Deuteronomy 34:1 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

1 And Moses H4872 went up H5927 from the plains H6160 of Moab H4124 unto the mountain H2022 of Nebo, H5015 to the top H7218 of Pisgah, H6449 that is over against H6440 Jericho. H3405 And the LORD H3068 shewed H7200 him all the land H776 of Gilead, H1568 unto Dan, H1835

Cross Reference

Deuteronomy 32:49 STRONG

Get thee up H5927 into this mountain H2022 Abarim, H5682 unto mount H2022 Nebo, H5015 which is in the land H776 of Moab, H4124 that is over against H6440 Jericho; H3405 and behold H7200 the land H776 of Canaan, H3667 which I give H5414 unto the children H1121 of Israel H3478 for a possession: H272

Numbers 27:12 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Moses, H4872 Get thee up H5927 into this mount H2022 Abarim, H5682 and see H7200 the land H776 which I have given H5414 unto the children H1121 of Israel. H3478

Joshua 19:47 STRONG

And the coast H1366 of the children H1121 of Dan H1835 went out H3318 too little for them: therefore the children H1121 of Dan H1835 went up H5927 to fight H3898 against Leshem, H3959 and took H3920 it, and smote H5221 it with the edge H6310 of the sword, H2719 and possessed H3423 it, and dwelt H3427 therein, and called H7121 Leshem, H3959 Dan, H1835 after the name H8034 of Dan H1835 their father. H1

Genesis 14:14 STRONG

And when Abram H87 heard H8085 that his brother H251 was taken captive, H7617 he armed H7324 his trained H2593 servants, born H3211 in his own house, H1004 three H7969 hundred H3967 and eighteen, H6240 H8083 and pursued H7291 them unto Dan. H1835

Numbers 21:20 STRONG

And from Bamoth H1120 in the valley, H1516 that is in the country H7704 of Moab, H4124 to the top H7218 of Pisgah, H6449 which looketh H8259 toward H6440 Jeshimon. H3452

Numbers 32:33-40 STRONG

And Moses H4872 gave H5414 unto them, even to the children H1121 of Gad, H1410 and to the children H1121 of Reuben, H7205 and unto half H2677 the tribe H7626 of Manasseh H4519 the son H1121 of Joseph, H3130 the kingdom H4467 of Sihon H5511 king H4428 of the Amorites, H567 and the kingdom H4467 of Og H5747 king H4428 of Bashan, H1316 the land, H776 with the cities H5892 thereof in the coasts, H1367 even the cities H5892 of the country H776 round about. H5439 And the children H1121 of Gad H1410 built H1129 Dibon, H1769 and Ataroth, H5852 and Aroer, H6177 And Atroth, Shophan, H5855 and Jaazer, H3270 and Jogbehah, H3011 And Bethnimrah, H1039 and Bethharan, H1028 fenced H4013 cities: H5892 and folds H1448 for sheep. H6629 And the children H1121 of Reuben H7205 built H1129 Heshbon, H2809 and Elealeh, H500 and Kirjathaim, H7156 And Nebo, H5015 and Baalmeon, H1186 (their names H8034 being changed,) H4142 and Shibmah: H7643 and gave H7121 other names H8034 H8034 unto the cities H5892 which they builded. H1129 And the children H1121 of Machir H4353 the son H1121 of Manasseh H4519 went H3212 to Gilead, H1568 and took H3920 it, and dispossessed H3423 the Amorite H567 which was in it. And Moses H4872 gave H5414 Gilead H1568 unto Machir H4353 the son H1121 of Manasseh; H4519 and he dwelt H3427 therein.

Numbers 33:47 STRONG

And they removed H5265 from Almondiblathaim, H5963 and pitched H2583 in the mountains H2022 of Abarim, H5682 before H6440 Nebo. H5015

Deuteronomy 3:27 STRONG

Get thee up H5927 into the top H7218 of Pisgah, H6449 and lift up H5375 thine eyes H5869 westward, H3220 and northward, H6828 and southward, H8486 and eastward, H4217 and behold H7200 it with thine eyes: H5869 for thou shalt not go over H5674 this Jordan. H3383

Deuteronomy 32:52 STRONG

Yet thou shalt see H7200 the land H776 before thee; but thou shalt not go H935 thither unto the land H776 which I give H5414 the children H1121 of Israel. H3478

Deuteronomy 34:4 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto him, This is the land H776 which I sware H7650 unto Abraham, H85 unto Isaac, H3327 and unto Jacob, H3290 saying, H559 I will give H5414 it unto thy seed: H2233 I have caused thee to see H7200 it with thine eyes, H5869 but thou shalt not go over H5674 thither.

