Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Kings » Chapter 22 » Verse 7

2 Kings 22:7 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 Howbeit there was no reckoning made H2803 with them of the money H3701 that was delivered H5414 into their hand, H3027 because they dealt H6213 faithfully. H530

Cross Reference

2 Kings 12:15 STRONG

Moreover they reckoned H2803 not with the men, H582 into whose hand H3027 they delivered H5414 the money H3701 to be bestowed H5414 on workmen: H4399 for they dealt H6213 faithfully. H530

1 Corinthians 4:2 STRONG

G3739 G1161 Moreover G3063 it is required G2212 in G1722 stewards, G3623 that G2443 a man G5100 be found G2147 faithful. G4103

Exodus 36:5-6 STRONG

And they spake H559 unto Moses, H4872 saying, H559 The people H5971 bring H935 much more H7235 than enough H1767 for the service H5656 of the work, H4399 which the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 to make. H6213 And Moses H4872 gave commandment, H6680 and they caused it to be proclaimed H6963 H5674 throughout the camp, H4264 saying, H559 Let neither man H376 nor woman H802 make H6213 any more work H4399 for the offering H8641 of the sanctuary. H6944 So the people H5971 were restrained H3607 from bringing. H935

2 Chronicles 24:14 STRONG

And when they had finished H3615 it, they brought H935 the rest H7605 of the money H3701 before H6440 the king H4428 and Jehoiada, H3077 whereof were made H6213 vessels H3627 for the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 even vessels H3627 to minister, H8335 and to offer H5927 withal, and spoons, H3709 and vessels H3627 of gold H2091 and silver. H3701 And they offered H5927 burnt offerings H5930 in the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 continually H8548 all the days H3117 of Jehoiada. H3077

Nehemiah 7:2 STRONG

That I gave my brother H251 Hanani, H2607 and Hananiah H2608 the ruler H8269 of the palace, H1002 charge H6680 over Jerusalem: H3389 for he was a faithful H571 man, H376 and feared H3372 God H430 above many. H7227

Proverbs 28:20 STRONG

A faithful H530 man H376 shall abound H7227 with blessings: H1293 but he that maketh haste H213 to be rich H6238 shall not be innocent. H5352

Luke 16:10-12 STRONG

He that is faithful G4103 in G1722 that which is least G1646 is G2076 faithful G4103 also G2532 in G1722 much: G4183 and G2532 he that is unjust G94 in G1722 the least G1646 is G2076 unjust G94 also G2532 in G1722 much. G4183 If G1487 therefore G3767 ye have G1096 not G3756 been G1096 faithful G4103 in G1722 the unrighteous G94 mammon, G3126 who G5101 will commit G4100 to your G5213 trust G4100 the true G228 riches? And G2532 if G1487 ye have G1096 not G3756 been G1096 faithful G4103 in G1722 that which is another man's, G245 who G5101 shall give G1325 you G5213 that which is your own? G5212

2 Corinthians 8:20-21 STRONG

Avoiding G4724 this, G5124 that no G3361 man G5100 should blame G3469 us G2248 in G1722 this G5026 abundance G100 which G3588 is administered G1247 by G5259 us: G2257 Providing G4306 for honest things, G2570 not G3756 only G3440 in the sight G1799 of the Lord, G2962 but G235 also G2532 in the sight G1799 of men. G444

2 Timothy 2:2 STRONG

And G2532 the things G3739 that thou hast heard G191 of G3844 me G1700 among G1223 many G4183 witnesses, G3144 the same G5023 commit thou G3908 to faithful G4103 men, G444 who G3748 shall be G2071 able G2425 to teach G1321 others G2087 also. G2532

3 John 1:5 STRONG

Beloved, G27 thou doest G4160 faithfully G4103 whatsoever G3739 G1437 thou doest G2038 to G1519 the brethren, G80 and G2532 to G1519 strangers; G3581

Commentary on 2 Kings 22 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ki 22:1, 2. Josiah's Good Reign.

