Deuteronomy 11:5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 And what he did H6213 unto you in the wilderness, H4057 until ye came H935 into this place; H4725

Cross Reference

Psalms 77:20 STRONG

Thou leddest H5148 thy people H5971 like a flock H6629 by the hand H3027 of Moses H4872 and Aaron. H175

Psalms 78:14-72 STRONG

In the daytime H3119 also he led H5148 them with a cloud, H6051 and all the night H3915 with a light H216 of fire. H784 He clave H1234 the rocks H6697 in the wilderness, H4057 and gave them drink H8248 as out of the great H7227 depths. H8415 He brought H3318 streams H5140 also out of the rock, H5553 and caused waters H4325 to run down H3381 like rivers. H5104 And they sinned H2398 yet more H3254 against him by provoking H4784 the most High H5945 in the wilderness. H6723 And they tempted H5254 God H410 in their heart H3824 by asking H7592 meat H400 for their lust. H5315 Yea, they spake H1696 against God; H430 they said, H559 Can H3201 God H410 furnish H6186 a table H7979 in the wilderness? H4057 Behold, he smote H5221 the rock, H6697 that the waters H4325 gushed out, H2100 and the streams H5158 overflowed; H7857 can H3201 he give H5414 bread H3899 also? can H3201 he provide H3559 flesh H7607 for his people? H5971 Therefore the LORD H3068 heard H8085 this, and was wroth: H5674 so a fire H784 was kindled H5400 against Jacob, H3290 and anger H639 also came up H5927 against Israel; H3478 Because they believed H539 not in God, H430 and trusted H982 not in his salvation: H3444 Though he had commanded H6680 the clouds H7834 from above, H4605 and opened H6605 the doors H1817 of heaven, H8064 And had rained down H4305 manna H4478 upon them to eat, H398 and had given H5414 them of the corn H1715 of heaven. H8064 Man H376 did eat H398 angels' H47 food: H3899 he sent H7971 them meat H6720 to the full. H7648 He caused an east wind H6921 to blow H5265 in the heaven: H8064 and by his power H5797 he brought in H5090 the south wind. H8486 He rained H4305 flesh H7607 also upon them as dust, H6083 and feathered H3671 fowls H5775 like as the sand H2344 of the sea: H3220 And he let it fall H5307 in the midst H7130 of their camp, H4264 round about H5439 their habitations. H4908 So they did eat, H398 and were well H3966 filled: H7646 for he gave H935 them their own desire; H8378 They were not estranged H2114 from their lust. H8378 But while their meat H400 was yet in their mouths, H6310 The wrath H639 of God H430 came H5927 upon them, and slew H2026 the fattest H4924 of them, and smote down H3766 the chosen H970 men of Israel. H3478 For all this they sinned H2398 still, and believed H539 not for his wondrous works. H6381 Therefore their days H3117 did he consume H3615 in vanity, H1892 and their years H8141 in trouble. H928 When he slew H2026 them, then they sought H1875 him: and they returned H7725 and enquired early H7836 after God. H410 And they remembered H2142 that God H430 was their rock, H6697 and the high H5945 God H410 their redeemer. H1350 Nevertheless they did flatter H6601 him with their mouth, H6310 and they lied H3576 unto him with their tongues. H3956 For their heart H3820 was not right H3559 with him, neither were they stedfast H539 in his covenant. H1285 But he, being full of compassion, H7349 forgave H3722 their iniquity, H5771 and destroyed H7843 them not: yea, many a time H7235 turned H7725 he his anger H639 away, H7725 and did not stir up H5782 all his wrath. H2534 For he remembered H2142 that they were but flesh; H1320 a wind H7307 that passeth away, H1980 and cometh not again. H7725 How H4100 oft did they provoke H4784 him in the wilderness, H4057 and grieve H6087 him in the desert! H3452 Yea, they turned back H7725 and tempted H5254 God, H410 and limited H8428 the Holy One H6918 of Israel. H3478 They remembered H2142 not his hand, H3027 nor the