Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Deuteronomy » Chapter 26 » Verse 13

Deuteronomy 26:13 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

13 Then thou shalt say H559 before H6440 the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 I have brought away H1197 the hallowed things H6944 out of mine house, H1004 and also have given H5414 them unto the Levite, H3881 and unto the stranger, H1616 to the fatherless, H3490 and to the widow, H490 according to all thy commandments H4687 which thou hast commanded H6680 me: I have not transgressed H5674 thy commandments, H4687 neither have I forgotten H7911 them:

Cross Reference

Psalms 119:176 STRONG

I have gone astray H8582 like a lost H6 sheep; H7716 seek H1245 thy servant; H5650 for I do not forget H7911 thy commandments. H4687

Psalms 119:153 STRONG

RESH. Consider H7200 mine affliction, H6040 and deliver H2502 me: for I do not forget H7911 thy law. H8451

Psalms 119:141 STRONG

I am small H6810 and despised: H959 yet do not I forget H7911 thy precepts. H6490

Proverbs 3:1 STRONG

My son, H1121 forget H7911 not my law; H8451 but let thine heart H3820 keep H5341 my commandments: H4687

1 John 3:17-22 STRONG

But G1161 whoso G3739 G302 hath G2192 this world's G2889 good, G979 and G2532 seeth G2334 his G846 brother G80 have G2192 need, G5532 and G2532 shutteth up G2808 his G846 bowels G4698 of compassion from G575 him, G846 how G4459 dwelleth G3306 the love G26 of God G2316 in G1722 him? G846 My G3450 little children, G5040 let us G25 not G3361 love G25 in word, G3056 neither G3366 in tongue; G1100 but G235 in deed G2041 and G2532 in truth. G225 And G2532 hereby G1722 G5129 we know G1097 that G3754 we are G2070 of G1537 the truth, G225 and G2532 shall assure G3982 our G2257 hearts G2588 before G1715 him. G846 For G3754 if G1437 our G2257 heart G2588 condemn us, G2607 G3754 God G2316 is G2076 greater G3187 than our G2257 heart, G2588 and G2532 knoweth G1097 all things. G3956 Beloved, G27 if G3362 our G2257 heart G2588 condemn G2607 us G2257 not, G3362 then have we G2192 confidence G3954 toward G4314 God. G2316 And G2532 whatsoever G3739 G1437 we ask, G154 we receive G2983 of G3844 him, G846 because G3754 we keep G5083 his G846 commandments, G1785 and G2532 do G4160 those things that are pleasing G701 in his G846 sight. G1799

1 Thessalonians 2:10 STRONG

Ye G5210 are witnesses, G3144 and G2532 God G2316 also, how G5613 holily G3743 and G2532 justly G1346 and G2532 unblameably G274 we behaved ourselves G1096 among you G5213 that believe: G4100

2 Corinthians 11:31 STRONG

The God G2316 and G2532 Father G3962 of our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 which G3588 is G5607 blessed G2128 for G1519 evermore, G165 knoweth G1492 that I G3754 lie G5574 not. G3756

2 Corinthians 1:12 STRONG

For G1063 our G2257 rejoicing G2746 is G2076 this, G3778 the testimony G3142 of our G2257 conscience, G4893 that G3754 in G1722 simplicity G572 and G2532 godly G2316 sincerity, G1505 not G3756 with G1722 fleshly G4559 wisdom, G4678 but G235 by G1722 the grace G5485 of God, G2316 we have had our conversation G390 in G1722 the world, G2889 and G1161 more abundantly G4056 to G4314 you-ward. G5209

Acts 24:16 STRONG

And G1161 herein G1722 G5129 do I exercise G778 myself, G846 to have G2192 always G1275 a conscience G4893 void of offence G677 toward G4314 God, G2316 and G2532 toward men. G444

Deuteronomy 14:29 STRONG

And the Levite, H3881 (because he hath no part H2506 nor inheritance H5159 with thee,) and the stranger, H1616 and the fatherless, H3490 and the widow, H490 which are within thy gates, H8179 shall come, H935 and shall eat H398 and be satisfied; H7646 that the LORD H3068 thy God H430 may bless H1288 thee in all the work H4639 of thine hand H3027 which thou doest. H6213

Psalms 119:139 STRONG

My zeal H7068 hath consumed H6789 me, because mine enemies H6862 have forgotten H7911 thy words. H1697

Psalms 119:93 STRONG

I will never H5769 forget H7911 thy precepts: H6490 for with them thou hast quickened H2421 me.

