base H4350 had four H702 brasen H5178 wheels, H212 and plates H5633 of brass: H5178 and the four H702 corners H6471 thereof had undersetters: H3802 under the laver H3595 were undersetters H3802 molten, H3332 at the side H5676 of every H376 addition. H3914 And the mouth H6310 of it within H1004 the chapiter H3805 and above H4605 was a cubit: H520 but the mouth H6310 thereof was round H5696 after the work H4639 of the base, H3653 a cubit H520 and an half: H2677 and also upon the mouth H6310 of it were gravings H4734 with their borders, H4526 foursquare, H7251 not round. H5696 And under H8478 the borders H4526 were four H702 wheels; H212 and the axletrees H3027 of the wheels H212 were joined to the base: H4350 and the height H6967 of a H259 wheel H212 was a cubit H520 and half H2677 a cubit. H520 And the work H4639 of the wheels H212 was like the work H4639 of a chariot H4818 wheel: H212 their axletrees, H3027 and their naves, H1354 and their felloes, H2839 and their spokes, H2840 were all molten. H3332 And there were four H702 undersetters H3802 to the four H702 corners H6438 of one H259 base: H4350 and the undersetters H3802 were of the very base H4350 itself. And in the top H7218 of the base H4350 was there a round H5696 compass H5439 of half H2677 a cubit H520 high: H6967 and on the top H7218 of the base H4350 the ledges H3027 thereof and the borders H4526 thereof were of the same. For on the plates H3871 of the ledges H3027 thereof, and on the borders H4526 thereof, he graved H6605 cherubims, H3742 lions, H738 and palm trees, H8561 according to the proportion H4626 of every one, H376 and additions H3914 round about. H5439 After this manner he made H6213 the ten H6235 bases: H4350 all of them had one H259 casting, H4165 one H259 measure, H4060 and one H259 size. H7095 Then made H6213 he ten H6235 lavers H3595 of brass: H5178 one H259 laver H3595 contained H3557 forty H705 baths: H1324 and every H259 laver H3595 was four H702 cubits: H520 and upon every one H259 of the ten H6235 bases H4350 one H259 laver. H3595 And he put H5414 five H2568 bases H4350 on the right H3225 side H3802 of the house, H1004 and five H2568 on the left H8040 side H3802 of the house: H1004 and he set H5414 the sea H3220 on the right H3233 side H3802 of the house H1004 eastward H6924 over against H4136 the south. H5045

2 Kings 25:13-16 STRONG

And the pillars H5982 of brass H5178 that were in the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 and the bases, H4350 and the brasen H5178 sea H3220 that was in the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 did the Chaldees H3778 break in pieces, H7665 and carried H5375 the brass H5178 of them to Babylon. H894 And the pots, H5518 and the shovels, H3257 and the snuffers, H4212 and the spoons, H3709 and all the vessels H3627 of brass H5178 wherewith they ministered, H8334 took they away. H3947 And the firepans, H4289 and the bowls, H4219 and such things as were of gold, H2091 in gold, H2091 and of silver, H3701 in silver, H3701 the captain H7227 of the guard H2876 took away. H3947 The two H8147 pillars, H5982 one H259 sea, H3220 and the bases H4350 which Solomon H8010 had made H6213 for the house H1004 of the LORD; H3068 the brass H5178 of all these vessels H3627 was without H3808 weight. H4948

2 Chronicles 4:14-15 STRONG

He made H6213 also bases, H4350 and lavers H3595 made H6213 he upon the bases; H4350 One H259 sea, H3220 and twelve H8147 H6240 oxen H1241 under it.

