Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Kings » Chapter 17 » Verse 1-41

2 Kings 17:1-41 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 In the twelfth H8147 H6240 year H8141 of Ahaz H271 king H4428 of Judah H3063 began Hoshea H1954 the son H1121 of Elah H425 to reign H4427 in Samaria H8111 over Israel H3478 nine H8672 years. H8141

2 And he did H6213 that which was evil H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD, H3068 but not as the kings H4428 of Israel H3478 that were before H6440 him.

3 Against him came up H5927 Shalmaneser H8022 king H4428 of Assyria; H804 and Hoshea H1954 became his servant, H5650 and gave H7725 him presents. H4503

4 And the king H4428 of Assyria H804 found H4672 conspiracy H7195 in Hoshea: H1954 for he had sent H7971 messengers H4397 to So H5471 king H4428 of Egypt, H4714 and brought H5927 no present H4503 to the king H4428 of Assyria, H804 as he had done year H8141 by year: H8141 therefore the king H4428 of Assyria H804 shut him up, H6113 and bound H631 him in prison. H1004 H3608

5 Then the king H4428 of Assyria H804 came up H5927 throughout all the land, H776 and went up H5927 to Samaria, H8111 and besieged H6696 it three H7969 years. H8141

6 In the ninth H8671 year H8141 of Hoshea H1954 the king H4428 of Assyria H804 took H3920 Samaria, H8111 and carried H1540 Israel H3478 away H1540 into Assyria, H804 and placed H3427 them in Halah H2477 and in Habor H2249 by the river H5104 of Gozan, H1470 and in the cities H5892 of the Medes. H4074

7 For so it was, that the children H1121 of Israel H3478 had sinned H2398 against the LORD H3068 their God, H430 which had brought them up H5927 out of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 from under the hand H3027 of Pharaoh H6547 king H4428 of Egypt, H4714 and had feared H3372 other H312 gods, H430

8 And walked H3212 in the statutes H2708 of the heathen, H1471 whom the LORD H3068 cast out H3423 from before H6440 the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 and of the kings H4428 of Israel, H3478 which they had made. H6213

9 And the children H1121 of Israel H3478 did secretly H2644 those things H1697 that were not right against the LORD H3068 their God, H430 and they built H1129 them high places H1116 in all their cities, H5892 from the tower H4026 of the watchmen H5341 to the fenced H4013 city. H5892

10 And they set them up H5324 images H4676 and groves H842 in every high H1364 hill, H1389 and under every green H7488 tree: H6086

11 And there they burnt incense H6999 in all the high places, H1116 as did the heathen H1471 whom the LORD H3068 carried away H1540 before H6440 them; and wrought H6213 wicked H7451 things H1697 to provoke the LORD H3068 to anger: H3707

12 For they served H5647 idols, H1544 whereof the LORD H3068 had said H559 unto them, Ye shall not do H6213 this thing. H1697

13 Yet the LORD H3068 testified H5749 against Israel, H3478 and against Judah, H3063 by H3027 all the prophets, H5030 and by all the seers, H2374 saying, H559 Turn H7725 ye from your evil H7451 ways, H1870 and keep H8104 my commandments H4687 and my statutes, H2708 according to all the law H8451 which I commanded H6680 your fathers, H1 and which I sent H7971 to you by H3027 my servants H5650 the prophets. H5030

14 Notwithstanding they would not hear, H8085 but hardened H7185 their necks, H6203 like to the neck H6203 of their fathers, H1 that did not believe H539 in the LORD H3068 their God. H430

15 And they rejected H3988 his statutes, H2706 and his covenant H1285 that he made H3772 with their fathers, H1 and his testimonies H5715 which he testified H5749 against them; and they followed H3212 H310 vanity, H1892 and became vain, H1891 and went after H310 the heathen H1471 that were round about H5439 them, concerning whom the LORD H3068 had charged H6680 them, that they should not do H6213 like them.

16 And they left H5800 all the commandments H4687 of the LORD H3068 their God, H430 and made H6213 them molten images, H4541 even two H8147 calves, H5695 and made H6213 a grove, H842 and worshipped H7812 all the host H6635 of heaven, H8064 and served H5647 Baal. H1168

17 And they caused their sons H1121 and their daughters H1323 to pass H5674 through the fire, H784 and used H7080 divination H7081 and enchantments, H5172 and sold H4376 themselves to do H6213 evil H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD, H3068 to provoke him to anger. H3707

18 Therefore the LORD H3068 was very H3966 angry H599 with Israel, H3478 and removed H5493 them out of his sight: H6440 there was none left H7604 but the tribe H7626 of Judah H3063 only.

