Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Kings » Chapter 2 » Verse 9

2 Kings 2:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 And it came to pass, when they were gone over, H5674 that Elijah H452 said H559 unto Elisha, H477 Ask H7592 what I shall do H6213 for thee, before I be taken away H3947 from thee. And Elisha H477 said, H559 I pray thee, let a double H8147 portion H6310 of thy spirit H7307 be upon me.

Cross Reference

Deuteronomy 21:17 STRONG

But he shall acknowledge H5234 the son H1121 of the hated H8130 for the firstborn, H1060 by giving H5414 him a double H8147 portion H6310 of all that he hath: H4672 for he is the beginning H7225 of his strength; H202 the right H4941 of the firstborn H1062 is his.

Numbers 11:17 STRONG

And I will come down H3381 and talk H1696 with thee there: and I will take H680 of the spirit H7307 which is upon thee, and will put H7760 it upon them; and they shall bear H5375 the burden H4853 of the people H5971 with thee, that thou bear H5375 it not thyself alone.

1 Timothy 5:17 STRONG

Let G515 the elders G4245 that rule G4291 well G2573 be counted worthy G515 of double G1362 honour, G5092 especially G3122 they who labour G2872 in G1722 the word G3056 and G2532 doctrine. G1319

Numbers 11:25 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 came down H3381 in a cloud, H6051 and spake H1696 unto him, and took H680 of the spirit H7307 that was upon him, and gave H5414 it unto the seventy H7657 elders: H2205 H376 and it came to pass, that, when the spirit H7307 rested H5117 upon them, they prophesied, H5012 and did not cease. H3254

John 14:12-14 STRONG

Verily, G281 verily, G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 He that believeth G4100 on G1519 me, G1691 the works G2041 that G3739 I G1473 do G4160 shall he do G4160 also; G2548 and G2532 greater works than G3187 these G5130 shall he do; G4160 because G3754 I G1473 go G4198 unto G4314 my G3450 Father. G3962 And G3739 G2532 whatsoever G3748 G302 ye shall ask G154 in G1722 my G3450 name, G3686 that G5124 will I do, G4160 that G2443 the Father G3962 may be glorified G1392 in G1722 the Son. G5207 If G1437 ye shall ask G154 any thing G5100 in G1722 my G3450 name, G3686 I G1473 will do G4160 it.

1 Corinthians 12:31 STRONG

But G1161 covet earnestly G2206 the best G2909 gifts: G5486 and G2532 yet G2089 shew I G1166 unto you G5213 a more G2596 excellent G5236 way. G3598

Acts 20:25-36 STRONG

And G2532 now, G3568 behold, G2400 I G1473 know G1492 that G3754 ye G5210 all, G3956 among G1722 whom G3739 I have gone G1330 preaching G2784 the kingdom G932 of God, G2316 shall see G3700 my G3450 face G4383 no more. G3765 Wherefore G1352 I take G3143 you G5213 to record G3143 this G1722 G4594 day, G2250 that G3754 I G1473 am pure G2513 from G575 the blood G129 of all G3956 men. For G1063 I have G5288 not G3756 G3361 shunned G5288 to declare G312 unto you G5213 all G3956 the counsel G1012 of God. G2316 Take heed G4337 therefore G3767 unto yourselves, G1438 and G2532 to all G3956 the flock, G4168 over G1722 the which G3739 the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 hath made G5087 you G5209 overseers, G1985 to feed G4165 the church G1577 of God, G2316 which G3739 he hath purchased G4046 with G1223 his own G2398 blood. G129 For G1063 I G1473 know G1492 this, G5124 that G3754 after G3326 my G3450 departing G867 shall grievous G926 wolves G3074 enter in G1525 among G1519 you, G5209 not G3361 sparing G5339 the flock. G4168 Also G2532 of G1537 your G5216 own selves G846 shall G450 men G435 arise, G450 speaking G2980 perverse things, G1294 to draw away G645 disciples G3101 after G3694 them. G846 Therefore G1352 watch, G1127 and remember, G3421 that G3754 by the space of three years G5148 I ceased G3973 not G3756 to warn G3560 every G1538 one G1520 night G3571 and G2532 day G2250 with G3326 tears. G1144 And G2532 now, G3569 brethren, G80 I commend G3908 you G5209 to God, G2316 and G2532 to the word G3056 of his G846 grace, G5485 which G3588 is able G1410 to build you up, G2026 and G2532 to give G1325 you G5213 an inheritance G2817 among G1722 all G3956 them which are sanctified. G37 I have coveted G1937 no man's G3762 silver, G694 or G2228 gold, G5553 or G2228 apparel. G2441 Yea, G1161 ye yourselves G846 know, G1097 that G3754 these G3778 hands G5495 have ministered G5256 unto my G3450 necessities, G5532 and G2532 to them that were G5607 with G3326 me. G1700 I have shewed G5263 you G5213 all things, G3956 how that G3754 so G3779 labouring G2872 ye ought G1163 to support G482 the weak, G770 and G5037 to remember G3421 the words G3056 of the Lord G2962 Jesus, G2424 how G3754 he G846 said, G2036 It is G2076 more G3123 blessed G3107 to give G1325 than G2228 to receive. G2983 And G2532 when he had thus G5023 spoken, G2036 he G846 kneeled G1119 down, G5087 and prayed G4336 with G4862 them G846 all. G3956

