Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Acts » Chapter 4 » Verse 1-37

Acts 4:1-37 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 And G1161 as they G846 spake G2980 unto G4314 the people, G2992 the priests, G2409 and G2532 the captain G4755 of the temple, G2411 and G2532 the Sadducees, G4523 came upon G2186 them, G846

2 Being grieved G1278 that G1223 they G846 taught G1321 the people, G2992 and G2532 preached G2605 through G1722 Jesus G2424 the resurrection G386 from G1537 the dead. G3498

3 And G2532 they laid G1911 hands G5495 on them, G846 and G2532 put G5087 them in G1519 hold G5084 unto G1519 the next day: G839 for G1063 it was G2258 now G2235 eventide. G2073

4 Howbeit G1161 many G4183 of them which heard G191 the word G3056 believed; G4100 and G2532 the number G706 of the men G435 was G1096 about G5616 five G4002 thousand. G5505

5 And G1161 it came to pass G1096 on G1909 the morrow, G839 that their G846 rulers, G758 and G2532 elders, G4245 and G2532 scribes, G1122

6 And G2532 Annas G452 the high priest, G749 and G2532 Caiaphas, G2533 and G2532 John, G2491 and G2532 Alexander, G223 and G2532 as many as G3745 were G2258 of G1537 the kindred G1085 of the high priest, G748 were gathered together G4863 at G1519 Jerusalem. G2419

7 And G2532 when they had set G2476 them G846 in G1722 the midst, G3319 they asked, G4441 By G1722 what G4169 power, G1411 or G2228 by G1722 what G4169 name, G3686 have G4160 ye G5210 done G4160 this? G5124

8 Then G5119 Peter, G4074 filled G4130 with the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 said G2036 unto G4314 them, G846 Ye rulers G758 of the people, G2992 and G2532 elders G4245 of Israel, G2474

9 If G1487 we G2249 this day G4594 be examined G350 of G1909 the good deed done G2108 to the impotent G772 man, G444 by G1722 what means G5101 he G3778 is made whole; G4982

10 Be it G2077 known G1110 unto you G5213 all, G3956 and G2532 to all G3956 the people G2992 of Israel, G2474 that G3754 by G1722 the name G3686 of Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 of Nazareth, G3480 whom G3739 ye G5210 crucified, G4717 whom G3739 God G2316 raised G1453 from G1537 the dead, G3498 even by G1722 him G5129 doth G3936 this man G3778 stand here G3936 before G1799 you G5216 whole. G5199

11 This G3778 is G2076 the stone G3037 which G3588 was set at nought G1848 of G5259 you G5216 builders, G3618 which G3588 is become G1096 the head G2776 of G1519 the corner. G1137

12 Neither G2532 G3756 is there G2076 salvation G4991 in G1722 any G3762 other: G243 for G1063 there is G2076 none G3777 other G2087 name G3686 under G5259 heaven G3772 given G1325 among G1722 men, G444 whereby G1722 G3739 we G2248 must G1163 be saved. G4982

13 Now G1161 when they saw G2334 the boldness G3954 of Peter G4074 and G2532 John, G2491 and G2532 perceived G2638 that G3754 they were G1526 unlearned G62 and G2532 ignorant G2399 men, G444 they marvelled; G2296 and G5037 they took knowledge G1921 of them, G846 that G3754 they had been G2258 with G4862 Jesus. G2424

14 And G1161 beholding G991 the man G444 which was healed G2323 standing G2476 with G4862 them, G846 they could G2192 say G471 nothing G3762 against it. G471

15 But G1161 when they had commanded G2753 them G846 to go aside G565 out of G1854 the council, G4892 they conferred G4820 among G4314 themselves, G240

16 Saying, G3004 What G5101 shall we do G4160 to these G5125 men? G444 for G1063 that G3754 indeed G3303 a notable G1110 miracle G4592 hath been done G1096 by G1223 them G846 is manifest G5318 to all them G3956 that dwell G2730 in Jerusalem; G2419 and G2532 we cannot G3756 G1410 deny G720 it.

