Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Kings » Chapter 22 » Verse 17

2 Kings 22:17 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

17 Because they have forsaken H5800 me, and have burned incense H6999 unto other H312 gods, H430 that they might provoke me to anger H3707 with all the works H4639 of their hands; H3027 therefore my wrath H2534 shall be kindled H3341 against this place, H4725 and shall not be quenched. H3518

Cross Reference

Psalms 115:4-8 STRONG

Their idols H6091 are silver H3701 and gold, H2091 the work H4639 of men's H120 hands. H3027 They have mouths, H6310 but they speak H1696 not: eyes H5869 have they, but they see H7200 not: They have ears, H241 but they hear H8085 not: noses H639 have they, but they smell H7306 not: They have hands, H3027 but they handle H4184 not: feet H7272 have they, but they walk H1980 not: neither speak H1897 they through their throat. H1627 They that make H6213 them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth H982 in them.

1 Thessalonians 2:16 STRONG

Forbidding G2967 us G2248 to speak G2980 to the Gentiles G1484 that G2443 they might be saved, G4982 to G1519 fill up G378 their G846 sins G266 alway: G3842 for G1161 the wrath G3709 is come G5348 upon G1909 them G846 to G1519 the uttermost. G5056

Zephaniah 1:18 STRONG

Neither their silver H3701 nor their gold H2091 shall be able H3201 to deliver H5337 them in the day H3117 of the LORD'S H3068 wrath; H5678 but the whole land H776 shall be devoured H398 by the fire H784 of his jealousy: H7068 for he shall make H6213 even a speedy H926 riddance H3617 of all them that dwell H3427 in the land. H776

Micah 5:13 STRONG

Thy graven images H6456 also will I cut off, H3772 and thy standing images H4676 out of the midst H7130 of thee; and thou shalt no more worship H7812 the work H4639 of thine hands. H3027

Ezekiel 20:47-48 STRONG

And say H559 to the forest H3293 of the south, H5045 Hear H8085 the word H1697 of the LORD; H3068 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Behold, I will kindle H3341 a fire H784 in thee, and it shall devour H398 every green H3892 tree H6086 in thee, and every dry H3002 tree: H6086 the flaming H3852 flame H7957 shall not be quenched, H3518 and all faces H6440 from the south H5045 to the north H6828 shall be burned H6866 therein. And all flesh H1320 shall see H7200 that I the LORD H3068 have kindled H1197 it: it shall not be quenched. H3518

Jeremiah 17:27 STRONG

But if ye will not hearken H8085 unto me to hallow H6942 the sabbath H7676 day, H3117 and not to bear H5375 a burden, H4853 even entering in H935 at the gates H8179 of Jerusalem H3389 on the sabbath H7676 day; H3117 then will I kindle H3341 a fire H784 in the gates H8179 thereof, and it shall devour H398 the palaces H759 of Jerusalem, H3389 and it shall not be quenched. H3518

Jeremiah 7:20 STRONG

Therefore thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Behold, mine anger H639 and my fury H2534 shall be poured out H5413 upon this place, H4725 upon man, H120 and upon beast, H929 and upon the trees H6086 of the field, H7704 and upon the fruit H6529 of the ground; H127 and it shall burn, H1197 and shall not be quenched. H3518

Jeremiah 2:27-28 STRONG

Saying H559 to a stock, H6086 Thou art my father; H1 and to a stone, H68 Thou hast brought me forth: H3205 for they have turned H6437 their back H6203 unto me, and not their face: H6440 but in the time H6256 of their trouble H7451 they will say, H559 Arise, H6965 and save H3467 us. But where are thy gods H430 that thou hast made H6213 thee? let them arise, H6965 if they can save H3467 thee in the time H6256 of thy trouble: H7451 for according to the number H4557 of thy cities H5892 are thy gods, H430 O Judah. H3063