Acts 8:17 STRONG

Then G5119 laid they G2007 their hands G5495 on G1909 them, G846 and G2532 they received G2983 the Holy G40 Ghost. G4151

Acts 1:8 STRONG

But G235 ye shall receive G2983 power, G1411 after that the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 is come G1904 upon G1909 you: G5209 and G2532 ye shall be G2071 witnesses G3144 unto me G3427 both G5037 in G1722 Jerusalem, G2419 and G2532 in G1722 all G3956 Judaea, G2449 and G2532 in Samaria, G4540 and G2532 unto G2193 the uttermost part G2078 of the earth. G1093

John 17:9-13 STRONG

I G1473 pray G2065 for G4012 them: G846 I pray G2065 not G3756 for G4012 the world, G2889 but G235 for G4012 them which G3739 thou hast given G1325 me; G3427 for G3754 they are G1526 thine. G4674 And G2532 all G3956 mine G1699 are G2076 thine, G4674 and G2532 thine G4674 are mine; G1699 and G2532 I am glorified G1392 in G1722 them. G846 And G2532 now G3765 I am G1510 no more G3765 in G1722 the world, G2889 but G2532 these G3778 are G1526 in G1722 the world, G2889 and G2532 I G1473 come G2064 to G4314 thee. G4571 Holy G40 Father, G3962 keep G5083 through G1722 thine own G4675 name G3686 those G846 whom G3739 thou hast given G1325 me, G3427 that G2443 they may be G5600 one, G1520 as G2531 we G2249 are. While G3753 I was G2252 with G3326 them G846 in G1722 the world, G2889 I G1473 kept G5083 them G846 in G1722 thy G4675 name: G3686 those that G3739 thou gavest G1325 me G3427 I have kept, G5442 and G2532 none G3762 of G1537 them G846 is lost, G622 but G1508 the son G5207 of perdition; G684 that G2443 the scripture G1124 might be fulfilled. G4137 And G1161 now G3568 come I G2064 to G4314 thee; G4571 and G2532 these things G5023 I speak G2980 in G1722 the world, G2889 that G2443 they might have G2192 my G1699 joy G5479 fulfilled G4137 in G1722 themselves. G846

John 16:7 STRONG

Nevertheless G235 I G1473 tell G3004 you G5213 the truth; G225 It is expedient G4851 for you G5213 that G2443 I G1473 go away: G565 for G1063 if G3362 I go G565 not G3362 away, G565 the Comforter G3875 will G2064 not G3756 come G2064 unto G4314 you; G5209 but G1161 if G1437 I depart, G4198 I will send G3992 him G846 unto G4314 you. G5209

