Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Acts » Chapter 8 » Verse 26

Acts 8:26 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

26 And G1161 the angel G32 of the Lord G2962 spake G2980 unto G4314 Philip, G5376 saying, G3004 Arise, G450 and G2532 go G4198 toward G2596 the south G3314 unto G1909 the way G3598 that goeth down G2597 from G575 Jerusalem G2419 unto G1519 Gaza, G1048 which G3778 is G2076 desert. G2048

Cross Reference

Acts 5:19 STRONG

But G1161 the angel G32 of the Lord G2962 by G1223 night G3571 opened G455 the prison G5438 doors, G2374 and G5037 brought G1806 them G846 forth, G1806 and said, G2036

Acts 27:23 STRONG

For G1063 there stood by G3936 me G3427 this G5026 night G3571 the angel G32 of God, G2316 whose G3739 I am, G1510 and G2532 whom G3739 I serve, G3000

Acts 12:23 STRONG

And G1161 immediately G3916 the angel G32 of the Lord G2962 smote G3960 him, G846 because G473 G3739 he gave G1325 not G3756 God G2316 the glory: G1391 and G2532 he was G1096 eaten of worms, G4662 and gave up the ghost. G1634

Hebrews 1:14 STRONG

Are they G1526 not G3780 all G3956 ministering G3010 spirits, G4151 sent forth G649 to G1519 minister G1248 for G1223 them who shall G3195 be heirs of G2816 salvation? G4991

Joshua 15:47 STRONG

Ashdod H795 with her towns H1323 and her villages, H2691 Gaza H5804 with her towns H1323 and her villages, H2691 unto the river H5158 of Egypt, H4714 and the great H1419 H1366 sea, H3220 and the border H1366 thereof:

2 Kings 1:3 STRONG

But the angel H4397 of the LORD H3068 said H1696 to Elijah H452 the Tishbite, H8664 Arise, H6965 go up H5927 to meet H7125 the messengers H4397 of the king H4428 of Samaria, H8111 and say H1696 unto them, Is it not because there is not a God H430 in Israel, H3478 that ye go H1980 to enquire H1875 of Baalzebub H1176 the god H430 of Ekron? H6138

1 Chronicles 22:16 STRONG

Of the gold, H2091 the silver, H3701 and the brass, H5178 and the iron, H1270 there is no number. H4557 Arise H6965 therefore, and be doing, H6213 and the LORD H3068 be with thee.

