Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Daniel » Chapter 5 » Verse 22

Daniel 5:22 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

22 And thou H607 his son, H1247 O Belshazzar, H1113 hast not H3809 humbled H8214 thine heart, H3825 though H6903 thou knewest H3046 all H3606 this; H1836

Cross Reference

2 Chronicles 33:23 STRONG

And humbled H3665 not himself before H6440 the LORD, H3068 as Manasseh H4519 his father H1 had humbled H3665 himself; but Amon H526 trespassed H819 more and more. H7235

Exodus 10:3 STRONG

And Moses H4872 and Aaron H175 came in H935 unto Pharaoh, H6547 and said H559 unto him, Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 God H430 of the Hebrews, H5680 How long H4970 wilt thou refuse H3985 to humble H6031 thyself before H6440 me? let my people H5971 go, H7971 that they may serve H5647 me.

2 Chronicles 36:12 STRONG

And he did H6213 that which was evil H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD H3068 his God, H430 and humbled H3665 not himself before H6440 Jeremiah H3414 the prophet H5030 speaking from the mouth H6310 of the LORD. H3068

James 4:6 STRONG

But G1161 he giveth G1325 more G3187 grace. G5485 Wherefore G1352 he saith, G3004 God G2316 resisteth G498 the proud, G5244 but G1161 giveth G1325 grace G5485 unto the humble. G5011

1 Peter 5:5-6 STRONG

Likewise, G3668 ye younger, G3501 submit yourselves G5293 unto the elder. G4245 Yea, G1161 all G3956 of you be subject G5293 one to another, G240 and be clothed G1463 with humility: G5012 for G3754 God G2316 resisteth G498 the proud, G5244 and G1161 giveth G1325 grace G5485 to the humble. G5011 Humble yourselves G5013 therefore G3767 under G5259 the mighty G2900 hand G5495 of God, G2316 that G2443 he may exalt G5312 you G5209 in G1722 due time: G2540

Psalms 119:46 STRONG

I will speak H1696 of thy testimonies H5713 also before kings, H4428 and will not be ashamed. H954

Isaiah 26:10 STRONG

Let favour be shewed H2603 to the wicked, H7563 yet will he not H1077 learn H3925 righteousness: H6664 in the land H776 of uprightness H5229 will he deal unjustly, H5765 and will not H1077 behold H7200 the majesty H1348 of the LORD. H3068

Daniel 5:18 STRONG

O thou H607 king, H4430 the most high H5943 God H426 gave H3052 Nebuchadnezzar H5020 thy father H2 a kingdom, H4437 and majesty, H7238 and glory, H3367 and honour: H1923

Matthew 14:4 STRONG

For G1063 John G2491 said G3004 unto him, G846 It is G1832 not G3756 lawful G1832 for thee G4671 to have G2192 her. G846

Matthew 21:32 STRONG

For G1063 John G2491 came G2064 unto G4314 you G5209 in G1722 the way G3598 of righteousness, G1343 and G2532 ye believed G4100 him G846 not: G3756 but G1161 the publicans G5057 and G2532 the harlots G4204 believed G4100 him: G846 and G1161 ye, G5210 when ye had seen G1492 it, repented G3338 not G3756 afterward, G5305 that ye might believe G4100 him. G846

Luke 12:47 STRONG

And G1161 that G1565 servant, G1401 which G3588 knew G1097 his G1438 lord's G2962 will, G2307 and G2532 prepared G2090 not G3361 himself, neither G3366 did G4160 according G4314 to his G846 will, G2307 shall be beaten G1194 with many G4183 stripes.

John 13:17 STRONG

If G1487 ye know G1492 these things, G5023 happy G3107 are ye G2075 if G1437 ye do G4160 them. G846

