Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Kings » Chapter 23 » Verse 21

2 Kings 23:21 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

21 And the king H4428 commanded H6680 all the people, H5971 saying, H559 Keep H6213 the passover H6453 unto the LORD H3068 your God, H430 as it is written H3789 in the book H5612 of this covenant. H1285

Cross Reference

Deuteronomy 16:1-8 STRONG

Observe H8104 the month H2320 of Abib, H24 and keep H6213 the passover H6453 unto the LORD H3068 thy God: H430 for in the month H2320 of Abib H24 the LORD H3068 thy God H430 brought thee forth H3318 out of Egypt H4714 by night. H3915 Thou shalt therefore sacrifice H2076 the passover H6453 unto the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 of the flock H6629 and the herd, H1241 in the place H4725 which the LORD H3068 shall choose H977 to place H7931 his name H8034 there. Thou shalt eat H398 no leavened bread H2557 with it; seven H7651 days H3117 shalt thou eat H398 unleavened bread H4682 therewith, even the bread H3899 of affliction; H6040 for thou camest forth H3318 out of the land H776 of Egypt H4714 in haste: H2649 that thou mayest remember H2142 the day H3117 when thou camest forth H3318 out of the land H776 of Egypt H4714 all the days H3117 of thy life. H2416 And there shall be no leavened bread H7603 seen H7200 with thee in all thy coast H1366 seven H7651 days; H3117 neither shall there any thing of the flesh, H1320 which thou sacrificedst H2076 the first H7223 day H3117 at even, H6153 remain H3885 all night until the morning. H1242 Thou mayest H3201 not sacrifice H2076 the passover H6453 within any H259 of thy gates, H8179 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 giveth H5414 thee: But at the place H4725 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 shall choose H977 to place H7931 his name H8034 in, there thou shalt sacrifice H2076 the passover H6453 at even, H6153 at the going down H935 of the sun, H8121 at the season H4150 that thou camest forth H3318 out of Egypt. H4714 And thou shalt roast H1310 and eat H398 it in the place H4725 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 shall choose: H977 and thou shalt turn H6437 in the morning, H1242 and go H1980 unto thy tents. H168 Six H8337 days H3117 thou shalt eat H398 unleavened bread: H4682 and on the seventh H7637 day H3117 shall be a solemn assembly H6116 to the LORD H3068 thy God: H430 thou shalt do H6213 no work H4399 therein.

