Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Esther » Chapter 5 » Verse 3

Esther 5:3 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

3 Then said H559 the king H4428 unto her, What wilt thou, queen H4436 Esther? H635 and what is thy request? H1246 it shall be even given H5414 thee to the half H2677 of the kingdom. H4438

Cross Reference

Mark 6:23 STRONG

And G2532 he sware G3660 unto her, G846 Whatsoever G3754 G3739 G1437 thou shalt ask G154 of me, G3165 I will give G1325 it thee, G4671 unto G2193 the half G2255 of my G3450 kingdom. G932

Esther 7:2 STRONG

And the king H4428 said H559 again unto Esther H635 on the second H8145 day H3117 at the banquet H4960 of wine, H3196 What is thy petition, H7596 queen H4436 Esther? H635 and it shall be granted H5414 thee: and what is thy request? H1246 and it shall be performed, H6213 even to the half H2677 of the kingdom. H4438

Esther 5:6 STRONG

And the king H4428 said H559 unto Esther H635 at the banquet H4960 of wine, H3196 What is thy petition? H7596 and it shall be granted H5414 thee: and what is thy request? H1246 even to the half H2677 of the kingdom H4438 it shall be performed. H6213

Esther 9:12 STRONG

And the king H4428 said H559 unto Esther H635 the queen, H4436 The Jews H3064 have slain H2026 and destroyed H6 five H2568 hundred H3967 men H376 in Shushan H7800 the palace, H1002 and the ten H6235 sons H1121 of Haman; H2001 what have they done H6213 in the rest H7605 of the king's H4428 provinces? H4082 now what is thy petition? H7596 and it shall be granted H5414 thee: or what is thy request H1246 further? H5750 and it shall be done. H6213

1 Kings 2:20 STRONG

Then she said, H559 I desire H7592 one H259 small H6996 petition H7596 of thee; I pray thee, say H7725 me H6440 not nay. H7725 And the king H4428 said H559 unto her, Ask on, H7592 my mother: H517 for I will not say H7725 thee H6440 nay. H7725

1 Kings 3:5 STRONG

In Gibeon H1391 the LORD H3068 appeared H7200 to Solomon H8010 in a dream H2472 by night: H3915 and God H430 said, H559 Ask H7592 what I shall give H5414 thee.

Matthew 20:20-22 STRONG

Then G5119 came G4334 to him G846 the mother G3384 of Zebedee's G2199 children G5207 with G3326 her G846 sons, G5207 worshipping G4352 him, and G2532 desiring G154 a certain G5100 thing G3844 of him. G846 And G1161 he said G2036 unto her, G846 What G5101 wilt thou? G2309 She saith G3004 unto him, G846 Grant G2036 that G2443 these G3778 my G3450 two G1417 sons G5207 may sit, G2523 the one G1520 on G1537 thy G4675 right hand, G1188 and G2532 the other G1520 on G1537 the left, G2176 in G1722 thy G4675 kingdom. G932 But G1161 Jesus G2424 answered G611 and said, G2036 Ye know G1492 not G3756 what G5101 ye ask. G154 Are ye able G1410 to drink G4095 of the cup G4221 that G3739 I G1473 shall G3195 drink of, G4095 and G2532 to be baptized G907 with the baptism G908 that G3739 I G1473 am baptized with? G907 They say G3004 unto him, G846 We are able. G1410

Luke 18:41 STRONG

Saying, G3004 What G5101 wilt thou G2309 that I shall do G4160 unto thee? G4671 And G1161 he said, G2036 Lord, G2962 that G2443 I may receive my sight. G308

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Esther 5

Commentary on Esther 5 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


Esther's Gracious Reception by the King. Haman's Rage against Mordochai - Esther 5:1-14

On the third day Esther betook herself in her royal apparel to the inner court of the palace, and was so kindly received by the king, that he promised to grant her any petition she might make; whereupon she requested the king to come with Haman that day to a banquet which she had prepared (Esther 5:1-8). On returning from this banquet, Haman saw Mordochai in the king's gate, and when the latter did not bow before him, was so enraged, that, upon the advice of his wife and friends, he resolved to induce the king to permit the execution of Mordochai on the following day (Esther 5:9-14).

Verses 1-8

On the third day Esther put on her royal apparel and entered the inner court of the king's house, opposite the dwelling of the king, where he was sitting on his throne before the gate (Esther 5:1). The third day must be counted from the day of the transaction between the queen and Mordochai (Esther 4:14); the first day being that on which it took place. The fasting, then, would not begin till midday; and on the third day Esther went to the king to invite him on that day to a banquet, which would surely take place in the forenoon. Thus the three days' fast would last from the afternoon of the first to the forenoon of the third day, i.e., from 40 to 45 hours. מלכוּת תּלבּשׁ , she put on royalty, royal dignity, i.e., arrayed herself in royal apparel. Bertheau thinks that the word לבוּשׁ has been inadvertently omitted before מלכוּת ; but such a conjecture is without sufficient support, the passages Esther 6:8 and Esther 8:15 being of another kind. The expression is elliptical, and מלכוּת is easily completed by the notion לבוּשׁ furnished by the verb.

Esther 5:2

When the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court, she obtained favour in his eyes (see rem. on Esther 2:9), and he held out to her the golden sceptre that was in his hand; and Esther drew near and touched the top of the sceptre, probably kissed it, as the Vulgate renders the word.

