Deuteronomy 25:1 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 If there be a controversy H7379 between men, H582 and they come H5066 unto judgment, H4941 that the judges may judge H8199 them; then they shall justify H6663 the righteous, H6662 and condemn H7561 the wicked. H7563

Cross Reference

Proverbs 17:15 STRONG

He that justifieth H6663 the wicked, H7563 and he that condemneth H7561 the just, H6662 even they both H8147 are abomination H8441 to the LORD. H3068

Deuteronomy 17:8-9 STRONG

If there arise a matter H1697 too hard H6381 for thee in judgment, H4941 between blood H1818 and blood, H1818 between plea H1779 and plea, H1779 and between stroke H5061 and stroke, H5061 being matters H1697 of controversy H7379 within thy gates: H8179 then shalt thou arise, H6965 and get thee up H5927 into the place H4725 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 shall choose; H977 And thou shalt come H935 unto the priests H3548 the Levites, H3881 and unto the judge H8199 that shall be in those days, H3117 and enquire; H1875 and they shall shew H5046 thee the sentence H1697 of judgment: H4941

Isaiah 5:23 STRONG

Which justify H6663 the wicked H7563 for H6118 reward, H7810 and take away H5493 the righteousness H6666 of the righteous H6662 from him!

Matthew 3:10 STRONG

And G1161 now G2235 also G2532 the axe G513 is laid G2749 unto G4314 the root G4491 of the trees: G1186 therefore G3767 every G3956 tree G1186 which bringeth G4160 not G3361 forth G4160 good G2570 fruit G2590 is hewn down, G1581 and G2532 cast G906 into G1519 the fire. G4442

Malachi 3:18 STRONG

Then shall ye return, H7725 and discern H7200 between the righteous H6662 and the wicked, H7563 between him that serveth H5647 God H430 and him that serveth H5647 him not.

Habakkuk 1:13 STRONG

Thou art of purer H2889 eyes H5869 than to behold H7200 evil, H7451 and canst H3201 not look H5027 on iniquity: H5999 wherefore lookest H5027 thou upon them that deal treacherously, H898 and holdest thy tongue H2790 when the wicked H7563 devoureth H1104 the man that is more righteous H6662 than he?

Habakkuk 1:4 STRONG

Therefore the law H8451 is slacked, H6313 and judgment H4941 doth never H5331 go forth: H3318 for the wicked H7563 doth compass H3803 about the righteous; H6662 therefore wrong H6127 judgment H4941 proceedeth. H3318

Micah 3:1-2 STRONG

And I said, H559 Hear, H8085 I pray you, O heads H7218 of Jacob, H3290 and ye princes H7101 of the house H1004 of Israel; H3478 Is it not for you to know H3045 judgment? H4941 Who hate H8130 the good, H2896 and love H157 the evil; H7451 who pluck off H1497 their skin H5785 from off them, and their flesh H7607 from off their bones; H6106

Ezekiel 44:24 STRONG

And in controversy H7379 they shall stand H5975 in judgment; H8199 and they shall judge H8199 it according to my judgments: H4941 and they shall keep H8104 my laws H8451 and my statutes H2708 in all mine assemblies; H4150 and they shall hallow H6942 my sabbaths. H7676

Jeremiah 21:12 STRONG

O house H1004 of David, H1732 thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 Execute H1777 judgment H4941 in the morning, H1242 and deliver H5337 him that is spoiled H1497 out of the hand H3027 of the oppressor, H6231 lest my fury H2534 go out H3318 like fire, H784 and burn H1197 that none can quench H3518 it, because H6440 of the evil H7455 of your doings. H4611

Isaiah 32:1-2 STRONG

Behold, a king H4428 shall reign H4427 in righteousness, H6664 and princes H8269 shall rule H8323 in judgment. H4941 And a man H376 shall be as an hiding place H4224 from the wind, H7307 and a covert H5643 from the tempest; H2230 as rivers H6388 of water H4325 in a dry place, H6724 as the shadow H6738 of a great H3515 rock H5553 in a weary H5889 land. H776

Isaiah 11:4 STRONG

But with righteousness H6664 shall he judge H8199 the poor, H1800 and reprove H3198 with equity H4334 for the meek H6035 of the earth: H776 and he shall smite H5221 the earth H776 with the rod H7626 of his mouth, H6310 and with the breath H7307 of his lips H8193 shall he slay H4191 the wicked. H7563

Exodus 23:6-7 STRONG

Thou shalt not wrest H5186 the judgment H4941 of thy poor H34 in his cause. H7379 Keep thee far H7368 from a false H8267 matter; H1697 and the innocent H5355 and righteous H6662 slay H2026 thou not: for I will not justify H6663 the wicked. H7563

Isaiah 1:23 STRONG

Thy princes H8269 are rebellious, H5637 and companions H2270 of thieves: H1590 every one loveth H157 gifts, H7810 and followeth H7291 after rewards: H8021 they judge H8199 not the fatherless, H3490 neither doth the cause H7379 of the widow H490 come H935 unto them.