17 But G235 that G3363 it spread G1268 no G3363 further G1909 G4119 among G1519 the people, G2992 let us straitly G547 threaten G546 them, G846 that they speak G2980 henceforth G3371 to no G3367 man G444 in G1909 this G5129 name. G3686

18 And G2532 they called G2564 them, G846 and commanded G3853 them G846 not G3361 to speak G5350 at all G2527 nor G3366 teach G1321 in G1909 the name G3686 of Jesus. G2424

19 But G1161 Peter G4074 and G2532 John G2491 answered G611 and said G2036 unto G4314 them, G846 Whether G1487 it be G2076 right G1342 in the sight G1799 of God G2316 to hearken G191 unto you G5216 more than G3123 G2228 unto God, G2316 judge ye. G2919

20 For G1063 we G2249 cannot G3756 G1410 but G3361 speak G2980 the things which G3739 we have seen G1492 and G2532 heard. G191

21 So G1161 when they had further threatened them, G4324 they let G630 them G846 go, G630 finding G2147 nothing G3367 how G4459 they might punish G2849 them, G846 because G1223 of the people: G2992 for G3754 all G3956 men glorified G1392 God G2316 for G1909 that which was done. G1096

22 For G1063 the man G444 was G2258 above G4119 forty G5062 years old, G2094 on G1909 whom G3739 this G5124 miracle G4592 of healing G2392 was shewed. G1096

23 And G1161 being let go, G630 they went G2064 to G4314 their own company, G2398 and G2532 reported G518 all G3745 that the chief priests G749 and G2532 elders G4245 had said G2036 unto G4314 them. G846

24 And G1161 when they heard that, G191 they lifted up G142 their voice G5456 to G4314 God G2316 with one accord, G3661 and G2532 said, G2036 Lord, G1203 thou G4771 art God, G2316 which G3588 hast made G4160 heaven, G3772 and G2532 earth, G1093 and G2532 the sea, G2281 and G2532 all G3956 that in G1722 them is: G846

25 Who G3588 by G1223 the mouth G4750 of thy G4675 servant G3816 David G1138 hast said, G2036 Why G2444 did G5433 the heathen G1484 rage, G5433 and G2532 the people G2992 imagine G3191 vain things? G2756

26 The kings G935 of the earth G1093 stood up, G3936 and G2532 the rulers G758 were gathered G4863 together G1909 G846 against G2596 the Lord, G2962 and G2532 against G2596 his G846 Christ. G5547

27 For G1063 of G1909 a truth G225 against G1909 thy G4675 holy G40 child G3816 Jesus, G2424 whom G3739 thou hast anointed, G5548 both G5037 Herod, G2264 and G2532 Pontius G4194 Pilate, G4091 with G4862 the Gentiles, G1484 and G2532 the people G2992 of Israel, G2474 were gathered together, G4863

28 For to do G4160 whatsoever G3745 thy G4675 hand G5495 and G2532 thy G4675 counsel G1012 determined before G4309 to be done. G1096

29 And G2532 now, G3569 Lord, G2962 behold G1896 G1909 their G846 threatenings: G547 and G2532 grant unto G1325 thy G4675 servants, G1401 that with G3326 all G3956 boldness G3954 they may speak G2980 thy G4675 word, G3056

30 By G1722 G4571 stretching forth G1614 thine G4675 hand G5495 to G1519 heal; G2392 and G2532 that signs G4592 and G2532 wonders G5059 may be done G1096 by G1223 the name G3686 of thy G4675 holy G40 child G3816 Jesus. G2424

31 And G2532 when they G846 had prayed, G1189 the place G5117 was shaken G4531 where G1722 G3739 they were G2258 assembled together; G4863 and G2532 they were G4130 all G537 filled G4130 with the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 and G2532 they spake G2980 the word G3056 of God G2316 with G3326 boldness. G3954