Judges 18:29 STRONG

And they called H7121 the name H8034 of the city H5892 Dan, H1835 after the name H8034 of Dan H1835 their father, H1 who was born H3205 unto Israel: H3478 howbeit H199 the name H8034 of the city H5892 was Laish H3919 at the first. H7223

Ezekiel 40:2 STRONG

In the visions H4759 of God H430 brought H935 he me into the land H776 of Israel, H3478 and set H5117 me upon a very H3966 high H1364 mountain, H2022 by which was as the frame H4011 of a city H5892 on the south. H5045

Revelation 21:10 STRONG

And G2532 he carried G667 me G3165 away G667 in G1722 the spirit G4151 to G1909 a great G3173 and G2532 high G5308 mountain, G3735 and G2532 shewed G1166 me G3427 that great G3173 city, G4172 the holy G40 Jerusalem, G2419 descending G2597 out of G1537 heaven G3772 from G575 God, G2316

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Deuteronomy 34

Commentary on Deuteronomy 34 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-4

And Moses went up from the plains of Moab unto the mountain of Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, that is over against Jericho. And the LORD shewed him all the land of Gilead, unto Dan, After blessing the people, Moses ascended Mount Nebo, according to the command of God (Deuteronomy 32:48-51), and there the Lord showed him, in all its length and breadth, that promised land into which he was not to enter. From Nebo, a peak of Pisgah, which affords a very extensive prospect on all sides, he saw the land of Gilead, the land to the east of the Jordan as far as Dan, i.e., not Laish-Dan near the central source of the Jordan (Judges 18:27), which did not belong to Gilead, but a Dan in northern Peraea, which has not yet been discovered (see at Genesis 14:14); and the whole of the land on the west of the Jordan, Canaan proper, in all its different districts, namely, “ the whole of Naphtali ,” i.e., the later Galilee on the north, “ the land of Ephraim and Manasseh ” in the centre, and “ the whole of the land of Judah ,” the southern portion of Canaan, in all its breadth, “ to the hinder (Mediterranean) sea ” (see Deuteronomy 11:24); also “ the south land ” ( Negeb : see at Numbers 13:17), the southern land of steppe towards the Arabian desert, and “ the valley of the Jordan ” (see Genesis 13:10), i.e., the deep valley from Jericho the palm-city (so called from the palms which grew there, in the valley of the Jordan: Judges 1:16; Judges 3:13; 2 Chronicles 28:15) “ to Zoar ” at the southern extremity of the Dead Sea (see at Genesis 19:22). This sight of every part of the land on the east and west was not an ecstatic vision, but a sight with the bodily eyes, whose natural power of vision was miraculously increased by God, to give Moses a glimpse at least of the glorious land which he was not to tread, and delight his eye with a view of the inheritance intended for his people.

