Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Esther » Chapter 10 » Verse 3

Esther 10:3 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

3 For Mordecai H4782 the Jew H3064 was next H4932 unto king H4428 Ahasuerus, H325 and great H1419 among the Jews, H3064 and accepted H7521 of the multitude H7230 of his brethren, H251 seeking H1875 the wealth H2896 of his people, H5971 and speaking H1696 peace H7965 to all his seed. H2233

Cross Reference

Nehemiah 2:10 STRONG

When Sanballat H5571 the Horonite, H2772 and Tobiah H2900 the servant, H5650 the Ammonite, H5984 heard H8085 of it, it grieved H3415 them exceedingly H7451 H1419 that there was come H935 a man H120 to seek H1245 the welfare H2896 of the children H1121 of Israel. H3478

Genesis 41:40 STRONG

Thou shalt be H1961 over my house, H1004 and according unto thy word H6310 shall all my people H5971 be ruled: H5401 only in the throne H3678 will I be greater H1431 than thou.

Genesis 41:43-44 STRONG

And he made him to ride H7392 in the second H4932 chariot H4818 which he had; and they cried H7121 before him, H6440 Bow the knee: H86 and he made H5414 him ruler over all the land H776 of Egypt. H4714 And Pharaoh H6547 said H559 unto Joseph, H3130 I am Pharaoh, H6547 and without H1107 thee shall no man H376 lift up H7311 his hand H3027 or foot H7272 in all the land H776 of Egypt. H4714

2 Chronicles 28:7 STRONG

And Zichri, H2147 a mighty man H1368 of Ephraim, H669 slew H2026 Maaseiah H4641 the king's H4428 son, H1121 and Azrikam H5840 the governor H5057 of the house, H1004 and Elkanah H511 that was next H4932 to the king. H4428

Psalms 122:6-9 STRONG

Pray H7592 for the peace H7965 of Jerusalem: H3389 they shall prosper H7951 that love H157 thee. Peace H7965 be within thy walls, H2426 and prosperity H7962 within thy palaces. H759 For my brethren H251 and companions' H7453 sakes, I will now say, H1696 Peace H7965 be within thee. Because of the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 our God H430 I will seek H1245 thy good. H2896

Daniel 5:29 STRONG

Then H116 commanded H560 Belshazzar, H1113 and they clothed H3848 Daniel H1841 with scarlet, H711 and put a chain H2002 of gold H1722 about H5922 his neck, H6676 and made a proclamation H3745 concerning H5922 him, that he should be H1934 the third H8531 ruler H7990 in the kingdom. H4437

Romans 14:18 STRONG

For G1063 he that in G1722 these things G5125 serveth G1398 Christ G5547 is acceptable G2101 to God, G2316 and G2532 approved G1384 of men. G444

1 Samuel 23:17 STRONG

And he said H559 unto him, Fear H3372 not: for the hand H3027 of Saul H7586 my father H1 shall not find H4672 thee; and thou shalt be king H4427 over Israel, H3478 and I shall be next H4932 unto thee; and that also Saul H7586 my father H1 knoweth. H3045

Esther 3:2 STRONG

And all the king's H4428 servants, H5650 that were in the king's H4428 gate, H8179 bowed, H3766 and reverenced H7812 Haman: H2001 for the king H4428 had so commanded H6680 concerning him. But Mordecai H4782 bowed H3766 not, nor did him reverence. H7812

Daniel 5:16 STRONG

And I H576 have heard H8086 of thee, H5922 that thou canst H3202 make H6590 interpretations, H6591 and dissolve H8271 doubts: H7001 now H3705 if H2006 thou canst H3202 read H7123 the writing, H3792 and make known H3046 to me the interpretation H6591 thereof, thou shalt be clothed H3848 with scarlet, H711 and have a chain H2002 of gold H1722 about H5922 thy neck, H6676 and shalt be the third H8531 ruler H7981 in the kingdom. H4437

Romans 9:2-3 STRONG

That G3754 I G3427 have G2076 great G3173 heaviness G3077 and G2532 continual G88 sorrow in G3601 my G3450 heart. G2588 For G1063 I G1473 could wish G2172 that myself G846 were G1511 accursed G331 from G575 Christ G5547 for G5228 my G3450 brethren, G80 my G3450 kinsmen G4773 according G2596 to the flesh: G4561

Romans 10:1 STRONG

Brethren, G80 my G1699 heart's G2588 desire G2107 and G2532 prayer G1162 to G4314 God G2316 for G5228 Israel G2474 is, G2076 that G3303 G1519 they might be saved. G4991

Commentary on Esther 10 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



This chapter is very short, and just makes mention of a tribute Ahasuerus laid on his realm, Esther 10:1, refers to the Persian chronicles, both for the greatness of him, and of Mordecai, and is closed with the character of the latter, Esther 10:2.

Verse 1

And the King Ahasuerus laid a tribute on the land, and upon the isles of the sea. Which include all his dominions, both on the continent, and on the sea, the Aegean sea; though Aben Ezra thinks it regards such as were not under his government, but stood in fear of him, of whom he demanded tribute. If Ahasuerus was Xerxes, perhaps his exchequer might be drained by his wars with the Grecians, which put him upon this; though some understand this of his renewing the taxes and tribute, which he remitted upon his marriage with Esther, Esther 2:18.

Verse 2

And all the acts of his power, and of his might,.... As Xerxes was a very mighty and powerful prince:

and the declaration of the greatness of Mordecai, whereunto the king advanced him; the history of that, and which tended not a little to the greatness, dignity and prosperity of the king himself, and his whole kingdom:

are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Media and Persia? to which the reader is referred by the writer of this book, the which were in being in his times, but now lost: had they been preserved, they might have been of great use to lead into the history of the Medes and Persians, which for want of them is very dark and intricate; the writer of this book having nothing further to do with it, than as it related to the affairs of the Jews.

Verse 3

For Mordecai the Jew was next unto Ahasuerus,.... The second man in the kingdom, the principal of the counsellors, and prime minister of state:

and great among the Jews; highly respected by them, in great honour and esteem with them, for which there was great reason:

and accepted of the multitude of his brethren; or of many, of most, of the greatest part of them; for, let a man be ever so deserving, there are some that will envy his greatness, cavil at everything done by him, and speak evil of him without any just reason:

seeking the wealth of his people; their good, their welfare and happiness, temporal and spiritual:

and speaking peace to all his seed; not only to his family, but to all the Jews who were of the same seed with him, the seed of Abraham; either speaking to them in an humble and condescending manner, being very humane, affable, and courteous; or speaking for them to the king, asking of him for them what might conduce to their peace, prosperity, and happiness. No mention is made in this history of the death and burial either of Mordecai or Esther; but the author of Cippi Hebraici saysF26P. 70. Ed. Hottinger. , that Mordecai was buried in the city of Shushan, and that all the Jews in those parts assemble at his grave on the day of Purim, and sing songs, playing on tabrets and pipes, rejoicing that there was a miracle wrought; and the same writer saysF1Ib. p. 64. , they do the like at that time at the grave of Esther, half a mile from Tzephat, read this book that bears her name, eat, drink, and rejoice. Benjamin of Tudela saysF2Itinerar. p. 96. , they were both buried before a synagogue, at a place called Hamdan.