Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Kings » Chapter 19 » Verse 36

2 Kings 19:36 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

36 So Sennacherib H5576 king H4428 of Assyria H804 departed, H5265 and went H3212 and returned, H7725 and dwelt H3427 at Nineveh. H5210

Cross Reference

Jonah 1:2 STRONG

Arise, H6965 go H3212 to Nineveh, H5210 that great H1419 city, H5892 and cry H7121 against it; for their wickedness H7451 is come up H5927 before H6440 me.

2 Kings 19:7 STRONG

Behold, I will send H5414 a blast H7307 upon him, and he shall hear H8085 a rumour, H8052 and shall return H7725 to his own land; H776 and I will cause him to fall H5307 by the sword H2719 in his own land. H776

2 Kings 19:28 STRONG

Because thy rage H7264 against me and thy tumult H7600 is come up H5927 into mine ears, H241 therefore I will put H7760 my hook H2397 in thy nose, H639 and my bridle H4964 in thy lips, H8193 and I will turn thee back H7725 by the way H1870 by which thou camest. H935

2 Kings 19:33 STRONG

By the way H1870 that he came, H935 by the same shall he return, H7725 and shall not come H935 into this city, H5892 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Genesis 10:11-12 STRONG

Out of that land H776 went forth H3318 Asshur, H804 and builded H1129 Nineveh, H5210 and the city H5892 Rehoboth, H7344 and Calah, H3625 And Resen H7449 between Nineveh H5210 and Calah: H3625 the same is a great H1419 city. H5892

Jonah 3:2-10 STRONG

Arise, H6965 go H3212 unto Nineveh, H5210 that great H1419 city, H5892 and preach H7121 unto it the preaching H7150 that I bid H1696 thee. So Jonah H3124 arose, H6965 and went H3212 unto Nineveh, H5210 according to the word H1697 of the LORD. H3068 Now Nineveh H5210 was an exceeding H430 great H1419 city H5892 of three H7969 days' H3117 journey. H4109 And Jonah H3124 began H2490 to enter H935 into the city H5892 a H259 day's H3117 journey, H4109 and he cried, H7121 and said, H559 Yet forty H705 days, H3117 and Nineveh H5210 shall be overthrown. H2015 So the people H582 of Nineveh H5210 believed H539 God, H430 and proclaimed H7121 a fast, H6685 and put H3847 on sackcloth, H8242 from the greatest H1419 of them even to the least H6996 of them. For word H1697 came H5060 unto the king H4428 of Nineveh, H5210 and he arose H6965 from his throne, H3678 and he laid H5674 his robe H155 from him, and covered H3680 him with sackcloth, H8242 and sat H3427 in ashes. H665 And he caused it to be proclaimed H2199 and published H559 through Nineveh H5210 by the decree H2940 of the king H4428 and his nobles, H1419 saying, H559 Let neither man H120 nor beast, H929 herd H1241 nor flock, H6629 taste H2938 any thing: H3972 let them not feed, H7462 nor drink H8354 water: H4325 But let man H120 and beast H929 be covered H3680 with sackcloth, H8242 and cry H7121 mightily H2394 unto God: H430 yea, let them turn H7725 every one H376 from his evil H7451 way, H1870 and from the violence H2555 that is in their hands. H3709 Who can tell H3045 if God H430 will turn H7725 and repent, H5162 and turn away H7725 from his fierce H2740 anger, H639 that we perish H6 not? And God H430 saw H7200 their works, H4639 that they turned H7725 from their evil H7451 way; H1870 and God H430 repented H5162 of the evil, H7451 that he had said H1696 that he would do H6213 unto them; and he did H6213 it not.

Nahum 1:1 STRONG

The burden H4853 of Nineveh. H5210 The book H5612 of the vision H2377 of Nahum H5151 the Elkoshite. H512

Nahum 2:8 STRONG

But Nineveh H5210 is of old H3117 like a pool H1295 of water: H4325 yet they shall flee away. H5127 Stand, H5975 stand, H5975 shall they cry; but none shall look back. H6437

Matthew 12:41 STRONG

The men G435 of Nineveh G3536 shall rise G450 in G1722 judgment G2920 with G3326 this G5026 generation, G1074 and G2532 shall condemn G2632 it: G846 because G3754 they repented G3340 at G1519 the preaching G2782 of Jonas; G2495 and, G2532 behold, G2400 a greater than G4119 Jonas G2495 is here. G5602

Commentary on 2 Kings 19 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



This chapter relates that King Hezekiah, on a report made to him of Rabshakeh's speech, sent a message to the prophet Isaiah to pray for him, who returned him a comfortable and encouraging answer, 2 Kings 19:1 and that upon Rabshakeh's return to the king of Assyria, he sent to Hezekiah a terrifying letter, 2 Kings 19:8, which Hezekiah spread before the Lord, and prayed unto him to save him and his people out of the hands of the king of Assyria, 2 Kings 19:14, to which he had a gracious answer sent him by the prophet Isaiah, promising him deliverance from the Assyrian army, 2 Kings 19:20, which accordingly was destroyed by an angel in one night, and Sennacherib fleeing to Nineveh, was slain by his two sons, 2 Kings 19:35.

Verses 1-37

And it came to pass, when King Hezekiah heard it,.... The report of Rabshakeh's speech, recorded in the preceding chapter:

that he rent his clothes, and covered himself with sackcloth; rent his clothes because of the blasphemy in the speech; and he put on sackcloth, in token of mourning, for the calamities he feared were coming on him and his people: and he went into the house of the Lord; the temple, to pray unto him. The message he sent to Isaiah, with his answer, and the threatening letter of the king of Assyria, Hezekiah's prayer upon it, and the encouraging answer he had from the Lord, with the account of the destruction of the Assyrian army, and the death of Sennacherib, are the same "verbatim" as in Isaiah 37:1 throughout; and therefore the reader is referred thither for the exposition of them; only would add what RauwolffF20Travels, par. 3. ch. 22. p. 317. observes, that still to this day (1575) there are two great holes to be seen, wherein they flung the dead bodies (of the Assyrian army), one whereof is close by the road towards Bethlehem, the other towards the right hand against old Bethel.