Jeremiah 2:11-13 STRONG

Hath a nation H1471 changed H3235 their gods, H430 which are yet no gods? H430 but my people H5971 have changed H4171 their glory H3519 for that which doth not profit. H3276 Be astonished, H8074 O ye heavens, H8064 at this, and be horribly afraid, H8175 be ye very H3966 desolate, H2717 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 For my people H5971 have committed H6213 two H8147 evils; H7451 they have forsaken H5800 me the fountain H4726 of living H2416 waters, H4325 and hewed them out H2672 cisterns, H877 broken H7665 cisterns, H877 that can hold H3557 no water. H4325

Isaiah 46:5-8 STRONG

To whom will ye liken H1819 me, and make me equal, H7737 and compare H4911 me, that we may be like? H1819 They lavish H2107 gold H2091 out of the bag, H3599 and weigh H8254 silver H3701 in the balance, H7070 and hire H7936 a goldsmith; H6884 and he maketh H6213 it a god: H410 they fall down, H5456 yea, they worship. H7812 They bear H5375 him upon the shoulder, H3802 they carry H5445 him, and set him in his place, H3240 and he standeth; H5975 from his place H4725 shall he not remove: H4185 yea, one shall cry H6817 unto him, yet can he not answer, H6030 nor save H3467 him out of his trouble. H6869 Remember H2142 this, and shew yourselves men: H377 bring it again H7725 to mind, H3820 O ye transgressors. H6586

Isaiah 44:17-20 STRONG

And the residue H7611 thereof he maketh H6213 a god, H410 even his graven image: H6459 he falleth down H5456 unto it, and worshippeth H7812 it, and prayeth H6419 unto it, and saith, H559 Deliver H5337 me; for thou art my god. H410 They have not known H3045 nor understood: H995 for he hath shut H2902 their eyes, H5869 that they cannot see; H7200 and their hearts, H3826 that they cannot understand. H7919 And none considereth H7725 in his heart, H3820 neither is there knowledge H1847 nor understanding H8394 to say, H559 I have burned H8313 part H2677 of it in H1119 the fire; H784 yea, also I have baked H644 bread H3899 upon the coals H1513 thereof; I have roasted H6740 flesh, H1320 and eaten H398 it: and shall I make H6213 the residue H3499 thereof an abomination? H8441 shall I fall down H5456 to the stock H944 of a tree? H6086 He feedeth H7462 on ashes: H665 a deceived H2048 heart H3820 hath turned him aside, H5186 that he cannot deliver H5337 his soul, H5315 nor say, H559 Is there not a lie H8267 in my right hand? H3225

Isaiah 33:14 STRONG

The sinners H2400 in Zion H6726 are afraid; H6342 fearfulness H7461 hath surprised H270 the hypocrites. H2611 Who among us shall dwell H1481 with the devouring H398 fire? H784 who among us shall dwell H1481 with everlasting H5769 burnings? H4168

Isaiah 2:8-9 STRONG

Their land H776 also is full H4390 of idols; H457 they worship H7812 the work H4639 of their own hands, H3027 that which their own fingers H676 have made: H6213 And the mean man H120 boweth down, H7817 and the great man H376 humbleth H8213 himself: therefore forgive H5375 them not.

Exodus 32:34 STRONG

Therefore now go, H3212 lead H5148 the people H5971 unto the place of which I have spoken H1696 unto thee: behold, mine Angel H4397 shall go H3212 before H6440 thee: nevertheless in the day H3117 when I visit H6485 I will visit H6485 their sin H2403 upon them.

Psalms 106:35-42 STRONG

But were mingled H6148 among the heathen, H1471 and learned H3925 their works. H4639 And they served H5647 their idols: H6091 which were a snare H4170 unto them. Yea, they sacrificed H2076 their sons H1121 and their daughters H1323 unto devils, H7700 And shed H8210 innocent H5355 blood, H1818 even the blood H1818 of their sons H1121 and of their daughters, H1323 whom they sacrificed H2076 unto the idols H6091 of Canaan: H3667 and the land H776 was polluted H2610 with blood. H1818 Thus were they defiled H2930 with their own works, H4639 and went a whoring H2181 with their own inventions. H4611 Therefore was the wrath H639 of the LORD H3068 kindled H2734 against his people, H5971 insomuch that he abhorred H8581 his own inheritance. H5159 And he gave H5414 them into the hand H3027 of the heathen; H1471 and they that hated H8130 them ruled H4910 over them. Their enemies H341 also oppressed H3905 them, and they were brought into subjection H3665 under their hand. H3027

