Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Samuel » Chapter 17 » Verse 8

2 Samuel 17:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 For, said H559 Hushai, H2365 thou knowest H3045 thy father H1 and his men, H582 that they be mighty men, H1368 and they be chafed H4751 in their minds, H5315 as a bear H1677 robbed H7909 of her whelps in the field: H7704 and thy father H1 is a man H376 of war, H4421 and will not lodge H3885 with the people. H5971

Cross Reference

Hosea 13:8 STRONG

I will meet H6298 them as a bear H1677 that is bereaved H7909 of her whelps, and will rend H7167 the caul H5458 of their heart, H3820 and there will I devour H398 them like a lion: H3833 the wild H7704 beast H2416 shall tear H1234 them.

1 Samuel 16:18 STRONG

Then answered H6030 one H259 of the servants, H5288 and said, H559 Behold, I have seen H7200 a son H1121 of Jesse H3448 the Bethlehemite, H1022 that is cunning H3045 in playing, H5059 and a mighty H1368 valiant man, H2428 and a man H376 of war, H4421 and prudent H995 in matters, H1697 and a comely H8389 person, H376 and the LORD H3068 is with him.

Hebrews 11:32-34 STRONG

And G2532 what G5101 shall I G3004 more G2089 say? G3004 for G1063 the time G5550 would fail G1952 me G3165 to tell G1334 of G4012 Gedeon, G1066 and G5037 of Barak, G913 and G2532 of Samson, G4546 and G2532 of Jephthae; G2422 of David G1138 also, G2532 and G5037 Samuel, G4545 and G2532 of the prophets: G4396 Who G3739 through G1223 faith G4102 subdued G2610 kingdoms, G932 wrought G2038 righteousness, G1343 obtained G2013 promises, G1860 stopped G5420 the mouths G4750 of lions, G3023 Quenched G4570 the violence G1411 of fire, G4442 escaped G5343 the edge G4750 of the sword, G3162 out of G575 weakness G769 were made strong, G1743 waxed G1096 valiant G2478 in G1722 fight, G4171 turned to flight G2827 the armies G3925 of the aliens. G245

Daniel 7:5 STRONG

And behold H718 another H317 beast, H2423 a second, H8578 like H1821 to a bear, H1678 and it raised up H6966 itself on one H2298 side, H7859 and it had three H8532 ribs H5967 in the mouth H6433 of it between H997 the teeth H8128 of it: and they said H560 thus H3652 unto it, Arise, H6966 devour H399 much H7690 flesh. H1321

Proverbs 17:12 STRONG

Let a bear H1677 robbed H7909 of her whelps meet H6298 a man, H376 rather than H408 a fool H3684 in his folly. H200

2 Samuel 23:20-22 STRONG

And Benaiah H1141 the son H1121 of Jehoiada, H3077 the son H1121 of a valiant H2428 man, H376 H381 of Kabzeel, H6909 who had done many H7227 acts, H6467 he slew H5221 two H8147 lionlike men H739 of Moab: H4124 he went down H3381 also and slew H5221 a lion H738 in the midst H8432 of a pit H953 in time H3117 of snow: H7950 And he slew H2026 an Egyptian, H4713 a goodly H4758 man: H376 and the Egyptian H4713 had a spear H2595 in his hand; H3027 but he went down H3381 to him with a staff, H7626 and plucked H1497 the spear H2595 out of the Egyptian's H4713 hand, H3027 and slew H5221 him with his own spear. H2595 These things did H6213 Benaiah H1141 the son H1121 of Jehoiada, H3077 and had the name H8034 among three H7969 mighty men. H1368

Proverbs 28:15 STRONG

As a roaring H5098 lion, H738 and a ranging H8264 bear; H1677 so is a wicked H7563 ruler H4910 over the poor H1800 people. H5971