Numbers 27:16-23 STRONG

Let the LORD, H3068 the God H430 of the spirits H7307 of all flesh, H1320 set H6485 a man H376 over the congregation, H5712 Which may go out H3318 before H6440 them, and which may go in H935 before H6440 them, and which may lead them out, H3318 and which may bring them in; H935 that the congregation H5712 of the LORD H3068 be not as sheep H6629 which have no shepherd. H7462 And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Moses, H4872 Take H3947 thee Joshua H3091 the son H1121 of Nun, H5126 a man H376 in whom is the spirit, H7307 and lay H5564 thine hand H3027 upon him; And set H5975 him before H6440 Eleazar H499 the priest, H3548 and before H6440 all the congregation; H5712 and give him a charge H6680 in their sight. H5869 And thou shalt put H5414 some of thine honour H1935 upon him, that all the congregation H5712 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 may be obedient. H8085 And he shall stand H5975 before H6440 Eleazar H499 the priest, H3548 who shall ask H7592 counsel for him after the judgment H4941 of Urim H224 before H6440 the LORD: H3068 at his word H6310 shall they go out, H3318 and at his word H6310 they shall come in, H935 both he, and all the children H1121 of Israel H3478 with him, even all the congregation. H5712 And Moses H4872 did H6213 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 him: and he took H3947 Joshua, H3091 and set H5975 him before H6440 Eleazar H499 the priest, H3548 and before H6440 all the congregation: H5712 And he laid H5564 his hands H3027 upon him, and gave him a charge, H6680 as the LORD H3068 commanded H1696 by the hand H3027 of Moses. H4872

Luke 24:45-51 STRONG

Then G5119 opened he G1272 their G846 understanding, G3563 that they might understand G4920 the scriptures, G1124 And G2532 said G2036 unto them, G846 Thus G3754 G3779 it is written, G1125 and G2532 thus G3779 it behoved G1163 Christ G5547 to suffer, G3958 and G2532 to rise G450 from G1537 the dead G3498 the third G5154 day: G2250 And G2532 that repentance G3341 and G2532 remission G859 of sins G266 should be preached G2784 in G1909 his G846 name G3686 among G1519 all G3956 nations, G1484 beginning G756 at G575 Jerusalem. G2419 And G1161 ye G5210 are G2075 witnesses G3144 of these things. G5130 And, G2532 behold, G2400 I G1473 send G649 the promise G1860 of my G3450 Father G3962 upon G1909 you: G5209 but G1161 tarry G2523 ye G5210 in G1722 the city G4172 of Jerusalem, G2419 until G2193 ye G3739 be endued G1746 with power G1411 from G1537 on high. G5311 And G1161 he led G1806 them G846 out G1854 as far as G2193 to G1519 Bethany, G963 and G2532 he lifted up G1869 his G846 hands, G5495 and blessed G2127 them. G846 And G2532 it came to pass, G1096 while G1722 he G846 blessed G2127 them, G846 he was parted G1339 from G575 them, G846 and G2532 carried up G399 into G1519 heaven. G3772

Zechariah 12:8 STRONG

In that day H3117 shall the LORD H3068 defend H1598 the inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem; H3389 and he that is feeble H3782 among them at that day H3117 shall be as David; H1732 and the house H1004 of David H1732 shall be as God, H430 as the angel H4397 of the LORD H3068 before H6440 them.

Zechariah 9:12 STRONG

Turn H7725 you to the strong hold, H1225 ye prisoners H615 of hope: H8615 even to day H3117 do I declare H5046 that I will render H7725 double H4932 unto thee;

Psalms 72:20 STRONG

The prayers H8605 of David H1732 the son H1121 of Jesse H3448 are ended. H3615

Psalms 72:1 STRONG

[[A Psalm for Solomon.]] H8010 Give H5414 the king H4428 thy judgments, H4941 O God, H430 and thy righteousness H6666 unto the king's H4428 son. H1121

2 Chronicles 1:9-10 STRONG

Now, O LORD H3068 God, H430 let thy promise H1697 unto David H1732 my father H1 be established: H539 for thou hast made me king H4427 over a people H5971 like the dust H6083 of the earth H776 in multitude. H7227 Give H5414 me now wisdom H2451 and knowledge, H4093 that I may go out H3318 and come in H935 before H6440 this people: H5971 for who can judge H8199 this thy people, H5971 that is so great? H1419

1 Chronicles 29:18-19 STRONG

O LORD H3068 God H430 of Abraham, H85 Isaac, H3327 and of Israel, H3478 our fathers, H1 keep H8104 this for ever H5769 in the imagination H3336 of the thoughts H4284 of the heart H3824 of thy people, H5971 and prepare H3559 their heart H3824 unto thee: And give H5414 unto Solomon H8010 my son H1121 a perfect H8003 heart, H3824 to keep H8104 thy commandments, H4687 thy testimonies, H5715 and thy statutes, H2706 and to do H6213 all these things, and to build H1129 the palace, H1002 for the which I have made provision. H3559