Isaiah 1:17 STRONG

Learn H3925 to do well; H3190 seek H1875 judgment, H4941 relieve H833 the oppressed, H2541 judge H8199 the fatherless, H3490 plead H7378 for the widow. H490

Proverbs 31:8-9 STRONG

Open H6605 thy mouth H6310 for the dumb H483 in the cause H1779 of all such as are appointed H1121 to destruction. H2475 Open H6605 thy mouth, H6310 judge H8199 righteously, H6664 and plead H1777 the cause of the poor H6041 and needy. H34

Psalms 82:2-4 STRONG

How long will ye judge H8199 unjustly, H5766 and accept H5375 the persons H6440 of the wicked? H7563 Selah. H5542 Defend H8199 the poor H1800 and fatherless: H3490 do justice H6663 to the afflicted H6041 and needy. H7326 Deliver H6403 the poor H1800 and needy: H34 rid H5337 them out of the hand H3027 of the wicked. H7563

Psalms 58:1-2 STRONG

[[To the chief Musician, H5329 Altaschith, H516 Michtam H4387 of David.]] H1732 Do ye indeed H552 speak H1696 righteousness, H6664 O congregation? H482 do ye judge H8199 uprightly, H4339 O ye sons H1121 of men? H120 Yea, in heart H3820 ye work H6466 wickedness; H5766 ye weigh H6424 the violence H2555 of your hands H3027 in the earth. H776

Job 29:7-17 STRONG

When I went out H3318 to the gate H8179 through the city, H7176 when I prepared H3559 my seat H4186 in the street! H7339 The young men H5288 saw H7200 me, and hid H2244 themselves: and the aged H3453 arose, H6965 and stood up. H5975 The princes H8269 refrained H6113 talking, H4405 and laid H7760 their hand H3709 on their mouth. H6310 The nobles H5057 held H2244 their peace, H6963 and their tongue H3956 cleaved H1692 to the roof of their mouth. H2441 When the ear H241 heard H8085 me, then it blessed H833 me; and when the eye H5869 saw H7200 me, it gave witness H5749 to me: Because I delivered H4422 the poor H6041 that cried, H7768 and the fatherless, H3490 and him that had none to help H5826 him. The blessing H1293 of him that was ready to perish H6 came H935 upon me: and I caused the widow's H490 heart H3820 to sing for joy. H7442 I put H3847 on righteousness, H6664 and it clothed H3847 me: my judgment H4941 was as a robe H4598 and a diadem. H6797 I was eyes H5869 to the blind, H5787 and feet H7272 was I to the lame. H6455 I was a father H1 to the poor: H34 and the cause H7379 which I knew H3045 not I searched out. H2713 And I brake H7665 the jaws H4973 of the wicked, H5767 and plucked H7993 the spoil H2964 out of his teeth. H8127

2 Chronicles 19:6-10 STRONG

And said H559 to the judges, H8199 Take heed H7200 what ye do: H6213 for ye judge H8199 not for man, H120 but for the LORD, H3068 who is with you in the judgment. H1697 H4941 Wherefore now let the fear H6343 of the LORD H3068 be upon you; take heed H8104 and do H6213 it: for there is no iniquity H5766 with the LORD H3068 our God, H430 nor respect H4856 of persons, H6440 nor taking H4727 of gifts. H7810 Moreover in Jerusalem H3389 did Jehoshaphat H3092 set H5975 of the Levites, H3881 and of the priests, H3548 and of the chief H7218 of the fathers H1 of Israel, H3478 for the judgment H4941 of the LORD, H3068 and for controversies, H7379 when they returned H7725 to Jerusalem. H3389 And he charged H6680 them, saying, H559 Thus shall ye do H6213 in the fear H3374 of the LORD, H3068 faithfully, H530 and with a perfect H8003 heart. H3824 And what cause H7379 soever shall come H935 to you of your brethren H251 that dwell H3427 in their cities, H5892 between blood H1818 and blood, H1818 between law H8451 and commandment, H4687 statutes H2706 and judgments, H4941 ye shall even warn H2094 them that they trespass H816 not against the LORD, H3068 and so wrath H7110 come upon you, and upon your brethren: H251 this H3541 do, H6213 and ye shall not trespass. H816

2 Samuel 23:3 STRONG

The God H430 of Israel H3478 said, H559 the Rock H6697 of Israel H3478 spake H1696 to me, He that ruleth H4910 over men H120 must be just, H6662 ruling H4910 in the fear H3374 of God. H430

Deuteronomy 19:17-19 STRONG

Then both H8147 the men, H582 between whom the controversy H7379 is, shall stand H5975 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 before H6440 the priests H3548 and the judges, H8199 which shall be in those days; H3117 And the judges H8199 shall make diligent H3190 inquisition: H1875 and, behold, if the witness H5707 be a false H8267 witness, H5707 and hath testified H6030 falsely H8267 against his brother; H251 Then shall ye do H6213 unto him, as he had thought H2161 to have done H6213 unto his brother: H251 so shalt thou put H1197 the evil H7451 away H1197 from among H7130 you.

