Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Deuteronomy » Chapter 16 » Verse 19

Deuteronomy 16:19 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

19 Thou shalt not wrest H5186 judgment; H4941 thou shalt not respect H5234 persons, H6440 neither take H3947 a gift: H7810 for a gift H7810 doth blind H5786 the eyes H5869 of the wise, H2450 and pervert H5557 the words H1697 of the righteous. H6662

Cross Reference

Leviticus 19:15 STRONG

Ye shall do H6213 no unrighteousness H5766 in judgment: H4941 thou shalt not respect H5375 the person H6440 of the poor, H1800 nor honour H1921 the person H6440 of the mighty: H1419 but in righteousness H6664 shalt thou judge H8199 thy neighbour. H5997

Exodus 23:2 STRONG

Thou shalt not follow H310 a multitude H7227 to do evil; H7451 neither shalt thou speak H6030 in a cause H7379 to decline H5186 after H310 many H7227 to wrest H5186 judgment:

Ecclesiastes 7:7 STRONG

Surely oppression H6233 maketh a wise man H2450 mad; H1984 and a gift H4979 destroyeth H6 the heart. H3820

Proverbs 24:23 STRONG

These things also belong to the wise. H2450 It is not good H2896 to have respect H5234 of persons H6440 in judgment. H4941

Proverbs 17:23 STRONG

A wicked H7563 man taketh H3947 a gift H7810 out of the bosom H2436 to pervert H5186 the ways H734 of judgment. H4941

Deuteronomy 27:19 STRONG

Cursed H779 be he that perverteth H5186 the judgment H4941 of the stranger, H1616 fatherless, H3490 and widow. H490 And all the people H5971 shall say, H559 Amen. H543

Deuteronomy 24:17 STRONG

Thou shalt not pervert H5186 the judgment H4941 of the stranger, H1616 nor of the fatherless; H3490 nor take H2254 a widow's H490 raiment H899 to pledge: H2254

Deuteronomy 10:17 STRONG

For the LORD H3068 your God H430 is God H430 of gods, H430 and Lord H113 of lords, H113 a great H1419 God, H410 a mighty, H1368 and a terrible, H3372 which regardeth H5375 not persons, H6440 nor taketh H3947 reward: H7810

Exodus 23:6-8 STRONG

Thou shalt not wrest H5186 the judgment H4941 of thy poor H34 in his cause. H7379 Keep thee far H7368 from a false H8267 matter; H1697 and the innocent H5355 and righteous H6662 slay H2026 thou not: for I will not justify H6663 the wicked. H7563 And thou shalt take H3947 no gift: H7810 for the gift H7810 blindeth H5786 the wise, H6493 and perverteth H5557 the words H1697 of the righteous. H6662

Zephaniah 3:3-5 STRONG

Her princes H8269 within H7130 her are roaring H7580 lions; H738 her judges H8199 are evening H6153 wolves; H2061 they gnaw not the bones H1633 till the morrow. H1242 Her prophets H5030 are light H6348 and treacherous H900 persons: H582 her priests H3548 have polluted H2490 the sanctuary, H6944 they have done violence H2554 to the law. H8451 The just H6662 LORD H3068 is in the midst H7130 thereof; he will not do H6213 iniquity: H5766 every H1242 morning H1242 doth he bring H5414 his judgment H4941 to light, H216 he faileth H5737 not; but the unjust H5767 knoweth H3045 no shame. H1322

Acts 23:3 STRONG

Then G5119 said G2036 Paul G3972 unto G4314 him, G846 God G2316 shall G3195 smite G5180 thee, G4571 thou whited G2867 wall: G5109 for G2532 sittest G2521 thou G4771 to judge G2919 me G3165 after G2596 the law, G3551 and G2532 commandest G2753 me G3165 to be smitten G5180 contrary to the law? G3891

Acts 16:37 STRONG

But G1161 Paul G3972 said G5346 unto G4314 them, G846 They have beaten G1194 us G2248 openly G1219 uncondemned, G178 being G5225 Romans, G4514 G444 and have cast G906 us into G1519 prison; G5438 and G2532 now G3568 do they thrust G1544 us G2248 out G1544 privily? G2977 nay G3756 verily; G1063 but G235 let them come G2064 themselves G846 and fetch G1806 us G2248 out. G1806

Acts 10:34 STRONG

Then G1161 Peter G4074 opened G455 his mouth, G4750 and said, G2036 Of G1909 a truth G225 I perceive G2638 that G3754 God G2316 is G2076 no G3756 respecter of persons: G4381

Deuteronomy 1:16-17 STRONG

And I charged H6680 your judges H8199 at that time, H6256 saying, H559 Hear H8085 the causes between your brethren, H251 and judge H8199 righteously H6664 between every man H376 and his brother, H251 and the stranger H1616 that is with him. Ye shall not respect H5234 persons H6440 in judgment; H4941 but ye shall hear H8085 the small H6996 as well as the great; H1419 ye shall not be afraid H1481 of the face H6440 of man; H376 for the judgment H4941 is God's: H430 and the cause H1697 that is too hard H7185 for you, bring H7126 it unto me, and I will hear H8085 it.

