Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Esther » Chapter 4 » Verse 13

Esther 4:13 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

13 Then Mordecai H4782 commanded H559 to answer H7725 Esther, H635 Think H1819 not with thyself H5315 that thou shalt escape H4422 in the king's H4428 house, H1004 more than all the Jews. H3064

Cross Reference

Proverbs 24:10-12 STRONG

If thou faint H7503 in the day H3117 of adversity, H6869 thy strength H3581 is small. H6862 If thou forbear H2820 to deliver H5337 them that are drawn H3947 unto death, H4194 and those that are ready H4131 to be slain; H2027 If thou sayest, H559 Behold, we knew H3045 it not; doth not he that pondereth H8505 the heart H3826 consider H995 it? and he that keepeth H5341 thy soul, H5315 doth not he know H3045 it? and shall not he render H7725 to every man H120 according to his works? H6467

John 12:25 STRONG

He that loveth G5368 his G846 life G5590 shall lose G622 it; G846 and G2532 he that hateth G3404 his G846 life G5590 in G1722 this G5129 world G2889 shall keep G5442 it G846 unto G1519 life G2222 eternal. G166

Matthew 16:24-25 STRONG

Then G5119 said G2036 Jesus G2424 unto his G846 disciples, G3101 If any G1536 man will G2309 come G2064 after G3694 me, G3450 let him deny G533 himself, G1438 and G2532 take up G142 his G846 cross, G4716 and G2532 follow G190 me. G3427 For G1063 whosoever G3739 G302 will G2309 save G4982 his G846 life G5590 shall lose G622 it: G846 and G1161 whosoever G3739 G302 will lose G622 his G846 life G5590 for G1752 my G1700 sake G1752 shall find G2147 it. G846

Philippians 2:30 STRONG

Because G3754 for G1223 the work G2041 of Christ G5547 he was nigh G1448 unto G3360 death, G2288 not regarding G3851 his life, G5590 to G2443 supply G378 your G5216 lack G5303 of service G3009 toward G4314 me. G3165

Hebrews 12:3 STRONG

For G1063 consider G357 him that endured G5278 such G5108 contradiction G485 of G5259 sinners G268 against G1519 himself, G846 lest G3363 ye be wearied G2577 and faint G1590 in your G5216 minds. G5590

Commentary on Esther 4 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Es 4:1-14. Mordecai and the Jews Mourn.

1, 2. When Mordecai perceived all that was done—Relying on the irrevocable nature of a Persian monarch's decree (Da 6:15), Hamman made it known as soon as the royal sanction had been obtained; and Mordecai was, doubtless, among the first to hear of it. On his own account, as well as on that of his countrymen, this astounding decree must have been indescribably distressing. The acts described in this passage are, according to the Oriental fashion, expressive of the most poignant sorrow; and his approach to the gate of the palace, under the impulse of irrepressible emotions, was to make an earnest though vain appeal to the royal mercy. Access, however, to the king's presence was, to a person in his disfigured state, impossible: "for none might enter into the king's gate clothed with sackcloth." But he found means of conveying intelligence of the horrid plot to Queen Esther.

4. Then was the queen … grieved; and … sent raiment to … Mordecai—Her object in doing so was either to qualify him for resuming his former office, or else, perhaps, of fitting him to come near enough to the palace to inform her of the cause of such sudden and extreme distress.

5. Then called Esther for Hatach, one of the king's chamberlains, whom he had appointed to attend upon her—Communication with the women in the harem is very difficult to be obtained, and only through the medium of the keepers. The chief eunuch receives the message from the lips of the queen, conveys it to some inferior office of the seraglio. When the commission is executed, the subaltern communicates it to the superintendent, by whom it is delivered to the queen. This chief eunuch, usually an old man who has recommended himself by a long course of faithful service, is always appointed by the king; but it is his interest, as well as his duty, to ingratiate himself with the queen also. Accordingly, we find Hatach rendering himself very serviceable in carrying on those private communications with Mordecai who was thereby enabled to enlist Esther's powerful influence.

8. charge her that she should go in unto the king—This language is exceedingly strong. As it can scarcely be supposed that Mordecai was still using authority over Esther as his adopted daughter, he must be considered as imploring rather than commanding her, in the name of her brethren and in the name of her God, to make a direct appeal to the feelings of her royal husband.

11. whosoever, whether man or woman, shall come unto the king into the inner court, who is not called—The Persian kings surrounded themselves with an almost impassable circle of forms. The law alluded to was first enacted by Deioces, king of Media, and afterwards, when the empires were united, adopted by the Persians, that all business should be transacted and petitions transmitted to the king through his ministers. Although the restriction was not intended, of course, to apply to the queen, yet from the strict and inflexible character of the Persian laws and the extreme desire to exalt the majesty of the sovereign, even his favorite wife had not the privilege of entree, except by special favor and indulgence. Esther was suffering from the severity of this law; and as, from not being admitted for a whole month to the king's presence, she had reason to fear that the royal affections had become alienated from her, she had little hope of serving her country's cause in this awful emergency.

13, 14. Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther—His answer was to this effect, that Esther need not indulge the vain hope she would, from her royal connection, escape the general doom of her race—that he (Mordecai) confidently believed God would interpose, and, if not through her, by some other deliverer, save His people; but that the duty evidently devolved on her, as there was great reason to believe that this was the design of Providence in her elevation to the dignity of queen, and therefore that she should go with a courageous heart, not doubting of success.

16. so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law—The appeal of Mordecai was irresistible. Having appointed a solemn fast of three days, she expressed her firm resolution to make an appeal to the king, though she should perish in the attempt.

I … and my maidens—It is probable that she had surrounded herself with Jewish maidens, or women who were proselytes to that religion.