Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Kings » Chapter 19 » Verse 17

2 Kings 19:17 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

17 Of a truth, H551 LORD, H3068 the kings H4428 of Assyria H804 have destroyed H2717 the nations H1471 and their lands, H776

Cross Reference

2 Kings 16:9 STRONG

And the king H4428 of Assyria H804 hearkened H8085 unto him: for the king H4428 of Assyria H804 went up H5927 against Damascus, H1834 and took H8610 it, and carried the people of it captive H1540 to Kir, H7024 and slew H4191 Rezin. H7526

2 Kings 17:6 STRONG

In the ninth H8671 year H8141 of Hoshea H1954 the king H4428 of Assyria H804 took H3920 Samaria, H8111 and carried H1540 Israel H3478 away H1540 into Assyria, H804 and placed H3427 them in Halah H2477 and in Habor H2249 by the river H5104 of Gozan, H1470 and in the cities H5892 of the Medes. H4074

2 Kings 17:24 STRONG

And the king H4428 of Assyria H804 brought H935 men from Babylon, H894 and from Cuthah, H3575 and from Ava, H5755 and from Hamath, H2574 and from Sepharvaim, H5617 and placed H3427 them in the cities H5892 of Samaria H8111 instead of the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 and they possessed H3423 Samaria, H8111 and dwelt H3427 in the cities H5892 thereof.

1 Chronicles 5:26 STRONG

And the God H430 of Israel H3478 stirred up H5782 the spirit H7307 of Pul H6322 king H4428 of Assyria, H804 and the spirit H7307 of Tilgathpilneser H8407 king H4428 of Assyria, H804 and he carried them away, H1540 even the Reubenites, H7206 and the Gadites, H1425 and the half H2677 tribe H7626 of Manasseh, H4519 and brought H935 them unto Halah, H2477 and Habor, H2249 and Hara, H2024 and to the river H5104 Gozan, H1470 unto this day. H3117

Job 9:2 STRONG

I know H3045 it is so of a truth: H551 but how should man H582 be just H6663 with God? H410

Isaiah 5:9 STRONG

In mine ears H241 said the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 Of a truth H3808 many H7227 houses H1004 shall be desolate, H8047 even great H1419 and fair, H2896 without inhabitant. H3427

Isaiah 7:17-18 STRONG

The LORD H3068 shall bring H935 upon thee, and upon thy people, H5971 and upon thy father's H1 house, H1004 days H3117 that have not come, H935 from the day H3117 that Ephraim H669 departed H5493 from Judah; H3063 even the king H4428 of Assyria. H804 And it shall come to pass in that day, H3117 that the LORD H3068 shall hiss H8319 for the fly H2070 that is in the uttermost part H7097 of the rivers H2975 of Egypt, H4714 and for the bee H1682 that is in the land H776 of Assyria. H804

Isaiah 10:9-11 STRONG

Is not Calno H3641 as Carchemish? H3751 is not Hamath H2574 as Arpad? H774 is not Samaria H8111 as Damascus? H1834 As my hand H3027 hath found H4672 the kingdoms H4467 of the idols, H457 and whose graven images H6456 did excel them of Jerusalem H3389 and of Samaria; H8111 Shall I not, as I have done H6213 unto Samaria H8111 and her idols, H457 so do H6213 to Jerusalem H3389 and her idols? H6091

Jeremiah 26:15 STRONG

But know H3045 ye for certain, H3045 that if ye put me to death, H4191 ye shall surely bring H5414 innocent H5355 blood H1818 upon yourselves, and upon this city, H5892 and upon the inhabitants H3427 thereof: for of a truth H571 the LORD H3068 hath sent H7971 me unto you to speak H1696 all these words H1697 in your ears. H241

Daniel 2:47 STRONG

The king H4430 answered H6032 unto Daniel, H1841 and said, H560 Of H4481 a truth H7187 it is, that H1768 your God H426 is a God H426 of gods, H426 and a Lord H4756 of kings, H4430 and a revealer H1541 of secrets, H7328 seeing thou couldest H3202 reveal H1541 this H1836 secret. H7328

Matthew 14:33 STRONG

Then G1161 they that were in G1722 the ship G4143 came G2064 and worshipped G4352 him, G846 saying, G3004 Of a truth G230 thou art G1488 the Son G5207 of God. G2316

Luke 22:59 STRONG

And G2532 about G5616 the space G1339 of one G3391 hour G5610 after another G243 G5100 confidently affirmed, G1340 saying, G3004 Of G1909 a truth G225 this G3778 fellow also G2532 was G2258 with G3326 him: G846 for G1063 G2532 he is G2076 a Galilaean. G1057

