Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Kings » Chapter 9 » Verse 17

2 Kings 9:17 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

17 And there stood H5975 a watchman H6822 on the tower H4026 in Jezreel, H3157 and he spied H7200 the company H8229 of Jehu H3058 as he came, H935 and said, H559 I see H7200 a company. H8229 And Joram H3088 said, H559 Take H3947 an horseman, H7395 and send H7971 to meet H7125 them, and let him say, H559 Is it peace? H7965

Cross Reference

1 Samuel 16:4 STRONG

And Samuel H8050 did H6213 that which the LORD H3068 spake, H1696 and came H935 to Bethlehem. H1035 And the elders H2205 of the town H5892 trembled H2729 at his coming, H7125 and said, H559 Comest H935 thou peaceably? H7965

1 Samuel 17:22 STRONG

And David H1732 left H5203 his carriage H3627 in the hand H3027 of the keeper H8104 of the carriage, H3627 and ran H7323 into the army, H4634 and came H935 and saluted H7592 H7965 his brethren. H251

2 Samuel 13:34 STRONG

But Absalom H53 fled. H1272 And the young man H5288 that kept the watch H6822 lifted up H5375 his eyes, H5869 and looked, H7200 and, behold, there came H1980 much H7227 people H5971 by the way H1870 of the hill H2022 side H6654 behind H310 him.

2 Samuel 18:24 STRONG

And David H1732 sat H3427 between the two H8147 gates: H8179 and the watchman H6822 went up H3212 to the roof H1406 over the gate H8179 unto the wall, H2346 and lifted up H5375 his eyes, H5869 and looked, H7200 and behold a man H376 running H7323 alone.

1 Kings 2:15 STRONG

And he said, H559 Thou knowest H3045 that the kingdom H4410 was mine, and that all Israel H3478 set H7760 their faces H6440 on me, that I should reign: H4427 howbeit the kingdom H4410 is turned about, H5437 and is become my brother's: H251 for it was his from the LORD. H3068

2 Kings 7:14 STRONG

They took H3947 therefore two H8147 chariot H7393 horses; H5483 and the king H4428 sent H7971 after H310 the host H4264 of the Syrians, H758 saying, H559 Go H3212 and see. H7200

2 Kings 9:19 STRONG

Then he sent out H7971 a second H8145 on horseback, H7392 H5483 which came H935 to them, and said, H559 Thus saith H559 the king, H4428 Is it peace? H7965 And Jehu H3058 answered, H559 What hast thou to do with peace? H7965 turn H5437 thee behind H310 me.

Isaiah 21:6-9 STRONG

For thus hath the Lord H136 said H559 unto me, Go, H3212 set H5975 a watchman, H6822 let him declare H5046 what he seeth. H7200 And he saw H7200 a chariot H7393 with a couple H6776 of horsemen, H6571 a chariot H7393 of asses, H2543 and a chariot H7393 of camels; H1581 and he hearkened H7181 diligently H7182 with much H7227 heed: H7182 And he cried, H7121 A lion: H738 My lord, H136 I stand H5975 continually H8548 upon the watchtower H4707 in the daytime, H3119 and I am set H5324 in my ward H4931 whole nights: H3915 And, behold, here cometh H935 a chariot H7393 of men, H376 with a couple H6776 of horsemen. H6571 And he answered H6030 and said, H559 Babylon H894 is fallen, H5307 is fallen; H5307 and all the graven images H6456 of her gods H430 he hath broken H7665 unto the ground. H776

Isaiah 21:11-12 STRONG

The burden H4853 of Dumah. H1746 He calleth H7121 to me out of Seir, H8165 Watchman, H8104 what of the night? H3915 Watchman, H8104 what of the night? H3915 The watchman H8104 said, H559 The morning H1242 cometh, H857 and also the night: H3915 if ye will enquire, H1158 enquire H1158 ye: return, H7725 come. H857

Isaiah 56:10 STRONG

His watchmen H6822 are blind: H5787 they are all ignorant, H3045 they are all dumb H483 dogs, H3611 they cannot H3201 bark; H5024 sleeping, H1957 lying down, H7901 loving H157 to slumber. H5123

Isaiah 62:6 STRONG

I have set H6485 watchmen H8104 upon thy walls, H2346 O Jerusalem, H3389 which shall never H8548 hold their peace H2814 day H3117 nor night: H3915 ye that make mention H2142 of the LORD, H3068 keep not silence, H1824