1 Chronicles 11:25-47 STRONG

Behold, H2009 he was honourable H3513 among the thirty, H7970 but attained H935 not to the first three: H7969 and David H1732 set H7760 him over his guard. H4928 Also the valiant men H1368 of the armies H2428 were, Asahel H6214 the brother H251 of Joab, H3097 Elhanan H445 the son H1121 of Dodo H1734 of Bethlehem, H1035 Shammoth H8054 the Harorite, H2033 Helez H2503 the Pelonite, H6397 Ira H5896 the son H1121 of Ikkesh H6142 the Tekoite, H8621 Abiezer H44 the Antothite, H6069 Sibbecai H5444 the Hushathite, H2843 Ilai H5866 the Ahohite, H266 Maharai H4121 the Netophathite, H5200 Heled H2466 the son H1121 of Baanah H1196 the Netophathite, H5200 Ithai H863 the son H1121 of Ribai H7380 of Gibeah, H1390 that pertained to the children H1121 of Benjamin, H1144 Benaiah H1141 the Pirathonite, H6553 Hurai H2360 of the brooks H5158 of Gaash, H1608 Abiel H22 the Arbathite, H6164 Azmaveth H5820 the Baharumite, H978 Eliahba H455 the Shaalbonite, H8170 The sons H1121 of Hashem H2044 the Gizonite, H1493 Jonathan H3129 the son H1121 of Shage H7681 the Hararite, H2043 Ahiam H279 the son H1121 of Sacar H7940 the Hararite, H2043 Eliphal H465 the son H1121 of Ur, H218 Hepher H2660 the Mecherathite, H4382 Ahijah H281 the Pelonite, H6397 Hezro H2695 the Carmelite, H3761 Naarai H5293 the son H1121 of Ezbai, H229 Joel H3100 the brother H251 of Nathan, H5416 Mibhar H4006 the son H1121 of Haggeri, H1905 Zelek H6768 the Ammonite, H5984 Naharai H5171 the Berothite, H1307 the armourbearer H5375 H3627 of Joab H3097 the son H1121 of Zeruiah, H6870 Ira H5896 the Ithrite, H3505 Gareb H1619 the Ithrite, H3505 Uriah H223 the Hittite, H2850 Zabad H2066 the son H1121 of Ahlai, H304 Adina H5721 the son H1121 of Shiza H7877 the Reubenite, H7206 a captain H7218 of the Reubenites, H7206 and thirty H7970 with him, Hanan H2605 the son H1121 of Maachah, H4601 and Joshaphat H3146 the Mithnite, H4981 Uzzia H5814 the Ashterathite, H6254 Shama H8091 and Jehiel H3273 the sons H1121 of Hothan H2369 the Aroerite, H6200 Jediael H3043 the son H1121 of Shimri, H8113 and Joha H3109 his brother, H251 the Tizite, H8491 Eliel H447 the Mahavite, H4233 and Jeribai, H3403 and Joshaviah, H3145 the sons H1121 of Elnaam, H493 and Ithmah H3495 the Moabite, H4125 Eliel, H447 and Obed, H5744 and Jasiel H3300 the Mesobaite. H4677

2 Kings 2:24 STRONG

And he turned H6437 back, H310 and looked H7200 on them, and cursed H7043 them in the name H8034 of the LORD. H3068 And there came forth H3318 two H8147 she bears H1677 out of the wood, H3293 and tare H1234 forty H705 and two H8147 children H3206 of them.

Judges 18:25 STRONG

And the children H1121 of Dan H1835 said H559 unto him, Let not thy voice H6963 be heard H8085 among us, lest angry H4751 H5315 fellows H582 run H6293 upon thee, and thou lose H622 thy life, H5315 with the lives H5315 of thy household. H1004

2 Samuel 23:18 STRONG

And Abishai, H52 the brother H251 of Joab, H3097 the son H1121 of Zeruiah, H6870 was chief H7218 among three. H7992 And he lifted up H5782 his spear H2595 against three H7969 hundred, H3967 and slew H2491 them, and had the name H8034 among three. H7969

2 Samuel 23:16 STRONG

And the three H7969 mighty men H1368 brake through H1234 the host H4264 of the Philistines, H6430 and drew H7579 water H4325 out of the well H953 of Bethlehem, H1035 that was by the gate, H8179 and took H5375 it, and brought H935 it to David: H1732 nevertheless he would H14 not drink H8354 thereof, but poured it out H5258 unto the LORD. H3068

2 Samuel 23:8-9 STRONG

These be the names H8034 of the mighty men H1368 whom David H1732 had: The Tachmonite H8461 that sat H3427 in the seat, H7675 H3429 chief H7218 among the captains; H7991 the same was Adino H5722 the Eznite: H6112 he lift up his spear against eight H8083 hundred, H3967 whom he slew H2491 at one H259 time. H6471 And after H310 him was Eleazar H499 the son H1121 of Dodo H1734 the Ahohite, H266 one of the three H7969 mighty men H1368 with David, H1732 when they defied H2778 the Philistines H6430 that were there gathered together H622 to battle, H4421 and the men H376 of Israel H3478 were gone away: H5927