Isaiah 60:1-22 STRONG

Arise, H6965 shine; H215 for thy light H216 is come, H935 and the glory H3519 of the LORD H3068 is risen H2224 upon thee. For, behold, the darkness H2822 shall cover H3680 the earth, H776 and gross darkness H6205 the people: H3816 but the LORD H3068 shall arise H2224 upon thee, and his glory H3519 shall be seen H7200 upon thee. And the Gentiles H1471 shall come H1980 to thy light, H216 and kings H4428 to the brightness H5051 of thy rising. H2225 Lift up H5375 thine eyes H5869 round about, H5439 and see: H7200 all they gather themselves together, H6908 they come H935 to thee: thy sons H1121 shall come H935 from far, H7350 and thy daughters H1323 shall be nursed H539 at thy side. H6654 Then thou shalt see, H7200 H3372 and flow together, H5102 and thine heart H3824 shall fear, H6342 and be enlarged; H7337 because the abundance H1995 of the sea H3220 shall be converted H2015 unto thee, the forces H2428 of the Gentiles H1471 shall come H935 unto thee. The multitude H8229 of camels H1581 shall cover H3680 thee, the dromedaries H1070 of Midian H4080 and Ephah; H5891 all they from Sheba H7614 shall come: H935 they shall bring H5375 gold H2091 and incense; H3828 and they shall shew forth H1319 the praises H8416 of the LORD. H3068 All the flocks H6629 of Kedar H6938 shall be gathered together H6908 unto thee, the rams H352 of Nebaioth H5032 shall minister H8334 unto thee: they shall come up H5927 with acceptance H7522 on mine altar, H4196 and I will glorify H6286 the house H1004 of my glory. H8597 Who are these that fly H5774 as a cloud, H5645 and as the doves H3123 to their windows? H699 Surely the isles H339 shall wait H6960 for me, and the ships H591 of Tarshish H8659 first, H7223 to bring H935 thy sons H1121 from far, H7350 their silver H3701 and their gold H2091 with them, unto the name H8034 of the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 and to the Holy One H6918 of Israel, H3478 because he hath glorified H6286 thee. And the sons H1121 of strangers H5236 shall build up H1129 thy walls, H2346 and their kings H4428 shall minister H8334 unto thee: for in my wrath H7110 I smote H5221 thee, but in my favour H7522 have I had mercy H7355 on thee. Therefore thy gates H8179 shall be open H6605 continually; H8548 they shall not be shut H5462 day H3119 nor night; H3915 that men may bring H935 unto thee the forces H2428 of the Gentiles, H1471 and that their kings H4428 may be brought. H5090 For the nation H1471 and kingdom H4467 that will not serve H5647 thee shall perish; H6 yea, those nations H1471 shall be utterly H2717 wasted. H2717 The glory H3519 of Lebanon H3844 shall come H935 unto thee, the fir tree, H1265 the pine tree, H8410 and the box H8391 together, H3162 to beautify H6286 the place H4725 of my sanctuary; H4720 and I will make the place H4725 of my feet H7272 glorious. H3513 The sons H1121 also of them that afflicted H6031 thee shall come H1980 bending H7817 unto thee; and all they that despised H5006 thee shall bow themselves down H7812 at the soles H3709 of thy feet; H7272 and they shall call H7121 thee, The city H5892 of the LORD, H3068 The Zion H6726 of the Holy One H6918 of Israel. H3478 Whereas H8478 thou hast been forsaken H5800 and hated, H8130 so that no man went through H5674 thee, I will make H7760 thee an eternal H5769 excellency, H1347 a joy H4885 of many H1755 generations. H1755 Thou shalt also suck H3243 the milk H2461 of the Gentiles, H1471 and shalt suck H3243 the breast H7699 of kings: H4428 and thou shalt know H3045 that I the LORD H3068 am thy Saviour H3467 and thy Redeemer, H1350 the mighty One H46 of Jacob. H3290 For brass H5178 I will bring H935 gold, H2091 and for iron H1270 I will bring H935 silver, H3701 and for wood H6086 brass, H5178 and for stones H68 iron: H1270 I will also make H7760 thy officers H6486 peace, H7965 and thine exactors H5065 righteousness. H6666 Violence H2555 shall no more be heard H8085 in thy land, H776 wasting H7701 nor destruction H7667 within thy borders; H1366 but thou shalt call H7121 thy walls H2346 Salvation, H3444 and thy gates H8179 Praise. H8416 The sun H8121 shall be no more thy light H216 by day; H3119 neither for brightness H5051 shall the moon H3394 give light H216 unto thee: but the LORD H3068 shall be unto thee an everlasting H5769 light, H215 and thy God H430 thy glory. H8597 Thy sun H8121 shall no more go down; H935 neither shall thy moon H3391 withdraw H622 itself: for the LORD H3068 shall be thine everlasting H5769 light, H216 and the days H3117 of thy mourning H60 shall be ended. H7999 Thy people H5971 also shall be all righteous: H6662 they shall inherit H3423 the land H776 for ever, H5769 the branch H5342 of my planting, H4302 the work H4639 of my hands, H3027 that I may be glorified. H6286 A little one H6996 shall become a thousand, H505 and a small one H6810 a strong H6099 nation: H1471 I the LORD H3068 will hasten H2363 it in his time. H6256

