Ecclesiastes 1:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 One generation H1755 passeth away, H1980 and another generation H1755 cometh: H935 H935 but the earth H776 abideth H5975 for ever. H5769

Cross Reference

Psalms 104:5 STRONG

Who laid H3245 the foundations H4349 of the earth, H776 that it should not be removed H4131 for ever. H5769 H5703

Matthew 24:35 STRONG

Heaven G3772 and G2532 earth G1093 shall pass away, G3928 but G1161 my G3450 words G3056 shall G3928 not G3364 pass away. G3928

Zechariah 1:5 STRONG

Your fathers, H1 where are they? and the prophets, H5030 do they live H2421 for ever? H5769

Ecclesiastes 6:12 STRONG

For who knoweth H3045 what is good H2896 for man H120 in this life, H2416 all H4557 the days H3117 of his vain H1892 life H2416 which he spendeth H6213 as a shadow? H6738 for who can tell H5046 a man H120 what shall be after H310 him under the sun? H8121

2 Peter 3:10-13 STRONG

But G1161 the day G2250 of the Lord G2962 will come G2240 as G5613 a thief G2812 in G1722 the night; G3571 in G1722 the which G3739 the heavens G3772 shall pass away G3928 with a great noise, G4500 and G1161 the elements G4747 shall melt G3089 with fervent heat, G2741 the earth G1093 also G2532 and G2532 the works G2041 that are therein G1722 G846 shall be burned up. G2618 Seeing then G3767 that all G3956 these things G5130 shall be dissolved, G3089 what manner G4217 of persons ought G1163 ye G5209 to be G5225 in G1722 all holy G40 conversation G391 and G2532 godliness, G2150 Looking for G4328 and G2532 hasting G4692 unto the coming G3952 of the day G2250 of God, G2316 wherein G1223 G3739 the heavens G3772 being on fire G4448 shall be dissolved, G3089 and G2532 the elements G4747 shall melt G5080 with fervent heat? G2741 Nevertheless G1161 we, G4328 according to G2596 his G846 promise, G1862 look for G4328 new G2537 heavens G3772 and G2532 a new G2537 earth, G1093 wherein G1722 G3739 dwelleth G2730 righteousness. G1343

Psalms 90:9-10 STRONG

For all our days H3117 are passed away H6437 in thy wrath: H5678 we spend H3615 our years H8141 as a tale H1899 that is told. The days H3117 of our years H8141 are threescore H7657 years H8141 and ten; H7657 and if by reason of strength H1369 they be fourscore H8084 years, H8141 yet is their strength H7296 labour H5999 and sorrow; H205 for it is soon H2440 cut off, H1468 and we fly away. H5774

Psalms 102:24-28 STRONG

I said, H559 O my God, H410 take me not away H5927 in the midst H2677 of my days: H3117 thy years H8141 are throughout all H1755 generations. H1755 Of old H6440 hast thou laid the foundation H3245 of the earth: H776 and the heavens H8064 are the work H4639 of thy hands. H3027 They shall perish, H6 but thou shalt endure: H5975 yea, all of them shall wax old H1086 like a garment; H899 as a vesture H3830 shalt thou change H2498 them, and they shall be changed: H2498 But thou art the same, and thy years H8141 shall have no end. H8552 The children H1121 of thy servants H5650 shall continue, H7931 and their seed H2233 shall be established H3559 before H6440 thee.

Psalms 119:90-91 STRONG

Thy faithfulness H530 is unto all H1755 generations: H1755 thou hast established H3559 the earth, H776 and it abideth. H5975 They continue H5975 this day H3117 according to thine ordinances: H4941 for all are thy servants. H5650

