Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Samuel » Chapter 16 » Verse 10

2 Samuel 16:10 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

10 And the king H4428 said, H559 What have I to do with you, ye sons H1121 of Zeruiah? H6870 so let him curse, H7043 because the LORD H3068 hath said H559 unto him, Curse H7043 David. H1732 Who shall then say, H559 Wherefore hast thou done so? H6213

Cross Reference

2 Samuel 19:22 STRONG

And David H1732 said, H559 What have I to do with you, ye sons H1121 of Zeruiah, H6870 that ye should this day H3117 be adversaries H7854 unto me? shall there any man H376 be put to death H4191 this day H3117 in Israel? H3478 for do not I know H3045 that I am this day H3117 king H4428 over Israel? H3478

Romans 9:20 STRONG

Nay but, G3304 O G5599 man, G444 who G5101 art G1488 thou G4771 that repliest against G470 God? G2316 G3361 Shall G2046 the thing formed G4110 say G2046 to him that formed G4111 it, Why G5101 hast thou made G4160 me G3165 thus? G3779

2 Samuel 3:39 STRONG

And I am this day H3117 weak, H7390 though anointed H4886 king; H4428 and these men H582 the sons H1121 of Zeruiah H6870 be too hard H7186 for me: the LORD H3068 shall reward H7999 the doer of evil H6213 according to his wickedness. H7451

John 18:11 STRONG

Then G3767 said G2036 Jesus G2424 unto Peter, G4074 Put up G906 thy G4675 sword G3162 into G1519 the sheath: G2336 the cup G4221 which G3739 my Father G3962 hath given G1325 me, G3427 shall I G4095 not G3378 drink G4095 it? G846

Genesis 50:20 STRONG

But as for you, ye thought H2803 evil H7451 against me; but God H430 meant it H2803 unto good, H2896 to H4616 bring to pass, H6213 as it is this day, H3117 to save H2421 much H7227 people H5971 alive. H2421

1 Kings 2:5 STRONG

Moreover thou knowest H3045 also what Joab H3097 the son H1121 of Zeruiah H6870 did H6213 to me, and what he did H6213 to the two H8147 captains H8269 of the hosts H6635 of Israel, H3478 unto Abner H74 the son H1121 of Ner, H5369 and unto Amasa H6021 the son H1121 of Jether, H3500 whom he slew, H2026 and shed H7760 the blood H1818 of war H4421 in peace, H7965 and put H5414 the blood H1818 of war H4421 upon his girdle H2290 that was about his loins, H4975 and in his shoes H5275 that were on his feet. H7272

1 Kings 22:21-23 STRONG

And there came forth H3318 a spirit, H7307 and stood H5975 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 and said, H559 I will persuade H6601 him. And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto him, Wherewith? And he said, H559 I will go forth, H3318 and I will be a lying H8267 spirit H7307 in the mouth H6310 of all his prophets. H5030 And he said, H559 Thou shalt persuade H6601 him, and prevail H3201 also: go forth, H3318 and do H6213 so. Now therefore, behold, the LORD H3068 hath put H5414 a lying H8267 spirit H7307 in the mouth H6310 of all these thy prophets, H5030 and the LORD H3068 hath spoken H1696 evil H7451 concerning thee.

2 Kings 18:25 STRONG

Am I now come up H5927 without H1107 the LORD H3068 against this place H4725 to destroy H7843 it? The LORD H3068 said H559 to me, Go up H5927 against this land, H776 and destroy H7843 it.

Job 9:12 STRONG

Behold, he taketh away, H2862 who can hinder H7725 him? who will say H559 unto him, What doest H6213 thou?

Ecclesiastes 8:4 STRONG

Where the word H1697 of a king H4428 is, there is power: H7983 and who may say H559 unto him, What doest H6213 thou?

Lamentations 3:38-39 STRONG

Out of the mouth H6310 of the most High H5945 proceedeth H3318 not evil H7451 and good? H2896 Wherefore doth a living H2416 man H120 complain, H596 a man H1397 for the punishment of his sins? H2399

Daniel 4:35 STRONG

And all H3606 the inhabitants H1753 of the earth H772 are reputed H2804 as nothing: H3809 and he doeth H5648 according to his will H6634 in the army H2429 of heaven, H8065 and among the inhabitants H1753 of the earth: H772 and none H3809 can H383 stay H4223 his hand, H3028 or say H560 unto him, What H4101 doest H5648 thou?