Zechariah 9:5 STRONG

Ashkelon H831 shall see H7200 it, and fear; H3372 Gaza H5804 also shall see it, and be very H3966 sorrowful, H2342 and Ekron; H6138 for her expectation H4007 shall be ashamed; H3001 and the king H4428 shall perish H6 from Gaza, H5804 and Ashkelon H831 shall not be inhabited. H3427

Matthew 3:1-3 STRONG

G1161 In G1722 those G1565 days G2250 came G3854 John G2491 the Baptist, G910 preaching G2784 in G1722 the wilderness G2048 of Judaea, G2449 And G2532 saying, G3004 Repent ye: G3340 for G1063 the kingdom G932 of heaven G3772 is at hand. G1448 For G1063 this G3778 is he G2076 that was spoken G4483 of by G5259 the prophet G4396 Esaias, G2268 saying, G3004 The voice G5456 of one crying G994 in G1722 the wilderness, G2048 Prepare ye G2090 the way G3598 of the Lord, G2962 make G4160 his G846 paths G5147 straight. G2117

Luke 3:2-4 STRONG

Annas G452 and G2532 Caiaphas G2533 being G1909 the high priests, G749 the word G4487 of God G2316 came G1096 unto G1909 John G2491 the son G5207 of Zacharias G2197 in G1722 the wilderness. G2048 And G2532 he came G2064 into G1519 all G3956 the country about G4066 Jordan, G2446 preaching G2784 the baptism G908 of repentance G3341 for G1519 the remission G859 of sins; G266 As G5613 it is written G1125 in G1722 the book G976 of the words G3056 of Esaias G2268 the prophet, G4396 saying, G3004 The voice G5456 of one crying G994 in G1722 the wilderness, G2048 Prepare ye G2090 the way G3598 of the Lord, G2962 make G4160 his G846 paths G5147 straight. G2117

Acts 10:7 STRONG

And G1161 when G5613 the angel G32 which G3588 spake G2980 unto Cornelius G2883 was departed, G565 he called G5455 two G1417 of his G846 household servants, G3610 and G2532 a devout G2152 soldier G4757 of them that waited on G4342 him G846 continually; G4342

Acts 10:22 STRONG

And G1161 they said, G2036 Cornelius G2883 the centurion, G1543 a just G1342 man, G435 and G2532 one that feareth G5399 God, G2316 and G5037 of good report G3140 among G5259 all G3650 the nation G1484 of the Jews, G2453 was warned from God G5537 by G5259 an holy G40 angel G32 to send G3343 for thee G4571 into G1519 his G846 house, G3624 and G2532 to hear G191 words G4487 of G3844 thee. G4675

Acts 12:8-11 STRONG

And G5037 the angel G32 said G2036 unto G4314 him, G846 Gird thyself, G4024 and G2532 bind on G5265 thy G4675 sandals. G4547 And G1161 so G3779 he did. G4160 And G2532 he saith G3004 unto him, G846 Cast G4016 thy garment G2440 about G4016 thee, G4675 and G2532 follow G190 me. G3427 And G2532 he went out, G1831 and followed G190 him; G846 and G2532 wist G1492 not G3756 that G3754 it was G2076 true G227 which G3588 was done G1096 by G1223 the angel; G32 but G1161 thought G1380 he saw G991 a vision. G3705 When G1161 they were past G1330 the first G4413 and G2532 the second G1208 ward, G5438 they came G2064 unto G1909 the iron G4603 gate G4439 that leadeth G5342 unto G1519 the city; G4172 which G3748 opened G455 to them G846 of his own accord: G844 and G2532 they went out, G1831 and passed on through G4281 one G3391 street; G4505 and G2532 forthwith G2112 the angel G32 departed G868 from G575 him. G846 And G2532 when Peter G4074 was come G1096 to G1722 himself, G1438 he said, G2036 Now G3568 I know G1492 of a surety, G230 that G3754 the Lord G2962 hath sent G1821 his G846 angel, G32 and G2532 hath delivered G1807 me G3165 out of G1537 the hand G5495 of Herod, G2264 and G2532 from all G3956 the expectation G4329 of the people G2992 of the Jews. G2453