Genesis 5:3-31 STRONG

And Adam H121 lived H2421 an hundred H3967 and thirty H7970 years, H8141 and begat H3205 a son in his own likeness, H1823 after his image; H6754 and called H7121 his name H8034 Seth: H8352 And the days H3117 of Adam H121 after H310 he had begotten H3205 Seth H8352 were eight H8083 hundred H3967 years: H8141 and he begat H3205 sons H1121 and daughters: H1323 And all the days H3117 that Adam H121 lived H2425 were nine H8672 hundred H3967 H8141 and thirty H7970 years: H8141 and he died. H4191 And Seth H8352 lived H2421 an hundred H3967 H8141 and five H2568 years, H8141 and begat H3205 Enos: H583 And Seth H8352 lived H2421 after H310 he begat H3205 Enos H583 eight H8083 hundred H3967 H8141 and seven H7651 years, H8141 and begat H3205 sons H1121 and daughters: H1323 And all the days H3117 of Seth H8352 were nine H8672 hundred H3967 H8141 and twelve H6240 H8147 years: H8141 and he died. H4191 And Enos H583 lived H2421 ninety H8673 years, H8141 and begat H3205 Cainan: H7018 And Enos H583 lived H2421 after H310 he begat H3205 Cainan H7018 eight H8083 hundred H3967 H8141 and fifteen H6240 H2568 years, H8141 and begat H3205 sons H1121 and daughters: H1323 And all the days H3117 of Enos H583 were nine H8672 hundred H3967 H8141 and five H2568 years: H8141 and he died. H4191 And Cainan H7018 lived H2421 seventy H7657 years, H8141 and begat H3205 Mahalaleel: H4111 And Cainan H7018 lived H2421 after H310 he begat H3205 Mahalaleel H4111 eight H8083 hundred H3967 H8141 and forty H705 years, H8141 and begat H3205 sons H1121 and daughters: H1323 And all the days H3117 of Cainan H7018 were nine H8672 hundred H3967 H8141 and ten H6235 years: H8141 and he died. H4191 And Mahalaleel H4111 lived H2421 sixty H8346 H8141 and five H2568 years, H8141 and begat H3205 Jared: H3382 And Mahalaleel H4111 lived H2421 after H310 he begat H3205 Jared H3382 eight H8083 hundred H3967 H8141 and thirty H7970 years, H8141 and begat H3205 sons H1121 and daughters: H1323 And all the days H3117 of Mahalaleel H4111 were eight H8083 hundred H3967 H8141 ninety H8673 and five H2568 years: H8141 and he died. H4191 And Jared H3382 lived H2421 an hundred H3967 sixty H8346 H8141 and two H8147 years, H8141 and he begat H3205 Enoch: H2585 And Jared H3382 lived H2421 after H310 he begat H3205 Enoch H2585 eight H8083 hundred H3967 years, H8141 and begat H3205 sons H1121 and daughters: H1323 And all the days H3117 of Jared H3382 were nine H8672 hundred H3967 H8141 sixty H8346 and two H8147 years: H8141 and he died. H4191 And Enoch H2585 lived H2421 sixty H8346 and five H2568 years, H8141 and begat H3205 Methuselah: H4968 And Enoch H2585 walked H1980 with H854 God H430 after H310 he begat H3205 H853 Methuselah H4968 three H7969 hundred H3967 years, H8141 and begat H3205 sons H1121 and daughters: H1323 And all the days H3117 of Enoch H2585 were three H7969 hundred H3967 H8141 sixty H8346 and five H2568 years: H8141 And Enoch H2585 walked H1980 with God: H430 and he was not; for God H430 took H3947 him. And Methuselah H4968 lived H2421 an hundred H3967 H8141 eighty H8084 and seven H7651 years, H8141 and begat H3205 Lamech: H3929 And Methuselah H4968 lived H2421 after H310 he begat H3205 Lamech H3929 seven H7651 hundred H3967 H8141 eighty H8084 and two H8147 years, H8141 and begat H3205 sons H1121 and daughters: H1323 And all the days H3117 of Methuselah H4968 were nine H8672 hundred H3967 H8141 sixty H8346 and nine H8672 years: H8141 and he died. H4191 And Lamech H3929 lived H2421 an hundred H3967 H8141 eighty H8084 and two H8147 years, H8141 and begat H3205 a son: H1121 And he called H7121 his name H8034 Noah, H5146 saying, H559 This same shall comfort H5162 us concerning our work H4639 and toil H6093 of our hands, H3027 because H4480 of the ground H127 which the LORD H3068 hath cursed. H779 And Lamech H3929 lived H2421 after H310 he begat H3205 Noah H5146 five H2568 hundred H3967 H8141 ninety H8673 and five H2568 years, H8141 and begat H3205 sons H1121 and daughters: H1323 And all the days H3117 of Lamech H3929 were seven H7651 hundred H3967 H8141 seventy H7657 and seven H7651 years: H8141 and he died. H4191