Nehemiah 9:26-27 STRONG

Nevertheless they were disobedient, H4784 and rebelled H4775 against thee, and cast H7993 thy law H8451 behind H310 their backs, H1458 and slew H2026 thy prophets H5030 which testified H5749 against them to turn H7725 them to thee, and they wrought H6213 great H1419 provocations. H5007 Therefore thou deliveredst H5414 them into the hand H3027 of their enemies, H6862 who vexed H6887 them: and in the time H6256 of their trouble, H6869 when they cried H6817 unto thee, thou heardest H8085 them from heaven; H8064 and according to thy manifold H7227 mercies H7356 thou gavest H5414 them saviours, H3467 who saved H3467 them out of the hand H3027 of their enemies. H6862

2 Chronicles 36:16 STRONG

But they mocked H3931 the messengers H4397 of God, H430 and despised H959 his words, H1697 and misused H8591 his prophets, H5030 until the wrath H2534 of the LORD H3068 arose H5927 against his people, H5971 till there was no remedy. H4832

2 Kings 21:22 STRONG

And he forsook H5800 the LORD H3068 God H430 of his fathers, H1 and walked H1980 not in the way H1870 of the LORD. H3068

1 Kings 9:6-9 STRONG

But if ye shall at all H7725 turn H7725 from following H310 me, ye or your children, H1121 and will not keep H8104 my commandments H4687 and my statutes H2708 which I have set H5414 before H6440 you, but go H1980 and serve H5647 other H312 gods, H430 and worship H7812 them: Then will I cut off H3772 Israel H3478 out H6440 of the land H127 which I have given H5414 them; and this house, H1004 which I have hallowed H6942 for my name, H8034 will I cast out H7971 of my sight; H6440 and Israel H3478 shall be a proverb H4912 and a byword H8148 among all people: H5971 And at this house, H1004 which is high, H5945 every one that passeth H5674 by it shall be astonished, H8074 and shall hiss; H8319 and they shall say, H559 Why hath the LORD H3068 done H6213 thus unto this land, H776 and to this house? H1004 And they shall answer, H559 Because they forsook H5800 the LORD H3068 their God, H430 who brought forth H3318 their fathers H1 out of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 and have taken hold H2388 upon other H312 gods, H430 and have worshipped H7812 them, and served H5647 them: therefore hath the LORD H3068 brought H935 upon them all this evil. H7451

Judges 10:10-14 STRONG

And the children H1121 of Israel H3478 cried H2199 unto the LORD, H3068 saying, H559 We have sinned H2398 against thee, both because we have forsaken H5800 our God, H430 and also served H5647 Baalim. H1168 And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 Did not I deliver you from the Egyptians, H4714 and from the Amorites, H567 from the children H1121 of Ammon, H5983 and from the Philistines? H6430 The Zidonians H6722 also, and the Amalekites, H6002 and the Maonites, H4584 did oppress H3905 you; and ye cried H6817 to me, and I delivered H3467 you out of their hand. H3027 Yet ye have forsaken H5800 me, and served H5647 other H312 gods: H430 wherefore I will deliver H3467 you no more. H3254 Go H3212 and cry H2199 unto the gods H430 which ye have chosen; H977 let them H1992 deliver H3467 you in the time H6256 of your tribulation. H6869

Judges 10:6-7 STRONG

And the children H1121 of Israel H3478 did H6213 evil H7451 again H3254 in the sight H5869 of the LORD, H3068 and served H5647 Baalim, H1168 and Ashtaroth, H6252 and the gods H430 of Syria, H758 and the gods H430 of Zidon, H6721 and the gods H430 of Moab, H4124 and the gods H430 of the children H1121 of Ammon, H5983 and the gods H430 of the Philistines, H6430 and forsook H5800 the LORD, H3068 and served H5647 not him. And the anger H639 of the LORD H3068 was hot H2734 against Israel, H3478 and he sold H4376 them into the hands H3027 of the Philistines, H6430 and into the hands H3027 of the children H1121 of Ammon. H5983

