Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Kings » Chapter 5 » Verse 12

2 Kings 5:12 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

12 Are not Abana H71 H549 and Pharpar, H6554 rivers H5104 of Damascus, H1834 better H2896 than all the waters H4325 of Israel? H3478 may I not wash H7364 in them, and be clean? H2891 So he turned H6437 and went away H3212 in a rage. H2534

Cross Reference

Joshua 3:15-17 STRONG

And as they that bare H5375 the ark H727 were come H935 unto Jordan, H3383 and the feet H7272 of the priests H3548 that bare H5375 the ark H727 were dipped H2881 in the brim H7097 of the water, H4325 (for Jordan H3383 overfloweth H4390 all his banks H1415 all the time H3117 of harvest,) H7105 That the waters H4325 which came down H3381 from above H4605 stood H5975 and rose up H6965 upon an H259 heap H5067 very H3966 far H7368 from the city H5892 Adam, H121 that is beside H6654 Zaretan: H6891 and those that came down H3381 toward the sea H3220 of the plain, H6160 even the salt H4417 sea, H3220 failed, H8552 and were cut off: H3772 and the people H5971 passed over H5674 right against Jericho. H3405 And the priests H3548 that bare H5375 the ark H727 of the covenant H1285 of the LORD H3068 stood H5975 firm H3559 on dry ground H2724 in the midst H8432 of Jordan, H3383 and all the Israelites H3478 passed over H5674 on dry ground, H2724 until all the people H1471 were passed H5674 clean H8552 over H5674 Jordan. H3383

2 Kings 2:8 STRONG

And Elijah H452 took H3947 his mantle, H155 and wrapped it together, H1563 and smote H5221 the waters, H4325 and they were divided H2673 hither and thither, so that they two H8147 went over H5674 on dry H2724 ground.

2 Kings 2:14 STRONG

And he took H3947 the mantle H155 of Elijah H452 that fell H5307 from him, and smote H5221 the waters, H4325 and said, H559 Where is the LORD H3068 God H430 of Elijah? H452 and when he also had smitten H5221 the waters, H4325 they parted H2673 hither and thither: and Elisha H477 went over. H5674

2 Kings 5:17 STRONG

And Naaman H5283 said, H559 Shall there not then, I pray thee, be given H5414 to thy servant H5650 two H6776 mules' H6505 burden H4853 of earth? H127 for thy servant H5650 will henceforth offer H6213 neither burnt offering H5930 nor sacrifice H2077 unto other H312 gods, H430 but unto the LORD. H3068

Proverbs 14:17 STRONG

He that is soon H7116 angry H639 dealeth H6213 foolishly: H200 and a man H376 of wicked devices H4209 is hated. H8130

Proverbs 19:11 STRONG

The discretion H7922 of a man H120 deferreth H748 his anger; H639 and it is his glory H8597 to pass over H5674 a transgression. H6588

Ezekiel 47:1-8 STRONG

Afterward he brought me again H7725 unto the door H6607 of the house; H1004 and, behold, waters H4325 issued out H3318 from under the threshold H4670 of the house H1004 eastward: H6921 for the forefront H6440 of the house H1004 stood toward the east, H6921 and the waters H4325 came down H3381 from under from the right H3233 side H3802 of the house, H1004 at the south H5045 side of the altar. H4196 Then brought he me out H3318 of the way H1870 of the gate H8179 northward, H6828 and led me about H5437 the way H1870 without unto the utter H2351 gate H8179 by the way H1870 that looketh H6437 eastward; H6921 and, behold, there ran out H6379 waters H4325 on the right H3233 side. H3802 And when the man H376 that had the line H6957 in his hand H3027 went forth H3318 eastward, H6921 he measured H4058 a thousand H505 cubits, H520 and he brought me through H5674 the waters; H4325 the waters H4325 were to the ankles. H657 Again he measured H4058 a thousand, H505 and brought me through H5674 the waters; H4325 the waters H4325 were to the knees. H1290 Again he measured H4058 a thousand, H505 and brought me through; H5674 the waters H4325 were to the loins. H4975 Afterward he measured H4058 a thousand; H505 and it was a river H5158 that I could H3201 not pass over: H5674 for the waters H4325 were risen, H1342 waters H4325 to swim in, H7813 a river H5158 that could not be passed over. H5674 And he said H559 unto me, Son H1121 of man, H120 hast thou seen H7200 this? Then he brought H3212 me, and caused me to return H7725 to the brink H8193 of the river. H5158 Now when I had returned, H7725 behold, at the bank H8193 of the river H5158 were very H3966 many H7227 trees H6086 on the one side and on the other. Then said H559 he unto me, These waters H4325 issue out H3318 toward the east H6930 country, H1552 and go down H3381 into the desert, H6160 and go H935 into the sea: H3220 which being brought forth H3318 into the sea, H3220 the waters H4325 shall be healed. H7495

Zechariah 13:1 STRONG

In that day H3117 there shall be a fountain H4726 opened H6605 to the house H1004 of David H1732 and to the inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem H3389 for sin H2403 and for uncleanness. H5079

Zechariah 14:8 STRONG

And it shall be in that day, H3117 that living H2416 waters H4325 shall go out H3318 from Jerusalem; H3389 half H2677 of them toward the former H6931 sea, H3220 and half H2677 of them toward the hinder H314 sea: H3220 in summer H7019 and in winter H2779 shall it be.

