Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Deuteronomy » Chapter 24 » Verse 14

Deuteronomy 24:14 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

14 Thou shalt not oppress H6231 an hired servant H7916 that is poor H6041 and needy, H34 whether he be of thy brethren, H251 or of thy strangers H1616 that are in thy land H776 within thy gates: H8179

Cross Reference

Proverbs 14:31 STRONG

He that oppresseth H6231 the poor H1800 reproacheth H2778 his Maker: H6213 but he that honoureth H3513 him hath mercy H2603 on the poor. H34

Amos 4:1 STRONG

Hear H8085 this word, H1697 ye kine H6510 of Bashan, H1316 that are in the mountain H2022 of Samaria, H8111 which oppress H6231 the poor, H1800 which crush H7533 the needy, H34 which say H559 to their masters, H113 Bring, H935 and let us drink. H8354

Malachi 3:5 STRONG

And I will come near H7126 to you to judgment; H4941 and I will be a swift H4116 witness H5707 against the sorcerers, H3784 and against the adulterers, H5003 and against false H8267 swearers, H7650 and against those that oppress H6231 the hireling H7916 in his wages, H7939 the widow, H490 and the fatherless, H3490 and that turn aside H5186 the stranger H1616 from his right, and fear H3372 not me, saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635

Leviticus 25:35-43 STRONG

And if thy brother H251 be waxen poor, H4134 and fallen in decay H4131 with thee; H3027 then thou shalt relieve H2388 him: yea, though he be a stranger, H1616 or a sojourner; H8453 that he may live H2416 with thee. Take H3947 thou no usury H5392 of him, or increase: H8636 but fear H3372 thy God; H430 that thy brother H251 may live H2416 with thee. Thou shalt not give H5414 him thy money H3701 upon usury, H5392 nor lend H5414 him thy victuals H400 for increase. H4768 I am the LORD H3068 your God, H430 which brought you forth H3318 out of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 to give H5414 you the land H776 of Canaan, H3667 and to be your God. H430 And if thy brother H251 that dwelleth by thee be waxen poor, H4134 and be sold H4376 unto thee; thou shalt not compel H5647 him to serve H5656 as a bondservant: H5650 But as an hired servant, H7916 and as a sojourner, H8453 he shall be with thee, and shall serve H5647 thee unto the year H8141 of jubile: H3104 And then shall he depart H3318 from thee, both he and his children H1121 with him, and shall return H7725 unto his own family, H4940 and unto the possession H272 of his fathers H1 shall he return. H7725 For they are my servants, H5650 which I brought forth H3318 out of the land H776 of Egypt: H4714 they shall not be sold H4376 as H4466 bondmen. H5650 Thou shalt not rule H7287 over him with rigour; H6531 but shalt fear H3372 thy God. H430

Deuteronomy 15:12-18 STRONG

And if thy brother, H251 an Hebrew man, H5680 or an Hebrew woman, H5680 be sold H4376 unto thee, and serve H5647 thee six H8337 years; H8141 then in the seventh H7637 year H8141 thou shalt let him go H7971 free H2670 from thee. And when thou sendest H7971 him out free H2670 from thee, thou shalt not let him go away H7971 empty: H7387 Thou shalt furnish H6059 him liberally H6059 out of thy flock, H6629 and out of thy floor, H1637 and out of thy winepress: H3342 of that wherewith the LORD H3068 thy God H430 hath blessed H1288 thee thou shalt give H5414 unto him. And thou shalt remember H2142 that thou wast a bondman H5650 in the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 and the LORD H3068 thy God H430 redeemed H6299 thee: therefore I command H6680 thee this thing H1697 to day. H3117 And it shall be, if he say H559 unto thee, I will not go away H3318 from thee; because he loveth H157 thee and thine house, H1004 because he is well H2895 with thee; Then thou shalt take H3947 an aul, H4836 and thrust H5414 it through his ear H241 unto the door, H1817 and he shall be thy servant H5650 for ever. H5769 And also unto thy maidservant H519 thou shalt do H6213 likewise. It shall not seem hard H7185 unto thee, H5869 when thou sendest him away H7971 free H2670 from thee; for he hath been worth H7939 a double H4932 hired servant H7916 to thee, in serving H5647 thee six H8337 years: H8141 and the LORD H3068 thy God H430 shall bless H1288 thee in all that thou doest. H6213

Job 24:10-11 STRONG

They cause him to go H1980 naked H6174 without clothing, H3830 and they take away H5375 the sheaf H6016 from the hungry; H7457 Which make oil H6671 within H996 their walls, H7791 and tread H1869 their winepresses, H3342 and suffer thirst. H6770