Habakkuk 1:4 STRONG

Therefore the law H8451 is slacked, H6313 and judgment H4941 doth never H5331 go forth: H3318 for the wicked H7563 doth compass H3803 about the righteous; H6662 therefore wrong H6127 judgment H4941 proceedeth. H3318

Micah 7:3 STRONG

That they may do evil H7451 with both hands H3709 earnestly, H3190 the prince H8269 asketh, H7592 and the judge H8199 asketh for a reward; H7966 and the great H1419 man, he uttereth H1696 his mischievous H1942 desire: H5315 so they wrap it up. H5686

Ezekiel 22:12 STRONG

In thee have they taken H3947 gifts H7810 to shed H8210 blood; H1818 thou hast taken H3947 usury H5392 and increase, H8636 and thou hast greedily gained H1214 of thy neighbours H7453 by extortion, H6233 and hast forgotten H7911 me, saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069

Jeremiah 5:28 STRONG

They are waxen fat, H8080 they shine: H6245 yea, they overpass H5674 the deeds H1697 of the wicked: H7451 they judge H1777 not the cause, H1779 the cause of the fatherless, H3490 yet they prosper; H6743 and the right H4941 of the needy H34 do they not judge. H8199

Isaiah 33:15 STRONG

He that walketh H1980 righteously, H6666 and speaketh H1696 uprightly; H4339 he that despiseth H3988 the gain H1215 of oppressions, H4642 that shaketh H5287 his hands H3709 from holding H8551 of bribes, H7810 that stoppeth H331 his ears H241 from hearing H8085 of blood, H1818 and shutteth H6105 his eyes H5869 from seeing H7200 evil; H7451

Isaiah 1:23 STRONG

Thy princes H8269 are rebellious, H5637 and companions H2270 of thieves: H1590 every one loveth H157 gifts, H7810 and followeth H7291 after rewards: H8021 they judge H8199 not the fatherless, H3490 neither doth the cause H7379 of the widow H490 come H935 unto them.

Isaiah 1:17 STRONG

Learn H3925 to do well; H3190 seek H1875 judgment, H4941 relieve H833 the oppressed, H2541 judge H8199 the fatherless, H3490 plead H7378 for the widow. H490

Proverbs 24:28 STRONG

Be not a witness H5707 against thy neighbour H7453 without cause; H2600 and deceive H6601 not with thy lips. H8193

Job 31:21-22 STRONG

If I have lifted up H5130 my hand H3027 against the fatherless, H3490 when I saw H7200 my help H5833 in the gate: H8179 Then let mine arm H3802 fall H5307 from my shoulder blade, H7929 and mine arm H248 be broken H7665 from the bone. H7070

1 Samuel 12:3 STRONG

Behold, here I am: witness H6030 against me before the LORD, H3068 and before his anointed: H4899 whose ox H7794 have I taken? H3947 or whose ass H2543 have I taken? H3947 or whom have I defrauded? H6231 whom have I oppressed? H7533 or of whose hand H3027 have I received any bribe H3724 to blind H5956 mine eyes H5869 therewith? and I will restore H7725 it you.

1 Samuel 8:3 STRONG

And his sons H1121 walked H1980 not in his ways, H1870 but turned aside H5186 after H310 lucre, H1215 and took H3947 bribes, H7810 and perverted H5186 judgment. H4941

Commentary on Deuteronomy 16 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


De 16:1-22. The Feast of the Passover.

1. Observe the month of Abib—or first-fruits. It comprehended the latter part of our March and the beginning of April. Green ears of the barley, which were then full, were offered as first-fruits, on the second day of the passover.

for in the month of Abib the Lord thy God brought thee out of Egypt by night—This statement is apparently at variance with the prohibition (Ex 12:22) as well as with the recorded fact that their departure took place in the morning (Ex 13:3; Nu 33:3). But it is susceptible of easy reconciliation. Pharaoh's permission, the first step of emancipation, was extorted during the night, the preparations for departure commenced, the rendezvous at Rameses made, and the march entered on in the morning.

