Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Samuel » Chapter 22 » Verse 46

2 Samuel 22:46 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

46 Strangers H1121 H5236 shall fade away, H5034 and they shall be afraid H2296 out of their close places. H4526

Cross Reference

Micah 7:17 STRONG

They shall lick H3897 the dust H6083 like a serpent, H5175 they shall move H7264 out of their holes H4526 like worms H2119 of the earth: H776 they shall be afraid H6342 of the LORD H3068 our God, H430 and shall fear H3372 because of thee.

Isaiah 2:19 STRONG

And they shall go H935 into the holes H4631 of the rocks, H6697 and into the caves H4247 of the earth, H6083 for H6440 fear H6343 of the LORD, H3068 and for the glory H1926 of his majesty, H1347 when he ariseth H6965 to shake terribly H6206 the earth. H776

Isaiah 2:21 STRONG

To go H935 into the clefts H5366 of the rocks, H6697 and into the tops H5585 of the ragged rocks, H5553 for H6440 fear H6343 of the LORD, H3068 and for the glory H1926 of his majesty, H1347 when he ariseth H6965 to shake terribly H6206 the earth. H776

Isaiah 64:6 STRONG

But we are all as an unclean H2931 thing, and all our righteousnesses H6666 are as filthy H5708 rags; H899 and we all do fade H5034 H1101 as a leaf; H5929 and our iniquities, H5771 like the wind, H7307 have taken us away. H5375

Amos 9:3 STRONG

And though they hide H2244 themselves in the top H7218 of Carmel, H3760 I will search H2664 and take them out H3947 thence; and though they be hid H5641 from my sight H5869 in the bottom H7172 of the sea, H3220 thence will I command H6680 the serpent, H5175 and he shall bite H5391 them:

James 1:11 STRONG

For G1063 the sun G2246 is no sooner risen G393 with G4862 a burning heat, G2742 but G2532 it withereth G3583 the grass, G5528 and G2532 the flower G438 thereof G846 falleth, G1601 and G2532 the grace G2143 of the fashion G4383 of it G846 perisheth: G622 so G3779 also G2532 shall G3133 the rich man G4145 fade away G3133 in G1722 his G846 ways. G4197

Commentary on 2 Samuel 22 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Sa 22:1-51. David's Psalm of Thanksgiving for God's Powerful Deliverance and Manifold Blessings.

The song contained in this chapter is the same as the eighteenth Psalm, where the full commentary will be given [see on Ps 18:1, &c.]. It may be sufficient simply to remark that Jewish writers have noticed a great number of very minute variations in the language of the song as recorded here, from that embodied in the Book of Psalms—which may be accounted for by the fact that this, the first copy of the poem, was carefully revised and altered by David afterwards, when it was set to the music of the tabernacle. This inspired ode was manifestly the effusion of a mind glowing with the highest fervor of piety and gratitude, and it is full of the noblest imagery that is to be found within the range even of sacred poetry. It is David's grand tribute of thanksgiving for deliverance from his numerous and powerful enemies, and establishing him in the power and glory of the kingdom.