Worthy.Bible » STRONG » 2 Samuel » Chapter 5 » Verse 12

2 Samuel 5:12 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

12 And David H1732 perceived H3045 that the LORD H3068 had established H3559 him king H4428 over Israel, H3478 and that he had exalted H5375 his kingdom H4467 for his people H5971 Israel's H3478 sake.

Cross Reference

2 Samuel 7:16 STRONG

And thine house H1004 and thy kingdom H4467 shall be established H539 for H5704 ever H5769 before H6440 thee: thy throne H3678 shall be established H3559 for H5704 ever. H5769

1 Kings 10:9 STRONG

Blessed H1288 be the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 which delighted H2654 in thee, to set H5414 thee on the throne H3678 of Israel: H3478 because the LORD H3068 loved H160 Israel H3478 for ever, H5769 therefore made H7760 he thee king, H4428 to do H6213 judgment H4941 and justice. H6666

1 Chronicles 14:2 STRONG

And David H1732 perceived H3045 that the LORD H3068 had confirmed H3559 him king H4428 over Israel, H3478 for his kingdom H4438 was lifted up H5375 on high, H4605 because of his people H5971 Israel. H3478

2 Chronicles 2:11 STRONG

Then Huram H2361 the king H4428 of Tyre H6865 answered H559 in writing, H3791 which he sent H7971 to Solomon, H8010 Because the LORD H3068 hath loved H160 his people, H5971 he hath made H5414 thee king H4428 over them.

Esther 4:14 STRONG

For if thou altogether H2790 holdest thy peace H2790 at this time, H6256 then shall there enlargement H7305 and deliverance H2020 arise H5975 to the Jews H3064 from another H312 place; H4725 but thou and thy father's H1 house H1004 shall be destroyed: H6 and who knoweth H3045 whether thou art come H5060 to the kingdom H4438 for such a time H6256 as this?

Isaiah 1:25-27 STRONG

And I will turn H7725 my hand H3027 upon thee, and purely H1253 purge away H6884 thy dross, H5509 and take away H5493 all thy tin: H913 And I will restore H7725 thy judges H8199 as at the first, H7223 and thy counsellors H3289 as at the beginning: H8462 afterward H310 thou shalt be called, H7121 The city H5892 of righteousness, H6664 the faithful H539 city. H7151 Zion H6726 shall be redeemed H6299 with judgment, H4941 and her converts H7725 with righteousness. H6666

Daniel 2:30 STRONG

But as for me, H576 this H1836 secret H7328 is not H3809 revealed H1541 to me for any wisdom H2452 that I have H383 more than H4481 any H3606 living, H2417 but H3861 for their sakes H1701 that H5922 shall make known H3046 the interpretation H6591 to the king, H4430 and that thou mightest know H3046 the thoughts H7476 of thy heart. H3825

Commentary on 2 Samuel 5 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


2Sa 5:1-5. The Tribes Anoint David King over Israel.

1, 2. Then came all the tribes of Israel—a combined deputation of the leading authorities in every tribe. [See on 1Ch 11:1.] David possessed the first and indispensable qualification for the throne; namely, that of being an Israelite (De 17:15). Of his military talent he had furnished ample proof. And the people's desire for his assumption of the government of Israel was further increased by their knowledge of the will and purpose of God, as declared by Samuel (1Sa 16:11-13).

3. King David made a league with them in Hebron before the Lord—(see on 1Sa 10:17). This formal declaration of the constitution was chiefly made at the commencement of a new dynasty, or at the restoration of the royal family after a usurpation (2Ki 11:17), though circumstances sometimes led to its being renewed on the accession of any new sovereign (1Ki 12:4). It seems to have been accompanied by religious solemnities.

2Sa 5:6-12. He Takes Zion from the Jebusites.

6. the king and his men went to Jerusalem unto the Jebusites—The first expedition of David, as king of the whole country, was directed against this place, which had hitherto remained in the hands of the natives. It was strongly fortified and deemed so impregnable that the blind and lame were sent to man the battlements, in derisive mockery of the Hebrew king's attack, and to shout, "David cannot come in hither." To understand the full meaning and force of this insulting taunt, it is necessary to bear in mind the depth and steepness of the valley of Gihon, and the lofty walls of the ancient Canaanitish fortress.

7. the stronghold of Zion—Whether Zion be the southwestern hill commonly so-called, or the peak now level on the north of the temple mount, it is the towering height which catches the eye from every quarter—"the hill fort," "the rocky hold" of Jerusalem.

8. Whosoever getteth up to the gutter—This is thought by some to mean a subterranean passage; by others a spout through which water was poured upon the fire which the besiegers often applied to the woodwork at the gateways, and by the projections of which a skilful climber might make his ascent good; a third class render the words, "whosoever dasheth them against the precipice" (1Ch 11:6).

9. David dwelt in the fort, &c.—Having taken it by storm, he changed its name to "the city of David," to signify the importance of the conquest, and to perpetuate the memory of the event.

David built round about from Millo and inward—probably a row of stone bastions placed on the northern side of Mount Zion, and built by David to secure himself on that side from the Jebusites, who still lived in the lower part of the city. The house of Millo was perhaps the principal corner tower of that fortified wall.

11, 12. Hiram … sent carpenters, and masons—The influx of Tyrian architects and mechanics affords a clear evidence of the low state to which, through the disorders of long-continued war, the better class of artisans had declined in Israel.

2Sa 5:13-16. Eleven Sons Born to Him.

13. David took him more concubines and wives—In this conduct David transgressed an express law, which forbade the king of Israel to multiply wives unto himself (De 17:17).

2Sa 5:17-25. He Smites the Philistines.

17. when the Philistines heard that they had anointed David king over Israel—During the civil war between the house of Saul and David, those restless neighbors had remained quiet spectators of the contest. But now, jealous of David, they resolved to attack him before his government was fully established.

18. valley of Rephaim—that is, "of giants," a broad and fertile plain, which descends gradually from the central mountains towards the northwest. It was the route by which they marched against Jerusalem. The "hold" to which David went down "was some fortified place where he might oppose the progress of the invaders," and where he signally defeated them.

21. there they left their images—probably their "lares" or household deities, which they had brought into the field to fight for them. They were burnt as ordained by law (De 7:5).

22. the Philistines came up yet again—The next year they renewed their hostile attempt with a larger force, but God manifestly interposed in David's favor.

24. the sound of a going in the tops of the mulberry trees—now generally thought not to be mulberry trees, but some other tree, most probably the poplar, which delights in moist situations, and the leaves of which are rustled by the slightest movement of the air [Royle].