2 Samuel 21:18-22 STRONG

And it came to pass after this, H310 that there was again a battle H4421 with the Philistines H6430 at Gob: H1359 then Sibbechai H5444 the Hushathite H2843 slew H5221 Saph, H5593 which was of the sons H3211 of the giant. H7497 And there was again a battle H4421 in Gob H1359 with the Philistines, H6430 where Elhanan H445 the son H1121 of Jaareoregim, H3296 a Bethlehemite, H1022 slew H5221 the brother of Goliath H1555 the Gittite, H1663 the staff H6086 of whose spear H2595 was like a weaver's H707 beam. H4500 And there was yet a battle H4421 in Gath, H1661 where was a man H376 of great stature, H4067 H4055 that had on every hand H3027 six H8337 fingers, H676 and on every foot H7272 six H8337 toes, H676 four H702 and twenty H6242 in number; H4557 and he also was born H3205 to the giant. H7497 And when he defied H2778 Israel, H3478 Jonathan H3083 the son H1121 of Shimea H8092 the brother H251 of David H1732 slew H5221 him. These four H702 were born H3205 to the giant H7497 in Gath, H1661 and fell H5307 by the hand H3027 of David, H1732 and by the hand H3027 of his servants. H5650

2 Samuel 15:18 STRONG

And all his servants H5650 passed on H5674 beside H3027 him; and all the Cherethites, H3774 and all the Pelethites, H6432 and all the Gittites, H1663 six H8337 hundred H3967 men H376 which came H935 after H7272 him from Gath, H1661 passed on H5674 before H6440 the king. H4428

1 Samuel 23:23 STRONG

See H7200 therefore, and take knowledge H3045 of all the lurking places H4224 where he hideth H2244 himself, and come ye again H7725 to me with the certainty, H3559 and I will go H1980 with you: and it shall come to pass, if he be H3426 in the land, H776 that I will search H2664 him out throughout all the thousands H505 of Judah. H3063

1 Samuel 17:50 STRONG

So David H1732 prevailed H2388 over H4480 the Philistine H6430 with a sling H7050 and with a stone, H68 and smote H5221 the Philistine, H6430 and slew H4191 him; but there was no sword H2719 in the hand H3027 of David. H1732

1 Samuel 17:34-36 STRONG

And David H1732 said H559 unto Saul, H7586 Thy servant H5650 kept H7462 his father's H1 sheep, H6629 and there came H935 a lion, H738 and a bear, H1677 and took H5375 a lamb H7716 H2089 out of the flock: H5739 And I went out H3318 after H310 him, and smote H5221 him, and delivered H5337 it out of his mouth: H6310 and when he arose H6965 against me, I caught H2388 him by his beard, H2206 and smote H5221 him, and slew H4191 him. Thy servant H5650 slew H5221 both the lion H738 and the bear: H1677 and this uncircumcised H6189 Philistine H6430 shall be as one H259 of them, seeing he hath defied H2778 the armies H4634 of the living H2416 God. H430

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on 2 Samuel 17

Commentary on 2 Samuel 17 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-3

Ahithophel's advice frustrated by Hushai. - 2 Samuel 17:1-3. Ahithophel said still further to Absalom, “I will choose out twelve thousand men, and arise, and pursue after David this night; and fall upon him when he is exhausted and weak, and fill him with alarm: so shall all the people that are with him flee; and I will smite the king alone (when he is alone), and will bring back all the people to thee.” הלּילה , the night, is the night following the day of David's flight and Absalom's entrance into Jerusalem, as we may see very clearly from 2 Samuel 17:16. This advice was sagaciously conceived; for if David had been attacked that night by a powerful army, he might possibly have been defeated. אשׁיבה , to bring back , may be explained on the supposition that Ahithophel regarded Absalom as king, and those who had fled with David as rebels, who were to be brought back under Absalom's sceptre. The following words, וגו הכּל כּשׁוּב , “as the return of the whole (the whole nation) is the man,” i.e., the return of all is dependent upon David, for whom thou liest in wait, are somewhat difficult, though the meaning of Ahithophel is evident enough from what precedes: viz., if he is beaten, they will all come over to thee; “the whole nation will be at peace” ( שׁלוּם is used adverbially).