19 Also Judah H3063 kept H8104 not the commandments H4687 of the LORD H3068 their God, H430 but walked H3212 in the statutes H2708 of Israel H3478 which they made. H6213

20 And the LORD H3068 rejected H3988 all the seed H2233 of Israel, H3478 and afflicted H6031 them, and delivered H5414 them into the hand H3027 of spoilers, H8154 until he had cast H7993 them out of his sight. H6440

21 For he rent H7167 Israel H3478 from the house H1004 of David; H1732 and they made Jeroboam H3379 the son H1121 of Nebat H5028 king: H4427 and Jeroboam H3379 drave H5080 H5077 Israel H3478 from following H310 the LORD, H3068 and made them sin H2398 a great H1419 sin. H2401

22 For the children H1121 of Israel H3478 walked H3212 in all the sins H2403 of Jeroboam H3379 which he did; H6213 they departed H5493 not from them;

23 Until the LORD H3068 removed H5493 Israel H3478 out of his sight, H6440 as he had said H1696 by H3027 all his servants H5650 the prophets. H5030 So was Israel H3478 carried away H1540 out of their own land H127 to Assyria H804 unto this day. H3117

24 And the king H4428 of Assyria H804 brought H935 men from Babylon, H894 and from Cuthah, H3575 and from Ava, H5755 and from Hamath, H2574 and from Sepharvaim, H5617 and placed H3427 them in the cities H5892 of Samaria H8111 instead of the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 and they possessed H3423 Samaria, H8111 and dwelt H3427 in the cities H5892 thereof.

25 And so it was at the beginning H8462 of their dwelling H3427 there, that they feared H3372 not the LORD: H3068 therefore the LORD H3068 sent H7971 lions H738 among them, which slew H2026 some of them.

26 Wherefore they spake H559 to the king H4428 of Assyria, H804 saying, H559 The nations H1471 which thou hast removed, H1540 and placed H3427 in the cities H5892 of Samaria, H8111 know H3045 not the manner H4941 of the God H430 of the land: H776 therefore he hath sent H7971 lions H738 among them, and, behold, they slay H4191 them, because they know H3045 not the manner H4941 of the God H430 of the land. H776

27 Then the king H4428 of Assyria H804 commanded, H6680 saying, H559 Carry H3212 thither one H259 of the priests H3548 whom ye brought H1540 from thence; and let them go H3212 and dwell H3427 there, and let him teach H3384 them the manner H4941 of the God H430 of the land. H776

28 Then one H259 of the priests H3548 whom they had carried away H1540 from Samaria H8111 came H935 and dwelt H3427 in Bethel, H1008 and taught H3384 them how they should fear H3372 the LORD. H3068

29 Howbeit every nation H1471 made H6213 gods H430 of their own, and put H3240 them in the houses H1004 of the high places H1116 which the Samaritans H8118 had made, H6213 every nation H1471 in their cities H5892 wherein they dwelt. H3427

30 And the men H582 of Babylon H894 made H6213 Succothbenoth, H5524 and the men H582 of Cuth H3575 made H6213 Nergal, H5370 and the men H582 of Hamath H2574 made H6213 Ashima, H807

31 And the Avites H5757 made H6213 Nibhaz H5026 and Tartak, H8662 and the Sepharvites H5616 burnt H8313 their children H1121 in fire H784 to Adrammelech H152 and Anammelech, H6048 the gods H430 of Sepharvaim. H5617

32 So they feared H3373 the LORD, H3068 and made H6213 unto themselves of the lowest H7098 of them priests H3548 of the high places, H1116 which sacrificed H6213 for them in the houses H1004 of the high places. H1116

33 They feared H3373 the LORD, H3068 and served H5647 their own gods, H430 after the manner H4941 of the nations H1471 whom they carried away H1540 from thence.