Exodus 12:3-20 STRONG

Speak H1696 ye unto all the congregation H5712 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 In the tenth H6218 day of this month H2320 they shall take H3947 to them every man H376 a lamb, H7716 according to the house H1004 of their fathers, H1 a lamb H7716 for an house: H1004 And if the household H1004 be H1961 too little H4591 for the lamb, H7716 let him and his neighbour H7934 next H7138 unto his house H1004 take H3947 it according to the number H4373 of the souls; H5315 every man H376 according H6310 to his eating H400 shall make your count H3699 for the lamb. H7716 Your lamb H7716 shall be without blemish, H8549 a male H2145 of the first H1121 year: H8141 ye shall take H3947 it out from the sheep, H3532 or from the goats: H5795 And ye shall keep H4931 it up until the fourteenth H702 H6240 day H3117 of the same month: H2320 and the whole H3605 assembly H6951 of the congregation H5712 of Israel H3478 shall kill H7819 it in H996 the evening. H6153 And they shall take H3947 of the blood, H1818 and strike H5414 it on the two H8147 side posts H4201 and on the upper door post H4947 of the houses, H1004 wherein they shall eat H398 it. And they shall eat H398 the flesh H1320 in that night, H3915 roast H6748 with fire, H784 and unleavened bread; H4682 and with bitter H4844 herbs they shall eat H398 it. Eat H398 not of it raw, H4995 nor sodden H1310 H1311 at all with water, H4325 but roast H6748 with fire; H784 his head H7218 with his legs, H3767 and with the purtenance H7130 thereof. And ye shall let nothing of it remain H3498 until the morning; H1242 and that which remaineth H3498 of it until the morning H1242 ye shall burn H8313 with fire. H784 And thus H3602 shall ye eat H398 it; with your loins H4975 girded, H2296 your shoes H5275 on your feet, H7272 and your staff H4731 in your hand; H3027 and ye shall eat H398 it in haste: H2649 it is the LORD'S H3068 passover. H6453 For I will pass H5674 through the land H776 of Egypt H4714 this night, H3915 and will smite H5221 all the firstborn H1060 in the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 both man H120 and beast; H929 and against all the gods H430 of Egypt H4714 I will execute H6213 judgment: H8201 I am the LORD. H3068 And the blood H1818 shall be to you for a token H226 upon the houses H1004 where ye are: and when I see H7200 the blood, H1818 I will pass H6452 over you, and the plague H5063 shall not be upon you to destroy H4889 you, when I smite H5221 the land H776 of Egypt. H4714 And this day H3117 shall be unto you for a memorial; H2146 and ye shall keep H2287 it a feast H2282 to the LORD H3068 throughout your generations; H1755 ye shall keep it a feast H2287 by an ordinance H2708 for ever. H5769 Seven H7651 days H3117 shall ye eat H398 unleavened bread; H4682 even H389 the first H7223 day H3117 ye shall put away H7673 leaven H7603 out of your houses: H1004 for whosoever eateth H398 leavened bread H2557 from the first H7223 day H3117 until the seventh H7637 day, H3117 that soul H5315 shall be cut H3772 off from Israel. H3478 And in the first H7223 day H3117 there shall be an holy H6944 convocation, H4744 and in the seventh H7637 day H3117 there shall be an holy H6944 convocation H4744 to you; no manner of work H4399 shall be done H6213 in them, save H389 that which every man H5315 must eat, H398 that only may be done H6213 of you. And ye shall observe H8104 the feast of unleavened bread; H4682 for in this selfsame H6106 day H3117 have I brought H3318 your armies H6635 out of the land H776 of Egypt: H4714 therefore shall ye observe H8104 this day H3117 in your generations H1755 by an ordinance H2708 for ever. H5769 In the first H7223 month, on the fourteenth H6240 H702 day H3117 of the month H2320 at even, H6153 ye shall eat H398 unleavened bread, H4682 until the one H259 and twentieth H6242 day H3117 of the month H2320 at even. H6153 Seven H7651 days H3117 shall there be no leaven H7603 found H4672 in your houses: H1004 for whosoever eateth H398 that which is leavened, H2556 even that soul H5315 shall be cut off H3772 from the congregation H5712 of Israel, H3478 whether he be a stranger, H1616 or born H249 in the land. H776 Ye shall eat H398 nothing leavened; H2556 in all your habitations H4186 shall ye eat H398 unleavened bread. H4682

Leviticus 23:5-8 STRONG

In the fourteenth H702 H6240 day of the first H7223 month H2320 at even H6153 is the LORD'S H3068 passover. H6453 And on the fifteenth H2568 H6240 day H3117 of the same month H2320 is the feast H2282 of unleavened bread H4682 unto the LORD: H3068 seven H7651 days H3117 ye must eat H398 unleavened bread. H4682 In the first H7223 day H3117 ye shall have an holy H6944 convocation: H4744 ye shall do H6213 no servile H5656 work H4399 therein. But ye shall offer H7126 an offering made by fire H801 unto the LORD H3068 seven H7651 days: H3117 in the seventh H7637 day H3117 is an holy H6944 convocation: H4744 ye shall do H6213 no servile H5656 work H4399 therein.