(Note: Consequently no conjectures are needed as to the rendering of the words in the lxx, viz., καθὼς ( al . ὅν τρόπον ) ἐπιστρέρει ἡ νύμφη πρὸς τὸν ἄνδρα αὐτῆς· πλὴν ψυχὴν ἀνδρὸς ἑνὸς σὺ ζητεῖς , such as Ewald , Thenius, and Böttcher have attempted. For it is very obvious that ἡ νύμφη πρὸς τὸν ἄνδρα αὐτῆς owes its origin simply to a false reading of האישׁ הכּל as אישׁ הכּלּה , and that πλὴν ψυχὴν ἀνδρὸς ἑνός has been interpolated by way of explanation from nothing but conjecture. No other of the ancient versions contains the slightest trace of a different reading from that given in the text.)

Verse 4-5

Although this advice pleased Absalom and all the elders of Israel (present), Absalom sent for Hushai the Archite to hear his opinion. גּם־הוּא serves to strengthen the suffix in בּפיו (cf. Ewald, §311, a .).

Verses 6-9

In answer to Absalom's inquiry, “Shall we do his word (i.e., follow Ahithophel's advice) or not?” Hushai said, “The advice is not good that Ahithophel hath given this time;” and then still further explained (2 Samuel 17:8): “Thou knowest thy father and his men, that they are heroes, and of a ferocious disposition (like Judges 18:25), like a bear in the field robbed of her young; and thy father is a man of war, and will not pass the night with the people,” sc., so that it would be possible to come upon him unawares and slay him ( לין with את , as in Job 19:4). The idea that ילין is to be taken as a Hiphil , in the sense of “and does not let the people lodge for the night” (Böttcher), is quite untenable, since it does not tally with 2 Samuel 17:9, “Behold, he is hid now in one of the pits, or one of the places ( פּחתים are hiding-places that are strong by nature, מקומת are places rendered strong by art); and it comes to pass that he falls upon them at the first: so will men hear it, and say a defeat has taken place among the people that follow Absalom.” נפל with בּ , as in Joshua 11:7, to fall upon a person. The subject to נפל is David, but it is not mentioned as being evident enough from the context; so that there is no necessity for the emendation נפלו , which Thenius proposes. The suffix בּהם relates to those making the attack, the hosts of Absalom. Thenius has given the meaning correctly: “The report that David has made an attack will be sufficient to give rise to the belief that our men have sustained a severe defeat.”

Verse 10

“And even if he (the hearer, 2 Samuel 17:9) be a brave man, who has a lion's heart (lion-like courage), he will be thrown into despair; for all Israel knows that thy father is a hero, and brave men (are those) who are with him.”

Verse 11

“Yea ( כּי , profecto ), I advise: let all Israel be gathered round thee from Dan to Beersheba (see at Judges 20:1), numerous as the sand by the sea; and thou thyself go into the war.” פניך , thy person, i.e., thou thyself be marching. The plural הלכים is used because of פניך . For בּ הלך , to enter into anything, see 1 Kings 19:4; Isaiah 45:16; Isaiah 46:2. קרב , war, the early translators have confounded with קרב .

Verse 12

“And come we to him (if we come upon him) in one of the places where he is found, we let ourselves down upon him, as the dew falls upon the earth; and of him and all the men with him there will not be one left.” נחנוּ might be a contraction of אנחנוּ , as in Genesis 42:11; Exodus 16:7-8, etc.: “so we upon him,” equivalent to “so shall we come upon him.” But if this were the meaning, we should expect עליו והינוּ . It is more correct, therefore, to take נחנוּ ekat ot as the first pers. perf. of נוּח , as the early translators have done: so do we let ourselves down upon him. (For נוּח as applied to an army encamping, see Isaiah 7:2, Isaiah 7:19; and as denoting the swarming of flies and grasshoppers, Isaiah 7:19 and Exodus 10:14.) In Ahithophel's opinion, it would be possible with a very small army to crush David and his little band, however brave his followers might be, and in fact to annihilate them altogether.

Verse 13

“And if he draw back into a city, all Israel lays ropes to that city, and we drag it to the brook, till there is not even a little stone found there.” עד־הנּחל : inasmuch as fortified cities were generally built upon mountains. צרור signifies a little stone, according to the ancient versions. Hushai speaks in hyperboles of the irresistible power which the whole nation would put forth when summoned together for battle, in order to make his advice appear the more plausible.