Acts 4:8-13 STRONG

Then G5119 Peter, G4074 filled G4130 with the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 said G2036 unto G4314 them, G846 Ye rulers G758 of the people, G2992 and G2532 elders G4245 of Israel, G2474 If G1487 we G2249 this day G4594 be examined G350 of G1909 the good deed done G2108 to the impotent G772 man, G444 by G1722 what means G5101 he G3778 is made whole; G4982 Be it G2077 known G1110 unto you G5213 all, G3956 and G2532 to all G3956 the people G2992 of Israel, G2474 that G3754 by G1722 the name G3686 of Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 of Nazareth, G3480 whom G3739 ye G5210 crucified, G4717 whom G3739 God G2316 raised G1453 from G1537 the dead, G3498 even by G1722 him G5129 doth G3936 this man G3778 stand here G3936 before G1799 you G5216 whole. G5199 This G3778 is G2076 the stone G3037 which G3588 was set at nought G1848 of G5259 you G5216 builders, G3618 which G3588 is become G1096 the head G2776 of G1519 the corner. G1137 Neither G2532 G3756 is there G2076 salvation G4991 in G1722 any G3762 other: G243 for G1063 there is G2076 none G3777 other G2087 name G3686 under G5259 heaven G3772 given G1325 among G1722 men, G444 whereby G1722 G3739 we G2248 must G1163 be saved. G4982 Now G1161 when they saw G2334 the boldness G3954 of Peter G4074 and G2532 John, G2491 and G2532 perceived G2638 that G3754 they were G1526 unlearned G62 and G2532 ignorant G2399 men, G444 they marvelled; G2296 and G5037 they took knowledge G1921 of them, G846 that G3754 they had been G2258 with G4862 Jesus. G2424

Acts 5:29-33 STRONG

Then G1161 Peter G4074 and G2532 the other apostles G652 answered G611 and said, G2036 We ought G1163 to obey G3980 God G2316 rather G3123 than G2228 men. G444 The God G2316 of our G2257 fathers G3962 raised up G1453 Jesus, G2424 whom G3739 ye G5210 slew G1315 and hanged G2910 on G1909 a tree. G3586 Him G5126 hath God G2316 exalted G5312 with his G846 right hand G1188 to be a Prince G747 and G2532 a Saviour, G4990 for to give G1325 repentance G3341 to Israel, G2474 and G2532 forgiveness G859 of sins. G266 And G2532 we G2249 are G2070 his G846 witnesses G3144 of these G5130 things; G4487 and G2532 so is also G1161 the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 whom G3739 God G2316 hath given G1325 to them that obey G3980 him. G846 When G1161 they heard G191 that, they were cut G1282 to the heart, and G2532 took counsel G1011 to slay G337 them. G846

James 4:17 STRONG

Therefore G3767 to him that knoweth G1492 to do G4160 good, G2570 and G2532 doeth G4160 it not, G3361 to him G846 it is G2076 sin. G266

Commentary on Daniel 5 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Da 5:1-31. Belshazzar's Impious Feast; the Handwriting on the Wall Interpreted by Daniel of the Doom of Babylon and Its King.

1. Belshazzar—Rawlinson, from the Assyrian inscriptions, has explained the seeming discrepancy between Daniel and the heathen historians of Babylon, Berosus and Abydenus, who say the last king (Nabonidus) surrendered in Borsippa, after Babylon was taken, and had an honorable abode in Caramania assigned to him. Belshazzar was joint king with his father (called Minus in the inscriptions), but subordinate to him; hence the Babylonian account suppresses the facts which cast discredit on Babylon, namely, that Belshazzar shut himself up in that city and fell at its capture; while it records the surrender of the principal king in Borsippa (see my Introduction to Daniel). The heathen Xenophon's description of Belshazzar accords with Daniel's; he calls him "impious," and illustrates his cruelty by mentioning that he killed one of his nobles, merely because, in hunting, the noble struck down the game before him; and unmanned a courtier, Gadates, at a banquet, because one of the king's concubines praised him as handsome. Daniel shows none of the sympathy for him which he had for Nebuchadnezzar. Xenophon confirms Daniel as to Belshazzar's end. Winer explains the "shazzar" in the name as meaning "fire."

made … feast—heaven-sent infatuation when his city was at the time being besieged by Cyrus. The fortifications and abundant provisions in the city made the king despise the besiegers. It was a festival day among the Babylonians [Xenophon].

drank … before the thousand—The king, on this extraordinary occasion, departed from his usual way of feasting apart from his nobles (compare Es 1:3).

