Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Samuel » Chapter 16 » Verse 2

2 Samuel 16:2 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

2 And the king H4428 said H559 unto Ziba, H6717 What meanest thou by these? And Ziba H6717 said, H559 The asses H2543 be for the king's H4428 household H1004 to ride on; H7392 and the bread H3899 and summer fruit H7019 for the young men H5288 to eat; H398 and the wine, H3196 that such as be faint H3287 in the wilderness H4057 may drink. H8354

Cross Reference

2 Samuel 17:29 STRONG

And honey, H1706 and butter, H2529 and sheep, H6629 and cheese H8194 of kine, H1241 for David, H1732 and for the people H5971 that were with him, to eat: H398 for they said, H559 The people H5971 is hungry, H7457 and weary, H5889 and thirsty, H6771 in the wilderness. H4057

Judges 10:4 STRONG

And he had thirty H7970 sons H1121 that rode H7392 on thirty H7970 ass colts, H5895 and they had thirty H7970 cities, H5892 which are called H7121 Havothjair H2334 unto this day, H3117 which are in the land H776 of Gilead. H1568

Judges 5:10 STRONG

Speak, H7878 ye that ride H7392 on white H6715 asses, H860 ye that sit H3427 in judgment, H4055 and walk H1980 by the way. H1870

Genesis 21:29 STRONG

And Abimelech H40 said H559 unto Abraham, H85 What H2008 mean these seven H7651 ewe lambs H3535 which thou hast set H5324 by themselves?

Genesis 33:8 STRONG

And he said, H559 What meanest thou by all this drove H4264 which I met? H6298 And he said, H559 These are to find H4672 grace H2580 in the sight H5869 of my lord. H113

Judges 8:4-5 STRONG

And Gideon H1439 came H935 to Jordan, H3383 and passed over, H5674 he, and the three H7969 hundred H3967 men H376 that were with him, faint, H5889 yet pursuing H7291 them. And he said H559 unto the men H582 of Succoth, H5523 Give, H5414 I pray you, loaves H3603 of bread H3899 unto the people H5971 that follow H7272 me; for they be faint, H5889 and I am pursuing H7291 after H310 Zebah H2078 and Zalmunna, H6759 kings H4428 of Midian. H4080

1 Samuel 14:28 STRONG

Then answered H6030 one H376 of the people, H5971 and said, H559 Thy father H1 straitly H7650 charged H7650 the people H5971 with an oath, H7650 saying, H559 Cursed H779 be the man H376 that eateth H398 any food H3899 this day. H3117 And the people H5971 were faint. H5774

1 Samuel 25:27 STRONG

And now this blessing H1293 which thine handmaid H8198 hath brought H935 unto my lord, H113 let it even be given H5414 unto the young men H5288 that follow H1980 H7272 my lord. H113

2 Samuel 15:1 STRONG

And it came to pass after this, H310 that Absalom H53 prepared H6213 him chariots H4818 and horses, H5483 and fifty H2572 men H376 to run H7323 before H6440 him.

2 Samuel 15:23 STRONG

And all the country H776 wept H1058 with a loud H1419 voice, H6963 and all the people H5971 passed over: H5674 the king H4428 also himself passed over H5674 the brook H5158 Kidron, H6939 and all the people H5971 passed over, H5674 toward H6440 the way H1870 of the wilderness. H4057

2 Samuel 19:26 STRONG

And he answered, H559 My lord, H113 O king, H4428 my servant H5650 deceived H7411 me: for thy servant H5650 said, H559 I will saddle H2280 me an ass, H2543 that I may ride H7392 thereon, and go H3212 to the king; H4428 because thy servant H5650 is lame. H6455

Proverbs 31:6-7 STRONG

Give H5414 strong drink H7941 unto him that is ready to perish, H6 and wine H3196 unto those that be of heavy H4751 hearts. H5315 Let him drink, H8354 and forget H7911 his poverty, H7389 and remember H2142 his misery H5999 no more.

Ezekiel 37:18 STRONG

And when the children H1121 of thy people H5971 shall speak H559 unto thee, saying, H559 Wilt thou not shew H5046 us what thou meanest by these?

Commentary on 2 Samuel 16 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Sa 16:1-4. Ziba, by False Suggestions, Claims His Master's Inheritance.

1. Ziba the servant of Mephibosheth met him—This crafty man, anticipating the certain failure of Absalom's conspiracy, took steps to prepare for his future advancement on the restoration of the king.

a bottle of wine—a large goatskin vessel. Its size made the supply of wine proportioned to the rest of his present.

2. The asses be for the king's household to ride on—The royal fugitives were moving on foot, not from inability to procure conveyances, but as being suitable to their present state of humiliation and penitence.

3. To-day shall the house of Israel restore me the kingdom of my father—Such a hope might not unnaturally arise at this period of civil distraction, that the family of David would destroy themselves by their mutual broils, and the people reinstate the old dynasty. There was an air of plausibility in Ziba's story. Many, on whom the king had conferred favors, were now deserting him. No wonder, therefore, that in the excitement of momentary feeling, believing, on the report of a slanderer, Mephibosheth to be among the number, he pronounced a rash and unrighteous judgment by which a great injury was inflicted on the character and interests of a devoted friend.

2Sa 16:5-19. Shimei Curses David.

5-12. when king David came to Bahurim—a city of Benjamin (2Sa 3:16; 19:16). It is, however, only the confines of the district that are here meant.

Shimei, … a man of the family of Saul—The misfortune of his family, and the occupation by David of what they considered their rightful possessions, afforded a natural, if not a justifiable cause for this ebullition of rude insults and violence. He upbraided David as an ambitious usurper, and charged him, as one whose misdeeds had recoiled upon his own head, to surrender a throne to which he was not entitled. His language was that of a man incensed by the wrongs that he conceived had been done to his house. David was guiltless of the crime of which Shimei accused him; but his conscience reminded him of other flagrant iniquities; and he, therefore, regarded the cursing of this man as a chastisement from heaven. His answer to Abishai's proposal evinced the spirit of deep and humble resignation—the spirit of a man who watched the course of Providence, and acknowledged Shimei as the instrument of God's chastening hand. One thing is remarkable, that he acted more independently of the sons of Zeruiah in this season of great distress than he could often muster courage to do in the days of his prosperity and power.

13. went along on the hill's side over against him—as he descended the rough road on the eastern side of the Mount of Olives, "went along on the hill's side"—literally, "the rib of the hill."

threw stones at him—as a mark of contempt and insult.

cast dust—As if to add insult to injury, clouds of dust were thrown by this disloyal subject in the path of his unfortunate sovereign.

14. refreshed themselves there—that is, in the city of Bahurim.

15-19. Hushai said unto Absalom, God save the king—Hushai's devotion to David was so well-known, that his presence in the camp of the conspirators excited great surprise. Professing, however, with great address, to consider it his duty to support the cause which the course of Providence and the national will had seemingly decreed should triumph, and urging his friendship for the father as a ground of confidence in his fidelity to the son, he persuaded Absalom of his sincerity, and was admitted among the councillors of the new king.

2Sa 16:20-23. Ahithophel's Counsel.

20. Give counsel among you what we shall do—This is the first cabinet council on record, although the deference paid to Ahithophel gave him the entire direction of the proceedings.

21. Ahithophel said unto Absalom—This councillor saw that now the die was cast; half measures would be inexpedient. To cut off all possibility of reconciliation between the king and his rebellious son, he gave this atrocious advice regarding the treatment of the royal women who had been left in charge of the palace. Women, being held sacred, are generally left inviolate in the casualties of war. The history of the East affords only one parallel to this infamous outrage of Absalom.