2 Kings 13:14-19 STRONG

Now Elisha H477 was fallen sick H2470 of his sickness H2483 whereof he died. H4191 And Joash H3101 the king H4428 of Israel H3478 came down H3381 unto him, and wept H1058 over his face, H6440 and said, H559 O my father, H1 my father, H1 the chariot H7393 of Israel, H3478 and the horsemen H6571 thereof. And Elisha H477 said H559 unto him, Take H3947 bow H7198 and arrows. H2671 And he took H3947 unto him bow H7198 and arrows. H2671 And he said H559 to the king H4428 of Israel, H3478 Put H7392 thine hand H3027 upon the bow. H7198 And he put H7392 his hand H3027 upon it: and Elisha H477 put H7760 his hands H3027 upon the king's H4428 hands. H3027 And he said, H559 Open H6605 the window H2474 eastward. H6924 And he opened H6605 it. Then Elisha H477 said, H559 Shoot. H3384 And he shot. H3384 And he said, H559 The arrow H2671 of the LORD'S H3068 deliverance, H8668 and the arrow H2671 of deliverance H8668 from Syria: H758 for thou shalt smite H5221 the Syrians H758 in Aphek, H663 till thou have consumed H3615 them. And he said, H559 Take H3947 the arrows. H2671 And he took H3947 them. And he said H559 unto the king H4428 of Israel, H3478 Smite H5221 upon the ground. H776 And he smote H5221 thrice, H7969 H6471 and stayed. H5975 And the man H376 of God H430 was wroth H7107 with him, and said, H559 Thou shouldest have smitten H5221 five H2568 or six H8337 times; H6471 then hadst thou smitten H5221 Syria H758 till thou hadst consumed H3615 it: whereas now thou shalt smite H5221 Syria H758 but thrice. H7969 H6471

1 Kings 3:9 STRONG

Give H5414 therefore thy servant H5650 an understanding H8085 heart H3820 to judge H8199 thy people, H5971 that I may discern H995 between good H2896 and bad: H7451 for who is able H3201 to judge H8199 this thy so great H3515 a people? H5971

Deuteronomy 34:9 STRONG

And Joshua H3091 the son H1121 of Nun H5126 was full H4392 of the spirit H7307 of wisdom; H2451 for Moses H4872 had laid H5564 his hands H3027 upon him: and the children H1121 of Israel H3478 hearkened H8085 unto him, and did H6213 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses. H4872

Commentary on 2 Kings 2 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



This chapter relates, how that Elisha accompanied Elijah to several places, and on the other side Jordan Elijah was taken up from him to heaven, which occasioned great lamentation in him, 2 Kings 2:1, but having the mantle of Elijah, he divided the waters of Jordan, and passed over, 2 Kings 2:13, and the sons of the prophets at Jericho, perceiving the spirit of Elijah on him, showed him great respect, and proposed sending men to seek his master, which they did in vain, 2 Kings 2:15, when he healed the waters at Jericho, at the request of the men of it, 2 Kings 2:19, and the chapter is concluded with the destruction of forty two children at Bethel by bears, who mocked him, 2 Kings 2:23.

Verse 1

And it came to pass, when the Lord would take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind,.... Thereby lifting him up from the earth, and which, as it was the purpose and will of God, Elijah had notice of, as appears by his motions to different places, under a divine direction:

that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal, where it seems they met, a place where the Israelites first pitched when they came over Jordan, and where the tabernacle was for some time, and was famous for religious services, see Joshua 4:19.

Verse 2

And Elijah said unto Elisha, tarry here, I pray thee,.... Seemingly unwilling he should go with him, and be present at his assumption; which was either out of modesty, not affecting the spread of the honour and glory to be conferred upon him; or to prevent the grief of Elisha at his departure, or to try whether Elisha knew any thing of it, and what affection he had for him:

for the Lord hath sent me to Bethel; to give some comfort and some instruction and advice to the college of prophets there:

and Elisha said unto him, as the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee; being determined to see the last of him, and to have the benefit of his company and conversation, his heavenly discourse, and instruction from him as long as he could, and in hope of receiving a blessing from him at parting:

so they went down to Bethel; together, which, according to BuntingF8Travels, &c. p. 205. , was six miles.