Judges 3:7-8 STRONG

And the children H1121 of Israel H3478 did H6213 evil H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD, H3068 and forgat H7911 the LORD H3068 their God, H430 and served H5647 Baalim H1168 and the groves. H842 Therefore the anger H639 of the LORD H3068 was hot H2734 against Israel, H3478 and he sold H4376 them into the hand H3027 of Chushanrishathaim H3573 king H4428 of Mesopotamia: H763 and the children H1121 of Israel H3478 served H5647 Chushanrishathaim H3573 eight H8083 years. H8141

Judges 2:12-14 STRONG

And they forsook H5800 the LORD H3068 God H430 of their fathers, H1 which brought them out H3318 of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 and followed H3212 H310 other H312 gods, H430 of the gods H430 of the people H5971 that were round about H5439 them, and bowed H7812 themselves unto them, and provoked the LORD H3068 to anger. H3707 And they forsook H5800 the LORD, H3068 and served H5647 Baal H1168 and Ashtaroth. H6252 And the anger H639 of the LORD H3068 was hot H2734 against Israel, H3478 and he delivered H5414 them into the hands H3027 of spoilers H8154 that spoiled H8155 them, and he sold H4376 them into the hands H3027 of their enemies H341 round about, H5439 so that they could H3201 not any longer H5750 stand H5975 before H6440 their enemies. H341

Deuteronomy 32:22 STRONG

For a fire H784 is kindled H6919 in mine anger, H639 and shall burn H3344 unto the lowest H8482 hell, H7585 and shall consume H398 the earth H776 with her increase, H2981 and set on fire H3857 the foundations H4144 of the mountains. H2022

Deuteronomy 32:15-19 STRONG

But Jeshurun H3484 waxed fat, H8080 and kicked: H1163 thou art waxen fat, H8080 thou art grown thick, H5666 thou art covered H3780 with fatness; then he forsook H5203 God H433 which made H6213 him, and lightly esteemed H5034 the Rock H6697 of his salvation. H3444 They provoked him to jealousy H7065 with strange H2114 gods, with abominations H8441 provoked they him to anger. H3707 They sacrificed H2076 unto devils, H7700 not to God; H433 to gods H430 whom they knew H3045 not, to new H2319 gods that came H935 newly H7138 up, H935 whom your fathers H1 feared H8175 not. Of the Rock H6697 that begat H3205 thee thou art unmindful, H7876 and hast forgotten H7911 God H410 that formed H2342 thee. And when the LORD H3068 saw H7200 it, he abhorred H5006 them, because of the provoking H3708 of his sons, H1121 and of his daughters. H1323

Deuteronomy 29:24-28 STRONG

Even all nations H1471 shall say, H559 Wherefore hath the LORD H3068 done H6213 thus unto this land? H776 what meaneth the heat H2750 of this great H1419 anger? H639 Then men shall say, H559 Because they have forsaken H5800 the covenant H1285 of the LORD H3068 God H430 of their fathers, H1 which he made H3772 with them when he brought them forth H3318 out of the land H776 of Egypt: H4714 For they went H3212 and served H5647 other H312 gods, H430 and worshipped H7812 them, gods H430 whom they knew H3045 not, and whom he had not given H2505 unto them: And the anger H639 of the LORD H3068 was kindled H2734 against this land, H776 to bring H935 upon it all the curses H7045 that are written H3789 in this book: H5612 And the LORD H3068 rooted H5428 them out of their land H127 in anger, H639 and in wrath, H2534 and in great H1419 indignation, H7110 and cast H7993 them into another H312 land, H776 as it is this day. H3117

Commentary on 2 Kings 22 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ki 22:1, 2. Josiah's Good Reign.