Numbers 9:2-5 STRONG

Let the children H1121 of Israel H3478 also keep H6213 the passover H6453 at his appointed season. H4150 In the fourteenth H702 H6240 day H3117 of this month, H2320 at even, H6153 ye shall keep H6213 it in his appointed season: H4150 according to all the rites H2708 of it, and according to all the ceremonies H4941 thereof, shall ye keep H6213 it. And Moses H4872 spake H1696 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 that they should keep H6213 the passover. H6453 And they kept H6213 the passover H6453 on the fourteenth H702 H6240 day H3117 of the first H7223 month H2320 at even H6153 in the wilderness H4057 of Sinai: H5514 according to all that the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses, H4872 so did H6213 the children H1121 of Israel. H3478

Numbers 28:16-25 STRONG

And in the fourteenth H702 H6240 day H3117 of the first H7223 month H2320 is the passover H6453 of the LORD. H3068 And in the fifteenth H2568 H6240 day H3117 of this month H2320 is the feast: H2282 seven H7651 days H3117 shall unleavened bread H4682 be eaten. H398 In the first H7223 day H3117 shall be an holy H6944 convocation; H4744 ye shall do H6213 no manner of servile H5656 work H4399 therein: But ye shall offer H7126 a sacrifice made by fire H801 for a burnt offering H5930 unto the LORD; H3068 two H8147 young H1241 bullocks, H6499 and one H259 ram, H352 and seven H7651 lambs H3532 of the first H1121 year: H8141 they shall be unto you without blemish: H8549 And their meat offering H4503 shall be of flour H5560 mingled H1101 with oil: H8081 three H7969 tenth deals H6241 shall ye offer H6213 for a bullock, H6499 and two H8147 tenth deals H6241 for a ram; H352 A several tenth deal H6241 shalt thou offer H6213 for every H259 lamb, H3532 throughout the seven H7651 lambs: H3532 And one H259 goat H8163 for a sin offering, H2403 to make an atonement H3722 for you. Ye shall offer H6213 these beside the burnt offering H5930 in the morning, H1242 which is for a continual H8548 burnt offering. H5930 After this manner ye shall offer H6213 daily, H3117 throughout the seven H7651 days, H3117 the meat H3899 of the sacrifice made by fire, H801 of a sweet H5207 savour H7381 unto the LORD: H3068 it shall be offered H6213 beside the continual H8548 burnt offering, H5930 and his drink offering. H5262 And on the seventh H7637 day H3117 ye shall have an holy H6944 convocation; H4744 ye shall do H6213 no servile H5656 work. H4399