Matthew 16:23 STRONG

But G1161 he turned, G4762 and said G2036 unto Peter, G4074 Get thee G5217 behind G3694 me, G3450 Satan: G4567 thou G1488 art G3754 an offence G4625 unto me: G3450 for thou savourest G5426 not G3756 the things G3588 that be of God, G2316 but G235 those that be of men. G444

Luke 9:54-56 STRONG

And G1161 when his G846 disciples G3101 James G2385 and G2532 John G2491 saw G1492 this, they said, G2036 Lord, G2962 wilt thou G2309 that we command G2036 fire G4442 to come down G2597 from G575 heaven, G3772 and G2532 consume G355 them, G846 even G2532 as G5613 Elias G2243 did? G4160 But G1161 he turned, G4762 and rebuked G2008 them, G846 and G2532 said, G2036 Ye know G1492 not G3756 what manner G3634 of spirit G4151 ye G5210 are of. G2075 For G1063 the Son G5207 of man G444 is G2064 not G3756 come G2064 to destroy G622 men's G444 lives, G5590 but G235 to save G4982 them. And G2532 they went G4198 to G1519 another G2087 village. G2968

1 Peter 2:23 STRONG

Who, G3739 when he was reviled, G3058 reviled G486 not G3756 again; G486 when he suffered, G3958 he threatened G546 not; G3756 but G1161 committed G3860 himself to him that judgeth G2919 righteously: G1346

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on 2 Samuel 16

Commentary on 2 Samuel 16 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-4

Ziba's faithless conduct towards Mephibosheth. - 2 Samuel 16:1. When David had gone a little over the height (of the Mount of Olives: הראשׁ points back to 2 Samuel 15:32), Mephibosheth's servant Ziba came to meet him, with a couple of asses saddled, and laden with two hundred loaves, a hundred raisin-cakes, a hundred date or fig-cakes, and a skin of wine. The word קיץ corresponds to the Greek ὀπώρα , as the lxx have rendered it in Jeremiah 40:10, Jeremiah 40:12, and is used to signify summer fruits, both here and in Amos 8:1 (Symm.). The early translators rendered it lumps of figs in the present passage ( παλάθαι ; cf. Ges . Thes . p. 1209). The Septuagint only has ἑκατὸν φοίνικες . The latter is certainly the more correct, as the dried lumps of figs or fig-cakes were called דּבלים (1 Samuel 25:18); and even at the present day ripe dates, pressed together in lumps like cakes, are used in journeys through the desert, as a satisfying and refreshing food (vid., Winer, bibl. Realwörterbuch , i. 253).

2 Samuel 16:2

When the king asked him, “What are these for thee?” i.e., what art thou going to do with them? Ziba replied, “The asses are for the king's family to ride upon (to ride upon in turn), the bread and summer fruits for the young men (the king's servants) to eat, and the wine for those that are faint in the desert to drink” (see at 2 Samuel 15:23). The Chethib ולהלחם is evidently a copyist's error for והלּחם .

2 Samuel 16:3

To the further question put by the king, “Where is thy lord (Mephibosheth)? Ziba replied, “Behold, he sits (is staying) in Jerusalem; for he said, To-day will the house of Israel restore the kingship (government) of my father.” The “kingship of my father,” inasmuch as the throne would have passed to Jonathan if he had outlived Saul. It is obvious enough, apart altogether from 2 Samuel 19:25., the Ziba was calumniating his master Mephibosheth, in the hope of getting possession of the lands that he was farming for him. A cripple like Mephibosheth, lame in both feet, who had never put in any claim to the throne before, could not possibly have got the idea now that the people of Israel, who had just chosen Absalom as king, would give the throne of Saul to such a cripple as he was. It is true that Ziba's calumny was very improbable; nevertheless, in the general confusion of affairs, it was not altogether an inconceivable thing that the oppressed party of Saul might avail themselves of this opportunity to make an attempt to restore the power of that house, which many greatly preferred to that of David, under the name of Mephibosheth.

2 Samuel 16:4

And in the excited state in which David then was, he was weak enough to give credence to Ziba's words, and to commit the injustice of promising the calumniator all that belonged to Mephibosheth, - a promise for which he most politely thanked him. השׁתּחויתי , “I bow myself,” equivalent to, I lay myself at thy feet. “May I find favour in the eyes of my lord the king!” i.e., may the king grant me his favour (vid., 1 Samuel 1:18).

