Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Samuel » Chapter 11 » Verse 4

2 Samuel 11:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 And David H1732 sent H7971 messengers, H4397 and took H3947 her; and she came in H935 unto him, and he lay H7901 with her; for she was purified H6942 from her uncleanness: H2932 and she returned H7725 unto her house. H1004

Cross Reference

Leviticus 18:19 STRONG

Also thou shalt not approach H7126 unto a woman H802 to uncover H1540 her nakedness, H6172 as long as she is put apart H5079 for her uncleanness. H2932

James 1:14-15 STRONG

But G1161 every man G1538 is tempted, G3985 when he is drawn away G1828 of G5259 his own G2398 lust, G1939 and G2532 enticed. G1185 Then G1534 when lust G1939 hath conceived, G4815 it bringeth forth G5088 sin: G266 and G1161 sin, G266 when it is finished, G658 bringeth forth G616 death. G2288

Leviticus 12:2-5 STRONG

Speak H1696 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 If a woman H802 have conceived seed, H2232 and born H3205 a man child: H2145 then she shall be unclean H2930 seven H7651 days; H3117 according to the days H3117 of the separation H5079 for her infirmity H1738 shall she be unclean. H2930 And in the eighth H8066 day H3117 the flesh H1320 of his foreskin H6190 shall be circumcised. H4135 And she shall then continue H3427 in the blood H1818 of her purifying H2893 three H7969 and thirty H7970 days; H3117 she shall touch H5060 no hallowed H6944 thing, nor come H935 into the sanctuary, H4720 until the days H3117 H3117 of her purifying H2892 be fulfilled. H4390 But if she bear H3205 a maid child, H5347 then she shall be unclean H2930 two weeks, H7620 as in her separation: H5079 and she shall continue H3427 in the blood H1818 of her purifying H2893 threescore H8346 and six H8337 days. H3117

Psalms 51:1-19 STRONG

[[To the chief Musician, H5329 A Psalm H4210 of David, H1732 when Nathan H5416 the prophet H5030 came H935 unto him, after he had gone in H935 to Bathsheba.]] H1339 Have mercy H2603 upon me, O God, H430 according to thy lovingkindness: H2617 according unto the multitude H7230 of thy tender mercies H7356 blot out H4229 my transgressions. H6588 Wash H3526 me throughly H7235 from mine iniquity, H5771 and cleanse H2891 me from my sin. H2403 For I acknowledge H3045 my transgressions: H6588 and my sin H2403 is ever H8548 before me. Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, H2398 and done H6213 this evil H7451 in thy sight: H5869 that thou mightest be justified H6663 when thou speakest, H1696 and be clear H2135 when thou judgest. H8199 Behold, I was shapen H2342 in iniquity; H5771 and in sin H2399 did my mother H517 conceive H3179 me. Behold, thou desirest H2654 truth H571 in the inward parts: H2910 and in the hidden H5640 part thou shalt make me to know H3045 wisdom. H2451 Purge H2398 me with hyssop, H231 and I shall be clean: H2891 wash H3526 me, and I shall be whiter H3835 than snow. H7950 Make me to hear H8085 joy H8342 and gladness; H8057 that the bones H6106 which thou hast broken H1794 may rejoice. H1523 Hide H5641 thy face H6440 from my sins, H2399 and blot out H4229 all mine iniquities. H5771 Create H1254 in me a clean H2889 heart, H3820 O God; H430 and renew H2318 a right H3559 spirit H7307 within H7130 me. Cast me not away H7993 from thy presence; H6440 and take H3947 not thy holy H6944 spirit H7307 from me. Restore H7725 unto me the joy H8342 of thy salvation; H3468 and uphold H5564 me with thy free H5081 spirit. H7307 Then will I teach H3925 transgressors H6586 thy ways; H1870 and sinners H2400 shall be converted H7725 unto thee. Deliver H5337 me from bloodguiltiness, H1818 O God, H430 thou God H430 of my salvation: H8668 and my tongue H3956 shall sing aloud H7442 of thy righteousness. H6666 O Lord, H136 open H6605 thou my lips; H8193 and my mouth H6310 shall shew forth H5046 thy praise. H8416 For thou desirest H2654 not sacrifice; H2077 else would I give H5414 it: thou delightest H7521 not in burnt offering. H5930 The sacrifices H2077 of God H430 are a broken H7665 spirit: H7307 a broken H7665 and a contrite H1794 heart, H3820 O God, H430 thou wilt not despise. H959 Do good H3190 in thy good pleasure H7522 unto Zion: H6726 build H1129 thou the walls H2346 of Jerusalem. H3389 Then shalt thou be pleased H2654 with the sacrifices H2077 of righteousness, H6664 with burnt offering H5930 and whole H3632 burnt offering: H5930 then shall they offer H5927 bullocks H6499 upon thine altar. H4196

Genesis 39:7 STRONG

And it came to pass after H310 these things, H1697 that his master's H113 wife H802 cast H5375 her eyes H5869 upon Joseph; H3130 and she said, H559 Lie H7901 with me.