Acts 4:27 STRONG

For G1063 of G1909 a truth G225 against G1909 thy G4675 holy G40 child G3816 Jesus, G2424 whom G3739 thou hast anointed, G5548 both G5037 Herod, G2264 and G2532 Pontius G4194 Pilate, G4091 with G4862 the Gentiles, G1484 and G2532 the people G2992 of Israel, G2474 were gathered together, G4863

1 Corinthians 14:25 STRONG

And G2532 thus G3779 are G1096 the secrets G2927 of his G846 heart G2588 made G1096 manifest; G5318 and G2532 so G3779 falling down G4098 on G1909 his face G4383 he will worship G4352 God, G2316 and report G518 that G3754 God G2316 is G2076 in G1722 you G5213 of a truth. G3689

Commentary on 2 Kings 19 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ki 19:1-5. Hezekiah in Deep Affliction.

1-3. when king Hezekiah heard it, he rent his clothes—The rending of his clothes was a mode of expressing horror at the daring blasphemy—the assumption of sackcloth a sign of his mental distress—his entrance into the temple to pray the refuge of a pious man in affliction—and the forwarding an account of the Assyrian's speech to Isaiah was to obtain the prophet's counsel and comfort. The expression in which the message was conveyed described, by a strong figure, the desperate condition of the kingdom, together with their own inability to help themselves; and it intimated also a hope, that the blasphemous defiance of Jehovah's power by the impious Assyrian might lead to some direct interposition for the vindication of His honor and supremacy to all heathen gods.

4. the living God—"The living God" is a most significant expression taken in connection with the senseless deities that Rab-shakeh boasted were unable to resist his master's victorious arms.

2Ki 19:6, 7. Comforted by Isaiah.

6. Isaiah said … Be not afraid—The prophet's answer was most cheering, as it held out the prospect of a speedy deliverance from the invader. The blast, the rumor, the fall by the sword, contained a brief prediction that was soon fulfilled in all the three particulars—namely, the alarm that hastened his retreat, the destruction that overtook his army, and the violent death that suddenly ended his career.

2Ki 19:8-13. Sennacherib Sends a Blasphemous Letter to Hezekiah.

8. So Rab-shakeh … found the king of Assyria warring against Libnah—Whether Lachish had fallen or not, is not said. But Sennacherib had transferred his battering-rams against the apparently neighboring fortress of Libnah (Jos 10:29; compare Jos 10:31; 15:42), where the chief-cup-bearer reported the execution of his mission.

9-13. when he heard say of Tirhakah …, Behold, he is come out to fight against thee, &c.—This was the "rumor" to which Isaiah referred [2Ki 19:7]. Tirhakah reigned in Upper Egypt, while So (or Sabaco) ruled in Lower Egypt. He was a powerful monarch, another Sesostris, and both he and Sabaco have left many monuments of their greatness. The name and figure of Tirhakah receiving war captives, are still seen in the Egyptian temple of Medinet Abou. This was the expected succor which was sneered at by Rab-shakeh as "a bruised reed" (2Ki 18:21). Rage against Hezekiah for allying himself with Egypt, or the hope of being better able to meet this attack from the south, induced him, after hearing the rumor of Tirhakah's advance, to send a menacing letter to Hezekiah, in order that he might force the king of Judah to an immediate surrender of his capital. This letter, couched in the same vaunting and imperious style as the speech of Rab-shakeh, exceeded it in blasphemy, and contained a larger enumeration of conquered places, with the view of terrifying Hezekiah and showing him the utter hopelessness of all attempts at resistance.

2Ki 19:14-34. Hezekiah's Prayer.

14-19. Hezekiah received the letter … and went up into the house of the Lord—Hezekiah, after reading it, hastened into the temple, spread it in the childlike confidence of faith before the Lord, as containing taunts deeply affecting the divine honor, and implored deliverance from this proud defier of God and man. The devout spirit of this prayer, the recognition of the Divine Being in the plenitude of His majesty—so strikingly contrasted with the fancy of the Assyrians as to His merely local power; his acknowledgment of the conquests obtained over other lands; and of the destruction of their wooden idols which, according to the Assyrian practice, were committed to the flames—because their tutelary deities were no gods; and the object for which he supplicated the divine interposition—that all the kingdoms of the earth might know that the Lord was the only God—this was an attitude worthy to be assumed by a pious theocratic king of the chosen people.