Verse 3

And the sons of the prophets that were at Bethel,.... Or the disciples of them, as the Targum; here, though a place where one of Jeroboam's calves was set up, was a school of the prophets, perhaps founded by Elijah as a nursery for religion, and a check upon the idolatry of the times:

came forth to Elisha; out of their college: and said unto him, knowest thou that the Lord will take away thy master from thy head today? who was, as Abarbinel observes, the crown and glory of his head; or else this is said, as generally thought, in allusion to disciples sitting at the feet of their masters, and so they at the head of them; the rapture of Elijah was by a spirit of prophecy revealed unto them:

and he said, yea, I know it; being revealed to him in the same way:

hold your peace: not caring to continue any discourse with them on the subject, that his thoughts, which were intent upon it, might not be interrupted, and that his master might not know that he knew of it, and lest he should be snatched away from him, and he not see him, while discoursing with them.

Verse 4

And Elijah said unto him, Elisha, tarry here, I pray thee,.... At Bethel:

for the Lord hath sent me to Jericho; to the school of the prophets there, to strengthen, encourage, and advise them:

and he said, as the lord liveth, &c using the same form of oath as before:

so they came to Jericho; together, which, as the above writer saysF9Travels, &c. p. 205. , was four miles from Bethel.

Verse 5

And the sons of the prophets that were at Jericho,.... For though this place was lately rebuilt under a curse to the builder, yet was blessed with a school of the prophets: whose disciples came to Elisha, and said unto him; as in 2 Kings 2:3 and to whom he made the same reply.

Verse 6

And Elijah said unto him, tarry, I pray thee, here,.... At Jericho, seemingly very desirous to get rid of him, that he might not see his assumption:

for the Lord hath sent me to Jordan: where passing that he was to be taken up:

and he said, &c Elisha swore, as before, he would not leave him:

and they two went on; to Jordan, which was six miles from JerichoF11Travels, &c. p. 205. .

Verse 7

And fifty men of the sons of the prophets went, and stood to view afar off,.... To have a view, if they could, of the assumption of Elijah to heaven, and be witnesses of it:

and they two stood by Jordan; on the banks of it, even Elijah and Elisha.

Verse 8

And Elijah took his mantle, and wrapped it together,.... Folded it up close together, in a position to smite with it; this is thought to be not his hairy garment, but a shorter robe, that was worn upon his shoulders; but the Greek version renders it by "melotes", and so in 2 Kings 2:14, which, according to IsidoreF12Origin. l. 19. c. 24. , was a goat's skin, hanging down from the neck, and girt at the loins; and being thus clothed, perhaps, may be the reason of his being called an hairy man, 2 Kings 1:8,

and smote the waters, and they were divided hither and thither; just as Moses lifted up his rod, and the waters of the sea were divided for the Israelites:

so that they two went over on dry ground; in like manner as the Israelites did through the sea.

Verse 9

And it came to pass, when they were gone over,.... Had got on the other side Jordan:

that Elijah said unto Elisha, ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken from thee; for, having followed him so closely, he now made no more a secret of his assumption, and having had full trial of his attachment to him, and affection for him:

and Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me; the two parts of the gifts of the spirit he had, that of prophecy, and that of doing miracles, as some think; or two parts out of three of what Elijah was possessed of; or rather double as much, and which he might desire, not from a spirit of vanity and ambition to be greater than his master, but from an eagerness to promote the glory of God, and the interest of religion, to reclaim the Israelites from their idolatry, and establish the true religion, which he might observe Elijah was not able to do with that measure of grace and gifts he had; or however this phrase denotes an abundance, a large portion or measure, as it everywhere does. Many, after Ben Gersom, have thought it refers to the double portion of the firstborn, and that Elisha does not mean a double portion with respect to Elijah, but with respect to the junior prophets, with whom he might be considered as a firstborn, and so desired a double or greater portion than they, and which may be most correctF13See Weemse of the Moral Law, l. 2. c. 7. p. 41. ; and when he asked this, he did not suppose it was in Elijah's power to give him it, only that he would pray to God, at parting with him, that he would bestow it on him.