Verse 5-6

Shimei's cursing. - 2 Samuel 16:5, 2 Samuel 16:6. When the king had come to Bahurim , on the other side of the Mount of Olives, but not far off (see at 2 Samuel 3:16), there came out of that place a man of the family of the house of Saul, i.e., a distant relation of Saul, cursing him; and he pelted David and all his servants with stones, although all the people and all the heroes (the household troops and body-guard: 2 Samuel 15:17-18) were (marking) on the right and left of the king. The words “all the people,” etc., are a circumstantial clause.

Verse 7-8

Shimei cursed thus: “ Out, out (away, away), thou man of blood, and worthless man! Jehovah hath repaid thee (now) for all the blood of the house of Saul, in whose stead thou hast become king, and hath given the kingdom into the hand of Absalom thy son. Behold, now thou art in thy misfortune, for thou art a man of blood.” דּמים אישׁ , a man of drops of blood, i.e., one who has shed blood or committed murder. What Shimei meant by “all the blood of the house of Saul,” which David had shed, and because of which he was a man of blood, it is impossible to determine with certainty. He may possibly have attributed to David the murder of Ishbosheth and Abner, notwithstanding the fact that David was innocent of the death of both (see 2 Samuel 3:27., and 2 Samuel 4:6.). By “in whose stead thou hast reigned,” he meant whose throne thou hast forcibly usurped; and by בּרעתך הנּך , “it is for this that punishment hat overtaken thee now.”

Verse 9-10

Abishai wanted to put an end to this cursing (on the expression “dead dog,” see 2 Samuel 9:8). “Let me go,” said he to David, “and take away his head,” i.e., chop off his head. But David replied, “What have I to do with you, ye sons of Zeruiah?” Joab probably joined with Abishai. The formula “what to me and you?” signifies that a person did not wish to have anything in common with the feelings and views of another (cf. 1 Kings 17:18; Joshua 22:24; and τὶ ἐμοὶ καὶ σοί , John 2:4. For the thing itself, comp. Luke 9:52-56). “If he curses, and if Jehovah hath said to him, Curse David, who shall then say, Wherefore hast thou done so?” For יה וכי יקלּל כּי ( Chethib ), the Masoretes give us the Keri , יה כּי יקלּל כּה , “so let him curse, for Jehovah,” etc. This thought lies at the foundation of the rendering adopted by the lxx, who have inserted, by way of explanation, καὶ ἄφετε αὐτὸν καὶ : so let him go, and so may he curse. The Vulgate is just the same: dimittite eum ut maledicat . This interpolation is taken from 2 Samuel 16:11, and, like the Keri , is nothing more than a conjecture, which was adopted simply because כּי was taken as a causal particle, and then offence was taken at וכי . But כּי signifies if, quando , in this passage, and the ו before the following וּמי introduces the apodosis.

Verse 11-12

David said still further to Abishai and all his servants: “Behold, my own son seeketh after my life; how much more then the Benjaminite! (who belongs to a hostile race.) Let him curse, for Jehovah hath bidden him. Perhaps Jehovah will look upon my guilt, and Jehovah will requite me good for the curse which befals me this day.” בּעוני ( Chethib ) has been altered by the Masoretes into בּעיני o , “upon mine eye,” probably in the sense of “upon my tears;” and קללתי into קללתו , - from pure misapprehension. בּעוני does not mean “upon my misery,” for עון never has this meaning, but upon the guilt which really belongs to me, in contrast with that with which Shimei charges me; and קללתי is the curse that has come upon me. Although David had committed no murder upon the house of Saul, and therefore Shimei's cursing was nothing but malicious blasphemy, he felt that it came upon him because of his sins, though not for the sin imputed to him. He therefore forbade their putting the blasphemer to death, and said Jehovah had commanded him to curse; regarding the cursing as the consequence of the wrath of God that was bringing him low (comp. the remarks on 1 Samuel 26:19). But this consciousness of guilt also excited the assurance that the Lord would look upon his sin. When God looks upon the guilt of a humble sinner, He will also, as a just and merciful God, avert the evil, and change the suffering into a blessing. David founded upon this the hope, that the Lord would repay him with good for the curse with which Shimei was pursuing him now.

Verse 13

“So David went with his men on the way, whilst Shimei went on the slope of the hill opposite to him, cursing continually, and pelted with stones over against him, and with earth.” לעמּתו means over against him in both instances. It is not expressly stated that Shimei threw stones and earth at David, but this is implied in the context.

