Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Acts » Chapter 25 » Verse 10

Acts 25:10 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

10 Then G1161 said G2036 Paul, G3972 I stand G1510 G2476 at G1909 Caesar's G2541 judgment seat, G968 where G3757 I G3165 ought G1163 to be judged: G2919 to the Jews G2453 have I done G91 no G3762 wrong, G91 as G5613 G2532 thou G4771 very well G2566 knowest. G1921

Cross Reference

Matthew 27:18 STRONG

For G1063 he knew G1492 that G3754 for G1223 envy G5355 they had delivered G3860 him. G846

Matthew 27:23-24 STRONG

And G1161 the governor G2232 said, G5346 Why, G1063 what G5101 evil G2556 hath he done? G4160 But G1161 they cried out G2896 the more, G4057 saying, G3004 Let him be crucified. G4717 When G1161 Pilate G4091 saw G1492 that G3754 he could prevail G5623 nothing, G3762 but G235 that rather G3123 a tumult G2351 was made, G1096 he took G2983 water, G5204 and washed G633 his hands G5495 before G561 the multitude, G3793 saying, G3004 I am G1510 innocent G121 of G575 the blood G129 of this G5127 just person: G1342 see G3700 ye G5210 to it.

Acts 16:37-38 STRONG

But G1161 Paul G3972 said G5346 unto G4314 them, G846 They have beaten G1194 us G2248 openly G1219 uncondemned, G178 being G5225 Romans, G4514 G444 and have cast G906 us into G1519 prison; G5438 and G2532 now G3568 do they thrust G1544 us G2248 out G1544 privily? G2977 nay G3756 verily; G1063 but G235 let them come G2064 themselves G846 and fetch G1806 us G2248 out. G1806 And G1161 the serjeants G4465 told G312 these G5023 words G4487 unto the magistrates: G4755 and G2532 they feared, G5399 when they heard G191 that G3754 they were G1526 Romans. G4514

Acts 22:25-28 STRONG

And G1161 as G5613 they bound G4385 G4385 him G846 with thongs, G2438 Paul G3972 said G2036 unto G4314 the centurion G1543 that stood by, G2476 Is it lawful G1487 G1832 for you G5213 to scourge G3147 a man G444 that is a Roman, G4514 and G2532 uncondemned? G178 When G1161 the centurion G1543 heard G191 that, he went G4334 and told G518 the chief captain, G5506 saying, G3004 Take heed G3708 what G5101 thou doest: G3195 G4160 for G1063 this G3778 man G444 is G2076 a Roman. G4514 Then G1161 the chief captain G5506 came, G4334 and said G2036 unto him, G846 Tell G3004 me, G3427 G1487 art G1488 thou G4771 a Roman? G4514 G1161 He said, G5346 Yea. G3483 And G5037 the chief captain G5506 answered, G611 With a great G4183 sum G2774 obtained G2932 I G1473 this G5026 freedom. G4174 And G1161 Paul G3972 said, G5346 But G1161 I G1473 G2532 was free born. G1080

Acts 23:29 STRONG

Whom G3739 I perceived G2147 to be accused G1458 of G4012 questions G2213 of their G846 law, G3551 but G1161 to have G2192 nothing G3367 laid to his charge G1462 worthy G514 of death G2288 or G2228 of bonds. G1199

Acts 25:6 STRONG

And G1161 when he had tarried G1304 among G1722 them G846 more G4119 than G2228 ten G1176 days, G2250 he went down G2597 unto G1519 Caesarea; G2542 and the next day G1887 sitting G2523 on G1909 the judgment seat G968 commanded G2753 Paul G3972 to be brought. G71

Acts 25:17 STRONG

Therefore, G3767 when they G846 were come G4905 hither, G1759 without G4160 any G3367 delay G311 on the morrow G1836 I sat G2523 on G1909 the judgment seat, G968 and commanded G2753 the man G435 to be brought forth. G71