2. whiles he tasted the wine—While under the effects of wine, men will do what they dare not do when sober.

his father Nebuchadnezzar—that is, his forefather. So "Jesus … the son of David, the son of Abraham" (Mt 1:1). Daniel does not say that the other kings mentioned in other writers did not reign between Belshazzar and Nebuchadnezzar, namely, Evil-merodach (Jer 52:31), Neriglissar, his brother-in-law, and Laborasoarchod (nine months). Berosus makes Nabonidus, the last king, to have been one of the people, raised to the throne by an insurrection. As the inscriptions show that Belshazzar was distinct from, and joint king with, him, this is not at variance with Daniel, whose statement that Belshazzar was son (grandson) of Nebuchadnezzar is corroborated by Jeremiah (Jer 27:7). Their joint, yet independent, testimony, as contemporaries, and having the best means of information, is more trustworthy than any of the heathen historians, if there were a discrepancy. Evil-merodach, son of Nebuchadnezzar (according to Berosus), reigned but a short time (one or two years), having, in consequence of his bad government, been dethroned by a plot of Neriglissar, his sister's husband; hence Daniel does not mention him. At the elevation of Nabonidus as supreme king, Belshazzar, the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar, was doubtless suffered to be subordinate king and successor, in order to conciliate the legitimate party. Thus the seeming discrepancy becomes a confirmation of genuineness when cleared up, for the real harmony must have been undesigned.

wives … concubines—not usually present at feasts in the East, where women of the harem are kept in strict seclusion. Hence Vashti's refusal to appear at Ahasuerus' feast (Es 1:9-12). But the Babylonian court, in its reckless excesses, seems not to have been so strict as the Persian. Xenophon [Cyropædia, 5.2,28] confirms Daniel, representing a feast of Belshazzar where the concubines are present. At the beginning "the lords" (Da 5:1), for whom the feast was made, alone seem to have been present; but as the revelry advanced, the women were introduced. Two classes of them are mentioned, those to whom belonged the privileges of "wives," and those strictly concubines (2Sa 5:13; 1Ki 11:3; So 6:8).

3. This act was not one of necessity, or for honor's sake, but in reckless profanity.

4. praised—sang and shouted praises to "gods," which being of gold, "are their own witnesses" (Isa 44:9), confuting the folly of those who fancy such to be gods.

5. In the same hour—that the cause of God's visitation might be palpable, namely, the profanation of His vessels and His holy name.

fingers of … hand—God admonishes him, not by a dream (as Nebuchadnezzar had been warned), or by a voice, but by "fingers coming forth," the invisibility of Him who moved them heightening the awful impressiveness of the scene, the hand of the Unseen One attesting his doom before the eyes of himself and his guilty fellow revellers.

against the candlestick—the candelabra; where the mystic characters would be best seen. Barnes makes it the candlestick taken from the temple of Jerusalem, the nearness of the writing to it intimating that the rebuke was directed against the sacrilege.

upon the plaster of the wall of the king's palace—Written in cuneiform letters on slabs on the walls, and on the very bricks, are found the perpetually recurring recital of titles, victories, and exploits, to remind the spectator at every point of the regal greatness. It is significant, that on the same wall on which the king was accustomed to read the flattering legends of his own magnificence, he beholds the mysterious inscription which foretells his fall (compare Pr 16:18; Ac 12:21-23).

part of the hand—the anterior part, namely, the fingers.

6. countenance—literally, "brightness," that is, his bright look.

joints of his loins—"the vertebræ of his back" [Gesenius].

7. He calls for the magicians, who more than once had been detected in imposture. He neglects God, and Daniel, whose fame as an interpreter was then well-established. The world wishes to be deceived and shuts its eyes against the light [Calvin]. The Hebrews think the words were Chaldee, but in the old Hebrew character (like that now in the Samaritan Pentateuch).

third ruler—The first place was given to the king; the second, to the son of the king, or of the queen; the third, to the chief of the satraps.

8. The words were in such a character as to be illegible to the Chaldees, God reserving this honor to Daniel.

10. queen—the queen mother, or grandmother, Nitocris, had not been present till now. She was wife either of Nebuchadnezzar or of Evil merodach; hence her acquaintance with the services of Daniel. She completed the great works which the former had begun. Hence Herodotus attributes them to her alone. This accounts for the deference paid to her by Belshazzar. (See on Da 4:36). Compare similar rank given to the queen mother among the Hebrews (1Ki 15:13).

11. spirit of the holy gods—She remembers and repeats Nebuchadnezzar's language (Da 4:8, 9, 18). As Daniel was probably, according to Oriental custom, deprived of the office to which Nebuchadnezzar had promoted him, as "master of the magicians" (Da 4:9), at the king's death, Belshazzar might easily be ignorant of his services.

the king … thy father the king … thy father—The repetition marks with emphatic gravity both the excellencies of Daniel, and the fact that Nebuchadnezzar, whom Belshazzar is bound to reverence as his father, had sought counsel from him in similar circumstances.