Leviticus 15:19-33 STRONG

And if a woman H802 have an issue, H2100 and her issue H2101 in her flesh H1320 be blood, H1818 she shall be put apart H5079 seven H7651 days: H3117 and whosoever toucheth H5060 her shall be unclean H2930 until the even. H6153 And every thing that she lieth H7901 upon in her separation H5079 shall be unclean: H2930 every thing also that she sitteth H3427 upon shall be unclean. H2930 And whosoever toucheth H5060 her bed H4904 shall wash H3526 his clothes, H899 and bathe H7364 himself in water, H4325 and be unclean H2930 until the even. H6153 And whosoever toucheth H5060 any thing H3627 that she sat H3427 upon shall wash H3526 his clothes, H899 and bathe H7364 himself in water, H4325 and be unclean H2930 until the even. H6153 And if it be on her bed, H4904 or on any thing H3627 whereon she sitteth, H3427 when he toucheth H5060 it, he shall be unclean H2930 until the even. H6153 And if any man H376 lie H7901 with her at all, H7901 and her flowers H5079 be upon him, he shall be unclean H2930 seven H7651 days; H3117 and all the bed H4904 whereon he lieth H7901 shall be unclean. H2930 And if a woman H802 have H2100 an issue H2101 of her blood H1818 many H7227 days H3117 out H3808 of the time H6256 of her separation, H5079 or if it run H2100 beyond the time H5921 of her separation; H5079 all the days H3117 of the issue H2101 of her uncleanness H2932 shall be as the days H3117 of her separation: H5079 she shall be unclean. H2931 Every bed H4904 whereon she lieth H7901 all the days H3117 of her issue H2101 shall be unto her as the bed H4904 of her separation: H5079 and whatsoever H3627 she sitteth H3427 upon shall be unclean, H2931 as the uncleanness H2932 of her separation. H5079 And whosoever toucheth H5060 those things shall be unclean, H2930 and shall wash H3526 his clothes, H899 and bathe H7364 himself in water, H4325 and be unclean H2930 until the even. H6153 But if she be cleansed H2891 of her issue, H2101 then she shall number H5608 to herself seven H7651 days, H3117 and after H310 that she shall be clean. H2891 And on the eighth H8066 day H3117 she shall take H3947 unto her two H8147 turtles, H8449 or two H8147 young H1121 pigeons, H3123 and bring H935 them unto the priest, H3548 to the door H6607 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150 And the priest H3548 shall offer H6213 the one H259 for a sin offering, H2403 and the other H259 for a burnt offering; H5930 and the priest H3548 shall make an atonement H3722 for her before H6440 the LORD H3068 for the issue H2101 of her uncleanness. H2932 Thus shall ye separate H5144 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 from their uncleanness; H2932 that they die H4191 not in their uncleanness, H2932 when they defile H2930 my tabernacle H4908 that is among H8432 them. This is the law H8451 of him that hath an issue, H2100 and of him whose seed H2233 H7902 goeth H3318 from him, and is defiled H2930 therewith; And of her that is sick H1739 of her flowers, H5079 and of him that hath H2100 an issue, H2101 of the man, H2145 and of the woman, H5347 and of him H376 that lieth H7901 with her that is unclean. H2931

Job 31:9-11 STRONG

If mine heart H3820 have been deceived H6601 by a woman, H802 or if I have laid wait H693 at my neighbour's H7453 door; H6607 Then let my wife H802 grind H2912 unto another, H312 and let others H312 bow down H3766 upon her. For this is an heinous crime; H2154 yea, it is an iniquity H5771 to be punished by the judges. H6414

Psalms 50:18 STRONG

When thou sawest H7200 a thief, H1590 then thou consentedst H7521 with him, and hast been partaker H2506 with adulterers. H5003

Proverbs 30:20 STRONG

Such is the way H1870 of an adulterous H5003 woman; H802 she eateth, H398 and wipeth H4229 her mouth, H6310 and saith, H559 I have done H6466 no wickedness. H205

Commentary on 2 Samuel 11 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Sa 11:1. Joab Besieges Rabbah.