Acts 25:25 STRONG

But G1161 when I G1473 found G2638 that he G846 had committed G4238 nothing G3367 worthy G514 of death, G2288 and G2532 G1161 that he himself G846 hath appealed G5127 to G1941 Augustus, G4575 I have determined G2919 to send G3992 him. G846

Acts 26:31 STRONG

And G2532 when they were gone aside, G402 they talked G2980 between G4314 themselves, G240 saying, G3004 G3754 This G3778 man G444 doeth G4238 nothing G3762 worthy G514 of death G2288 or G2228 of bonds. G1199

Acts 28:18 STRONG

Who, G3748 when they had examined G350 me, G3165 would G1014 have let me go, G630 because G1223 there was G5225 no G3367 cause G156 of death G2288 in G1722 me. G1698

2 Corinthians 4:2 STRONG

But G235 have renounced G550 the hidden things G2927 of dishonesty, G152 not G3361 walking G4043 in G1722 craftiness, G3834 nor G3366 handling G1389 the word G3056 of God G2316 deceitfully; G1389 but G235 by manifestation G5321 of the truth G225 commending G4921 ourselves G1438 to G4314 every G3956 man's G444 conscience G4893 in the sight G1799 of God. G2316

Commentary on Acts 25 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ac 25:1-12. Festus, Coming to Jerusalem, Declines to Have Paul Brought Thither for Judgment, but Gives the Parties a Hearing on His Return to CæsareaOn Festus Asking the Apostle if He Would Go to Jerusalem for Another Hearing before Him, He Is Constrained in Justice to His Cause to Appeal to the Emperor.

1-3. Festus … after three days … ascended … to Jerusalem—to make himself acquainted with the great central city of his government without delay.

2. Then the high priest—a successor of him before whom Paul had appeared (Ac 23:2).

and the chief of the Jews—and "the whole multitude of the Jews" (Ac 25:24) clamorously.

informed him against Paul …

3. desired favour—in Ac 25:15, "judgment."

against him—It would seem that they had the insolence to ask him to have the prisoner executed even without a trial (Ac 25:16).

laying wait … to kill him—How deep must have been their hostility, when two years after the defeat of their former attempt, they thirst as keenly as ever for his blood! Their plea for having the case tried at Jerusalem, where the alleged offense took place, was plausible enough; but from Ac 25:10 it would seem that Festus had been made acquainted with their causeless malice, and that in some way which Paul was privy to.

4-6. answered that Paul should be kept—rather, "is in custody."

at Cæsarea, and … himself would depart shortly thither.

5. Let them … which among you are able, go down—"your leading men."

7. the Jews … from Jerusalem—clamorously, as at Jerusalem; see Ac 25:24.

many and grievous complaints against Paul—From his reply, and Festus' statement of the case before Agrippa, these charges seem to have been a jumble of political and religious matter which they were unable to substantiate, and vociferous cries that he was unfit to live. Paul's reply, not given in full, was probably little more than a challenge to prove any of their charges, whether political or religious.

9, 10. Festus, willing to do the Jews a pleasure—to ingratiate himself with them.

said, Wilt thou go up to Jerusalem, and … be judged … before me—or, "under my protection." If this was meant in earnest, it was temporizing and vacillating. But, possibly, anticipating Paul's refusal, he wished merely to avoid the odium of refusing to remove the trial to Jerusalem.

10. Then said Paul, I stand at Cæsar's judgment seat—that is, I am already before the proper tribunal. This seems to imply that he understood Festus to propose handing him over to the Sanhedrim for judgment (and see on Ac 25:11), with a mere promise of protection from him. But from going to Jerusalem at all he was too well justified in shrinking, for there assassination had been quite recently planned against him.

to the Jews have I done no wrong, as thou knowest very well—literally, "better," that is, (perhaps), better than to press such a proposal.

if there be none of these things … no man may deliver me unto them—The word signifies to "surrender in order to gratify" another.