32 And G1161 the multitude G4128 of them that believed G4100 were G2258 of one heart G2588 and G2532 of one G3391 soul: G5590 neither G2532 G3761 said G3004 any G1520 of them that ought G5100 of the things which he G846 possessed G5224 was G1511 his own; G2398 but G235 they G846 had G2258 all things G537 common. G2839

33 And G2532 with great G3173 power G1411 gave G591 the apostles G652 witness G3142 of the resurrection G386 of the Lord G2962 Jesus: G2424 and G5037 great G3173 grace G5485 was G2258 upon G1909 them G846 all. G3956

34 Neither G3761 G1063 was G5225 there any G5100 among G1722 them G846 that lacked: G1729 for G1063 as many as G3745 were G5225 possessors G2935 of lands G5564 or G2228 houses G3614 sold them, G4453 and brought G5342 the prices G5092 of the things that were sold, G4097

35 And G2532 laid them down G5087 at G3844 the apostles' G652 feet: G4228 and G1161 distribution was made G1239 unto every man G1538 according G2530 as G302 he had G2192 need. G5100 G5532

36 And G1161 Joses, G2500 who G3588 by G5259 the apostles G652 was surnamed G1941 Barnabas, G921 (which G3739 is, G2076 being interpreted, G3177 The son G5207 of consolation,) G3874 a Levite, G3019 and of the country G1085 of Cyprus, G2953

37 Having G5225 G846 land, G68 sold G4453 it, and brought G5342 the money, G5536 and G2532 laid G5087 it at G3844 the apostles' G652 feet. G4228

Commentary on Acts 4 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ac 4:1-13. Peter and John before the Sanhedrin.

1-12. the captain—of the Levitical guard.

of the temple—annoyed at the disturbance created around it.

and the Sadducees—who "say that there is no resurrection" (Ac 23:8), irritated at the apostles "preaching through (rather, 'in') Jesus the resurrection from the dead"; for the resurrection of Christ, if a fact, effectually overthrew the Sadducean doctrine.

4. the number of the men—or males, exclusive of women; though the word sometimes includes both.

about five thousand—and this in Jerusalem, where the means of detecting the imposture or crushing the fanaticism, if such it had been, were within everyone's reach, and where there was every inducement to sift it to the bottom.

5. their rulers, &c.—This was a regular meeting of the Sanhedrim (see on Mt 2:4).

6. Annas … and Caiaphas—(See on Lu 3:2).

John and Alexander—of whom nothing is known.

7. By what power or … name have ye done this—thus admitting the reality of the miracle, which afterwards they confess themselves unable to deny (Ac 4:16).

8. Then, filled with the Holy Ghost, said—(See Mr 13:11; Lu 21:15).

10. Be it known unto you … and to all the people of Israel—as if emitting a formal judicial testimony to the entire nation through its rulers now convened.

by the name of Jesus, &c.—(See on Ac 3:13, &c.).

even by him doth this man stand before you whole—for from Ac 4:14 it appears that the healed man was at that moment before their eyes.

11. This is the stone which was set at naught of you builders, &c.—This application of Ps 118:22, already made by our Lord Himself before some of the same "builders" (Mt 21:42), is here repeated with peculiar propriety after the deed of rejection had been consummated, and the rejected One had, by His exaltation to the right hand of the Majesty on high, become "the head of the corner."

12. Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved—How sublimely does the apostle, in these closing words, shut up these rulers of Israel to Jesus for salvation, and in what universal and emphatic terms does he hold up his Lord as the one Hope of men!

13-17. perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men—that is, uninstructed in the learning of the Jewish schools, and of the common sort; men in private life, untrained to teaching.

took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus—recognized them as having been in His company; remembering possibly, that they had seen them with Him [Meyer, Bloomfield, Alford]; but, more probably, perceiving in their whole bearing what identified them with Jesus: that is, "We thought we had got rid of Him; but lo! He reappears in these men, and all that troubled us in the Nazarene Himself has yet to be put down in these His disciples." What a testimony to these primitive witnesses! Would that the same could be said of their successors!