2 Chronicles 35:1-19 STRONG

Moreover Josiah H2977 kept H6213 a passover H6453 unto the LORD H3068 in Jerusalem: H3389 and they killed H7819 the passover H6453 on the fourteenth H702 H6240 day of the first H7223 month. H2320 And he set H5975 the priests H3548 in their charges, H4931 and encouraged H2388 them to the service H5656 of the house H1004 of the LORD, H3068 And said H559 unto the Levites H3881 that taught H995 H4000 all Israel, H3478 which were holy H6918 unto the LORD, H3068 Put H5414 the holy H6944 ark H727 in the house H1004 which Solomon H8010 the son H1121 of David H1732 king H4428 of Israel H3478 did build; H1129 it shall not be a burden H4853 upon your shoulders: H3802 serve H5647 now the LORD H3068 your God, H430 and his people H5971 Israel, H3478 And prepare H3559 H3559 yourselves by the houses H1004 of your fathers, H1 after your courses, H4256 according to the writing H3791 of David H1732 king H4428 of Israel, H3478 and according to the writing H4385 of Solomon H8010 his son. H1121 And stand in H5975 the holy H6944 place according to the divisions H6391 of the families H1004 of the fathers H1 of your brethren H251 the people, H1121 H5971 and after the division H2515 of the families H1 H1004 of the Levites. H3881 So kill H7819 the passover, H6453 and sanctify H6942 yourselves, and prepare H3559 your brethren, H251 that they may do H6213 according to the word H1697 of the LORD H3068 by the hand H3027 of Moses. H4872 And Josiah H2977 gave H7311 to the people, H1121 H5971 of the flock, H6629 lambs H3532 and kids, H1121 H5795 all for the passover offerings, H6453 for all that were present, H4672 to the number H4557 of thirty H7970 thousand, H505 and three H7969 thousand H505 bullocks: H1241 these were of the king's H4428 substance. H7399 And his princes H8269 gave H7311 willingly H5071 unto the people, H5971 to the priests, H3548 and to the Levites: H3881 Hilkiah H2518 and Zechariah H2148 and Jehiel, H3171 rulers H5057 of the house H1004 of God, H430 gave H5414 unto the priests H3548 for the passover offerings H6453 two thousand H505 and six H8337 hundred H3967 small cattle, and three H7969 hundred H3967 oxen. H1241 Conaniah H3562 also, and Shemaiah H8098 and Nethaneel, H5417 his brethren, H251 and Hashabiah H2811 and Jeiel H3273 and Jozabad, H3107 chief H8269 of the Levites, H3881 gave H7311 unto the Levites H3881 for passover offerings H6453 five H2568 thousand H505 small cattle, and five H2568 hundred H3967 oxen. H1241 So the service H5656 was prepared, H3559 and the priests H3548 stood H5975 in their place, H5977 and the Levites H3881 in their courses, H4256 according to the king's H4428 commandment. H4687 And they killed H7819 the passover, H6453 and the priests H3548 sprinkled H2236 the blood from their hands, H3027 and the Levites H3881 flayed H6584 them. And they removed H5493 the burnt offerings, H5930 that they might give H5414 according to the divisions H4653 of the families H1 H1004 of the people, H1121 H5971 to offer H7126 unto the LORD, H3068 as it is written H3789 in the book H5612 of Moses. H4872 And so did they with the oxen. H1241 And they roasted H1310 the passover H6453 with fire H784 according to the ordinance: H4941 but the other holy H6944 offerings sod H1310 they in pots, H5518 and in caldrons, H1731 and in pans, H6745 and divided them speedily H7323 among all the people. H1121 H5971 And afterward H310 they made ready H3559 for themselves, and for the priests: H3548 because the priests H3548 the sons H1121 of Aaron H175 were busied in offering H5927 of burnt offerings H5930 and the fat H2459 until night; H3915 therefore the Levites H3881 prepared H3559 for themselves, and for the priests H3548 the sons H1121 of Aaron. H175 And the singers H7891 the sons H1121 of Asaph H623 were in their place, H4612 according to the commandment H4687 of David, H1732 and Asaph, H623 and Heman, H1968 and Jeduthun H3038 the king's H4428 seer; H2374 and the porters H7778 waited at every gate; H8179 they might not depart H5493 from their service; H5656 for their brethren H251 the Levites H3881 prepared H3559 for them. So all the service H5656 of the LORD H3068 was prepared H3559 the same day, H3117 to keep H6213 the passover, H6453 and to offer H5927 burnt offerings H5930 upon the altar H4196 of the LORD, H3068 according to the commandment H4687 of king H4428 Josiah. H2977 And the children H1121 of Israel H3478 that were present H4672 kept H6213 the passover H6453 at that time, H6256 and the feast H2282 of unleavened bread H4682 seven H7651 days. H3117 And there was no passover H6453 like H3644 to that kept H6213 in Israel H3478 from the days H3117 of Samuel H8050 the prophet; H5030 neither did H6213 all the kings H4428 of Israel H3478 keep H6213 such a passover H6453 as Josiah H2977 kept, H6213 and the priests, H3548 and the Levites, H3881 and all Judah H3063 and Israel H3478 that were present, H4672 and the inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem. H3389 In the eighteenth H8083 H6240 year H8141 of the reign H4438 of Josiah H2977 was this passover H6453 kept. H6213

Commentary on 2 Kings 23 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ki 23:1-3. Josiah Causes the Law to Be Read.

1-3. the king sent, and they gathered unto him all the elders—This pious and patriotic king, not content with the promise of his own security, felt, after Huldah's response, an increased desire to avert the threatened calamities from his kingdom and people. Knowing the richness of the divine clemency and grace to the penitent, he convened the elders of the people, and placing himself at their head, accompanied by the collective body of the inhabitants, went in solemn procession to the temple, where he ordered the book of the law to be read to the assembled audience, and covenanted, with the unanimous concurrence of his subjects, to adhere steadfastly to all the commandments of the Lord. It was an occasion of solemn interest, closely connected with a great national crisis, and the beautiful example of piety in the highest quarter would exert a salutary influence over all classes of the people in animating their devotions and encouraging their return to the faith of their fathers.