Verse 10

And he said, thou hast asked a hard thing,.... Not a common privilege, but what is rarely enjoyed, and difficult to obtain, few are so favoured of God:

nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee, but if not, it shall not be so; meaning, that if his rapture was visible to Elisha, and he was favoured with a sight of his assumption, and be an eyewitness of it, this would be a token both to Elijah that it was agreeable to the Lord to ask of him this favour for him, and to Elisha to expect it, otherwise not.

Verse 11

And it came to pass, as they still went on and talked,.... About the donation of the gifts of the Spirit requested, about the state of religion in Israel, and about the training up of prophets in the colleges, and about Elisha's succession as a prophet in his room, and his discharge of that office, and such like things, as may be supposed, in which he gave him instruction and advice:

that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire; either angels in this form, see Psalm 104:4, in which they appeared for the glory and honour of the prophet, and as emblems of his flaming love and zeal for the purity of religion, and that his assumption might be conspicuous to Elisha; and perhaps by this means might be seen by the fifty men on the other side Jordan: this chariot, drawn with these horses, was not seen in the heaven, but as running on the earth, and came between the two prophets, and separated them from each other, taking up Elijah into it by means of a wind whirling about him, and which was no other than the ministry of angels; or these might be a conflux of exhalations or clouds, formed in this likeness by a supernatural power, and, by the solar rays striking on them, might appear fiery or red; and so his assumption was much in such like manner as our Lord was taken up in a cloud, Acts 1:9,

and Elijah went up by a whirlwind to heaven; body and soul; such a change passing on him, as he went through the region of the air, which divested him of his mortality and corruption, and fitted him for the invisible world.

Verse 12

And Elisha saw it,.... The ascension of Elijah to heaven, the manner of it, and all relative to it, as the disciples saw the ascension of Christ, between which and this there is a great agreement, see Acts 1:9, and so Elisha had the token by which he might expect to have the double portion, as the disciples after the ascension of Christ had an extraordinary effusion of the Spirit and gifts upon them:

and he cried, my father, my father; or my master, my master, as the Targum; Elijah being a father to Elisha, and the rest of the prophets, in the same sense as disciples of the prophets are called sons:

the chariots of Israel, and the horsemen thereof; who was a greater defence to Israel, and was of more service to them by his instructions and prayers, than an army consisting of chariots and horsemen; so the Targum,"he was better to Israel by his prayers than chariots and horsemen:"

and he saw him no more; he was carried up in the above manner into the heaven of heavens, out of the sight of mortals, and never seen more, but at the transfiguration of Christ on the mount:

and he took hold of his own clothes, and rent them in two pieces; not on account of Elijah's case and circumstances, who was now in a most happy and glorious state and condition, but as lamenting his own loss, and the loss of the public.

Verse 13

He took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him,.... Which he had now no further need of, and Elisha had, having rent his clothes in two; and this falling into his hands was a token of his succeeding him in his office, and that he should have the double portion of his spirit:

and he went back, and stood by the brook of Jordan; at the place where he and Elijah had passed over together.

Verse 14

And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters,.... He wrapped it together, as Elijah had done, and smote the waters in like manner, to make trial whether he had the same spirit and power conferred on him:

and said, where is the Lord God of Elijah? let him appear now, and show his power as he did by him; he knew the mantle would not do without the Lord, and the exertion of his might:

and when he also had smitten the waters, they parted hither and thither; as when Elijah smote them. The words "aph-hu", rendered "he also", is left untranslated by the Septuagint, and is interpreted by TheodoretF14Apud Flamin. Nobil. in loc. So Suidas in voce απφω. "hidden". They stand immediately after "the God of Elijah", and may be rendered, "yea he", even he himself; meaning not Elijah, as if he was inquired after, or was present and smote the waters; but rather, as we and others, Elisha, even he also smote the waters; though some take it to be the name of God, as "Hu" was, and is with the Arabs to this day; see Gill on Isaiah 43:13. AthanasiusF15De Commun. Essent. Patris, &c. vol. 1. p. 374. See Weemse of the Moral Law, l. 1. c. 7. p. 162. interprets it of God, "Appho"; and so Elisha calls him by his title and attribute, "Aph-hu": but the words may be an answer to the prophet's question, "where is the Lord God of Elijah?" here he is, even he himself, in the faith of which the water, being smitten, parted; and with this agrees Abarbinel's note on the text; the meaning is, though we are deprived of Elijah, yet not of the providence of God; and though the servant is wanting, the Lord or master is not; for even he, the blessed God, is in his room, and his excellency is as it was before; which sense is approved of by FrischmuthF16Dissert. de Eliae Nomine, &c. sect. 11, 12. .

and Elisha went over; the river Jordan, as on dry land.