Verse 14

And he secured his end. Absalom and all Israel thought his advice better than that of Ahithophel; for it was intended to commend itself to Absalom and his supporters. “The counsel appeared safe; at the same time it was full of a certain kind of boasting, which pleased the younger men” (Clericus). All that Hushai had said about the bravery and heroism of David and his followers, was well founded. The deception lay in the assumption that all the people from Dan to Beersheba would crowd around Absalom as one man; whereas it might easily be foreseen, that after the first excitement of the revolution was over, and great calmness ensued, a large part of the nation and army would gather round David. But such a possibility as this never entered the minds of Absalom and his supporters. It was in this that the divine sentence referred to in 2 Samuel 17:14 was seen: “The Lord had commanded (appointed) it, to defeat the good counsel of Ahithophel, that he might bring the evil (intended) upon Absalom.”

Verse 15-16

David is informed of what has occurred. - 2 Samuel 17:15, 2 Samuel 17:16. Hushai communicated without delay to the priests Zadok and Abiathar the advice which had been given to Absalom both by Ahithophel and himself, and requested them to make it known to David as quickly as possible. “Stay not the night,” he said, “by the ferries ( עברות , as in 2 Samuel 15:28) of the desert; but rather go over, lest the king and all the people with him be destroyed.” וגם , “and indeed,” or after a negative clause, “but rather.” למּלך יבלּע is either “there will be a devouring,” i.e., destruction, to the king, it will fall upon him; of if we supply the subject from the previous clause תּעבור עבור as Böttcher proposes, “that it (the crossing over) may not be swallowed up or cut off from the king.” There is nothing to justify Ewald's explanation, “it (misfortune) is swallowed by him.” Hushai recommended of course an immediate crossing of the Jordan; because he did not know whether Absalom would really act upon his advice, although he had expressed his approval of it, or whether he might not change his mind and follow Ahithophel's counsel.

Verse 17

“Jonathan and Ahimaaz (the sons of the priests: 2 Samuel 15:27) stood at the Rogel spring (the present well of Job or Nehemiah, at the south-east corner of Jerusalem: see at Job 15:7), and the maid-servant (of one of the high priests) went and told them (Hushai's message), and they went and told it to king David; for they durst not let themselves be seen to come into the city.” They had therefore been staying at the Rogel spring outside the city. After what had taken place publicly, according to 2 Samuel 15:24., Absalom could not be in any doubt as to the views of the high priests. Consequently their sons could not come into the city, with the intention of leaving it again directly, to inform David of the occurrences that had taken place there as he had requested (2 Samuel 15:28). The clause “and they went and told David” anticipates the course of the affair, according to the general plan adopted by Hebrew historians, of communicating the result at the very outset wherever they possibly could.

Verse 18

“And a lad (servant) saw them, and told Absalom.” Absalom had most likely set spies to watch the priests and their sons. But the two sons who had noticed the spy hurried into the house of a man at Bahurim, who had a well (or cistern that was dry at the time) in his court, and went down into the well.

Verse 19

And the man's wife spread a covering ( המּסך , the covering which she had close at hand) over the well (over the opening into the cistern), and scattered groats ( ריפות , peeled barley: Proverbs 27:22) upon it, so that nothing was noticed. The Vulgate explanation is a very good one: “ quasi siccans ptisanas ” (as if drying peeled barley).

Verse 20

When Absalom's servants came and asked for the priest's sons, the woman said, They have gone over the little water-brook ( המּים מיכל , ἁπ. λεγ. ), and thus led them wrong, so that they did not find them.

Verse 21-22

When they had gone away, the priest's sons came up out of the well and brought David the news, saying, “Go quickly over the water, for thus hath Ahithophel counselled against you;” whereupon David and all the people with him went hastily over the Jordan. “Till the morning dawn not one was missed who had not gone over.” אחד עד , lit . even to one there was not any one missed.

Verse 23

It is still further stated in conclusion, that when Ahithophel saw that his advice was not carried out, he saddled his ass and returned to his home, and there set his house in order and hanged himself, because he could foresee that Absalom would lose his cause through not taking his advice, and it would then be all over with himself. Thus was David's prayer ( 2 Samuel 15:31) fulfilled.

Verse 24

The account of the civil war, which terminated with Absalom's defeat and death, is introduced in 2 Samuel 17:24-26 with a description of the relative position of the two hostile parties. David had come to Mahanaim, a city probably a fortified one, on the east of the Jordan, not far from the ford of the Jabbok (see at 2 Samuel 2:8). Absalom had also gone over the Jordan, “he and all the men with him,” i.e., all the fighting men that he had gathered together according to Hushai's advice, and encamped in the land of Gilead.

