Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Kings » Chapter 7 » Verse 7

2 Kings 7:7 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 Wherefore they arose H6965 and fled H5127 in the twilight, H5399 and left H5800 their tents, H168 and their horses, H5483 and their asses, H2543 even the camp H4264 as it was, and fled H5127 for their life. H5315

Cross Reference

Psalms 48:4-6 STRONG

For, lo, the kings H4428 were assembled, H3259 they passed by H5674 together. H3162 They saw H7200 it, and so they marvelled; H8539 they were troubled, H926 and hasted away. H2648 Fear H7461 took hold H270 upon them there, and pain, H2427 as of a woman in travail. H3205

Proverbs 28:1 STRONG

The wicked H7563 flee H5127 when no man pursueth: H7291 but the righteous H6662 are bold H982 as a lion. H3715

Numbers 35:11-12 STRONG

Then ye shall appoint H7136 you cities H5892 to be cities H5892 of refuge H4733 for you; that the slayer H7523 may flee H5127 thither, which killeth H5221 any person H5315 at unawares. H7684 And they shall be unto you cities H5892 for refuge H4733 from the avenger; H1350 that the manslayer H7523 die H4191 not, until he stand H5975 before H6440 the congregation H5712 in judgment. H4941

Job 18:11 STRONG

Terrors H1091 shall make him afraid H1204 on every side, H5439 and shall drive H6327 him to his feet. H7272

Psalms 20:7-8 STRONG

Some trust in chariots, H7393 and some in horses: H5483 but we will remember H2142 the name H8034 of the LORD H3068 our God. H430 They are brought down H3766 and fallen: H5307 but we are risen, H6965 and stand upright. H5749

Psalms 33:17 STRONG

An horse H5483 is a vain thing H8267 for safety: H8668 neither shall he deliver H4422 any by his great H7230 strength. H2428

Psalms 68:12 STRONG

Kings H4428 of armies H6635 did flee H5074 apace: H5074 and she that tarried H5116 at home H1004 divided H2505 the spoil. H7998

Proverbs 6:5 STRONG

Deliver H5337 thyself as a roe H6643 from the hand H3027 of the hunter, and as a bird H6833 from the hand H3027 of the fowler. H3353

Proverbs 21:1 STRONG

The king's H4428 heart H3820 is in the hand H3027 of the LORD, H3068 as the rivers H6388 of water: H4325 he turneth H5186 it whithersoever he will. H2654

Isaiah 2:20 STRONG

In that day H3117 a man H120 shall cast H7993 his idols H457 of silver, H3701 and his idols H457 of gold, H2091 which they made each one for himself H6213 to worship, H7812 to the moles H2661 H6512 and to the bats; H5847

Jeremiah 48:8-9 STRONG

And the spoiler H7703 shall come H935 upon every city, H5892 and no city H5892 shall escape: H4422 the valley H6010 also shall perish, H6 and the plain H4334 shall be destroyed, H8045 as the LORD H3068 hath spoken. H559 Give H5414 wings H6731 unto Moab, H4124 that it may flee H5323 and get away: H3318 for the cities H5892 thereof shall be desolate, H8047 without any to dwell H3427 therein. H2004

Amos 2:14-16 STRONG

Therefore the flight H4498 shall perish H6 from the swift, H7031 and the strong H2389 shall not strengthen H553 his force, H3581 neither shall the mighty H1368 deliver H4422 himself: H5315 Neither shall he stand H5975 that handleth H8610 the bow; H7198 and he that is swift H7031 of foot H7272 shall not deliver H4422 himself: neither shall he that rideth H7392 the horse H5483 deliver H4422 himself. H5315 And he that is courageous H533 H3820 among the mighty H1368 shall flee away H5127 naked H6174 in that day, H3117 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Matthew 24:16-18 STRONG

Then G5119 let them which be in G1722 Judaea G2449 flee G5343 into G1909 the mountains: G3735 Let him which is on G1909 the housetop G1430 not G3361 come down G2597 to take G142 any thing G5100 out of G1537 his G846 house: G3614 G2532 Neither G3361 let him which is in G1722 the field G68 return G1994 back G3694 to take G142 his G846 clothes. G2440

Hebrews 6:18 STRONG

That G2443 by G1223 two G1417 immutable G276 things, G4229 in G1722 which G3739 it was impossible G102 for God G2316 to lie, G5574 we might have G2192 a strong G2478 consolation, G3874 who G3588 have fled for refuge G2703 to lay hold G2902 upon the hope G1680 set before us: G4295

Commentary on 2 Kings 7 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ki 7:1-16. Elisha Prophesies Incredible Plenty in Samaria.

1. Hear ye the word of the Lord—This prediction, though uttered first to the assembled elders, was intimated to the king's messengers, who reported it to Jehoram (2Ki 7:18).

To-morrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel, &c.—This may be estimated at a peck of fine flour for 2s. 6d., and two pecks of barley at the same price.

in the gate of Samaria—Vegetables, cattle, all sorts of country produce, are still sold every morning at the gates of towns in the East.

2. a lord on whose hand the king leaned—When an Eastern king walks or stands abroad in the open air, he always supports himself on the arm of the highest courtier present.

if the Lord would make windows in heaven—The scoffing infidelity of this remark, which was a sneer against not the prophet only, but the God he served, was justly and signally punished (see 2Ki 7:20).

3. there were four leprous men—The account of the sudden raising of the siege and the unexpected supply given to the famishing inhabitants of Samaria, is introduced by a narrative of the visit and discovery, by these poor creatures, of the extraordinary flight of the Syrians.

leprous men at the entering in of the gate—living, perhaps, in some lazar house there (Le 13:4-6; Nu 5:3).

5. they rose up in the twilight—that is, the evening twilight (2Ki 7:12).

the uttermost part of the camp of Syria—that is, the extremity nearest the city.

6, 7. the Lord had made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots—This illusion of the sense of hearing, whereby the besiegers imagined the tramp of two armies from opposite quarters, was a great miracle which God wrought directly for the deliverance of His people.

8-11. these lepers … did eat and drink—After they had appeased their hunger and secreted as many valuables as they could carry, their consciences smote them for concealing the discovery and they hastened to publish it in the city.

10. horses tied, and asses tied, and the tents as they were—The uniform arrangement of encampments in the East is to place the tents in the center, while the cattle are picketed all around, as an outer wall of defense; and hence the lepers describe the cattle as the first objects they saw.

12-15. the king … said unto his servants, I will now show you what the Syrians have done—Similar stratagems have been so often resorted to in the ancient and modern wars of the East that there is no wonder Jehoram's suspicions were awakened. But the scouts, whom he despatched, soon found unmistakable signs of the panic that had struck the enemy and led to a most precipitate flight.

2Ki 7:17-20. The Unbelieving Lord Trodden to Death.

17. the king appointed the lord on whose hand he leaned,—&c. The news spread like lightning through the city, and was followed, as was natural, by a popular rush to the Syrian camp. To keep order at the gate, the king ordered his minister to keep guard; but the impetuosity of the famishing people could not be resisted. The lord was trodden to death, and Elisha's prophecy in all respects accomplished.