Psalms 26:6 STRONG

I will wash H7364 mine hands H3709 in innocency: H5356 so will I compass H5437 thine altar, H4196 O LORD: H3068

Psalms 26:1-3 STRONG

[[A Psalm of David.]] H1732 Judge H8199 me, O LORD; H3068 for I have walked H1980 in mine integrity: H8537 I have trusted H982 also in the LORD; H3068 therefore I shall not slide. H4571 Examine H974 me, O LORD, H3068 and prove H5254 me; try H6884 my reins H3629 and my heart. H3820 For thy lovingkindness H2617 is before mine eyes: H5869 and I have walked H1980 in thy truth. H571

Psalms 18:21-24 STRONG

For I have kept H8104 the ways H1870 of the LORD, H3068 and have not wickedly departed H7561 from my God. H430 For all his judgments H4941 were before me, and I did not put away H5493 his statutes H2708 from me. I was also upright H8549 before him, and I kept H8104 myself from mine iniquity. H5771 Therefore hath the LORD H3068 recompensed H7725 me according to my righteousness, H6664 according to the cleanness H1252 of my hands H3027 in his eyesight. H5869

Job 31:16-20 STRONG

If I have withheld H4513 the poor H1800 from their desire, H2656 or have caused the eyes H5869 of the widow H490 to fail; H3615 Or have eaten H398 my morsel H6595 myself alone, and the fatherless H3490 hath not eaten H398 thereof; (For from my youth H5271 he was brought up H1431 with me, as with a father, H1 and I have guided H5148 her from my mother's H517 womb;) H990 If I have seen H7200 any perish H6 for want of clothing, H3830 or any poor H34 without covering; H3682 If his loins H2504 have not blessed H1288 me, and if he were not warmed H2552 with the fleece H1488 of my sheep; H3532

Deuteronomy 26:12 STRONG

When thou hast made an end H3615 of tithing H6237 all the tithes H4643 of thine increase H8393 the third H7992 year, H8141 which is the year H8141 of tithing, H4643 and hast given H5414 it unto the Levite, H3881 the stranger, H1616 the fatherless, H3490 and the widow, H490 that they may eat H398 within thy gates, H8179 and be filled; H7646

Deuteronomy 24:19-21 STRONG

When thou cuttest down H7114 thine harvest H7105 in thy field, H7704 and hast forgot H7911 a sheaf H6016 in the field, H7704 thou shalt not go again H7725 to fetch H3947 it: it shall be for the stranger, H1616 for the fatherless, H3490 and for the widow: H490 that the LORD H3068 thy God H430 may bless H1288 thee in all the work H4639 of thine hands. H3027 When thou beatest H2251 thine olive tree, H2132 thou shalt not go over the boughs H6286 again: H310 it shall be for the stranger, H1616 for the fatherless, H3490 and for the widow. H490 When thou gatherest H1219 the grapes of thy vineyard, H3754 thou shalt not glean H5953 it afterward: H310 it shall be for the stranger, H1616 for the fatherless, H3490 and for the widow. H490

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Deuteronomy 26

Commentary on Deuteronomy 26 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-11

To the exposition of the commandments and rights of Israel Moses adds, in closing, another ordinance respecting those gifts, which were most intimately connected with social and domestic life, viz., the first-fruits and second tithes, for the purpose of giving the proper consecration to the attitude of the nation towards its Lord and God.