1, 2. Josiah was eight years old when he began to reign—Happier than his grandfather Manasseh, he seems to have fallen during his minority under the care of better guardians, who trained him in the principles and practice of piety; and so strongly had his young affections been enlisted on the side of true and undefiled religion, that he continued to adhere all his life, with undeviating perseverance, to the cause of God and righteousness.

2Ki 22:3-7. He Provides for the Repair of the Temple.

3, 4. in the eighteenth year of king Josiah—Previous to this period, he had commenced the work of national reformation. The preliminary steps had been already taken; not only the builders were employed, but money had been brought by all the people and received by the Levites at the door, and various other preparations had been made. But the course of this narrative turns on one interesting incident which happened in the eighteenth year of Josiah's reign, and hence that date is specified. In fact the whole land was thoroughly purified from every object and all traces of idolatry. The king now addressed himself to the repair and embellishment of the temple and gave directions to Hilkiah the high priest to take a general survey, in order to ascertain what was necessary to be done (see on 2Ch 34:8-15).

2Ki 22:8-15. Hilkiah Finds the Book of the Law.

8-11. Hilkiah said … I have found the book of the law in the house of the Lord, &c.—that is, the law of Moses, the Pentateuch. It was the temple copy which, had been laid (De 31:25, 26) beside the ark in the most holy place. During the ungodly reigns of Manasseh and Amon—or perhaps under Ahaz, when the temple itself had been profaned by idols, and the ark also (2Ch 35:3) removed from its site; it was somehow lost, and was now found again during the repair of the temple [Keil]. Delivered by Hilkiah the discoverer to Shaphan the scribe [2Ki 22:8], it was by the latter shown and read to the king. It is thought, with great probability, that the passage read to the king, and by which the royal mind was so greatly excited, was a portion of Deuteronomy, the twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, and thirtieth chapters, in which is recorded a renewal of the national covenant, and an enumeration of the terrible threats and curses denounced against all who violated the law, whether prince or people. The impressions of grief and terror which the reading produced on the mind of Josiah have seemed to many unaccountable. But, as it is certain from the extensive and familiar knowledge displayed by the prophets, that there were numbers of other copies in popular circulation, the king must have known its sacred contents in some degree. But he might have been a stranger to the passage read him, or the reading of it might, in the peculiar circumstances, have found a way to his heart in a manner that he never felt before. His strong faith in the divine word, and his painful consciousness that the woeful and long-continued apostasies of the nation had exposed them to the infliction of the judgments denounced, must have come with overwhelming force on the heart of so pious a prince.

12-15. the king commanded … Go, inquire of the Lord for me, &c.—The agitated feelings of the king prompted him to ask immediate counsel how to avert those curses under which his kingdom lay; and forthwith a deputation of his principal officers was sent to one endowed with the prophetic spirit.

Ahikam—a friend of Jeremiah (Jer 26:24).

14. Achbor—or Abdon (2Ch 34:20), a man of influence at court (Jer 26:22). The occasion was urgent, and therefore they were sent—not to Zephaniah (Zep 1:1), who was perhaps young—nor to Jeremiah, who was probably absent at his house in Anathoth, but to one who was at hand and known for her prophetic gifts—to Huldah, who was probably at this time a widow. Her husband Shallum was grandson of one Harhas, "keeper of the wardrobe." If this means the priestly wardrobe, [Harhas] must have been a Levite. But it probably refers to the royal wardrobe.

she dwelt … in the college—rather, "in the Misnah," taking the original word as a proper name, not a school or college, but a particular suburb of Jerusalem. She was held in such veneration that Jewish writers say she and Jehoiada the priest were the only persons not of the house of David (2Ch 24:15, 16) who were ever buried in Jerusalem.

15-20. she said unto them, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Tell the man that sent you to me—On being consulted, she delivered an oracular response in which judgment was blended with mercy; for it announced the impending calamities that at no distant period were to overtake the city and its inhabitants. But at the same time the king was consoled with an assurance that this season of punishment and sorrow should not be during his lifetime, on account of the faith, penitence, and pious zeal for the divine glory and worship which, in his public capacity and with his royal influence, he had displayed.