16. a notable miracle … done by them is manifest to all … in Jerusalem; and we cannot deny it—And why should ye wish to deny it, O ye rulers, but that ye hate the light, and will not come to the light lest your deeds should be reproved?

17. But that it spread no further … let us straitly—strictly.

threaten … that they speak henceforth to no man in this name—Impotent device! Little knew they the fire that was burning in the bones of those heroic disciples.

18-22. Whether it be right … to hearken to you more than … God, judge ye.

20. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard—There is here a wonderful union of sober, respectful appeal to the better reason of their judges, and calm, deep determination to abide the consequences of a constrained testimony, which betokens a power above their own resting upon them, according to promise.

21. finding nothing how they might punish them, because of the people—not at a loss for a pretext, but at a loss how to do it so as not to rouse the opposition of the people.

Ac 4:23-37. Peter and John Dismissed from the Sanhedrin, Report the Proceedings to the Assembled DisciplesThey Engage in PrayerThe Astonishing Answer and Results.

23-30. being let go, they went to their own company—Observe the two opposite classes, representing the two interests which were about to come into deadly conflict.

24. they lifted up their voice—the assembled disciples, on hearing Peter's report.

with one accord—the breasts of all present echoing every word of this sublime prayer.

Lord—(See on Lu 2:29). Applied to God, the term expresses absolute authority.

God which hast made heaven and earth—against whom, therefore, all creatures are powerless.

25. by the mouth of … David—to whom the Jews ascribed the second Psalm, though anonymous; and internal evidence confirms it. David's spirit sees with astonishment "the heathen, the people, the kings and princes of the earth," in deadly combination against the sway of Jehovah and His Anointed (his Messiah, or Christ), and asks "why" it is. This fierce confederacy our praying disciples see in full operation, in the "gathering together of Herod and Pilate, the Gentiles (the Roman authority), and the people of Israel, against God's holy Child ('Servant') Jesus." (See on Ac 3:13). The best ancient copies read, after "were gathered together," "in this city," which probably answers to "upon my holy hill of Zion," in the Ps 2:6.

28. thy hand and thy counsel determined … to be done—that is, "Thy counsel" determined to be done by "Thy hand."

29. now, Lord, behold their threatenings—Recognizing in the threatenings of the Sanhedrim a declaration of war by the combined powers of the world against their infant cause, they seek not enthusiastically to hide from themselves its critical position, but calmly ask the Lord of heaven and earth to "look upon their threatenings."

that with all boldness they may speak thy word—Rising above self, they ask only fearless courage to testify for their Master, and divine attestation to their testimony by miracles of healing, &c., in His name.

31-37. place was shaken—glorious token of the commotion which the Gospel was to make (Ac 17:6; compare Ac 16:26), and the overthrow of all opposing powers in which this was to issue.

they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and spake, &c.—The Spirit rested upon the entire community, first, in the very way they had asked, so that they "spake the word with boldness" (Ac 4:29, 31); next, in melting down all selfishness, and absorbing even the feeling of individuality in an intense and glowing realization of Christian unity. The community of goods was but an outward expression of this, and natural in such circumstances.

33. with great power—effect on men's minds.

great grace was upon them all—The grace of God copiously rested on the whole community.

35. laid … at the apostles' feet—sitting, it may be, above the rest. But the expression may be merely derived from that practice, and here meant figuratively.

36. Joses, &c.—This is specified merely as an eminent example of that spirit of generous sacrifice which pervaded all.

son of consolation—no doubt so surnamed from the character of his ministry.

a Levite—who, though as a tribe having no inheritance, might and did acquire property as individuals (De 18:8).

Cyprus—a well-known island in the Mediterranean.