Deuteronomy 26:1-4

Of the first of the fruit of the ground, which was presented from the land received from the Lord, the Israelites was to take a portion ( מראשׁית with מן partitive), and bring it in a basket to the place of the sanctuary, and give it to the priest who should be there, with the words, “I have made known to-day to the Lord thy God, that I have come into the land which the Lord swore to our fathers to give us ,” upon which the priest should take the basket and put it down before the altar of Jehovah (Deuteronomy 26:1-4). From the partitive מראשׁית we cannot infer, as Schultz supposes, that the first-fruits were not to be all delivered at the sanctuary, any more than this can be inferred from Exodus 23:19 (see the explanation of this passage). All that is implied is, that, for the purpose described afterwards, it was not necessary to put all the offerings of first-fruits into a basket and set them down before the altar. טנא (Deuteronomy 26:2, Deuteronomy 26:4, and Deuteronomy 28:5, Deuteronomy 28:17) is a basket of wicker-work, and not, as Knobel maintains, the Deuteronomist's word for צנצנת rof (Exodus 16:33. “ The priest ” is not the high priest, but the priest who had to attend to the altar-service and receive the sacrificial gifts. - The words, “I have to-day made known to the Lord thy God,” refer to the practical confession which was made by the presentation of the first-fruits. The fruit was the tangible proof that they were in possession of the land, and the presentation of the first of this fruit the practical confession that they were indebted to the Lord for the land. This confession the offerer was also to embody in a prayer of thanksgiving, after the basket had been received by the priest, in which he confessed that he and his people owed their existence and welfare to the grace of God, manifested in the miraculous redemption of Israel out of the oppression of Egypt and their guidance into Canaan.

Deuteronomy 26:5-9

אבי אבד ארמּי , “ a lost (perishing) Aramaean was my father ” (not the Aramaean, Laban , wanted to destroy my father, Jacob , as the Chald ., Arab ., Luther , and others render it). אבד signifies not only going astray, wandering, but perishing, in danger of perishing, as in Job 29:13; Proverbs 31:6, etc. Jacob is referred to, for it was he who went down to Egypt in few men. He is mentioned as the tribe-father of the nation, because the nation was directly descended from his sons, and also derived its name of Israel from him. Jacob is called in Aramaean, not only because of his long sojourn in Aramaea (Gen 29-31), but also because he got his wives and children there (cf. Hosea 12:13); and the relatives of the patriarchs had accompanied Abraham from Chaldaea to Mesopotamia (Aram; see Genesis 11:30). מעט בּמתי , consisting of few men ( בּ , the so-called beth essent ., as in Deuteronomy 10:22; Exodus 6:3, etc.; vid., Ewald , §299, q .). Compare Genesis 34:30, where Jacob himself describes his family as “few in number.” On the number in the family that migrated into Egypt, reckoned at seventy souls, see the explanation at Genesis 46:27. On the multiplication in Egypt into a great and strong people, see Exodus 1:7, Exodus 1:9; and on the oppression endured there, Exodus 1:11-22, and Exodus 2:23. - The guidance out of Egypt amidst great signs (Deuteronomy 26:8), as in Deuteronomy 4:34.

Deuteronomy 26:10

So shalt thou set it down (the basket with the first-fruits) before Jehovah .” These words are not to be understood, as Clericus , Knobel , and others suppose, in direct opposition to Deuteronomy 26:4 and Deuteronomy 26:5, as implying that the offerer had held the basket in his hand during the prayer, but simply as a remark which closes the instructions.

Deuteronomy 26:11

Rejoicing in all the good, etc., points to the joy connected with the sacrificial meal, which followed the act of worship (as in Deuteronomy 12:12). The presentation of the first-fruits took place, no doubt, on their pilgrimages to the sanctuary at the three yearly festivals (ch. 16); but it is quite without ground that Riehm restricts these words to the sacrificial meals to be prepared from the tithes, as if they had been the only sacrificial meals (see at Deuteronomy 18:3).

Verse 12-13

The delivery of the tithes, like the presentation of the first-fruits, was also to be sanctified by prayer before the Lord. It is true that only a prayer after taking the second tithe in the third year is commanded here; but that is simply because this tithe was appropriated everywhere throughout the land to festal meals for the poor and destitute (Deuteronomy 14:28), when prayer before the Lord would not follow per analogiam from the previous injunction concerning the presentation of first-fruits, as it would in the case of the tithes with which sacrificial meals were prepared at the sanctuary (Deuteronomy 14:22.). לעשׂר is the infinitive Hiphil for להעשׂר , as in Nehemiah 10:39 (on this form, vid., Ges. §53, 3 Anm. 2 and 7, and Ew. §131, b . and 244, b .). “Saying before the Lord” does not denote prayer in the sanctuary (at the tabernacle), but, as in Genesis 27:7, simply prayer before God the omnipresent One, who is enthroned in heaven (Deuteronomy 26:15), and blesses His people from above from His holy habitation. The declaration of having fulfilled the commandments of God refers primarily to the directions concerning the tithes, and was such a rendering of an account as springs from the consciousness that a man very easily transgresses the commandments of God, and has nothing in common with the blindness of pharisaic self-righteousness “ I have cleaned out the holy out of my house: ” the holy is that which is sanctified to God, that which belongs to the Lord and His servants, as in Leviticus 21:22. בּער signifies not only to remove, but to clean out, wipe out. That which was sanctified to God appeared as a debt, which was to be wiped out of a man's house ( Schultz ).