20. Then Isaiah … sent—A revelation having been made to Isaiah, the prophet announced to the king that his prayer was heard. The prophetic message consisted of three different portions:—First, Sennacherib is apostrophized (2Ki 19:21-28) in a highly poetical strain, admirably descriptive of the turgid vanity, haughty pretensions, and presumptuous impiety of the Assyrian despot. Secondly, Hezekiah is addressed (2Ki 19:29-31), and a sign is given him of the promised deliverance—namely, that for two years the presence of the enemy would interrupt the peaceful pursuits of husbandry, but in the third year the people would be in circumstances to till their fields and vineyards and reap the fruits as formerly. Thirdly, the issue of Sennacherib's invasion is announced (2Ki 19:32-34).

33. shall not come into this city—nor approach near enough to shoot an arrow, not even from the most powerful engine which throws missiles to the greatest distance, nor shall he occupy any part of the ground before the city by a fence, a mantelet, or covering for men employed in a siege, nor cast (raise) a bank (mound) of earth, overtopping the city walls, whence he may see and command the interior of the city. None of these, which were the principal modes of attack followed in ancient military art, should Sennacherib be permitted to adopt. Though the army under Rab-shakeh marched towards Jerusalem and encamped at a little distance with a view to blockade it, they delayed laying siege to it, probably waiting till the king, having taken Lachish and Libnah, should bring up his detachment, that with all the combined forces of Assyria they might invest the capital. So determined was this invader to conquer Judah and the neighboring countries (Isa 10:7), that nothing but a divine interposition could have saved Jerusalem. It might be supposed that the powerful monarch who overran Palestine and carried away the tribes of Israel, would leave memorials of his deeds on sculptured slabs, or votive bulls. A long and minute account of this expedition is contained in the Annals of Sennacherib, a translation of which has recently been made into English, and, in his remarks upon it, Colonel Rawlinson says the Assyrian version confirms the most important features of the Scripture account. The Jewish and Assyrian narratives of the campaign are, indeed, on the whole, strikingly illustrative of each other [Outlines of Assyrian History].

2Ki 19:35, 36. An Angel Destroys the Assyrians.

35. in the morning … they were all dead corpses—It was the miraculous interposition of the Almighty that defended Jerusalem. As to the secondary agent employed in the destruction of the Assyrian army, it is most probable that it was effected by a hot south wind, the simoon, such as to this day often envelops and destroys whole caravans. This conjecture is supported by 2Ki 19:7 and Jer 51:1. The destruction was during the night; the officers and soldiers, being in full security, were negligent; their discipline was relaxed; the camp guards were not alert, or perhaps they themselves were the first taken off, and those who slept, not wrapped up, imbibed the poison plentifully. If this had been an evening of dissolute mirth (no uncommon thing in a camp), their joy (perhaps for a victory), or "the first night of their attacking the city," says Josephus, became, by its effects, one means of their destruction [Calmet, Fragments].

36. So Sennacherib king of Assyria … went and returned—the same way as he came (2Ki 19:33). The route is described (Isa 10:28-32). The early chariot track near Beyrout is on the rocky edge of Lebanon, which is skirted by the ancient Lycus (Nahr-el Kelb). On the perpendicular face of the limestone rock, at different heights, are seen slabs with Assyrian inscriptions, which having been deciphered, are found to contain the name of Sennacherib. Thus, by the preservation of these tablets, the wrath of the Assyrian invaders is made to praise the Lord.

dwelt at Nineveh—This statement implies a considerable period of time, and his Annals carry on his history at least five years after his disastrous campaign at Jerusalem. No record of his catastrophe can be found, as the Assyrian practice was to record victories alone. The sculptures give only the sunny side of the picture.

2Ki 19:37. Sennacherib Slain.

37. as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch—Assarae, or Asshur, the head of the Assyrian Pantheon, represented not as a vulture-headed figure (that is now ascertained to be a priest), but as a winged figure in a circle, which was the guardian deity of Assyria. The king is represented on the monuments standing or kneeling beneath this figure, his hand raised in sign of prayer or adoration.

his sons smote him with the sword—Sennacherib's temper, exasperated probably by his reverses, displayed itself in the most savage cruelty and intolerable tyranny over his subjects and slaves, till at length he was assassinated by his two sons, whom, it is said, he intended to sacrifice to pacify the gods and dispose them to grant him a return of prosperity. The parricides taking flight into Armenia, a third son, Esar-haddon, ascended the throne.