day H3117 when he delivered H6299 them from the enemy. H6862 How he had wrought H7760 his signs H226 in Egypt, H4714 and his wonders H4159 in the field H7704 of Zoan: H6814 And had turned H2015 their rivers H2975 into blood; H1818 and their floods, H5140 that they could not drink. H8354 He sent H7971 divers sorts of flies H6157 among them, which devoured H398 them; and frogs, H6854 which destroyed H7843 them. He gave H5414 also their increase H2981 unto the caterpiller, H2625 and their labour H3018 unto the locust. H697 He destroyed H2026 their vines H1612 with hail, H1259 and their sycomore trees H8256 with frost. H2602 He gave up H5462 their cattle H1165 also to the hail, H1259 and their flocks H4735 to hot thunderbolts. H7565 He cast H7971 upon them the fierceness H2740 of his anger, H639 wrath, H5678 and indignation, H2195 and trouble, H6869 by sending H4917 evil H7451 angels H4397 among them. He made H6424 a way H5410 to his anger; H639 he spared H2820 not their soul H5315 from death, H4194 but gave H5462 their life H2416 over H5462 to the pestilence; H1698 And smote H5221 all the firstborn H1060 in Egypt; H4714 the chief H7225 of their strength H202 in the tabernacles H168 of Ham: H2526 But made his own people H5971 to go forth H5265 like sheep, H6629 and guided H5090 them in the wilderness H4057 like a flock. H5739 And he led H5148 them on safely, H983 so that they feared H6342 not: but the sea H3220 overwhelmed H3680 their enemies. H341 And he brought H935 them to the border H1366 of his sanctuary, H6944 even to this mountain, H2022 which his right hand H3225 had purchased. H7069 He cast out H1644 the heathen H1471 also before H6440 them, and divided H5307 them an inheritance H5159 by line, H2256 and made the tribes H7626 of Israel H3478 to dwell H7931 in their tents. H168 Yet they tempted H5254 and provoked H4784 the most high H5945 God, H430 and kept H8104 not his testimonies: H5713 But turned back, H5472 and dealt unfaithfully H898 like their fathers: H1 they were turned aside H2015 like a deceitful H7423 bow. H7198 For they provoked him to anger H3707 with their high places, H1116 and moved him to jealousy H7065 with their graven images. H6456 When God H430 heard H8085 this, he was wroth, H5674 and greatly H3966 abhorred H3988 Israel: H3478 So that he forsook H5203 the tabernacle H4908 of Shiloh, H7887 the tent H168 which he placed H7931 among men; H120 And delivered H5414 his strength H5797 into captivity, H7628 and his glory H8597 into the enemy's H6862 hand. H3027 He gave H5462 his people H5971 over H5462 also unto the sword; H2719 and was wroth H5674 with his inheritance. H5159 The fire H784 consumed H398 their young men; H970 and their maidens H1330 were not given to marriage. H1984 Their priests H3548 fell H5307 by the sword; H2719 and their widows H490 made no lamentation. H1058 Then the Lord H136 awaked H3364 as one out of sleep, H3463 and like a mighty man H1368 that shouteth H7442 by reason of wine. H3196 And he smote H5221 his enemies H6862 in the hinder parts: H268 he put H5414 them to a perpetual H5769 reproach. H2781 Moreover he refused H3988 the tabernacle H168 of Joseph, H3130 and chose H977 not the tribe H7626 of Ephraim: H669 But chose H977 the tribe H7626 of Judah, H3063 the mount H2022 Zion H6726 which he loved. H157 And he built H1129 his sanctuary H4720 like high H7311 palaces, like the earth H776 which he hath established H3245 for ever. H5769 He chose H977 David H1732 also his servant, H5650 and took H3947 him from the sheepfolds: H4356 H6629 From following H310 the ewes great with young H5763 he brought H935 him to feed H7462 Jacob H3290 his people, H5971 and Israel H3478 his inheritance. H5159 So he fed H7462 them according to the integrity H8537 of his heart; H3824 and guided H5148 them by the skilfulness H8394 of his hands. H3709