Joshua 13:3 STRONG

From Sihor, H7883 which is before H6440 Egypt, H4714 even unto the borders H1366 of Ekron H6138 northward, H6828 which is counted H2803 to the Canaanite: H3669 five H2568 lords H5633 of the Philistines; H6430 the Gazathites, H5841 and the Ashdothites, H796 the Eshkalonites, H832 the Gittites, H1663 and the Ekronites; H6139 also the Avites: H5761

Commentary on Acts 8 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ac 8:1-4. Persecution Continued, in Which Saul Takes a Prominent PartHow Overruled for Good.

1. Saul was consenting unto his death—The word expresses hearty approval.

they were all scattered abroad—all the leading Christians, particularly the preachers, agreeably to their Lord's injunctions (Mt 10:23), though many doubtless remained, and others (as appears by Ac 9:26-30) soon returned.

except the apostles—who remained, not certainly as being less exposed to danger, but, at whatever risk, to watch over the infant cause where it was most needful to cherish it.

2. and devout men—pious Jews, probably, impressed with admiration for Stephen and secretly inclined to Christianity, but not yet openly declared.

3. Saul … entering into every house—like as inquisitor [Bengel].

haling men and women, &c.—See his own affecting confessions afterwards (Ac 22:4; 26:9, 10; 1Co 15:9; Ga 1:13; Php 3:6; 1Ti 1:13).

4. they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching—Though solemnly enjoined to do this (Lu 24:47; Ac 1:8), they would probably have lingered at Jerusalem, but for this besom of persecution which swept them out. How often has the rage of Christ's enemies thus "turned out rather unto the furtherance of the Gospel" (see Php 1:12, 13).

Ac 8:5-25. Success of Philip's Preaching in SamariaCase of Simon Magus.

5. Then Philip—not the apostle of that name, as was by some of the Fathers supposed; for besides that the apostles remained at Jerusalem, they would in that case have had no occasion to send a deputation of their own number to lay their hands on the baptized disciples [Grotius]. It was the deacon of that name, who comes next after Stephen in the catalogue of the seven, probably as being the next most prominent. The persecution may have been directed especially against Stephen's colleagues [Meyer].

the city of Samaria—or "a city of Samaria"; but the former seems more likely. "It furnished the bridge between Jerusalem and the world" [Baumgarten].

6-8. the people with one accord gave heed to … Philip—the way being prepared perhaps by the fruits of our Lord's sojourn, as He Himself seems to intimate (see on Joh 4:31-38). But "we may mark the providence of God in sending a Grecian, or a Hellenistic Jew, to a people who from national antipathy would have been unlikely to attend to a native of Judea" [Webster and Wilkinson].

8. great joy in that city—over the change wrought on it by the Gospel, as well as the cures which attested its divine character.

9-13. used sorcery—magical arts.

some great one … the great power of God—a sort of incarnation of divinity.

10. To whom all gave heed … because of long time he had bewitched them—This, coupled with the rapidity with which they deserted him and attached themselves to Philip, shows the ripeness of Samaria for some religious change.

12. were baptized, both men and women—the detection of Simon's frauds helping to extend and deepen the effects of Philip's preaching.

13. Then Simon himself believed also—Left without followers, he thinks it best to join the man who had fairly outstripped him, not without a touch of real conviction.

and … was baptized—What a light does this throw on what is called Baptismal Regeneration!

he continued with Philip—"was in constant attendance upon" him.

14-17. the apostles … sent Peter and John—showing that they regarded Peter as no more than their own equal.