Verse 5-6

After this favour had been granted him, the aged servant of the Lord was to taste death as the ages of sin. There, i.e., upon Mount Nebo, he died, “ at the mouth ,” i.e., according to the commandment, “ of the Lord ” (not “by a kiss of the Lord,” as the Rabbins interpret it), in the land of Moab, not in Canaan (see at Numbers 27:12-14). “ And He buried him in the land of Moab, over against Beth Peor .” The subject in this sentence is Jehovah. Though the third person singular would allow of the verb being taken as impersonal ( ἔθαψαν αὐτόν , lxx: they buried him), such a rendering is precluded by the statement which follows, “ no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day .” “The valley” where the Lord buried Moses was certainly not the Jordan valley, as in Deuteronomy 3:29, but most probably “the valley in the field of Moab, upon the top of Pisgah,” mentioned in Numbers 21:20, near to Nebo; in any case, a valley on the mountain, not far from the top of Nebo. - The Israelites inferred what is related in Deuteronomy 34:1-6 respecting the end of Moses' life, from the promise of God in Deuteronomy 32:49, and Numbers 27:12-13, which was communicated to them by Moses himself (Deuteronomy 3:27), and from the fact that Moses went up Mount Nebo, from which he never returned. On his ascending the mountain, the eyes of the people would certainly follow him as far as they possibly could. It is also very possible that there were many parts of the Israelitish camp from which the top of Nebo was visible, so that the eyes of his people could not only accompany him thither, but could also see that when the Lord had shown him the promised land, He went down with him into the neighbouring valley, where Moses was taken for ever out of their sight. There is not a word in the text about God having brought the body of Moses down from the mountain and buried it in the valley. This “romantic idea” is invented by Knobel , for the purpose of throwing suspicion upon the historical truth of a fact which is offensive to him. The fact itself that the Lord buried His servant Moses, and no man knows of his sepulchre, is in perfect keeping with the relation in which Moses stood to the Lord while he was alive. Even if his sin at the water of strife rendered it necessary that he should suffer the punishment of death, as a memorable example of the terrible severity of the holy God against sin, even in the case of His faithful servant; yet after the justice of God had been satisfied by this punishment, he was to be distinguished in death before all the people, and glorified as the servant who had been found faithful in all the house of God, whom the Lord had known face to face (Deuteronomy 34:10), and to whom He had spoken mouth to mouth (Numbers 12:7-8). The burial of Moses by the hand of Jehovah was not intended to conceal his grave, for the purpose of guarding against a superstitious and idolatrous reverence for his grave; for which the opinion held by the Israelites, that corpses and graves defiled, there was but little fear of this; but, as we may infer from the account of the transfiguration of Jesus, the intention was to place him in the same category with Enoch and Elijah. As Kurtz observes, “The purpose of God was to prepare for him a condition, both of body and soul, resembling that of these two men of God. Men bury a corpse that it may pass into corruption. If Jehovah, therefore, would not suffer the body of Moses to be buried by men, it is but natural to seek for the reason in the fact that He did not intend to leave him to corruption, but, when burying it with His own hand, imparted a power to it which preserved it from corruption, and prepared the way for it to pass into the same form of existence to which Enoch and Elijah were taken, without either death or burial.” - There can be no doubt that this truth lies at the foundation of the Jewish theologoumenon mentioned in the Epistle of Judge, concerning the contest between Michael the archangel and the devil for the body of Moses.

Verse 7-8

Though he died at the age of one hundred and twenty (see at Deuteronomy 31:2), Moses' eyes had not become dim, and his freshness had not abated ( לח ב̔́נ. כוד. , connected with לח in Genesis 30:37, signifies freshness). Thus had the Lord preserved the full vital energy of His servant, even till the time of his death. The mourning of the people lasted thirty days, as in the case of Aaron (Numbers 20:29).

Verses 9-12

Joshua now took Moses' place as the leader of the people, filled with the spirit of wisdom (practical wisdom, manifesting itself in action), because Moses had ordained him to his office by the laying on of hands ( Numbers 27:18). And the people obeyed him; but he was not like Moses. “ There arose no more a prophet in Israel like unto Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face ,” i.e., so far as the miracles and signs were concerned which Moses did, by virtue of his divine mission, upon Pharaoh, his servants, and his land, and the terrible acts which he performed before the eyes of Israel (Deuteronomy 34:11 and Deuteronomy 34:12; vid., Deuteronomy 26:8, and Deuteronomy 4:34). “ Whom Jehovah knew: ” not who knew Him, the Lord. “To know,” like γινώσκειν in 1 Corinthians 8:3, relates to the divine knowledge, which not only involves a careful observance (Deuteronomy 2:7), but is also a manifestation of Himself to man, a penetration of man with the spiritual power of God. Because he was thus known by the Lord, Moses was able to perform signs and wonders, and mighty, terrible acts, such as no other performed either before or after him. In this respect Joshua stood far below Moses, and no prophet arose in Israel like unto Moses. - This remark concerning Moses does not presuppose that a long series of prophets had already risen up since the time of Moses. When Joshua had defeated the Canaanites, and conquered their land with the powerful help of the Lord, which was still manifested in signs and wonders, and had divided it among the children of Israel, and when the tribes had settled down in their inheritance, so that the different portions of the land began to be called by the names of Naphtali, Ephraim, Manasseh, and Judah, as is the case in Deuteronomy 34:2; the conviction might already have become established in Israel, that no other prophet would arise like Moses, to whom the Lord had manifested Himself with such signs and wonders before the Egyptians and the eyes of Israel. The position occupied by Joshua in relation to this his predecessor, as the continuer of his work, would necessarily awaken and confirm this conviction, in connection with what the Lord had said as to the superiority of Moses to all the prophets (Numbers 12:6.). Moses was the founder and mediator of the old covenant. As long as this covenant was to last, no prophet could arise in Israel like unto Moses. There is but One who is worthy of greater honour than Moses, namely, the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, who is placed as the Son over all the house of God, in which Moses was found faithful as a servant (compare Hebrews 3:2-6 with Numbers 12:7), Jesus Christ, the founder and mediator of the new and everlasting covenant.