2 Chronicles 28:24 STRONG

And Ahaz H271 gathered together H622 the vessels H3627 of the house H1004 of God, H430 and cut in pieces H7112 the vessels H3627 of the house H1004 of God, H430 and shut up H5462 the doors H1817 of the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 and he made H6213 him altars H4196 in every corner H6438 of Jerusalem. H3389

2 Chronicles 29:19 STRONG

Moreover all the vessels, H3627 which king H4428 Ahaz H271 in his reign H4438 did cast away H2186 in his transgression, H4604 have we prepared H3559 and sanctified, H6942 and, behold, they are before H6440 the altar H4196 of the LORD. H3068

Jeremiah 52:20 STRONG

The two H8147 pillars, H5982 one H259 sea, H3220 and twelve H8147 H6240 brasen H5178 bulls H1241 that were under the bases, H4350 which king H4428 Solomon H8010 had made H6213 in the house H1004 of the LORD: H3068 the brass H5178 of all these vessels H3627 was without weight. H4948

Commentary on 2 Kings 16 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ki 16:1-16. Ahaz' Wicked Reign over Judah.

1-4. Ahaz … did not that which was right in the sight of the Lord—[See on 2Ch 28:1.] The character of this king's reign, the voluptuousness and religious degeneracy of all classes of the people, are graphically portrayed in the writings of Isaiah, who prophesied at that period. The great increase of worldly wealth and luxury in the reigns of Azariah and Jotham had introduced a host of corruptions, which, during his reign, and by the influence of Ahaz, bore fruit in the idolatrous practices of every kind which prevailed in all parts of the kingdom (see 2Ch 28:24).

3. walked in the way of the kings of Israel—This is descriptive of the early part of his reign, when, like the kings of Israel, he patronized the symbolic worship of God by images but he gradually went farther into gross idolatry (2Ch 28:2).

made his son to pass through the fire—(2Ki 23:10). The hands of the idol Moloch being red hot, the children were passed through between them, which was considered a form of lustration. There is reason to believe that, in certain circumstances, the children were burnt to death (Ps 106:37). This was strongly prohibited in the law (Le 18:21; 20:2-5; De 18:10), although there is no evidence that it was practised in Israel till the time of Ahaz.

5. Then Rezin king of Syria and Pekah son of Remaliah king of Israel came up to Jerusalem—Notwithstanding their great efforts and military preparations, they failed to take it and, being disappointed, raised the siege and returned home (compare Isa 7:1).

6. Rezin … recovered Elath—which Azariah had got into his possession (2Ki 14:22).

the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt there unto this day—The Septuagint version has "the Edomites," which the most judicious commentators and travellers [Robinson] prefer.

7-9. So Ahaz sent messengers to Tiglath-pileser—In spite of the assurance given him by Isaiah by two signs, the one immediate, the other remote (Isa 7:14; 8:4), that the confederate kings would not prevail against him, Ahaz sought aid from the Assyrian monarch, to purchase which he sent the treasures of the palace and temple. Tiglath-pileser marched against Damascus, slew Rezin the king, and carried the people of Damascus into captivity to Kir, which is thought to have been the city Karine (now Kerend), in Media.

10-16. And king Ahaz went to Damascus to meet Tiglath-pileser—This was a visit of respect, and perhaps of gratitude. During his stay in that heathen city, Ahaz saw an altar with which he was greatly captivated. Forthwith a sketch of it was transmitted to Jerusalem, with orders to Urijah the priest to get one constructed according to the Damascus model, and let this new altar supersede the old one in the temple. Urijah, with culpable complaisance, acted according to his instructions (2Ki 16:16). The sin in this affair consisted in meddling with, and improving according to human taste and fancy, the altars of the temple, the patterns of which had been furnished by divine authority (Ex 25:40; 26:30; 27:1; 1Ch 28:19). Urijah was one of the witnesses taken by Isaiah to bear his prediction against Syria and Israel (Isa 8:2).

2Ki 16:17-19. He Spoils the Temple.

17. cut off the borders of the bases, &c.—It is thought that he did this to use the elaborate sculpture in adorning his palace.

18. the covert for the Sabbath—the portico through which the priests entered the temple on the Sabbath.

the king's entry without—a private external entrance for the king into the temple. The change made by Ahaz consisted in removing both of these into the temple from fear of the king of Assyria, that, in case of a siege, he might secure the entrance of the temple from him.