Mark 1:9 STRONG

And G2532 it came to pass G1096 in G1722 those G1565 days, G2250 that Jesus G2424 came G2064 from G575 Nazareth G3478 of Galilee, G1056 and G2532 was baptized G907 of G5259 John G2491 in G1519 Jordan. G2446

Commentary on 2 Kings 5 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ki 5:1-7. Naaman's Leprosy.

1. Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master—highly esteemed for his military character and success.

and honourable—rather, "very rich."

but he was a leper—This leprosy, which, in Israel, would have excluded him from society, did not affect his free intercourse in the court of Syria.

2-5. a little maid—who had been captured in one of the many predatory incursions which were then made by the Syrians on the northern border of Israel (see 1Sa 30:8; 2Ki 13:21; 24:2). By this young Hebrew slave of his wife, Naaman's attention was directed to the prophet of Israel, as the person who would remove his leprosy. Naaman, on communicating the matter to his royal master, was immediately furnished with a letter to the king of Israel, and set out for Samaria, carrying with him, as an indispensable preliminary in the East, very costly presents.

5. ten talents of silver—£3421; 6000 shekels of gold; a large sum of uncertain value.

ten changes of raiment—splendid dresses, for festive occasions—the honor being thought to consist not only in the beauty and fineness of the material, but on having a variety to put on one after another, in the same night.

7. when the king of Israel had read the letter, that he rent his clothes—According to an ancient practice among the Eastern people, the main object only was stated in the letter that was carried by the party concerned, while other circumstances were left to be explained at the interview. This explains Jehoram's burst of emotion—not horror at supposed blasphemy, but alarm and suspicion that this was merely made an occasion for a quarrel. Such a prince as he was would not readily think of Elisha, or, perhaps, have heard of his miraculous deeds.

2Ki 5:8-15. Elisha Sends Him to Jordan, and He Is Healed.

8-12. when Elisha the man of God had heard that the king of Israel had rent his clothes, that he sent to the king, saying, … let him come now to me—This was the grand and ultimate object to which, in the providence of God, the journey of Naaman was subservient. When the Syrian general, with his imposing retinue, arrived at the prophet's house, Elisha sent him a message to "go and wash in Jordan seven times." This apparently rude reception to a foreigner of so high dignity incensed Naaman to such a degree that he resolved to depart, scornfully boasting that the rivers of Damascus were better than all the waters of Israel.

11. strike his hand over the place—that is, wave it over the diseased parts of his body. It was anciently, and still continues to be, a very prevalent superstition in the East that the hand of a king, or person of great reputed sanctity, touching, or waved over a sore, will heal it.

12. Abana and Pharpar—the Barrady and one of its five tributaries—uncertain which. The waters of Damascus are still highly extolled by their inhabitants for their purity and coldness.

14. Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in Jordan—Persuaded by his calmer and more reflecting attendants to try a method so simple and easy, he followed their instructions, and was cured. The cure was performed on the basis of God's covenant with Israel, by which the land, and all pertaining to it, was blessed. Seven was the symbol of the covenant [Keil].

2Ki 5:15-19. Elisha Refuses Naaman's Gifts.

15, 16. he returned to the man of God—After the miraculous cure, Naaman returned to Elisha, to whom he acknowledged his full belief in the sole supremacy of the God of Israel and offered him a liberal reward. But to show that he was not actuated by the mercenary motives of the heathen priests and prophets, Elisha, though he accepted presents on other occasions (2Ki 4:42), respectfully but firmly declined them on this, being desirous that the Syrians should see the piety of God's servants, and their superiority to all worldly and selfish motives in promoting the honor of God and the interests of true religion.

17. two mules' burden of earth—with which to make an altar (Ex 20:24) to the God of Israel. What his motive or his purpose was in this proposal—whether he thought that God could be acceptably worshipped only on his own soil; or whether he wished, when far away from the Jordan, to have the earth of Palestine to rub himself with, which the Orientals use as a substitute for water; or whether, by making such a request of Elisha, he thought the prophet's grant of it would impart some virtue; or whether, like the modern Jews and Mohammedans, he resolved to have a portion of this holy earth for his nightly pillow—it is not easy to say. It is not strange to find such notions in so newly a converted heathen.

18. goeth into the house of Rimmon—a Syrian deity; probably the sun, or the planetary system, of which a pomegranate (Hebrew, Rimmon) was the symbol.

leaneth on my hand—that is, meaning the service which Naaman rendered as the attendant of his sovereign. Elisha's prophetic commission not extending to any but the conversion of Israel from idolatry, he makes no remark, either approving or disapproving, on the declared course of Naaman, but simply gives the parting benediction (2Ki 5:19).

2Ki 5:20-27. Gehazi, by a Lie, Obtains a Present, but Is Smitten with Leprosy.

20-25. I will run after him, and take somewhat of him—The respectful courtesy to Elisha, shown in the person of his servant, and the open-handed liberality of his gifts, attest the fulness of Naaman's gratitude; while the lie—the artful management is dismissing the bearers of the treasure, and the deceitful appearance before his master, as if he had not left the house—give a most unfavorable impression of Gehazi's character.

23. in two bags—People in the East, when travelling, have their money, in certain sums, put up in bags.

27. leper as white as snow—(See on Le 13:3). This heavy infliction was not too severe for the crime of Gehazi. For it was not the covetousness alone that was punished; but, at the same time, it was the ill use made of the prophet's name to gain an object prompted by a mean covetousness, and the attempt to conceal it by lying [Keil].