Verse 14

The king came with his train, pursued in this manner, to Ayephim, and refreshed himself there. The context requires that Ayephim should be taken as the name of a place. If it were an appellative, signifying weary, there would be no information as to the place to which David came, and to which the word שׁם (there) distinctly refers. Bahurim cannot be the place alluded to, for the simple reason that, according to 2 Samuel 17:18, the place where David rested was a considerable distance beyond Bahurim, towards the Jordan, as we may see from the fact that it is stated there that the priests' sons, who were sent to carry information to David of what was occurring in Jerusalem, hid themselves in a well at Bahurim from the officers who were following them, and consequently had to go still further in order to convey the news to David; so that it is out of the question to supply this name from 2 Samuel 16:5. It is true that we never meet with the name Ayephim again; but this applies to many other places whose existence is not called in question.

(Note: The meaning of the word, wearied or weariness, does not warrant any conjectures, even though they should be more felicitous than that of Böttcher, who proposes to alter Ayephim into Ephraim , and assumes that there was a place of this name near Mahanaim, though without reflecting that the place where David rested was on this side of the Jordan, and somewhere near to Gilgal or Jericho (2 Samuel 17:16. and 2 Samuel 17:22).)

Verse 15-16

When Absalom and “all the people, the men of Israel,” i.e., the people who had joined him out of all the tribes of Israel (2 Samuel 15:10), came to Jerusalem, and Ahithophel with him, Hushai the Archite also came and greeted him warmly as king, by exclaiming again and again, “Long live the king!”

Verses 17-19

Absalom, apparently astonished at this, said to him, “Is this thy love to thy friend (David)? why wentest thou not with thy friend?” But Hushai replied, “No; but whom Jehovah hath chosen, and this people (i.e., the people who had entered Jerusalem with Absalom), and all the men of Israel (i.e., the whole nation), to him ( לא for לו , Keri ) will I belong, and will remain with him. And again, whom should I serve? Is it not before his son? As I have served thy father, so will I be before thee” (i.e., serve thee). With great craftiness, Hushai declared at the very outset that Jehovah had chosen Absalom - at least he could not come to any other conclusion, judging from the results. And under such circumstances he could not have any doubt as to whom it was his duty to serve. As he had formerly served the father, so now he would serve his son Absalom. In this way he succeeded in completely deceiving Absalom, so that he placed unbounded confidence in him.

Verse 20

After taking possession of the capital of the kingdom, the next thing to do was to form the resolution to take and keep the throne. Absalom therefore turned to Ahithophel, and said, “Give ye counsel what we are to do.” The plural הבוּ (give ye) may be explained on the supposition that the other persons present were addressed as well as Ahithophel, as being capable of giving advice.

Verse 21

Ahithophel gave the following counsel: “Go to thy father's concubines, whom he hath left behind to keep the house (i.e., lie with them: for אל בּוא , compare 2 Samuel 3:7, etc.); so will all Israel hear that thou hast made thyself stinking with thy father, and the hands of all those who are with thee will strengthen themselves.” This advice was sagacious enough. Lying with the king's concubines was an appropriation of the royal harem, and, as such, a complete usurpation of the throne (see at 2 Samuel 3:7), which would render any reconciliation between Absalom and his father utterly impossible, and therefore would of necessity instigate the followers of Absalom to maintain his cause with all the greater firmness. This was what Ahithophel hoped to attain through his advice. For unless the breach was too great to be healed, with the affection of David towards his sons, which might in reality be called weakness, it was always a possible thing that he should forgive Absalom; and in that case Ahithophel would be the one to suffer. But under the superintendence of God this advice of Ahithophel was to effect the fulfilment, without any such intention on his part, of the threat held over David in 2 Samuel 12:8.

Verse 22-23

Absalom had a tent put up on the roof of the king's palace, that his going in to the concubines might be done publicly in the sight of all Israel. For (as the historian adds in 2 Samuel 16:23 by way of explanation) the counsel of Ahithophel, which he counselled in those days, was like a divine oracle both with David and with Absalom. The words from ועצת to ההם are placed at the commencement absolutely: “and (as for) the counsel of Ahithophel, ... as if one inquired the word of God, so was every counsel of Ahithophel.” The Masoretes have supplied אישׁ as the Keri to ישׁאל . This is correct so far as the sense is concerned, but it is quite unnecessary, as ישׁאל may be taken impersonally. האלהים בּדבר שׁאל is to be explained from the formula בּעלהים שׁאל (see at Judges 1:1).