Verse 15

And when the sons of the prophets, which were to view at Jericho, saw him,.... Who went out from thence towards Jordan, to have a sight if they could of the assumption of Elijah; these, when they saw Elisha come over Jordan, the waters being parted by him:

they said, the spirit of Elijah doth rest on Elisha; or he has the same power and spirit to work miracles as he had, which they discerned by his dividing the waters of Jordan with his mantle:

and they came to meet him, and bowed themselves to the ground before him; in reverence of him as their master, in the room of Elijah.

Verse 16

And they said unto him, behold, now, there be with thy servants fifty strong men,.... Perhaps meaning themselves, 2 Kings 2:7 who were young, stout, and strong, and able to travel for days together:

let them go, we pray thee, and seek thy master; for though they knew he was to be taken away, yet knew not for what time, and imagined he might be found again:

lest peradventure the Spirit of the Lord hath taken him up; as it seems he was wont to do, see 1 Kings 18:12.

and cast him upon some mountain, or into some valley; where he sometimes had his abode; or they might fancy, if he was taken up to heaven, yet in his soul only, and that, when that was separated, his dead body would be left on a mountain, or in a valley; and therefore they were desirous of seeking and finding it, that it might not be exposed to birds and beasts of prey, but that they might bury it in a decent and honourable manner:

and he said, ye shall not send; he knew it was to no purpose, since he was translated to heaven, body and soul, and which he was an eyewitness of.

Verse 17

And when they urged him until he was ashamed,.... To deny them any longer, being so very pressing and importunate:

he said, send; lest they should think he had not the respect for his master he should have had; or was so fond of his office, that he did not choose he should be found alive if he could, and return and reassume it:

they sent therefore fifty men; some one way, and some another:

and they sought three days, but found him not; and then returned.

Verse 18

And when they came again to him, for he tarried at Jericho,.... Waiting their return to hear the report they made: which when they had:

he said unto them, did I not say unto you, go not? assuring them it would be fruitless, and to no purpose; though this search of theirs served both to confirm the assumption of Elijah, and the truth of Elisha being a prophet of the Lord.

Verse 19

And the men of the city said unto Elisha,.... The inhabitants of Jericho, perceiving him to be a prophet, and endowed with a power of working miracles:

behold, I pray thee, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord seeth; in a plain, surrounded with gardens and orchards, with vineyards, oliveyards, and groves of palm trees, and other odoriferous ones:

but the water is naught, and the ground barren; that is, that part of it where this water was, or ran, for from thence it became barren; or "caused to miscarry", as the word signifiesF17משכלת "orbans", Montanus, Vatablus; "facit abortum", Junius & Tremellius, Piscator. ; not only trees cast their fruit, which it watered, but women became abortive that drank of it, as Josephus saysF18De Bello Jud. l. 4. c. 8. sect. 3. , and so cattle. Abarbinel thinks it was so from the times of Joshua, being cursed by him; but, if so, it would not have been inhabited again; rather this was owing to a new curse, upon its being rebuilt; though this might affect only a small part of the ground, not the whole, as before observed.

Verse 20

And he said, bring me a new cruse, and put salt therein,.... One that had never been used, that it might not be thought that the virtue was owing to anything that had been, or was, put into it:

and they brought it to him; the pot with the salt in it.

Verse 21

And he went forth unto the spring of the waters,.... The fountain from whence they flowed, the head of them:

and cast the salt in there; which was an unlikely means of making bad water good, since that makes it brackish, and not so drinkable, and what makes ground barren; but this method, contrary to nature, was taken, that the miracle might appear the greater; or, as the Jews express it, be a miracle within a miracle:

and said, thus saith the Lord, I have healed these waters; he did not pretend to heal them in his own name, and by his own power, but in the name and by the power of the Lord, to whom he would have it ascribed:

there shall not be from thence any more death, or barren land; or miscarrying; no more noxious and mortal diseases should be got by drinking them, nor any abortions occasioned by them in women, cattle, and fruit trees, as had been.