Psalms 105:39-41 STRONG

He spread H6566 a cloud H6051 for a covering; H4539 and fire H784 to give light H215 in the night. H3915 The people asked, H7592 and he brought H935 quails, H7958 and satisfied H7646 them with the bread H3899 of heaven. H8064 He opened H6605 the rock, H6697 and the waters H4325 gushed out; H2100 they ran H1980 in the dry places H6723 like a river. H5104

Psalms 106:12-48 STRONG

Then believed H539 they his words; H1697 they sang H7891 his praise. H8416 They soon H4116 forgat H7911 his works; H4639 they waited H2442 not for his counsel: H6098 But lusted H183 exceedingly H8378 in the wilderness, H4057 and tempted H5254 God H410 in the desert. H3452 And he gave H5414 them their request; H7596 but sent H7971 leanness H7332 into their soul. H5315 They envied H7065 Moses H4872 also in the camp, H4264 and Aaron H175 the saint H6918 of the LORD. H3068 The earth H776 opened H6605 and swallowed up H1104 Dathan, H1885 and covered H3680 the company H5712 of Abiram. H48 And a fire H784 was kindled H1197 in their company; H5712 the flame H3852 burned up H3857 the wicked. H7563 They made H6213 a calf H5695 in Horeb, H2722 and worshipped H7812 the molten image. H4541 Thus they changed H4171 their glory H3519 into the similitude H8403 of an ox H7794 that eateth H398 grass. H6212 They forgat H7911 God H410 their saviour, H3467 which had done H6213 great things H1419 in Egypt; H4714 Wondrous works H6381 in the land H776 of Ham, H2526 and terrible things H3372 by the Red H5488 sea. H3220 Therefore he said H559 that he would destroy H8045 them, had not H3884 Moses H4872 his chosen H972 stood H5975 before H6440 him in the breach, H6556 to turn away H7725 his wrath, H2534 lest he should destroy H7843 them. Yea, they despised H3988 the pleasant H2532 land, H776 they believed H539 not his word: H1697 But murmured H7279 in their tents, H168 and hearkened H8085 not unto the voice H6963 of the LORD. H3068 Therefore he lifted up H5375 his hand H3027 against them, to overthrow H5307 them in the wilderness: H4057 To overthrow H5307 their seed H2233 also among the nations, H1471 and to scatter H2219 them in the lands. H776 They joined H6775 themselves also unto Baalpeor, H1187 and ate H398 the sacrifices H2077 of the dead. H4191 Thus they provoked him to anger H3707 with their inventions: H4611 and the plague H4046 brake in H6555 upon them. Then stood up H5975 Phinehas, H6372 and executed judgment: H6419 and so the plague H4046 was stayed. H6113 And that was counted H2803 unto him for righteousness H6666 unto all H1755 generations H1755 for H5704 evermore. H5769 They angered H7107 him also at the waters H4325 of strife, H4808 H4809 so that it went ill H3415 with Moses H4872 for their sakes: Because they provoked H4784 his spirit, H7307 so that he spake unadvisedly H981 with his lips. H8193 They did not destroy H8045 the nations, H5971 concerning whom the LORD H3068 commanded H559 them: But were mingled H6148 among the heathen, H1471 and learned H3925 their works. H4639 And they served H5647 their idols: H6091 which were a snare H4170 unto them. Yea, they sacrificed H2076 their sons H1121 and their daughters H1323 unto devils, H7700 And shed H8210 innocent H5355 blood, H1818 even the blood H1818 of their sons H1121 and of their daughters, H1323 whom they sacrificed H2076 unto the idols H6091 of Canaan: H3667 and the land H776 was polluted H2610 with blood. H1818 Thus were they defiled H2930 with their own works, H4639 and went a whoring H2181 with their own inventions. H4611 Therefore was the wrath H639 of the LORD H3068 kindled H2734 against his people, H5971 insomuch that he abhorred H8581 his own inheritance. H5159 And he gave H5414 them into the hand H3027 of the heathen; H1471 and they that hated H8130 them ruled H4910 over them. Their enemies H341 also oppressed H3905 them, and they were brought into subjection H3665 under their hand. H3027 Many H7227 times H6471 did he deliver H5337 them; but they provoked H4784 him with their counsel, H6098 and were brought low H4355 for their iniquity. H5771 Nevertheless he regarded H7200 their affliction, H6862 when he heard H8085 their cry: H7440 And he remembered H2142 for them his covenant, H1285 and repented H5162 according to the multitude H7230 of his mercies. H2617 He made H5414 them also to be pitied H7356 of H6440 all those that carried them captives. H7617 Save H3467 us, O LORD H3068 our God, H430 and gather H6908 us from among the heathen, H1471 to give thanks H3034 unto thy holy H6944 name, H8034 and to triumph H7623 in thy praise. H8416 Blessed H1288 be the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel H3478 from everlasting H5769 to everlasting: H5769 and let all the people H5971 say, H559 Amen. H543 Praise H1984 ye the LORD. H3050

Commentary on Deuteronomy 11 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


De 11:1-32. An Exhortation to Obedience.

1. Therefore thou shalt love the Lord thy God, and keep his charge—The reason for the frequent repetition of the same or similar counsels is to be traced to the infantine character and state of the church, which required line upon line and precept upon precept. Besides, the Israelites were a headstrong and perverse people, impatient of control, prone to rebellion, and, from their long stay in Egypt, so violently addicted to idolatry, that they ran imminent risk of being seduced by the religion of the country to which they were going, which, in its characteristic features, bore a strong resemblance to that of the country they had left.