Esther 5:3-4

The king, concluding from the circumstance of her appearing there unsummoned, that she had some urgent matter to bring before him, said to her: “What wilt thou, Queen Esther? and what is thy request? To the half of the kingdom it shall be granted thee.” A short expression for: if thy request relates even to the half of the kingdom, it shall be granted. Esther 5:4. Esther, however, for the present requested nothing further, than that on that day (to-day) the king and Haman should come to the banquet she had prepared. על טּוב אם like Esther 1:19.

Esther 5:5

The king commanded Haman to hasten thither, to do as the queen had said. מהרוּ , hastened Haman, i.e., sent to fetch him quickly. מהר like 2 Chronicles 18:8; 1 Kings 22:9. לעשׂות , that the word of the queen might be done, carried out.

Esther 5:6

At the repast, and indeed at “the banquet of wine,” when the greatest cheerfulness would prevail, the king repeated his question as to the desire of the queen, making the same promise as in Esther 5:3. ותעשׂ , an abbreviated form of the imperfect תּעשׂה , is optative or jussive: and it shall be done.

Esther 5:7-8

Esther answered: “My petition and my request - if I have found favour in the sight of the king, and if it please the king to grant my petition and to do my request, let the king and Haman come to the banquet that I shall prepare for them, and to-morrow I will do as the king hath said,” i.e., make known my request. Though the king had, in the midst of the gaiety, asked what was Esther's request, she did not esteem the time an appropriate one for expressing it. She begins: my petition and my request, - but then stops, and says only, if the king will do her the favour to come with Haman to a banquet again on the morrow, she will then bring forward her petition. Esther invited Haman with the king on both occasions, that, as Calovius remarks, eum apud regem praesentem accusaret decreti surrepti contra suos populares nomine, et in os omnes cavillandi vias ei praecluderet .

Verses 9-14

Haman went forth from the palace satisfied and with a joyful heart. When, however, he saw Mordochai in the king's gate, who neither stood up nor trembled before him, he was full of indignation against him. וגו קם ולא are circumstantial clauses following the principal clause without a copula. קם and זע are perfects, and ולא - ולא are used in the sense of neque - neque . זוּע constructed with מן means to tremble before any one, to be disquieted.

Esther 5:10

Haman, however, refrained himself; and without immediately giving vent to his rage at Mordochai, went home and sent for his friends and his wife Zeresh, that he might unburden himself before them, and take counsel with them for Mordochai's destruction.

Esther 5:11-12

He first spoke to them of his wealth and domestic happiness, of the “glory of his riches and the multitude of his children.” From Esther 9:7-10 we learn that Haman had ten sons; and many sons were not looked upon as a great blessing from God by the Israelites only, but were also esteemed a signal prosperity among the Persians, the king annually sending presents to him who had the greatest number of sons.

(Note: Herod. says, i. 136: Ἀνδραγαθίη δ ̓ αὕτη ἀποδέδεκται, μετὰ τὸ μάχεσθαι εἶναι ἀγαθὸν ὅς ἂν πολλοὺς ἀποδέξῃ παῖδας τῷ δὲ τοὺς πλείστους ἀποδεικνύντι δῶρα ἐκπέμπει ὁ βασιλεὺς ἀνὰ πᾶν ἔτος . Comp. Strabo. xv. 3. 17.)

Haman next recounted to them the great honours he had attained; כּל־אשׁר את , all how the king had made him great, and how he had advanced him above the princes; comp. Esther 3:1. אשׁר is a second accusative of the means by which something is brought to pass. Finally, Esther 5:12, what high distinction had just been accorded him, by the queen having invited him alone to come to her banquet with the king. “Yea, Esther the queen did let no man come in with the king unto the banquet which she had prepared but myself; and to-morrow am I also invited unto her with the king.” אף enhances the meaning: even this honour is shown me. קרוּא־להּ אני , I am her invited guest = I am invited to her and by her; comp. Ew. §295, c .

Esther 5:13

And yet all his good fortune is embittered to him as often as he sees the hated Jew Mordochai. “And all this availeth me not at every time when I see the Jew Mordochai sitting in the king's gate.” לי שׁוה is, not being equalled to me, i.e., not answering my desires, not affording me satisfaction. אשׁר בּכל־עת , at all time when = as often as. The fortune and honour he enjoys fail to satisfy him, when he sees the Jew Mordochai refuse to show him the reverence which he claims.

Esther 5:14

His wife and all his friends advise: “Let a tree be made (set up) fifty cubits high, and to-morrow speak to the king, that Mordochai may be hanged thereon (i.e., impaled; see on תּלה Esther 2:23); and then go in merrily with the king to the banquet.” The counsellors take it for granted that the king will without hesitation agree to Haman's proposal to execute Mordochai, and therefore advise him at once to make the necessary preparations, so that the hated Jew may be hanged on the morrow before the banquet, and Haman may then go with the king to the feast prepared by the queen, free from all annoyance. גב עץ עשׂה , to make, i.e., to erect a high tree. The higher the stake, the farther would it be seen. The 3rd pers. plur. יעשׂוּ stands instead of the passive: let them make = let ... be made. So too יתלוּ for let ... be hanged. This speech pleased Haman, and he caused the stake to be erected.