13. the captivity of Judah—the captive Jews residing in Babylon.

17. Not inconsistent with Da 5:29. For here he declares his interpretation of the words is not from the desire of reward. The honors in Da 5:29 were doubtless urged on him, without his wish, in such a way that he could not with propriety refuse them. Had he refused them after announcing the doom of the kingdom, he might have been suspected of cowardice or treason.

18. God gave—It was not his own birth or talents which gave him the vast empire, as he thought. To make him unlearn his proud thought was the object of God's visitation on him.

majesty—in the eyes of his subjects.

glory—from his victories.

honour—from the enlargement and decoration of the city.

19. A purely absolute monarchy (Jer 27:7).

21. heart was made like … beasts—literally, "he made his heart like the beasts," that is, he desired to dwell with them.

22. Thou hast erred not through ignorance, but through deliberate contempt of God, notwithstanding that thou hadst before thine eyes the striking warning given in thy grandfather's case.

23. whose are all thy ways—(Jer 10:23).

24. Then—When thou liftedst up thyself against the Lord.

the part of the hand—the fore part, the fingers.

was … sent from him—that is, from God.

25. Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin—literally, "numbered, weighed, and dividers."

26. God hath fixed the number of years of thine empire, and that number is now complete.

27. weighed in the balances—The Egyptians thought that Osiris weighed the actions of the dead in a literal balance. The Babylonians may have had the same notion, which would give a peculiar appropriateness to the image here used.

found wanting—too light before God, the weigher of actions (1Sa 2:3; Ps 62:9). Like spurious gold or silver (Jer 6:30).

28. Peres—the explanation of "dividers" (Da 5:25), the active participle plural there being used for the passive participle singular, "dividers" for "divided." The word "Peres" alludes to the similar word "Persia."

divided—namely, among the Medes and Persians [Maurer]; or, "severed" from thee [Grotius].

29. Belshazzar … clothed Daniel with scarlet—To come from the presence of a prince in a dress presented to the wearer as a distinction is still held a great honor in the East. Daniel was thus restored to a similar rank to what he had held under Nebuchadnezzar (Da 2:48). Godly fidelity which might be expected to bring down vengeance, as in this case, is often rewarded even in this life. The king, having promised, was ashamed before his courtiers to break his word. He perhaps also affected to despise the prophecy of his doom, as an idle threat. As to Daniel's reasons for now accepting what at first he had declined, compare Note, see on Da 5:17. The insignia of honor would be witnesses for God's glory to the world of his having by God's aid interpreted the mystic characters. The cause of his elevation too would secure the favor of the new dynasty (Da 6:2) for both himself and his captive countrymen. As the capture of the city by Cyrus was not till near daylight, there was no want of time in that eventful night for accomplishing all that is here recorded. The capture of the city so immediately after the prophecy of it (following Belshazzar's sacrilege), marked most emphatically to the whole world the connection between Babylon's sin and its punishment.

30. Herodotus and Xenophon confirm Daniel as to the suddenness of the event. Cyrus diverted the Euphrates into a new channel and, guided by two deserters, marched by the dry bed into the city, while the Babylonians were carousing at an annual feast to the gods. See also Isa 21:5; 44:27; Jer 50:38, 39; 51:36. As to Belshazzar's being slain, compare Isa 14:18-20; 21:2-9; Jer 50:29-35; 51:57.

31. Darius the Median—that is, Cyaxares II, the son and successor of Astyages, 569-536 B.C. Though Koresh, or Cyrus, was leader of the assault, yet all was done in the name of Darius; therefore, he alone is mentioned here; but Da 6:28 shows Daniel was not ignorant of Cyrus' share in the capture of Babylon. Isa 13:17; 21:2, confirm Daniel in making the Medes the leading nation in destroying Babylon. So also Jer 51:11, 28. Herodotus, on the other hand, omits mentioning Darius, as that king, being weak and sensual, gave up all the authority to his energetic nephew, Cyrus [Xenophon, Cyropædia, 1.5; 8.7].

threescore and two years old—This agrees with Xenophon [Cyropædia, 8.5,19], as to Cyaxares II.