2-9. I speak not with your children which have not known … But your eyes have seen all the great acts of the Lord which he did—Moses is here giving a brief summary of the marvels and miracles of awful judgment which God had wrought in effecting their release from the tyranny of Pharaoh, as well as those which had taken place in the wilderness. He knew that he might dwell upon these, for he was addressing many who had been witnesses of those appalling incidents. For it will be remembered that the divine threatening that they should die in the wilderness, and its execution, extended only to males from twenty years and upward, who were able to go forth to war. No males under twenty years of age, no females, and none of the tribe of Levi, were objects of the denunciation (see Nu 14:28-30; 16:49). There might, therefore, have been many thousands of the Israelites at that time of whom Moses could say, "Your eyes have seen all the great acts which He did"; and with regard to those the historic review of Moses was well calculated to stir up their minds to the duty and advantages of obedience.

10-12. For the land, whither thou goest in to possess it, is not as the land of Egypt, from whence ye came out—The physical features of Palestine present a striking contrast to those of the land of bondage. A widely extending plain forms the cultivated portion of Egypt, and on the greater part of this low and level country rain never falls. This natural want is supplied by the annual overflow of the Nile, and by artificial means from the same source when the river has receded within its customary channel. Close by the bank the process of irrigation is very simple. The cultivator opens a small sluice on the edge of the square bed in which seed has been sown, making drill after drill; and when a sufficient quantity of water has poured in, he shuts it up with his foot. Where the bank is high, the water is drawn up by hydraulic engines, of which there are three kinds used, of different power, according to the subsidence of the stream. The water is distributed in small channels or earthen conduits, simple in construction, worked by the foot, and formed with a mattock by the gardener who directs their course, and which are banked up or opened, as occasion may require, by pressing in the soil with the foot. Thus was the land watered in which the Israelites had dwelt so long. Such vigilance and laborious industry would not be needed in the promised land. Instead of being visited with moisture only at one brief season and left during the rest of the year under a withering blight, every season it would enjoy the benign influences of a genial climate. The hills would attract the frequent clouds, and in the refreshing showers the blessing of God would especially rest upon the land.

12. A land which the Lord thy God careth for—that is, watering it, as it were, with His own hands, without human aid or mechanical means.

14. the first rain and the latter rain—The early rain commenced in autumn, that is, chiefly during the months of September and October, while the latter rain fell in the spring of the year, that is, during the months of March and April. It is true that occasional showers fell all the winter; but, at the autumnal and vernal seasons, they were more frequent, copious, and important; for the early rain was necessary, after a hot and protracted summer, to prepare the soil for receiving the seed; and the latter rain, which shortly preceded the harvest, was of the greatest use in invigorating the languishing powers of vegetation (Jer 5:24; Joe 2:23; Am 4:7; Jas 5:7).

15-17. I will send grass in thy fields for thy cattle—Undoubtedly the special blessing of the former and the latter rain [De 11:14] was one principal cause of the extraordinary fertility of Canaan in ancient times. That blessing was promised to the Israelites as a temporal reward for their fidelity to the national covenant [De 11:13]. It was threatened to be withdrawn on their disobedience or apostasy; and most signally is the execution of that threatening seen in the present sterility of Palestine. MR. LowthIAN, an English farmer, who was struck during his journey from Joppa to Jerusalem by not seeing a blade of grass, where even in the poorest localities of Britain some wild vegetation is found, directed his attention particularly to the subject, and pursued the inquiry during a month's residence in Jerusalem, where he learned that a miserably small quantity of milk is daily sold to the inhabitants at a dear rate, and that chiefly asses' milk. "Most clearly," says he, "did I perceive that the barrenness of large portions of the country was owing to the cessation of the early and latter rain, and that the absence of grass and flowers made it no longer the land (De 11:9) flowing with milk and honey."

18-25. lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them—(See on De 6:1).

24. Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours—not as if the Jews should be lords of the world, but of every place within the promised land. It should be granted to them and possessed by them, on conditions of obedience:

from the wilderness—the Arabah on the south;

Lebanon—the northern limit;

Euphrates—their boundary on the east. Their grant of dominion extended so far, and the right was fulfilled to Solomon.

even unto the uttermost sea—the Mediterranean.

26-32. Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse—(See on De 27:11).