Verse 25-26

Absalom had made Amasa captain over his army instead of Joab, who had remained true to David, and had gone with his king to Mahanaim. Amasa was the son of a man named Jithra , היּשׂראלי , who had gone in to (i.e., had seduced) Abigail, the daughter of Nahash and sister of Zeruiah, Joab's mother. He was therefore an illegitimate cousin of Joab. The description given of Jithra as ישׂראלי is very striking, since there was no reason whatever why it should be stated that Amasa's father was an Israelite . The Seventy have therefore given ὁ Ἰεζραηλίτης , i.e., sprung from Jezreel, where David's wife Ahinoam came from (1 Samuel 27:3); but they have done so apparently from mere conjecture. The true reading is evidently היּשׁמעאלי , an Ishmaelite, according to 1 Chronicles 2:17, where the name is written Jether, a contracted form of Jithra. From the description given of Abigail as a daughter of Nahash and sister of Zeruiah, not of David, some of the earlier commentators have very justly concluded that Abigail and Zeruiah were only step-sisters of David, i.e., daughters of his mother by Nahash and not by Jesse.

Verses 27-29

When David came to Mahanaim, some of the wealthier citizens of the land to the east of the Jordan supplied the men who were with him with provisions. This is mentioned as the first sign that the people had not all fallen away from David, but that some of the more distinguished men were still firm in their adherence. Shobi, the son of Nahash or Rabbah , the capital of the Ammonites (see 2 Samuel 11:1), was possibly a son of Nahash the deceased king of the Ammonites, and brother of Hanun, who was defeated by David (2 Samuel 10:1-2), and one of those to whom David had shown favour and kindness when Rabbah was taken. At the same time, it is also quite possible that Shobi may have been an Israelite, who was merely living in the capital of the Ammonites, which had been incorporated into the kingdom of David, as it is evident from 2 Samuel 17:25 that Nahash was not an uncommon name among the Israelites. Machir the son of Ammiel of Lodebar (see at 2 Samuel 9:4), and Barsillai of Roglim the Gileadite. Roglim was a town in Gilead, which is only mentioned once again, viz., in 2 Samuel 19:32, and of which nothing further is known. They brought “bedding, basins, earthenware, and wheat, barley, meal, and parched grains, beans, lentils and parched .” The position of the verb, which is not placed between the subject and the object of the sentence, but only at the close of the whole series of objects, is certainly unusual; but this does not warrant any alteration of the text. For if we were to supply a verb before משׁכּב , as having fallen out of the text, it would be necessary, since הגּישׁוּ follows without a copula, to divide the things enumerated into two classes, so as to connect one portion of the objects with הגּישׁוּ , which is obviously unnatural. The early translators who interpolate a verb before the objects have therefore also supplied the copula w before הגּישׁוּ . There is still less ground for supplying the number 10, as having dropped out before משׁכּב and ספּות , as the lxx have done, since none of the translators of the other ancient versions had any such reading. משׁכּב , couch or bed, is used here for bedding. ספּות , basins, probably field-kettles. The repetition of וקלי is very striking; nevertheless the second must not be struck out without further ground as a supposed copyist's error. As they not only ate parched ears or grains of wheat (see at Leviticus 2:14), but were also in the habit of drying pulse, pease, and lentils before eating them (vid., Harmar, Beobachtungen , i. pp. 255-6), the second קלי may be understood as referring to parched pulse. The ἁπ. λεγ. בּקר שׁפות signifies, according to the Chaldee and the Rabbins, cheese of oxen (i.e., of cows), and according to the conjecture of Roediger (Ges . Thes . p. 1462), a peculiar kind of cheese, such as the Aeneze in the province of Nedjid still make,

(Note: According to Burckhardt's account ( Die Beduinen , p. 48), “after they have taken the butter from the butter-milk, they beat the latter again till it coagulates, and then dry it till it is quite hard. It is then rubbed to pieces, and in the spring every family stores up two or three lasts of it, which they eat mixed with butter.”)

and for which the term σαφὼθ βοῶν retained by the lxx was probably the technical name. Theodotus, on the other hand, has γαλαθηνὰ μοσχάρια , milch-calves; and the Vulgate pingues vitulos , - both of them renderings which can certainly be sustained from the Arabic usage of speech, and would be more in accordance with the situation of the words, viz., after צאן . אמרוּ כּי , “for they said (or thought) the people have become hungry and faint and thirty in the desert,” i.e., in their flight to Mahanaim.