2. he read in their ears—that is, "caused to be read."

3. all the people stood to the covenant—that is, they agreed to the proposals made; they assented to what was required of them.

2Ki 23:4-28. He Destroys Idolatry.

4. the king commanded Hilkiah, &c.—that is, the high priest and other priests, for there was not a variety of official gradations in the temple.

all the vessels, &c.—the whole apparatus of idol-worship.

burned them without Jerusalem—The law required them to be consigned to the flames (De 7:25).

in the fields of Kidron—most probably that part of the valley of Kidron, where lies Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives. It is a level, spacious basin, abounding at present with plantations [Robinson]. The brook winds along the east and south of the city, the channel of which is throughout a large portion of the year almost or wholly dry, except after heavy rains, when it suddenly swells and overflows. There were emptied all the impurities of the temple (2Ch 29:15, 16) and the city. His reforming predecessors had ordered the mutilated relics of idolatry to be thrown into that receptacle of filth (1Ki 15:13; 2Ch 15:16; 30:14); but Josiah, while he imitated their piety, far outstripped them in zeal; for he caused the ashes of the burnt wood and the fragments of the broken metal to be collected and conveyed to Beth-el, in order thenceforth to associate ideas of horror and aversion with that place, as odious for the worst pollutions.

5. put down the idolatrous priests—Hebrew, chemarim, "scorched," that is, Guebres, or fire-worshippers, distinguished by a girdle (Eze 23:14-17) or belt of wool and camel's hair, twisted round the body twice and tied with four knots, which had a symbolic meaning, and made it a supposed defense against evil.

them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, &c.—or Baal-shemesh, for Baal was sometimes considered the sun. This form of false worship was not by images, but pure star-worship, borrowed from the old Assyrians.

and—rather, "even to all the host of heaven."

6. brought out the grove—that is, Asherah, the mystic tree, placed by Manasseh in the temple [2Ki 21:5; 2Ch 33:5], removed by him after his conversion [2Ch 33:15], but replaced in the sanctuary by his wicked son Amon [2Ki 21:20, 21]. Josiah had it taken to Kidron, burnt the wood, ground the metal about it to powder, and strewed the ashes "on the graves of the children of the people." The poor were buried in a common on part of the valley of Kidron. But reference is here made to the graves "of those that had sacrificed" (2Ch 34:4).

7. brake down the houses of the sodomites—not solid houses, but tents, called elsewhere [2Ki 17:30] Succoth-benoth, "the booths of the young women," who were devoted to the service of Asherah, for which they made embroidered hangings, and in which they gave themselves to unbridled revelry and lust. Or the hangings might be for Asherah itself, as it is a popular superstition in the East to hang pieces of cloth on trees.

8, 9. he brought all the priests out of the cities of Judah, and defiled the high places, &c.—Many of the Levitical order, finding in the reigns of Manasseh and Amon the temple-worship abolished and the tithes and other offerings alienated, had been betrayed into the folly of officiating on high places, and presenting such sacrifices as were brought to them. These irregularities, even though the object of that worship was the true God, were prohibited in the law (De 12:11). Those who had been guilty of this sin, Josiah brought to Jerusalem. Regarding them as defiled, he debarred them from the service of the temple, but gave them an allowance out of the temple revenues, like the lame and disabled members of the priesthood (Le 21:21, 22).

from Geba to to Beer-sheba—the most northern and the most southern places in Judah—meaning all parts of the kingdom.

the high places … which were in the entering in of the gate of Joshua—The governor's house and gate were on the left of the city gate, and close by the entrance of that civic mansion house were public altars, dedicated, it might be, to the true God, but contrary to His own ordinance of worship (Isa 57:8).

10. Topheth—so called from Toph—a "drum." It is the prevailing opinion among Jewish writers that the cries of the terrified children made to pass through the fire in that place of idolatrous horror were drowned by the sound of that instrument.