Job 31:13-15 STRONG

If I did despise H3988 the cause H4941 of my manservant H5650 or of my maidservant, H519 when they contended H7379 with me; What then shall I do H6213 when God H410 riseth up? H6965 and when he visiteth, H6485 what shall I answer H7725 him? Did not he that made H6213 me in the womb H990 make H6213 him? and did not one H259 fashion H3559 us in the womb? H7358

Proverbs 22:16 STRONG

He that oppresseth H6231 the poor H1800 to increase H7235 his riches, and he that giveth H5414 to the rich, H6223 shall surely come to want. H4270

Ezekiel 22:7 STRONG

In thee have they set light H7043 by father H1 and mother: H517 in the midst H8432 of thee have they dealt H6213 by oppression H6233 with the stranger: H1616 in thee have they vexed H3238 the fatherless H3490 and the widow. H490

Amos 2:7 STRONG

That pant H7602 after the dust H6083 of the earth H776 on the head H7218 of the poor, H1800 and turn aside H5186 the way H1870 of the meek: H6035 and a man H376 and his father H1 will go H3212 in unto the same maid, H5291 to profane H2490 my holy H6944 name: H8034

Amos 8:4 STRONG

Hear H8085 this, O ye that swallow up H7602 the needy, H34 even to make H7673 the poor H6041 H6035 of the land H776 to fail, H7673

Luke 10:7 STRONG

And G1161 in G1722 the same G846 house G3614 remain, G3306 eating G2068 and G2532 drinking G4095 such things as G3844 they G846 give: G3844 for G1063 the labourer G2040 is G2076 worthy G514 of his G846 hire. G3408 Go G3327 not G3361 from G1537 house G3614 to G1519 house. G3614

Commentary on Deuteronomy 24 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


De 24:1-22. Of Divorces.

1-4. When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes—It appears that the practice of divorces was at this early period very prevalent amongst the Israelites, who had in all probability become familiar with it in Egypt [Lane]. The usage, being too deep-rooted to be soon or easily abolished, was tolerated by Moses (Mt 19:8). But it was accompanied under the law with two conditions, which were calculated greatly to prevent the evils incident to the permitted system; namely: (1) The act of divorcement was to be certified on a written document, the preparation of which, with legal formality, would afford time for reflection and repentance; and (2) In the event of the divorced wife being married to another husband, she could not, on the termination of that second marriage, be restored to her first husband, however desirous he might be to receive her.

5. When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war—This law of exemption was founded on good policy and was favorable to matrimony, as it afforded a full opportunity for the affections of the newly married pair being more firmly rooted, and it diminished or removed occasions for the divorces just mentioned.

6. No man shall take the nether or the upper millstone to pledge—The "upper" stone being concave, covers the "nether" like a lid; and it has a small aperture, through which the corn is poured, as well as a handle by which it is turned. The propriety of the law was founded on the custom of grinding corn every morning for daily consumption. If either of the stones, therefore, which composed the handmill was wanting, a person would be deprived of his necessary provision.

7. If a man be found stealing any of his brethren—(See Ex 21:16).

8, 9. Take heed in the plague of leprosy—(See Le 13:14).

10-13. When thou dost lend thy brother anything, thou shalt not go into his house to fetch his pledge—The course recommended was, in kind and considerate regard, to spare the borrower's feelings. In the case of a poor man who had pledged his cloak, it was to be restored before night, as the poor in Eastern countries have commonly no other covering for wrapping themselves in when they go to sleep than the garment they have worn during the day.

14, 15. Thou shalt not oppress an hired servant that is poor and needy—Hired servants in the East are paid at the close of the day; and for a master to defraud the laborer of his hire, or to withhold it wrongfully for a night, might have subjected a poor man with his family to suffering and was therefore an injustice to be avoided (Le 19:13).

16-18. The fathers shall not be put to death for the children—The rule was addressed for the guidance of magistrates, and it established the equitable principle that none should be responsible for the crimes of others.

19-22. When thou cuttest down thine harvest in thy field—The grain, pulled up by the roots or cut down with a sickle, was laid in loose sheaves; the fruit of the olive was obtained by striking the branches with long poles; and the grape clusters, severed by a hook, were gathered in the hands of the vintager. Here is a beneficent provision for the poor. Every forgotten sheaf in the harvest-field was to lie; the olive tree was not to be beaten a second time; nor were grapes to be gathered, in order that, in collecting what remained, the hearts of the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow might be gladdened by the bounty of Providence.