34 Unto this day H3117 they do H6213 after the former H7223 manners: H4941 they fear H3373 not the LORD, H3068 neither do H6213 they after their statutes, H2708 or after their ordinances, H4941 or after the law H8451 and commandment H4687 which the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 the children H1121 of Jacob, H3290 whom he named H7760 H8034 Israel; H3478

35 With whom the LORD H3068 had made H3772 a covenant, H1285 and charged H6680 them, saying, H559 Ye shall not fear H3372 other H312 gods, H430 nor bow H7812 yourselves to them, nor serve H5647 them, nor sacrifice H2076 to them:

36 But the LORD, H3068 who brought you up H5927 out of the land H776 of Egypt H4714 with great H1419 power H3581 and a stretched out H5186 arm, H2220 him shall ye fear, H3372 and him shall ye worship, H7812 and to him shall ye do sacrifice. H2076

37 And the statutes, H2706 and the ordinances, H4941 and the law, H8451 and the commandment, H4687 which he wrote H3789 for you, ye shall observe H8104 to do H6213 for evermore; H3117 and ye shall not fear H3372 other H312 gods. H430

38 And the covenant H1285 that I have made H3772 with you ye shall not forget; H7911 neither shall ye fear H3372 other H312 gods. H430

39 But the LORD H3068 your God H430 ye shall fear; H3372 and he shall deliver H5337 you out of the hand H3027 of all your enemies. H341

40 Howbeit they did not hearken, H8085 but they did H6213 after their former H7223 manner. H4941

41 So these nations H1471 feared H3373 the LORD, H3068 and served H5647 their graven images, H6456 both their children, H1121 and their children's H1121 children: H1121 as did H6213 their fathers, H1 so do H6213 they unto this day. H3117

Commentary on 2 Kings 17 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ki 17:1-6. Hoshea's Wicked Reign.

1. In the twelfth year of Ahaz king of Judah, began Hoshea … to reign—The statement in 2Ki 15:30 may be reconciled with the present passage in the following manner: Hoshea conspired against Pekah in the twentieth year of the latter, which was the eighteenth of Jotham's reign. It was two years before Hoshea was acknowledged king of Israel, that is, in the fourth of Ahaz, and twentieth of Jotham. In the twelfth year of Ahaz his reign began to be tranquil and prosperous [Calmet].

2. he did evil … but not as the kings of Israel—Unlike his predecessors from the time of Jeroboam, he neither established the rites of Baal, nor compelled the people to adhere to the symbolic worship of the calves. [See on 2Ch 30:1.] In these respects, Hoshea acted as became a constitutional king of Israel. Yet, through the influence of the nineteen princes who had swayed the scepter before him (all of whom had been zealous patrons of idolatry, and many of whom had been also infamous for personal crimes), the whole nation had become so completely demoralized that the righteous judgment of an angry Providence impended over it.

3. Against him came up Shalmaneser—or Shalman (Ho 10:14), the same as the Sargon of Isaiah [Isa 20:1]. Very recently the name of this Assyrian king has been traced on the Ninevite monuments, as concerned in an expedition against a king of Samaria, whose name, though mutilated, Colonel Rawlinson reads as Hoshea.

4. found conspiracy in Hoshea—After having paid tribute for several years, Hoshea, determined on throwing off the Assyrian yoke, withheld the stipulated tribute. Shalmaneser, incensed at this rebellion, proclaimed war against Israel. This was in the sixth year of Hoshea's reign.

he had sent messengers to So, king of Egypt—the Sabaco of the classic historians, a famous Ethiopian who, for fifty years, occupied the Egyptian throne, and through whose aid Hoshea hoped to resist the threatened attack of the Assyrian conqueror. But Shalmaneser, marching against [Hoshea], scoured the whole country of Israel, besieged the capital Samaria, and carried the principal inhabitants into captivity in his own land, having taken the king himself, and imprisoned him for life. This ancient policy of transplanting a conquered people into a foreign land, was founded on the idea that, among a mixed multitude, differing in language and religion, they would be kept in better subjection, and have less opportunity of combining together to recover their independence.

6. carried Israel away—that is, the remaining tribes (see on 2Ki 15:29).

and placed them, &c.—This passage Gesenius renders thus, omitting the particle by, which is printed in italics to show it is not in the original: "and placed them in Halah, and on the Chabor, a river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes."

Halah—the same as Calah (Ge 10:11, 12), in the region of the Laycus or Zab river, about a day's journey from the ruins of Nineveh.

Chabor—is a river, and it is remarkable that there is a river rising in the central highlands of Assyria which retains this name Khabour unchanged to the present day.

Gozan—("pasture") or Zozan, are the highlands of Assyria, which afford pasturage. The region in which the Chabor and the Zab rise, and through which they flow, is peculiarly of this character. The Nestorians repair to it with their numerous flocks, spending the summer on the banks or in the highlands of the Chabor or the Zab. Considering the high authority we possess for regarding Gozan and Zozan as one name, there can be no doubt that this is the Gozan referred to in this passage.

cities of the Medes—"villages," according to the Syriac and Vulgate versions, or "mountains," according to the Septuagint. The Medish inhabitants of Gozan, having revolted, had been destroyed by the kings of Assyria, and nothing was more natural than that they should wish to place in it an industrious people, like the captive Israelites, while it was well suited to their pastoral life [Grant, Nestorians].