Ezekiel 33:2-9 STRONG

Son H1121 of man, H120 speak H1696 to the children H1121 of thy people, H5971 and say H559 unto them, When I bring H935 the sword H2719 upon a land, H776 if the people H5971 of the land H776 take H3947 a H259 man H376 of their coasts, H7097 and set H5414 him for their watchman: H6822 If when he seeth H7200 the sword H2719 come H935 upon the land, H776 he blow H8628 the trumpet, H7782 and warn H2094 the people; H5971 Then whosoever H8085 heareth H8085 the sound H6963 of the trumpet, H7782 and taketh not warning; H2094 if the sword H2719 come, H935 and take him away, H3947 his blood H1818 shall be upon his own head. H7218 He heard H8085 the sound H6963 of the trumpet, H7782 and took not warning; H2094 his blood H1818 shall be upon him. But he that taketh warning H2094 shall deliver H4422 his soul. H5315 But if the watchman H6822 see H7200 the sword H2719 come, H935 and blow H8628 not the trumpet, H7782 and the people H5971 be not warned; H2094 if the sword H2719 come, H935 and take H3947 any person H5315 from among them, he is taken away H3947 in his iniquity; H5771 but his blood H1818 will I require H1875 at the watchman's H6822 hand. H3027 So thou, O son H1121 of man, H120 I have set H5414 thee a watchman H6822 unto the house H1004 of Israel; H3478 therefore thou shalt hear H8085 the word H1697 at my mouth, H6310 and warn H2094 them from me. When I say H559 unto the wicked, H7563 O wicked H7563 man, thou shalt surely H4191 die; H4191 if thou dost not speak H1696 to warn H2094 the wicked H7563 from his way, H1870 that wicked H7563 man shall die H4191 in his iniquity; H5771 but his blood H1818 will I require H1245 at thine hand. H3027 Nevertheless, if thou warn H2094 the wicked H7563 of his way H1870 to turn H7725 from it; if he do not turn H7725 from his way, H1870 he shall die H4191 in his iniquity; H5771 but thou hast delivered H5337 thy soul. H5315

Luke 10:5-6 STRONG

And G1161 into G1519 whatsoever G3739 G302 house G3614 ye enter, G1525 first G4412 say, G3004 Peace G1515 be to this G5129 house. G3624 And G2532 if G1437 G3303 the son G5207 of peace G1515 be G5600 there, G1563 your G5216 peace G1515 shall rest G1879 upon G1909 it: G846 if not, G1490 it shall turn G344 to G1909 you G5209 again. G344

Acts 20:26-31 STRONG

Wherefore G1352 I take G3143 you G5213 to record G3143 this G1722 G4594 day, G2250 that G3754 I G1473 am pure G2513 from G575 the blood G129 of all G3956 men. For G1063 I have G5288 not G3756 G3361 shunned G5288 to declare G312 unto you G5213 all G3956 the counsel G1012 of God. G2316 Take heed G4337 therefore G3767 unto yourselves, G1438 and G2532 to all G3956 the flock, G4168 over G1722 the which G3739 the Holy G40 Ghost G4151 hath made G5087 you G5209 overseers, G1985 to feed G4165 the church G1577 of God, G2316 which G3739 he hath purchased G4046 with G1223 his own G2398 blood. G129 For G1063 I G1473 know G1492 this, G5124 that G3754 after G3326 my G3450 departing G867 shall grievous G926 wolves G3074 enter in G1525 among G1519 you, G5209 not G3361 sparing G5339 the flock. G4168 Also G2532 of G1537 your G5216 own selves G846 shall G450 men G435 arise, G450 speaking G2980 perverse things, G1294 to draw away G645 disciples G3101 after G3694 them. G846 Therefore G1352 watch, G1127 and remember, G3421 that G3754 by the space of three years G5148 I ceased G3973 not G3756 to warn G3560 every G1538 one G1520 night G3571 and G2532 day G2250 with G3326 tears. G1144

Commentary on 2 Kings 9 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Ki 9:1-23. Jehu Is Anointed.

1. Ramoth-gilead—a city of great importance to the Hebrew people, east of Jordan, as a fortress of defense against the Syrians. Jehoram had regained it (2Ki 8:29). But the Israelitish army was still encamped there, under the command of Jehu.

Elisha … called one of the children of the prophets—This errand referred to the last commission given to Elijah in Horeb (1Ki 19:16).

box of oil—(See 1Sa 10:1).

2. carry him to an inner chamber—both to ensure the safety of the messenger and to prevent all obstruction in the execution of the business.

3. I have anointed thee king over Israel—This was only a part of the message; the full announcement of which is given (2Ki 9:7-10).

flee, and tarry not—for fear of being surprised and overtaken by the spies or servants of the court.

4-6. So the young man … went to Ramoth-gilead—His ready undertaking of this delicate and hazardous mission was an eminent proof of his piety and obedience. The act of anointing being done through a commissioned prophet, was a divine intimation of his investiture with the sovereign power. But it was sometimes done long prior to the actual possession of the throne (1Sa 16:13); and, in like manner, the commission had, in this instance, been given also a long time before to Elijah [1Ki 19:16], who, for good reasons, left it in charge to Elisha; and he awaited God's time and command for executing it [Poole].