Genesis 11:20-32 STRONG

And Reu H7466 lived H2421 two H8147 and thirty H7970 years, H8141 and begat H3205 Serug: H8286 And Reu H7466 lived H2421 after H310 he begat H3205 Serug H8286 two hundred H3967 H8141 and seven H7651 years, H8141 and begat H3205 sons H1121 and daughters. H1323 And Serug H8286 lived H2421 thirty H7970 years, H8141 and begat H3205 Nahor: H5152 And Serug H8286 lived H2421 after H310 he begat H3205 Nahor H5152 two hundred H3967 years, H8141 and begat H3205 sons H1121 and daughters. H1323 And Nahor H5152 lived H2421 nine H8672 and twenty H6242 years, H8141 and begat H3205 Terah: H8646 And Nahor H5152 lived H2421 after H310 he begat H3205 Terah H8646 an hundred H3967 H8141 and nineteen H6240 H8672 years, H8141 and begat H3205 sons H1121 and daughters. H1323 And Terah H8646 lived H2421 seventy H7657 years, H8141 and begat H3205 Abram, H87 Nahor, H5152 and Haran. H2039 Now these are the generations H8435 of Terah: H8646 Terah H8646 begat H3205 Abram, H87 Nahor, H5152 and Haran; H2039 and Haran H2039 begat H3205 Lot. H3876 And Haran H2039 died H4191 before H6440 his father H1 Terah H8646 in the land H776 of his nativity, H4138 in Ur H218 of the Chaldees. H3778 And Abram H87 and Nahor H5152 took H3947 them wives: H802 the name H8034 of Abram's H87 wife H802 was Sarai; H8297 and the name H8034 of Nahor's H5152 wife, H802 Milcah, H4435 the daughter H1323 of Haran, H2039 the father H1 of Milcah, H4435 and the father H1 of Iscah. H3252 But Sarai H8297 was barren; H6135 she had no child. H2056 And Terah H8646 took H3947 Abram H87 his son, H1121 and Lot H3876 the son H1121 of Haran H2039 his son's H1121 son, H1121 and Sarai H8297 his daughter in law, H3618 his son H1121 Abram's H87 wife; H802 and they went forth H3318 with them from Ur H218 of the Chaldees, H3778 to go H3212 into the land H776 of Canaan; H3667 and they came H935 unto Haran, H2771 and dwelt H3427 there. And the days H3117 of Terah H8646 were two hundred H3967 H8141 and five H2568 years: H8141 and Terah H8646 died H4191 in Haran. H2771