2Ki 17:7-41. Samaria Taken, and Israel for Their Sins Carried Captive.

7. For so it was, that the children of Israel had sinned—There is here given a very full and impressive vindication of the divine procedure in punishing His highly privileged, but rebellious and apostate, people. No wonder that amid so gross a perversion of the worship of the true God, and the national propensity to do reverence to idols, the divine patience was exhausted; and that the God whom they had forsaken permitted them to go into captivity, that they might learn the difference between His service and that of their despotic conquerors.

24-28. the king of Assyria brought men from Babylon, etc.—This was not Shalmaneser, but Esar-haddon (Eze 4:2). The places vacated by the captive Israelites he ordered to be occupied by several colonies of his own subjects from Babylon and other provinces.

from Cuthah—the Chaldee form of Cush or Susiana, now Khusistan.

Ava—supposed to be Ahivaz, situated on the river Karuns, which empties into the head of the Persian Gulf.

Hamath—on the Orontes.

Sepharvaim—Siphara, a city on the Euphrates above Babylon.

placed them in the cities of Samaria, &c.—It must not be supposed that the Israelites were universally removed to a man. A remnant was left, chiefly however of the poor and lower classes, with whom these foreign colonists mingled; so that the prevailing character of society about Samaria was heathen, not Israelite. For the Assyrian colonists became masters of the land; and, forming partial intermarriages with the remnant Jews, the inhabitants became a mongrel race, no longer a people of Ephraim (Isa 7:6). These people, imperfectly instructed in the creed of the Jews, acquired also a mongrel doctrine. Being too few to replenish the land, lions, by which the land had been infested (Jud 14:5; 1Sa 17:34; 1Ki 13:24; 20:36; So 4:8), multiplied and committed frequent ravages upon them. Recognizing in these attacks a judgment from the God of the land, whom they had not worshipped, they petitioned the Assyrian court to send them some Jewish priests who might instruct them in the right way of serving Him. The king, in compliance with their request, sent them one of the exiled priests of Israel [2Ki 17:27], who established his headquarters at Beth-el, and taught them how they should fear the Lord. It is not said that he took a copy of the Pentateuch with him, out of which he might teach them. Oral teaching was much better fitted for the superstitious people than instruction out of a written book. He could teach them more effectually by word of mouth. Believing that he would adopt the best and simplest method for them, it is unlikely that he took the written law with him, and so gave origin to the Samaritan copy of the Pentateuch [Davidson, Criticism]. Besides, it is evident from his being one of the exiled priests, and from his settlement at Beth-el, that he was not a Levite, but one of the calf-worshipping priests. Consequently his instructions would be neither sound nor efficient.

29. Howbeit every nation made gods of their own—These Assyrian colonists, however, though instructed in the worship, and acknowledging the being of the God of Israel, did not suppose Him to be the only God. Like other heathens, they combined His worship with that of their own gods; and as they formed a promiscuous society from different nations or provinces, a variety of idols was acknowledged among them.

30. Succoth-benoth—that is, the "tents" or "booths of the daughters," similar to those in which the Babylonian damsels celebrated impure rites (Am 2:8).

Nergal—The Jewish writers say this idol was in the form of a cock, and it is certain that a cock is often associated with a priest on the Assyrian monuments [Layard]. But modern critics, looking to the astrological character of Assyrian idolatry, generally consider Nergal as the planet Mars, the god of war. The name of this idol formed part of the appellation of two of the king of Babylon's princes (Jer 39:3).

Ashima—an idol under the form of an entirely bald he-goat.

31. Nibhaz—under that of a dog—that Egyptian form of animal-worship having prevailed in ancient Syria, as is evident from the image of a large dog at the mouth of the Nahr-el-Kelb, or Dog river.

Tartak—According to the rabbis, it was in the form of an ass, but others understand it as a planet of ill-omen, probably Saturn.

Adrammelech—supposed by some to be the same as Molech, and in Assyrian mythology to stand for the sun. It was worshipped in the form of a mule—others maintain in that of a peacock.

Anammelech—worshipped in the form of a hare; others say in that of a goat.

34. Unto this day—the time of the Babylonian exile, when this book was composed. Their religion was a strange medley or compound of the service of God and the service of idols. Such was the first settlement of the people, afterwards called Samaritans, who were sent from Assyria to colonize the land, when the kingdom of Israel, after having continued three hundred fifty-six years, was overthrown.