Deuteronomy 16:18-20 STRONG

Judges H8199 and officers H7860 shalt thou make H5414 thee in all thy gates, H8179 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 giveth H5414 thee, throughout thy tribes: H7626 and they shall judge H8199 the people H5971 with just H6664 judgment. H4941 Thou shalt not wrest H5186 judgment; H4941 thou shalt not respect H5234 persons, H6440 neither take H3947 a gift: H7810 for a gift H7810 doth blind H5786 the eyes H5869 of the wise, H2450 and pervert H5557 the words H1697 of the righteous. H6662 That which is altogether H6664 just H6664 shalt thou follow, H7291 that thou mayest live, H2421 and inherit H3423 the land H776 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 giveth H5414 thee.

Deuteronomy 1:16-17 STRONG

And I charged H6680 your judges H8199 at that time, H6256 saying, H559 Hear H8085 the causes between your brethren, H251 and judge H8199 righteously H6664 between every man H376 and his brother, H251 and the stranger H1616 that is with him. Ye shall not respect H5234 persons H6440 in judgment; H4941 but ye shall hear H8085 the small H6996 as well as the great; H1419 ye shall not be afraid H1481 of the face H6440 of man; H376 for the judgment H4941 is God's: H430 and the cause H1697 that is too hard H7185 for you, bring H7126 it unto me, and I will hear H8085 it.

Commentary on Deuteronomy 25 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


De 25:1-19. Stripes Must Not Exceed Forty.

2, 3. if the wicked man be worthy to be beaten—In judicial sentences, which awarded punishment short of capital, scourging, like the Egyptian bastinado, was the most common form in which they were executed. The Mosaic law, however, introduced two important restrictions; namely: (1) The punishment should be inflicted in presence of the judge instead of being inflicted in private by some heartless official; and (2) The maximum amount of it should be limited to forty stripes, instead of being awarded according to the arbitrary will or passion of the magistrate. The Egyptian, like Turkish and Chinese rulers, often applied the stick till they caused death or lameness for life. Of what the scourge consisted at first we are not informed; but in later times, when the Jews were exceedingly scrupulous in adhering to the letter of the law and, for fear of miscalculation, were desirous of keeping within the prescribed limit, it was formed of three cords, terminating in leathern thongs, and thirteen strokes of this counted as thirty-nine stripes (2Co 11:24).

4. Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn—In Judea, as in modern Syria and Egypt, the larger grains were beaten out by the feet of oxen, which, yoked together, day after day trod round the wide open spaces which form the threshing-floors. The animals were allowed freely to pick up a mouthful, when they chose to do so: a wise as well as humane regulation, introduced by the law of Moses (compare 1Co 9:9; 1Ti 5:17, 18).

5-10. the wife of the dead shall not marry without unto a stranger: her husband's brother … shall take her to him to wife—This usage existed before the age of Moses (Ge 38:8). But the Mosaic law rendered the custom obligatory (Mt 22:25) on younger brothers, or the nearest kinsman, to marry the widow (Ru 4:4), by associating the natural desire of perpetuating a brother's name with the preservation of property in the Hebrew families and tribes. If the younger brother declined to comply with the law, the widow brought her claim before the authorities of the place at a public assembly (the gate of the city); and he having declared his refusal, she was ordered to loose the thong of his shoe—a sign of degradation—following up that act by spitting on the ground—the strongest expression of ignominy and contempt among Eastern people. The shoe was kept by the magistrate as an evidence of the transaction, and the parties separated.

13-16. Thou shalt not have … divers weights—Weights were anciently made of stone and are frequently used still by Eastern shopkeepers and traders, who take them out of the bag and put them in the balance. The man who is not cheated by the trader and his bag of divers weights must be blessed with more acuteness than most of his fellows [Roberts]. (Compare Pr 16:11; 20:10).

17-19. Remember what Amalek did—This cold-blooded and dastardly atrocity is not narrated in the previous history (Ex 17:14). It was an unprovoked outrage on the laws of nature and humanity, as well as a daring defiance of that God who had so signally shown His favor towards Israel (see on 1 Samuel 15; 27. 8; 30).