Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Samuel » Chapter 10 » Verse 4

2 Samuel 10:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 Wherefore Hanun H2586 took H3947 David's H1732 servants, H5650 and shaved off H1548 the one half H2677 of their beards, H2206 and cut off H3772 their garments H4063 in the middle, H2677 even to their buttocks, H8357 and sent them away. H7971

Cross Reference

Isaiah 20:4 STRONG

So shall the king H4428 of Assyria H804 lead away H5090 the Egyptians H4714 prisoners, H7628 and the Ethiopians H3568 captives, H1546 young H5288 and old, H2205 naked H6174 and barefoot, H3182 even with their buttocks H8357 uncovered, H2834 to the shame H6172 of Egypt. H4714

Isaiah 15:2 STRONG

He is gone up H5927 to Bajith, H1006 and to Dibon, H1769 the high places, H1116 to weep: H1065 Moab H4124 shall howl H3213 over Nebo, H5015 and over Medeba: H4311 on all their heads H7218 shall be baldness, H7144 and every beard H2206 cut off. H1438

Leviticus 19:27 STRONG

Ye shall not round H5362 the corners H6285 of your heads, H7218 neither shalt thou mar H7843 the corners H6285 of thy beard. H2206

Jeremiah 41:5 STRONG

That there came H935 certain H582 from Shechem, H7927 from Shiloh, H7887 and from Samaria, H8111 even fourscore H8084 men, H376 having their beards H2206 shaven, H1548 and their clothes H899 rent, H7167 and having cut H1413 themselves, with offerings H4503 and incense H3828 in their hand, H3027 to bring H935 them to the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068

1 Chronicles 19:3-4 STRONG

But the princes H8269 of the children H1121 of Ammon H5983 said H559 to Hanun, H2586 Thinkest H5869 thou that David H1732 doth honour H3513 thy father, H1 that he hath sent H7971 comforters H5162 unto thee? are not his servants H5650 come H935 unto thee for to search, H2713 and to overthrow, H2015 and to spy out H7270 the land? H776 Wherefore Hanun H2586 took H3947 David's H1732 servants, H5650 and shaved H1548 them, and cut off H3772 their garments H4063 in the midst H2677 hard by their buttocks, H4667 and sent them away. H7971

Psalms 109:4-5 STRONG

For my love H160 they are my adversaries: H7853 but I give myself unto prayer. H8605 And they have rewarded H7760 me evil H7451 for good, H2896 and hatred H8135 for my love. H160

Isaiah 47:2-3 STRONG

Take H3947 the millstones, H7347 and grind H2912 meal: H7058 uncover H1540 thy locks, H6777 make bare H2834 the leg, H7640 uncover H1540 the thigh, H7785 pass over H5674 the rivers. H5104 Thy nakedness H6172 shall be uncovered, H1540 yea, thy shame H2781 shall be seen: H7200 I will take H3947 vengeance, H5359 and I will not meet H6293 thee as a man. H120

Commentary on 2 Samuel 10 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Sa 10:1-5. David's Messengers, Sent to Comfort Hanun, Are Disgracefully Treated.

2. Then said David, I will show kindness unto Hanun the son of Nahash, as his father showed kindness unto me—It is probable that this was the Nahash against whom Saul waged war at Jabesh-gilead (1Sa 11:11). David, on leaving Gath, where his life was exposed to danger, found an asylum with the king of Moab; and as Nahash, king of the Ammonites, was his nearest neighbor, it may be that during the feud between Saul and David, he, through enmity to the former, was kind and hospitable to David.

3. the princes of the children of Ammon said unto Hanun—Their suspicion was not warranted either by any overt act or by any cherished design of David: it must have originated in their knowledge of the denunciations of God's law against them (De 23:3-6), and of David's policy in steadfastly adhering to it.

4. Hanun took David's servants, and shaved off the one half of their beards—From the long flowing dress of the Hebrews and other Orientals, the curtailment of their garments must have given them an aspect of gross indelicacy and ludicrousness. Besides, a knowledge of the extraordinary respect and value which has always been attached, and the gross insult that is implied in any indignity offered, to the beard in the East, will account for the shame which the deputies felt, and the determined spirit of revenge which burst out in all Israel on learning the outrage. Two instances are related in the modern history of Persia, of similar insults by kings of haughty and imperious temper, involving the nation in war; and we need not, therefore, be surprised that David vowed revenge for this wanton and public outrage.

5. Tarry at Jericho—or in the neighborhood, after crossing the fords of the Jordan.

2Sa 10:6-14. The Ammonites Overcome.

6-14. when the children of Ammon saw that they stank before David—To chastise those insolent and inhospitable Ammonites, who had violated the common law of nations, David sent a large army under the command of Joab, while they, informed of the impending attack, made energetic preparations to repel it by engaging the services of an immense number of Syrian mercenaries.

Beth-rehob—the capital of the low-lying region between Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon.

Zoba—(see on 2Sa 8:3).

of king Maacah—His territories lay on the other side of Jordan, near Gilead (De 3:14).

Ish-tob—that is, "the men of Tob"—the place of Jephthah's marauding adventures (see also 1Ch 19:6; Ps 60:1, title). As the Israelite soldiers poured into the Ammonite territory, that people met them at the frontier town of Medeba (1Ch 19:7-9), the native troops covering the city, while the Syrian mercenaries lay at some distance encamped in the fields. In making the attack, Joab divided his forces into two separate detachments—the one of which, under the command of his brother, Abishai, was to concentrate its attack upon the city, while he himself marched against the overwhelming host of mercenary auxiliaries. It was a just and necessary war that had been forced on Israel, and they could hope for the blessing of God upon their arms. With great judgment the battle opened against the mercenaries, who could not stand against the furious onset of Joab, and not feeling the cause their own, consulted their safety by flight. The Ammonites, who had placed their chief dependence upon a foreign aid, then retreated to entrench themselves within the walls of the town.

14. So Joab returned and came to Jerusalem—Probably the season was too far advanced for entering on a siege.

2Sa 10:15-19. The Syrians Defeated.

16. Hadarezer sent and brought out the Syrians that were beyond the river—This prince had enjoyed a breathing time after his defeat (2Sa 8:3). But alarmed at the increasing power and greatness of David, as well as being an ally of the Ammonites, he levied a vast army not only in Syria, but in Mesopotamia, to invade the Hebrew kingdom. Shobach, his general, in pursuance of this design, had marched his troops as far as Kelam, a border town of eastern Manasseh, when David, crossing the Jordan by forced marches, suddenly surprised, defeated, and dispersed them. As a result of this great and decisive victory, all the petty kingdoms of Syria submitted and became his tributaries (see on 1Ch 19:1).