15, 16. prayed … they might receive the Holy Ghost. (For only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus)—As the baptism of adults presupposed "the renewing of the Holy Ghost" (Tit 3:5-7; 1Co 12:13), of which the profession of faith had to be taken for evidence, this communication of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the apostles' hands was clearly a superadded thing; and as it was only occasional, so it was invariably attended with miraculous manifestations (see Ac 10:44, where it followed Peter's preaching; and Ac 19:1-7, where, as here, it followed the laying on of hands). In the present case an important object was served by it—"the sudden appearance of a body of baptized disciples in Samaria, by the agency of one who was not an apostle, requiring the presence and power of apostles to perform their special part as the divinely appointed founders of the Church" [Alford]. Beautiful, too, was the spectacle exhibited of Jew and Samaritan, one in Christ.

18-24. offered them money—Hence the term simony, to denote trafficking in sacred things, but chiefly the purchase of ecclesiastical offices.

19. that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost—Spiritual ambition here shows itself the key to this wretched man's character.

20. Thy money perish with thee—that is, "Accursed be thou and thy money with thee." It is the language of mingled horror and indignation, not unlike our Lord's rebuke of Peter himself (Mt 16:23).

21. Thou hast neither part nor lot … thy heart is not fight, &c.—This is the fidelity of a minister of Christ to one deceiving himself in a very awful manner.

22. Repent … pray … if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven—this expression of doubt being designed to impress upon him the greatness of his sin, and the need of alarm on his part.

23. in the gall of bitterness and … bond of iniquity—expressing both the awfulness of his condition and the captivity to it in which he was held.

24. Pray ye to the Lord for me—Peter had urged him to pray for himself: he asks those wonder-working men to do it for him; having no confidence in the prayer of faith, but thinking that those men possessed some peculiar interest with heaven.

that none of these things dome upon me—not that the thought of his wicked heart might be forgiven him, but only that the evils threatened might be averted from him. While this throws great light on Peter's view of his melancholy case, it shows that Christianity, as something divine, still retained its hold of him. (Tradition represents him as turning out a great heresiarch, mingling Oriental or Grecian philosophy with some elements of Christianity.)

25. and they—Peter and John.

when they had … preached—in the city where Philip's labors had been so richly blessed.

returned … and preached … in many villages of the Samaritans—embracing the opportunity of their journey back to Jerusalem to fulfil their Lord's commission to the whole region of Samaria (Ac 1:8).

Ac 8:26-40. The Ethiopian Eunuch.

"With this narrative of the progress of the Gospel among the Samaritans is connected another which points to the diffusion of the doctrine of the Cross among the remotest nations. The simplicity of the chamberlain of Meroe forms a remarkable contrast with the craft of the magician just described" [Olshausen].

26-28. the angel of the Lord—rather, "an angel."

go … south, the way that goeth down from Jerusalem to Gaza—There was such a road, across Mount Hebron, which Philip might take without going to Jerusalem (as Von Raumer's'S Palæstina shows).

which is desert—that is, the way; not Gaza itself, which was the southernmost city of Palestine, in the territory of the ancient Philistines. To go from a city, where his hands had been full of work, so far away on a desert road, could not but be staggering to the faith of Philip, especially as he was kept in ignorance of the object of the journey. But like Paul, he "was not disobedient to the heavenly vision"; and like Abram, "he went out not knowing whither he went" (Ac 26:19; Heb 11:8).

27. a man of Ethiopia—Upper Egypt, Meroe.

an eunuch of great authority—Eunuchs were generally employed for confidential offices in the East, and to some extent are still.

Candace—the family name of the queens of Upper Egypt, like Pharaoh, Cæsar, &c. (as appears from classic authors).

had come to Jerusalem to worship—that is, to keep the recent feast of Pentecost, as a Gentile proselyte to the Jewish faith. (See Isa 56:3-8, and Joh 12:20).

28. Was returning—Having come so far, he not only stayed out the days of the festival, but prolonged his stay till now. It says much for his fidelity and value to his royal mistress that he had such liberty. But the faith in Jehovah and love of His worship and word, with which he was imbued, sufficiently explain this.

and sitting in his chariot, read Esaias—Not contented with the statutory services in which he had joined, he beguiles the tedium of the journey homeward by reading the Scriptures. But this is not all; for as Philip "heard him read the prophet Esaias," he must have been reading aloud and not (as is customary still in the East) so as merely to be audible, but in a louder voice than he would naturally have used if intent on his own benefit only: evidently therefore he was reading to his charioteer.