Genesis 36:9-19 STRONG

And these are the generations H8435 of Esau H6215 the father H1 of the Edomites H123 in mount H2022 Seir: H8165 These are the names H8034 of Esau's H6215 sons; H1121 Eliphaz H464 the son H1121 of Adah H5711 the wife H802 of Esau, H6215 Reuel H7467 the son H1121 of Bashemath H1315 the wife H802 of Esau. H6215 And the sons H1121 of Eliphaz H464 were Teman, H8487 Omar, H201 Zepho, H6825 and Gatam, H1609 and Kenaz. H7073 And Timna H8555 was concubine H6370 to Eliphaz H464 Esau's H6215 son; H1121 and she bare H3205 to Eliphaz H464 Amalek: H6002 these were the sons H1121 of Adah H5711 Esau's H6215 wife. H802 And these are the sons H1121 of Reuel; H7467 Nahath, H5184 and Zerah, H2226 Shammah, H8048 and Mizzah: H4199 these were the sons H1121 of Bashemath H1315 Esau's H6215 wife. H802 And these were the sons H1121 of Aholibamah, H173 the daughter H1323 of Anah H6034 the daughter H1323 of Zibeon, H6649 Esau's H6215 wife: H802 and she bare H3205 to Esau H6215 Jeush, H3274 and Jaalam, H3281 and Korah. H7141 These were dukes H441 of the sons H1121 of Esau: H6215 the sons H1121 of Eliphaz H464 the firstborn H1060 son of Esau; H6215 duke H441 Teman, H8487 duke H441 Omar, H201 duke H441 Zepho, H6825 duke H441 Kenaz, H7073 Duke H441 Korah, H7141 duke H441 Gatam, H1609 and duke H441 Amalek: H6002 these are the dukes H441 that came of Eliphaz H464 in the land H776 of Edom; H123 these were the sons H1121 of Adah. H5711 And these are the sons H1121 of Reuel H7467 Esau's H6215 son; H1121 duke H441 Nahath, H5184 duke H441 Zerah, H2226 duke H441 Shammah, H8048 duke H441 Mizzah: H4199 these are the dukes H441 that came of Reuel H7467 in the land H776 of Edom; H123 these are the sons H1121 of Bashemath H1315 Esau's H6215 wife. H802 And these are the sons H1121 of Aholibamah H173 Esau's H6215 wife; H802 duke H441 Jeush, H3266 duke H441 Jaalam, H3281 duke H441 Korah: H7141 these were the dukes H441 that came of Aholibamah H173 the daughter H1323 of Anah, H6034 Esau's H6215 wife. H802 These are the sons H1121 of Esau, H6215 who is Edom, H123 and these are their dukes. H441

Genesis 47:9 STRONG

And Jacob H3290 said H559 unto Pharaoh, H6547 The days H3117 of the years H8141 of my pilgrimage H4033 are an hundred H3967 and thirty H7970 years: H8141 few H4592 and evil H7451 have the days H3117 of the years H8141 of my life H2416 been, and have not attained H5381 unto the days H3117 of the years H8141 of the life H2416 of my fathers H1 in the days H3117 of their pilgrimage. H4033

Exodus 1:6-7 STRONG

And Joseph H3130 died, H4191 and all his brethren, H251 and all that generation. H1755 And the children H1121 of Israel H3478 were fruitful, H6509 and increased abundantly, H8317 and multiplied, H7235 and waxed exceeding H3966 H3966 mighty; H6105 and the land H776 was filled H4390 with them.

Exodus 6:16-27 STRONG

And these are the names H8034 of the sons H1121 of Levi H3878 according to their generations; H8435 Gershon, H1648 and Kohath, H6955 and Merari: H4847 and the years H8141 of the life H2416 of Levi H3878 were an hundred H3967 thirty H7970 and seven H7651 years. H8141 The sons H1121 of Gershon; H1648 Libni, H3845 and Shimi, H8096 according to their families. H4940 And the sons H1121 of Kohath; H6955 Amram, H6019 and Izhar, H3324 and Hebron, H2275 and Uzziel: H5816 and the years H8141 of the life H2416 of Kohath H6955 were an hundred H3967 thirty H7970 and three H7969 years. H8141 And the sons H1121 of Merari; H4847 Mahali H4249 and Mushi: H4187 these are the families H4940 of Levi H3878 according to their generations. H8435 And Amram H6019 took H3947 him Jochebed H3115 his father's sister H1733 to wife; H802 and she bare H3205 him Aaron H175 and Moses: H4872 and the years H8141 of the life H2416 of Amram H6019 were an hundred H3967 and thirty H7970 and seven H7651 years. H8141 And the sons H1121 of Izhar; H3324 Korah, H7141 and Nepheg, H5298 and Zichri. H2147 And the sons H1121 of Uzziel; H5816 Mishael, H4332 and Elzaphan, H469 and Zithri. H5644 And Aaron H175 took H3947 him Elisheba, H472 daughter H1323 of Amminadab, H5992 sister H269 of Naashon, H5177 to wife; H802 and she bare H3205 him Nadab, H5070 and Abihu, H30 Eleazar, H499 and Ithamar. H385 And the sons H1121 of Korah; H7141 Assir, H617 and Elkanah, H511 and Abiasaph: H23 these are the families H4940 of the Korhites. H7145 And Eleazar H499 Aaron's H175 son H1121 took H3947 him one of the daughters H1323 of Putiel H6317 to wife; H802 and she bare H3205 him Phinehas: H6372 these are the heads H7218 of the fathers H1 of the Levites H3881 according to their families. H4940 These H1931 are that Aaron H175 and Moses, H4872 to whom H834 the LORD H3068 said, H559 Bring out H3318 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 from the land H776 of Egypt H4714 according to their armies. H6635 These H1992 are they which spake H1696 to Pharaoh H6547 king H4428 of Egypt, H4714 to bring out H3318 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 from Egypt: H4714 these are that Moses H4872 and Aaron. H175