Verse 22

So the waters were healed unto this day, according to the saying of Elisha which he spake. In the name of the Lord; and not only they remained so unto the time of the writer of this history, but to the times of Josephus, as he testifiesF19De Bello Jud. l. 4. c. 8. sect. 3. , and even to ours; for there is a spring now called Elisha's spring or fountain, of which Mr. Maundrell saysF20Journey from Aleppo, &c. p. 80. ,"its waters are at present received in a basin about nine or ten paces long, and five or six broad; and from thence issuing out in good plenty, divide themselves into several small streams, dispersing their refreshment to all the field between this and Jericho, and rendering it exceeding fruitful.'So some other travellersF21Egmont and Heyman's Travels, vol. 1. p. 331. say of it, that the water is very clear and cool, and issues in a copious steam. PlinyF23Nat. Hist. l. 5. c. 16. gives it the name of "Calirroe", the beautiful stream, and speaks of it as hot, wholesome, and medicinal, and of great note.

Verse 23

And he went up from thence unto Bethel,.... From Jericho, which lay in a plain, to Bethel, situated on an hill, and therefore is said to go up to it; hither he went, to acquaint the sons of the prophets with the assumption of Elijah, to condole their loss of him, and to comfort and encourage them, and confirm his own authority among them as a prophet in his stead:

and as he was going up by the way; the ascent to the city:

there came forth little children out of the city; the word for "children" is used of persons of thirty or forty years of age; and though these are said to be "little", they were so well grown as to be able to go forth out of the city of themselves, without any to guide them, or to take care of them; and were of an age capable not only of taking notice of Elijah's baldness, but knew him to be a prophet, and were able to distinguish between good and evil; and, from a malignant spirit in them, mocked at him as such, and at the assumption of Elijah; which they had knowledge of, and to whom, taught by their idolatrous parents, they had an aversion: some Jewish writersF24T. Bab. Sotah, fol. 46. 2. say, they were called "Naarim", which we render "children", because shaken from the commandments, or had shaken off the yoke of the commands; and "little", because they were of little faith:

and mocked him, and said unto him, go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head; meaning not up the hill to Bethel, where his coming was not desirable to the greater part in it, being idolaters; and perhaps these children were sent out to intimidate him with their flouts and jeers from entering there; but having heard of Elijah going up to heaven, as was said, they jeeringly bid him go up to heaven after him, and then they should have a good riddance of them both; thus at the same time mocking at him for his baldness, and making a jest of the wondrous work of God, the assumption of Elijah; which, with behaving so irreverently to an hoary head, a prophet of the Lord, was very heinous and wicked, and therefore what befell them need not be wondered at.

Verse 24

And he turned back, and looked on them,.... With a stern countenance, thereby reproving them, and in order to intimidate them, and make them ashamed, and cause them to leave off, but to no purpose; they repeated their mockeries with great vehemence:

and cursed them in the name of the Lord; moved thereunto, not from passion and a spirit of revenge, but by an impulse of the Spirit of God:

and there came forth two she bears out of the wood; which are fiercest, and especially when bereaved of their whelps, as these might be; the wood seems to be near to Bethel, perhaps in the wilderness of Bethel, of which see Joshua 8:15, and RelandF25Palestin. Illustrat. p. 378. thinks it is the same with the wood of Ephraim, 2 Samuel 18:6, though the Jews, to increase the miracle, sayF26T. Bab. Sotah, fol. 47. 1. there was no wood at all, and, if there was, that there were no bears in it; but though those creatures are mostly in northern countries, yet there were of them in Judea, see 1 Samuel 17:34.

and tare forty and two children of them; it seems there were more than these; but such a number of them they tore to pieces and destroyed; which was very extraordinary, and was an awful punishment for their wickedness, which they knowingly and willingly committed, and of their parents in them, who had trained them up in such impiety, and put them upon it, and sent them out to do it.

Verse 25

And he went from thence to Mount Carmel,.... Where Elijah used to frequent, and where also there might be a school of the prophets; this, according to BuntingF1Travels, &c. p. 206. , was fifty six miles from Bethel:

and from thence he returned to Samaria; the capital of the kingdom of Israel; there to bear his testimony against idolatry, to reprove for it, and reclaim from it; this, as the same writer saysF2Ibid. , was thirty two miles from Carmel.