Verse 14-15

I have not eaten thereof in my sorrow .” אני , from און , tribulation, distress, signifies here in all probability mourning, and judging from what follows, mourning for the dead, equivalent to “in a mourning condition,” i.e., in a state of legal (Levitical) uncleanness; so that בּאני really corresponded to the בּטמא which follows, except that טמא includes every kind of legal uncleanness. “ I have removed nothing thereof as unclean ,” i.e., while in the state of an unclean person. Not only not eaten of any, but not removed any of it from the house, carried it away in an unclean state, in which they were forbidden to touch the holy gifts (Leviticus 22:3). “ And not given (any) of it on account of the dead .” This most probably refers to the custom of sending provisions into a house of mourning, to prepare meals for the mourners (2 Samuel 3:25; Jeremiah 16:7; Hosea 9:4; Tobit 4:17). A house of mourning, with its inhabitants, was regarded as unclean; consequently nothing could be carried into it of that which was sanctified. There is no good ground for thinking of idolatrous customs, or of any special superstition attached to the bread of mourning; nor is there any ground for understanding the words as referring to the later Jewish custom of putting provisions into the grave along with the corpse, to which the Septuagint rendering, οὐκ ἔδωκα ἀπ αὐτῶν τῷ τεθνηκότι , points. (On Deuteronomy 26:15, see Isaiah 63:15.)

Verses 16-19

At the close of his discourse, Moses sums up the whole in the earnest admonition that Israel would give the Lord its God occasion to fulfil the promised glorification of His people, by keeping His commandments with all their heart and soul.

Deuteronomy 26:16-17

On this day the Lord commanded Israel to keep these laws and rights with all the heart and all the soul (cf. Deuteronomy 6:5; Deuteronomy 10:12.). There are two important points contained in this (Deuteronomy 26:17.). The acceptance of the laws laid before them on the part of the Israelites involved a practical declaration that the nation would accept Jehovah as its God, and walk in His way (Deuteronomy 26:17); and the giving of the law on the part of the Lord was a practical confirmation of His promise that Israel should be His people of possession, which He would glorify above all nations (Deuteronomy 26:18, Deuteronomy 26:19). “ Thou hast let the Lord say to-day to be thy God ,” i.e., hast given Him occasion to say to thee that He will be thy God, manifest Himself to thee as thy God. “ And to walk in His ways, and to keep His laws ,” etc., for “and that thou wouldst walk in His ways, and keep His laws.” The acceptance of Jehovah as its God involved eo ipso a willingness to walk in His ways.

Deuteronomy 26:18-19

At the same time, Jehovah had caused the people to be told that they were His treasured people of possession, as He had said in Exodus 19:5-6; and that if they kept all His commandments, He would set them highest above all nations whom He had created, “for praise, and for a name, and for glory,” i.e., make them an object of praise, and renown, and glorification of God, the Lord and Creator of Israel, among all nations (vid., Jeremiah 33:9 and Jeremiah 13:11; Jeremiah 3:19-20). “ And that it should become a holy people unto the Lord ,” as He had already said in Exodus 19:6. The sanctification of Israel was the design and end of its divine election, and would be accomplished in the glory to which the people of God were to be exalted (see the commentary on Exodus 19:5-6). The Hiphil האמיר , which is only found here, has no other meaning than this, “to cause a person to say,” or “ give him occasion to say;” and this is perfectly appropriate here, whereas the other meaning suggested, “to exalt,” has no tenable support either in the paraphrastic rendering of these verses in the ancient versions, or in the Hithpael in Psalms 94:4, and moreover is altogether unsuitable in Deuteronomy 26:17.