Psalms 89:47-48 STRONG

Remember H2142 how short H2465 my time is: wherefore hast thou made H1254 all men H1121 H120 in vain? H7723 What man H1397 is he that liveth, H2421 and shall not see H7200 death? H4194 shall he deliver H4422 his soul H5315 from the hand H3027 of the grave? H7585 Selah. H5542

Commentary on Ecclesiastes 1 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ec 1:1-18. Introduction.

1. the Preacher—and Convener of assemblies for the purpose. See my Preface. Koheleth in Hebrew, a symbolical name for Solomon, and of Heavenly Wisdom speaking through and identified with him. Ec 1:12 shows that "king of Jerusalem" is in apposition, not with "David," but "Preacher."

of Jerusalem—rather, "in Jerusalem," for it was merely his metropolis, not his whole kingdom.

2. The theme proposed of the first part of his discourse.

Vanity of vanities—Hebraism for the most utter vanity. So "holy of holies" (Ex 26:33); "servant of servants" (Ge 9:25). The repetition increases the force.

all—Hebrew, "the all"; all without exception, namely, earthly things.

vanity—not in themselves, for God maketh nothing in vain (1Ti 4:4, 5), but vain when put in the place of God and made the end, instead of the means (Ps 39:5, 6; 62:9; Mt 6:33); vain, also, because of the "vanity" to which they are "subjected" by the fall (Ro 8:20).

3. What profit … labour—that is, "What profit" as to the chief good (Mt 16:26). Labor is profitable in its proper place (Ge 2:15; 3:19; Pr 14:23).

under the sun—that is, in this life, as opposed to the future world. The phrase often recurs, but only in Ecclesiastes.

4. earth … for ever—(Ps 104:5). While the earth remains the same, the generations of men are ever changing; what lasting profit, then, can there be from the toils of one whose sojourn on earth, as an individual, is so brief? The "for ever" is comparative, not absolute (Ps 102:26).

5. (Ps 19:5, 6). "Panting" as the Hebrew for "hasteth"; metaphor, from a runner (Ps 19:5, "a strong man") in a "race." It applies rather to the rising sun, which seems laboriously to mount up to the meridian, than to the setting sun; the accents too favor Maurer, "And (that too, returning) to his place, where panting he riseth."

6. according to his circuits—that is, it returns afresh to its former circuits, however many be its previous veerings about. The north and south winds are the two prevailing winds in Palestine and Egypt.

7. By subterraneous cavities, and by evaporation forming rain clouds, the fountains and rivers are supplied from the sea, into which they then flow back. The connection is: Individual men are continually changing, while the succession of the race continues; just as the sun, wind, and rivers are ever shifting about, while the cycle in which they move is invariable; they return to the point whence they set out. Hence is man, as in these objects of nature which are his analogue, with all the seeming changes "there is no new thing" (Ec 1:9).

8. Maurer translates, "All words are wearied out," that is, are inadequate, as also, "man cannot express" all the things in the world which undergo this ceaseless, changeless cycle of vicissitudes: "The eye is not satisfied with seeing them," &c. But it is plainly a return to the idea (Ec 1:3) as to man's "labor," which is only wearisome and profitless; "no new" good can accrue from it (Ec 1:9); for as the sun, &c., so man's laborious works move in a changeless cycle. The eye and ear are two of the taskmasters for which man toils. But these are never "satisfied" (Ec 6:7; Pr 27:20). Nor can they be so hereafter, for there will be nothing "new." Not so the chief good, Jesus Christ (Joh 4:13, 14; Re 21:5).