11. took away the horses that the kings of Judah had given to the sun—Among the people who anciently worshipped the sun, horses were usually dedicated to that divinity, from the supposed idea that the sun himself was drawn in a chariot by horses. In some cases these horses were sacrificed; but more commonly they were employed either in the sacred processions to carry the images of the sun, or for the worshippers to ride in every morning to welcome his rise. It seems that the idolatrous kings, Ahaz, Manasseh, and Amon, or their great officers, proceeded on these horses early on each day from the east gate of the temple to salute and worship the sun at his appearing above the horizon.

12. the altars that were on the top of the upper chamber of Ahaz—Altars were reared on the flat roofs of houses, where the worshippers of "the host of heaven" burnt incense (Zep 1:5; Jer 19:13). Ahaz had reared altars for this purpose on the oleah, or upper chamber of his palace, and Manasseh on some portion of the roof of the temple. Josiah demolished both of these structures.

13, 14. the high places … which Solomon … had builded—(See on 1Ki 11:5).

the right hand of the mount of corruption—The Mount of Olives is a hilly range on the east of Jerusalem. This range has three summits, of which the central one is the Mount of Corruption, so called from the idol temples built there, and of course the hill on the right hand denotes the southernmost peak. Josiah is said not to have destroyed, but only defiled, "the high places on the hill of corruption." It is most probable that Hezekiah had long before demolished the idolatrous temples erected there by Solomon but, as the superstitious people continued to regard the spot as consecrated ground, Josiah defiled it.

14. filled their places with the bones of men—Every monument of idolatry in his dominion he in like manner destroyed, and the places where they stood he defiled by strewing them with dead men's bones. The presence of a dead carcass rendered both persons and places unclean in the eyes both of Jews and heathens.

15-20. Moreover the altar that was at Beth-el, &c.—Not satisfied with the removal of every vestige of idolatry from his own dominion, this zealous iconoclast made a tour of inspection through the cities of Samaria and all the territory formerly occupied by the ten tribes, destroying the altars and temples of the high places, consigning the Asherim to the flames, putting to death the priests of the high places, and showing his horror at idolatry by ransacking the sepulchers of idolatrous priests, and strewing the burnt ashes of their bones upon the altars before he demolished them.

16. according to the word of the Lord which the man of God proclaimed, &c.—In carrying on these proceedings, Josiah was prompted by his own intense hatred of idolatry. But it is remarkable that this act was predicted three hundred twenty-six years before his birth, and his name also was expressly mentioned, as well as the very place where it should be done (1Ki 13:2). This is one of the most most remarkable prophecies in the Bible.

17. What title is that that I see?—The king's attention probably, had been arrested by a tombstone more conspicuous than the rest around it, bearing on an inscription the name of him that lay beneath; and this prompted his curiosity to make the inquiry.

the men of the city—not the Assyrian colonists—for they could know nothing about the ancient transactions of the place—but some of the old people who had been allowed to remain, and perhaps the tomb itself might not then have been discoverable, through the effects of time and neglect, had not some "Old Mortality" garnished the sepulcher of the righteous.

21-23. the king commanded all the people, saying, Keep the passover unto the Lord your God, &c.—It was observed with great solemnity and was attended not only by his own subjects, but by the remnant people from Israel (see on 2Ch 35:1-19). Many of the Israelites who were at Jerusalem might have heard of, if they did not hear, the law read by Josiah. It is probable that they might even have procured a copy of the law, stimulated as they were to the better observance of Jehovah's worship by the unusual and solemn transactions at Jerusalem.

26. Notwithstanding, the Lord turned not from the fierceness of his wrath,—&c. The national reformation which Josiah carried on was acquiesced in by the people from submission to the royal will; but they entertained a secret and strong hankering after the suppressed idolatries. Though outwardly purified, their hearts were not right towards God, as appears from many passages of the prophetic writings; their thorough reform was hopeless; and God, who saw no sign of genuine repentance, allowed His decree (2Ki 21:12-15) for the subversion of the kingdom to take fatal effect.

29. In his days Pharaoh-nechoh—(See 2Ch 35:20-27).