11. I appeal to Cæsar—The right of appeal to the supreme power, in case of life and death, was secured by an ancient law to every Roman citizen, and continued under the empire. Had Festus shown any disposition to pronounce final judgment, Paul, strong in the consciousness of his innocence and the justice of a Roman tribunal, would not have made this appeal. But when the only other alternative offered him was to give his own consent to be transferred to the great hotbed of plots against his life, and to a tribunal of unscrupulous and bloodthirsty ecclesiastics whose vociferous cries for his death had scarcely subsided, no other course was open to him.

12. Festus—little expecting such an appeal, but bound to respect it.

having conferred with the council—his assessors in judgment, as to the admissibility of the appeal.

said, Hast thou—for "thou hast."

to Cæsar shalt thou go—as if he would add perhaps "and see if thou fare better."

Ac 25:13-27. Herod Agrippa II ON A Visit to Festus, Being Consulted by Him on Paul's Case, Desires to Hear the Apostle, Who Is Accordingly Brought Forth.

13. King Agrippa—great-grandson of Herod the Great, and Drusilla's brother (see on Ac 24:24). On his father's awful death (Ac 12:23), being thought too young (seventeen) to succeed, Judea, was attached to the province of Syria. Four years after, on the death of his uncle Herod, he was made king of the northern principalities of Chalcis, and afterwards got Batanea, Iturea, Trachonitis, Abilene, Galilee, and Perea, with the title of king. He died A.D. 100, after reigning fifty-one years.

and Bernice—his sister. She was married to her uncle Herod, king of Chalcis, on whose death she lived with her brother Agrippa—not without suspicion of incestuous intercourse, which her subsequent licentious life tended to confirm.

came to salute Festus—to pay his respects to him on his accession to the procuratorship.

14, 15. when there many—"several"

days, Festus declared Paul's cause—taking advantage of the presence of one who might be presumed to know such matters better than himself; though the lapse of "several days" ere the subject was touched on shows that it gave Festus little trouble.

16-21. to deliver any man to die—On the word "deliver up," see on Ac 25:11.

18. as I supposed—"suspected"—crimes punishable by civil law.

19. questions … of their own superstition—rather, "religion" (see on Ac 17:22). It cannot be supposed that Festus would use the word in any discourteous sense in addressing his Jewish guest.

one Jesus—"Thus speaks this miserable Festus of Him to whom every knee shall bow" [Bengel].

whom Paul affirmed—"kept affirming."

to be alive—showing that the resurrection of the Crucified One had been the burden, as usual, of Paul's pleading. The insignificance of the whole affair in the eyes of Festus is manifest.

20. because I doubted of such manner of questions—The "I" is emphatic. "I," as a Roman judge, being at a loss how to deal with such matters.

21. the hearing of Augustus—the imperial title first conferred by the Roman Senate on Octavius.

22-27. I would also hear—"should like to hear."

the man myself—No doubt Paul was fight when he said, "The king knoweth of these things … for I am persuaded that none of these things are hidden from him; for this thing was not done in a corner" (Ac 26:26). Hence his curiosity to see and hear the man who had raised such commotion and was remodelling to such an extent the whole Jewish life.

23. when Agrippa was come, and Bernice, with great pomp—in the same city in which their father, on account of his pride, had perished, eaten up by worms [Wetst].

with the chief captains—(See on Ac 21:32). Josephus [Wars of the Jews, 3.4.2] says that five cohorts, whose full complement was one thousand men, were stationed at Cæsarea.

principal men of the city—both Jews and Romans. "This was the most dignified and influential audience Paul had yet addressed, and the prediction (Ac 9:15) was fulfilled, though afterwards still more remarkably at Rome (Ac 27:24; 2Ti 4:16, 17) [Webster and Wilkinson].

26. I have no certain—"definite"

thing to write my lord—Nero. "The writer's accuracy should be remarked here. It would have been … a mistake to apply this term ("lord") to the emperor a few years earlier. Neither Augustus nor Tiberius would let himself be so called, as implying the relation of master and slave. But it had now come (rather, "was coming") into use as one of the imperial titles" [Hacket].