10. in the portion of Jezreel—that is, that had formerly been the vineyard of Naboth.

11. Is all well? &c.—Jehu's attendants knew that the stranger belonged to the order of the prophets by his garb, gestures, and form of address; and soldiers such as they very readily concluded such persons to be crackbrained, not only from the sordid negligence of their personal appearance and their open contempt of the world, but from the religious pursuits in which their whole lives were spent, and the grotesque actions which they frequently performed (compare Jer 29:26).

13. they hasted, and took every man his garment—the upper cloak which they spread on the ground, as a token of their homage to their distinguished commander (Mt 21:7).

top of the stairs—from the room where the prophet had privately anointed Jehu. That general returned to join his brother officers in the public apartment, who, immediately on learning his destined elevation, conducted him to the top of the stairs leading to the roof. This was the most conspicuous place of an Oriental structure that could be chosen, being at the very top of the gate building, and fully in view of the people and military in the open ground in front of the building [Kitto]. The popularity of Jehu with the army thus favored the designs of Providence in procuring his immediate and enthusiastic proclamation as king, and the top of the stairs was taken as a most convenient substitute for a throne.

14, 15. Joram had kept Ramoth-gilead—rather, "was keeping," guarding, or besieging it, with the greater part of the military force of Israel. The king's wounds had compelled his retirement from the scene of action, and so the troops were left in command of Jehu.

16. So Jehu rode in a chariot, and went to Jezreel—Full of ambitious designs, he immediately proceeded to cross the Jordan to execute his commission on the house of Ahab.

17-24. there stood a watchman on the tower of Jezreel—The Hebrew palaces, besides being situated on hills had usually towers attached to them, not only for the pleasure of a fine prospect, but as posts of useful observation. The ancient watchtower of Jezreel must have commanded a view of the whole region eastward, nearly down to the Jordan. Beth-shan stands on a rising ground about six or seven miles below it, in a narrow part of the plain; and when Jehu and his retinue reached that point between Gilboa and Beth-shan, they could be fully descried by the watchman on the tower. A report was made to Joram in his palace below. A messenger on horseback was quickly despatched down into the plain to meet the ambiguous host and to question the object of their approach. "Is it peace?" We may safely assume that this messenger would meet Jehu at the distance of three miles or more. On the report made of his being detained and turned into the rear of the still advancing troops, a second messenger was in like manner despatched, who would naturally meet Jehu at the distance of a mile or a mile and a half down on the plain. He also being turned into the rear, the watchman now distinctly perceived "the driving to be like the driving of Jehu, the son of Nimshi; for he driveth furiously." The alarmed monarch, awakened to a sense of his impending danger, quickly summoned his forces to meet the crisis. Accompanied by Ahaziah, king of Judah, the two sovereigns ascended their chariots to make a feeble resistance to the impetuous onset of Jehu, who quickly from the plain ascended the steep northern sides of the site on which Jezreel stood, and the conflicting parties met "in the portion of Naboth the Jezreelite," where Joram was quickly despatched by an arrow from the strong arm of Jehu. We were impressed with the obvious accuracy of the sacred historian; the localities and distances being such as seem naturally to be required by the incidents related, affording just time for the transactions to have occurred in the order in which they are recorded [Howe].

25. cast him in the portion of the field of Naboth the Jezreelite, &c.—according to the doom pronounced by divine authority on Ahab (1Ki 21:19), but which on his repentance was deferred to be executed on his son.

26. the blood of Naboth, and the blood of his sons, saith the Lord—Although their death is not expressly mentioned, it is plainly implied in the confiscation of his property (see 1Ki 21:16).

2Ki 9:27-35. Ahaziah Is Slain.

27. Ahaziah—was grandnephew to King Joram, and great-grandson to King Ahab.

Ibleam—near Megiddo, in the tribe of Issachar (Jos 17:11; Jud 1:27); and Gur was an adjoining hill.

30. Jezebel painted her face—literally, "her eyes," according to a custom universal in the East among women, of staining the eyelids with a black powder made of pulverized antimony, or lead ore mixed with oil, and applied with a small brush on the border, so that by this dark ligament on the edge, the largeness as well as the luster of the eye itself was thought to be increased. Her object was, by her royal attire, not to captivate, but to overawe Jehu.

35. found no more of her than the skull, and the palms of her hands, &c.—The dog has a rooted aversion to prey on the human hands and feet.

2Ki 9:36, 37. Jezebel Eaten by Dogs.

36. This is the word of the Lord—(See 1Ki 21:23). Jehu's statement, however, was not a literal but a paraphrased quotation of Elijah's prophecy.