1, 2. Josiah was eight years old when he began to reign—Happier than his grandfather Manasseh, he seems to have fallen during his minority under the care of better guardians, who trained him in the principles and practice of piety; and so strongly had his young affections been enlisted on the side of true and undefiled religion, that he continued to adhere all his life, with undeviating perseverance, to the cause of God and righteousness.

2Ki 22:3-7. He Provides for the Repair of the Temple.

3, 4. in the eighteenth year of king Josiah—Previous to this period, he had commenced the work of national reformation. The preliminary steps had been already taken; not only the builders were employed, but money had been brought by all the people and received by the Levites at the door, and various other preparations had been made. But the course of this narrative turns on one interesting incident which happened in the eighteenth year of Josiah's reign, and hence that date is specified. In fact the whole land was thoroughly purified from every object and all traces of idolatry. The king now addressed himself to the repair and embellishment of the temple and gave directions to Hilkiah the high priest to take a general survey, in order to ascertain what was necessary to be done (see on 2Ch 34:8-15).

2Ki 22:8-15. Hilkiah Finds the Book of the Law.

8-11. Hilkiah said … I have found the book of the law in the house of the Lord, &c.—that is, the law of Moses, the Pentateuch. It was the temple copy which, had been laid (De 31:25, 26) beside the ark in the most holy place. During the ungodly reigns of Manasseh and Amon—or perhaps under Ahaz, when the temple itself had been profaned by idols, and the ark also (2Ch 35:3) removed from its site; it was somehow lost, and was now found again during the repair of the temple [Keil]. Delivered by Hilkiah the discoverer to Shaphan the scribe [2Ki 22:8], it was by the latter shown and read to the king. It is thought, with great probability, that the passage read to the king, and by which the royal mind was so greatly excited, was a portion of Deuteronomy, the twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, and thirtieth chapters, in which is recorded a renewal of the national covenant, and an enumeration of the terrible threats and curses denounced against all who violated the law, whether prince or people. The impressions of grief and terror which the reading produced on the mind of Josiah have seemed to many unaccountable. But, as it is certain from the extensive and familiar knowledge displayed by the prophets, that there were numbers of other copies in popular circulation, the king must have known its sacred contents in some degree. But he might have been a stranger to the passage read him, or the reading of it might, in the peculiar circumstances, have found a way to his heart in a manner that he never felt before. His strong faith in the divine word, and his painful consciousness that the woeful and long-continued apostasies of the nation had exposed them to the infliction of the judgments denounced, must have come with overwhelming force on the heart of so pious a prince.

12-15. the king commanded … Go, inquire of the Lord for me, &c.—The agitated feelings of the king prompted him to ask immediate counsel how to avert those curses under which his kingdom lay; and forthwith a deputation of his principal officers was sent to one endowed with the prophetic spirit.

Ahikam—a friend of Jeremiah (Jer 26:24).

14. Achbor—or Abdon (2Ch 34:20), a man of influence at court (Jer 26:22). The occasion was urgent, and therefore they were sent—not to Zephaniah (Zep 1:1), who was perhaps young—nor to Jeremiah, who was probably absent at his house in Anathoth, but to one who was at hand and known for her prophetic gifts—to Huldah, who was probably at this time a widow. Her husband Shallum was grandson of one Harhas, "keeper of the wardrobe." If this means the priestly wardrobe, [Harhas] must have been a Levite. But it probably refers to the royal wardrobe.

she dwelt … in the college—rather, "in the Misnah," taking the original word as a proper name, not a school or college, but a particular suburb of Jerusalem. She was held in such veneration that Jewish writers say she and Jehoiada the priest were the only persons not of the house of David (2Ch 24:15, 16) who were ever buried in Jerusalem.

15-20. she said unto them, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Tell the man that sent you to me—On being consulted, she delivered an oracular response in which judgment was blended with mercy; for it announced the impending calamities that at no distant period were to overtake the city and its inhabitants. But at the same time the king was consoled with an assurance that this season of punishment and sorrow should not be during his lifetime, on account of the faith, penitence, and pious zeal for the divine glory and worship which, in his public capacity and with his royal influence, he had displayed.