2. Thou shalt therefore sacrifice the passover—not the paschal lamb, which was strictly and properly the passover. The whole solemnity is here meant, as is evident from the mention of the additional victims that required to be offered on the subsequent days of the feast (Nu 28:18, 19; 2Ch 35:8, 9), and from the allusion to the continued use of unleavened bread for seven days, whereas the passover itself was to be eaten at once. The words before us are equivalent to "thou shalt observe the feast of the passover."

3. seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread—a sour, unpleasant, unwholesome kind of bread, designed to be a memorial of their Egyptian misery and of the haste with which they departed, not allowing time for their morning dough to ferment.

5, 6. Thou mayest not sacrifice the passover within any of thy gates—The passover was to be observed nowhere but in the court of the tabernacle or temple, as it was not a religious feast or sacramental occasion merely, but an actual sacrifice (Ex 12:27; 23:18; 34:25). The blood had to be sprinkled on the altar and in the place where the true Passover was afterwards to be sacrificed for us "at even, at the going down of the sun"—literally, "between the evenings."

6. at the season—that is, the month and day, though not perhaps the precise hour. The immense number of victims that had to be immolated on the eve of the passover—that is, within a space of four hours—has appeared to some writers a great difficulty. But the large number of officiating priests, their dexterity and skill in the preparation of the sacrifices, the wide range of the court, the extraordinary dimensions of the altar of burnt offering and orderly method of conducting the solemn ceremonial, rendered it easy to do that in a few hours, which would otherwise have required as many days.

7. thou shalt roast and eat it—(See on Ex 12:8; compare 2Ch 35:13).

thou shalt turn in the morning, and go unto thy tents—The sense of this passage, on the first glance of the words, seems to point to the morning after the first day—the passover eve. Perhaps, however, the divinely appointed duration of this feast, the solemn character and important object, the journey of the people from the distant parts of the land to be present, and the recorded examples of their continuing all the time (2Ch 30:21 35:17), (though these may be considered extraordinary, and therefore exceptional occasions), may warrant the conclusion that the leave given to the people to return home was to be on the morning after the completion of the seven days.

9-12. Seven weeks shalt thou number—The feast of weeks, or a WEEK OF WEEKS: the feast of pentecost (see on Le 23:10; also see Ex 34:22; Ac 2:1). As on the second day of the passover a sheaf of new barley, reaped on purpose, was offered, so on the second day of pentecost a sheaf of new wheat was presented as first-fruits (Ex 23:16; Nu 28:26), a freewill, spontaneous tribute of gratitude to God for His temporal bounties. This feast was instituted in memory of the giving of the law, that spiritual food by which man's soul is nourished (De 8:3).

13-17. Thou shalt observe the feast of tabernacles seven days—(See on Ex 23:14; Le 23:34; Nu 29:12). Various conjectures have been formed to account for the appointment of this feast at the conclusion of the whole harvest. Some imagine that it was designed to remind the Israelites of the time when they had no cornfields to reap but were daily supplied with manna; others think that it suited the convenience of the people better than any other period of the year for dwelling in booths; others that it was the time of Moses' second descent from the mount; while a fourth class are of opinion that this feast was fixed to the time of the year when the Word was made flesh and dwelt—literally, "tabernacled"—among us (Joh 1:14), Christ being actually born at that season.

15. in all the works of thine hands … rejoice—that is, praising God with a warm and elevated heart. According to Jewish tradition, no marriages were allowed to be celebrated during these great festivals, that no personal or private rejoicings might be mingled with the demonstrations of public and national gladness.

16. Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the Lord thy God—No command was laid on women to undertake the journeys, partly from regard to the natural weakness of their sex, and partly to their domestic cares.

18-20. Judges and officers shalt thou make—These last meant heralds or bailiffs, employed in executing the sentence of their superiors.

in all thy gates—The gate was the place of public resort among the Israelites and other Eastern people, where business was transacted and causes decided. The Ottoman Porte derived its name from the administration of justice at its gates.

21. Thou shalt not plant thee a grove—A grove has in Scripture a variety of significations—a group of overshadowing trees, or a grove adorned with altars dedicated to a particular deity, or a wooden image in a grove (Jud 6:25; 2Ki 23:4-6). They might be placed near the earthen and temporary altars erected in the wilderness, but they could not exist either at the tabernacle or temples. They were places, which, with their usual accompaniments, presented strong allurements to idolatry; and therefore the Israelites were prohibited from planting them.

22. Neither shalt thou set thee up any image—erroneously rendered so for "pillar"; pillars of various kinds, and materials of wood or stone were erected in the neighborhood of altars. Sometimes they were conical or oblong, at other times they served as pedestals for the statues of idols. A superstitious reverence was attached to them, and hence they were forbidden.