29-31. the Spirit said—by an unmistakable voice within, as in Ac 10:19; 16:6, 7.

go near and join this chariot—This would reveal to Philip the hitherto unknown object of his journey, and encourage him to expect something.

30. Understandest thou what thou readest?—To one so engaged this would be deemed no rude question, while the eager appearance of the speaker, and the question itself, would indicate a readiness to supply any want of insight that might be felt.

31. How can I, except some man guide me?—Beautiful expression at once of humility and docility; the invitation to Philip which immediately followed, to "come up and sit with him," being but the natural expression of this.

32, 33. The place … was this, He was led as a sheep, &c.—One cannot but wonder that this, of all predictions of Messiah's sufferings in the Old Testament the most striking, should have been that which the eunuch was reading before Philip joined him. He could hardly miss to have heard at Jerusalem of the sufferings and death of Jesus, and of the existence of a continually increasing party who acknowledged Him to be the Messiah. But his question to Philip, whether the prophet in this passage meant himself or some other man, clearly shows that he had not the least idea of any connection between this prediction and those facts.

34-38. And the eunuch answered, I pray thee, &c.—The respect with which he here addresses Philip was prompted by his reverence for one whom he perceived to be his superior in divine things; his own worldly position sinking before this.

35. Then Philip opened his mouth—(See on Mt 5:2).

began at the same scripture—founding on it as his text.

preached unto him Jesus—showing Him to be the glorious Burden of this wonderful prediction, and interpreting it in the light of the facts of His history.

36. See, here is water—more simply, "Behold water!" as if already his mind filled with light and his soul set free, he was eagerly looking out for the first water in which he might seal his reception of the truth and be enrolled among the visible disciples of the Lord Jesus.

what doth hinder me to be baptized?—Philip had probably told him that this was the ordained sign and seal of discipleship, but the eunuch's question was likely the first proposal of its application in this case. (Ac 8:37 is wanting in the principal manuscripts and most venerable versions of the New Testament. It seems to have been added from the formularies for baptism which came into current use).

38. they went down both into the water, and he baptized him, &c.—probably laving the water upon him, though the precise mode is neither certain nor of any consequence.

39, 40. the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip—To deny [as Meyer, Olshausen, Bloomfield] the miraculous nature of Philip's disappearance, is vain. It stands out on the face of the words, as just a repetition of what we read of the ancient prophets, in 1Ki 18:12; 2Ki 2:16. And the same word (as Bengel remarks) is employed to express a similar idea in 2Co 12:2, 4; 1Th 4:17.

the eunuch saw him no more—nor, perhaps, for very joy, cared to see him [Bengel].

and he went on his way rejoicing—He had found Christ, and the key to the Scriptures; his soul was set free, and his discipleship sealed; he had lost his teacher, but gained what was infinitely better: He felt himself a new man, and "his joy was full." Tradition says he was the first preacher of the Gospel in Ethiopia; and how, indeed, could he choose but "tell what the Lord had done for his soul?" Yet there is no certainty as to any historical connection between his labors and the introduction of Christianity into that country.

40. Philip was found—that is, "found himself," "made his appearance": an expression confirming the miraculous manner of his transportation.

at Azotus—the ancient Ashdod.

preached in all the cities—along the coast, proceeding northward.

till he came to Cæsarea—fifty-five miles northwest of Jerusalem, on the Mediterranean, just south of Mount Carmel; and so named by Herod, who rebuilt it, in honor of Cæsar Augustus. Henceforth we lose sight of zealous and honored Philip, as by and by we shall lose sight even of Peter. As the chariot of the Gospel rolls on, other agents are raised up, each suited to his work. But "he that soweth and he that reapeth shall rejoice together." (See on Joh 4:31-38).