1. at the time when kings go forth to battle—The return of spring was the usual time of commencing military operations. This expedition took place the year following the war against the Syrians; and it was entered upon because the disaster of the former campaign having fallen chiefly upon the Syrian mercenaries, the Ammonites had not been punished for their insult to the ambassadors.

David sent Joab and his servants … they destroyed the children of Ammon—The powerful army that Joab commanded ravaged the Ammonite country and committed great havoc both on the people and their property, until having reached the capital, they besieged Rabbah—Rabbah denotes a great city. This metropolis of the Ammonites was situated in the mountainous tract of Gilead, not far from the source of the Arnon. Extensive ruins are still found on its site.

2Sa 11:2-12. David Commits Adultery with Bath-sheba.

2. it came to pass in an eveningtide, that David arose from off his bed—The Hebrews, like other Orientals, rose at daybreak, and always took a nap during the heat of the day. Afterwards they lounged in the cool of the evening on their flat-roofed terraces. It is probable that David had ascended to enjoy the open-air refreshment earlier than usual.

3. one said—literally, "he said to himself,"

Is not this Bath-sheba? &c.—She seems to have been a celebrated beauty, whose renown had already reached the ears of David, as happens in the East, from reports carried by the women from harem to harem.

Bath-sheba, the daughter of Eliam—or Ammiel (1Ch 3:5), one of David's worthies (2Sa 23:34), and son of Ahithophel.

4. David sent messengers, and took her—The despotic kings of the East, when they take a fancy for a woman, send an officer to the house were she lives, who announces it to be the royal pleasure she should remove to the palace. An apartment is there assigned to her; and if she is made queen, the monarch orders the announcement to be made that he has made choice of her to be queen. Many instances in modern Oriental history show the ease and despatch with which such secondary marriages are contracted, and a new beauty added to the royal seraglio. But David had to make a promise, or rather an express stipulation, to Bath-sheba, before she complied with the royal will (1Ki 1:13, 15, 17, 28); for in addition to her transcendent beauty, she appears to have been a woman of superior talents and address in obtaining the object of her ambition; in her securing that her son should succeed on the throne; in her promptitude to give notice of her pregnancy; in her activity in defeating Adonijah's natural expectation of succeeding to the crown; in her dignity as the king's mother—in all this we see very strong indications of the ascendency she gained and maintained over David, who, perhaps, had ample leisure and opportunity to discover the punishment of this unhappy connection in more ways than one [Taylor, Calmet].

5. the woman conceived, and sent and told David—Some immediate measures of concealing their sin were necessary, as well for the king's honor as for her safety, for death was the punishment of an adulteress (Le 20:10).

8. David said to Uriah, Go down to thy house—This sudden recall, the manner of the king, his frivolous questions (2Sa 11:7), and his urgency for Uriah to sleep in his own house, probably awakened suspicions of the cause of this procedure.

there followed him a mess of meat from the king—A portion of meat from the royal table, sent to one's own house or lodgings, is one of the greatest compliments which an Eastern prince can pay.

9. But Uriah slept at the door of the king's house—It is customary for servants to sleep in the porch or long gallery; and the guards of the Hebrew king did the same. Whatever his secret suspicions might have been, Uriah's refusal to indulge in the enjoyment of domestic pleasure, and his determination to sleep "at the door of the king's house," arose from a high and honorable sense of military duty and propriety (2Sa 11:11). But, doubtless, the resolution of Uriah was overruled by that Providence which brings good out of evil, and which has recorded this sad episode for the warning of the church.

2Sa 11:14-27. Uriah Slain.

14, 15. David wrote a letter to Joab, and sent it by the hand of Uriah … Set ye Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle—The various arts and stratagems by which the king tried to cajole Uriah, till at last he resorted to the horrid crime of murder—the cold-blooded cruelty of despatching the letter by the hands of the gallant but much-wronged soldier himself, the enlistment of Joab to be a partaker of his sin, the heartless affectation of mourning, and the indecent haste of his marriage with Bath-sheba—have left an indelible stain upon the character of David, and exhibit a painfully humiliating proof of the awful lengths to which the best of men may go when they forfeit the restraining grace of God.