9. Rather, "no new thing at all"; as in Nu 11:6. This is not meant in a general sense; but there is no new source of happiness (the subject in question) which can be devised; the same round of petty pleasures, cares, business, study, wars, &c., being repeated over and over again [Holden].

10. old time—Hebrew, "ages."

which was—The Hebrew plural cannot be joined to the verb singular. Therefore translate: "It hath been in the ages before; certainly it hath been before us" [Holden]. Or, as Maurer: "That which has been (done) before us (in our presence, 1Ch 16:33), has been (done) already in the old times."

11. The reason why some things are thought "new," which are not really so, is the imperfect record that exists of preceding ages among their successors.

those that … come after—that is, those that live still later than the "things, rather the persons or generations, Ec 1:4, with which this verse is connected, the six intermediate verses being merely illustrations of Ec 1:4 [Weiss], that are to come" (Ec 2:16; 9:5).

12. Resumption of Ec 1:1, the intermediate verses being the introductory statement of his thesis. Therefore, "the Preacher" (Koheleth) is repeated.

was king—instead of "am," because he is about to give the results of his past experience during his long reign.

in Jerusalem—specified, as opposed to David, who reigned both in Hebron and Jerusalem; whereas Solomon reigned only in Jerusalem. "King of Israel in Jerusalem," implies that he reigned over Israel and Judah combined; whereas David, at Hebron, reigned only over Judah, and not, until he was settled in Jerusalem, over both Israel and Judah.

13. this sore travail—namely, that of "searching out all things done under heaven." Not human wisdom in general, which comes afterwards (Ec 2:12, &c.), but laborious enquiries into, and speculations about, the works of men; for example, political science. As man is doomed to get his bread, so his knowledge, by the sweat of his brow (Ge 3:19) [Gill].

exercised—that is, disciplined; literally, "that they may thereby chastise, or humble themselves."

14. The reason is here given why investigation into man's "works" is only "sore travail" (Ec 1:13); namely, because all man's ways are vain (Ec 1:18) and cannot be mended (Ec 1:15).

vexation of—"a preying upon"

the Spirit—Maurer translates; "the pursuit of wind," as in Ec 5:16; Ho 12:1, "Ephraim feedeth on wind." But old versions support the English Version.

15. Investigation (Ec 1:13) into human ways is vain labor, for they are hopelessly "crooked" and "cannot be made straight" by it (Ec 7:13). God, the chief good, alone can do this (Isa 40:4; 45:2).

wanting—(Da 5:27).

numbered—so as to make a complete number; so equivalent to "supplied" [Maurer]. Or, rather, man's state is utterly wanting; and that which is wholly defective cannot be numbered or calculated. The investigator thinks he can draw up, in accurate numbers, statistics of man's wants; but these, including the defects in the investigator's labor, are not partial, but total.

16. communed with … heart—(Ge 24:45).

come to great estate—Rather, "I have magnified and gotten" (literally, "added," increased), &c.

all … before me in Jerusalem—namely, the priests, judges, and two kings that preceded Solomon. His wisdom exceeded that of all before Jesus Christ, the antitypical Koheleth, or "Gatherer of men," (Lu 13:34), and "Wisdom" incarnate (Mt 11:19; 12:42).

had … experience—literally, "had seen" (Jer 2:31). Contrast with this glorying in worldly wisdom (Jer 9:23, 24).

17. wisdom … madness—that is, their effects, the works of human wisdom and folly respectively. "Madness," literally, "vaunting extravagance"; Ec 2:12; 7:25, &c., support English Version rather than Dathe, "splendid matters." "Folly" is read by English Version with some manuscripts, instead of the present Hebrew text, "prudence." If Hebrew be retained, understand "prudence," falsely so called (1Ti 6:20), "craft" (Da 8:25).

18. wisdom … knowledge—not in general, for wisdom, &c., are most excellent in their place; but speculative knowledge of man's ways (Ec 1:13, 17), which, the farther it goes, gives one the more pain to find how "crooked" and "wanting" they are (Ec 1:15; 12:12).