Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Esther » Chapter 5 » Verse 4

Esther 5:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 And Esther H635 answered, H559 If it seem good H2895 unto the king, H4428 let the king H4428 and Haman H2001 come H935 this day H3117 unto the banquet H4960 that I have prepared H6213 for him.

Cross Reference

Esther 5:8 STRONG

If I have found H4672 favour H2580 in the sight H5869 of the king, H4428 and if it please H2895 the king H4428 to grant H5414 my petition, H7596 and to perform H6213 my request, H1246 let the king H4428 and Haman H2001 come H935 to the banquet H4960 that I shall prepare H6213 for them, and I will do H6213 to morrow H4279 as the king H4428 hath said. H1697

Proverbs 29:11 STRONG

A fool H3684 uttereth H3318 all his mind: H7307 but a wise H2450 man keepeth H7623 it in till afterwards. H268

Genesis 27:25 STRONG

And he said, H559 Bring it near H5066 to me, and I will eat H398 of my son's H1121 venison, H6718 that my soul H5315 may bless H1288 thee. And he brought it near H5066 to him, and he did eat: H398 and he brought H935 him wine, H3196 and he drank. H8354

Genesis 32:20 STRONG

And say ye H559 moreover, H1571 Behold, thy servant H5650 Jacob H3290 is behind us. H310 For he said, H559 I will appease H3722 him H6440 with the present H4503 that goeth H1980 before me, H6440 and afterward H310 I will see H7200 his face; H6440 peradventure he will accept H5375 of me. H6440

Esther 3:15 STRONG

The posts H7323 went out, H3318 being hastened H1765 by the king's H4428 commandment, H1697 and the decree H1881 was given H5414 in Shushan H7800 the palace. H1002 And the king H4428 and Haman H2001 sat down H3427 to drink; H8354 but the city H5892 Shushan H7800 was perplexed. H943

Psalms 112:5 STRONG

A good H2896 man H376 sheweth favour, H2603 and lendeth: H3867 he will guide H3557 his affairs H1697 with discretion. H4941

1 Corinthians 14:20 STRONG

Brethren, G80 be G1096 not G3361 children G3813 in understanding: G5424 howbeit G235 in malice G2549 be ye children, G3515 but G1161 in understanding G5424 be G1096 men. G5046

Commentary on Esther 5 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Es 5:1-14. Esther Invites the King and Haman to a Banquet.

1. Esther put on her royal apparel—It was not only natural, but, on such occasions, highly proper and expedient, that the queen should decorate herself in a style becoming her exalted station. On ordinary occasions she might reasonably set off her charms to as much advantage as possible; but, on the present occasion, as she was desirous to secure the favor of one who sustained the twofold character of her husband and her sovereign, public as well as private considerations—a regard to her personal safety, no less than the preservation of her doomed countrymen—urged upon her the propriety of using every legitimate means of recommending herself to the favorable notice of Ahasuerus.

the king sat upon his royal throne in the royal house, over against the gate of the house—The palace of this Persian king seems to have been built, like many more of the same quality and description, with an advanced cloister, over against the gate, made in the fashion of a large penthouse, supported only by one or two contiguous pillars in the front, or else in the center. In such open structures as these, in the midst of their guards and counsellors, are the bashaws, kadis, and other great officers, accustomed to distribute justice, and transact the public affairs of the provinces [Shaw, Travels]. In such a situation the Persian king was seated. The seat he occupied was not a throne, according to our ideas of one, but simply a chair, and so high that it required a footstool. It was made of gold, or, at least, inlaid with that metal, and covered with splendid tapestry, and no one save the king might sit down on it under pain of death. It is often found pictured on the Persepolitan monuments, and always of the same fashion.

2. the king held out to Esther the golden sceptre that was in his hand—This golden scepter receives an interesting illustration from the sculptured monuments of Persia and Assyria. In the bas-reliefs of Persepolis, copied by Sir Robert Ker Porter, we see King Darius enthroned in the midst of his court, and walking abroad in equal state; in either case he carries in his right hand a slender rod or wand, about equal in length to his own height, ornamented with a small knob at the summit. In the Assyrian alabasters, those found at Nimroud as well as those from Khorsabad, "the great king" is furnished with the same appendage of royalty, a slender rod, but destitute of any knob or ornament. On the Khorsabad reliefs the rod is painted red, doubtless to represent gold; proving that "the golden sceptre" was a simple wand of that precious metal, commonly held in the right hand, with one end resting on the ground, and that whether the king was sitting or walking. "The gold sceptre" has received little alteration or modification since ancient times [Goss]. It was extended to Esther as a token not only that her intrusion was pardoned, but that her visit was welcome, and a favorable reception given to the suit she had come to prefer.

touched the top of the sceptre—This was the usual way of acknowledging the royal condescension, and at the same time expressing reverence and submission to the august majesty of the king.

3. it shall be even given thee to the half of the kingdom—This mode of speaking originated in the Persian custom of appropriating for the maintenance of great men, or royal favorites, one city for his bread, another for his wine, a third for his clothes, &c., so that the phrase denoted great liberality.

4. let the king and Haman come this day unto the banquet that I have prepared for him—There was great address in this procedure of Esther's; for, by showing such high respect to the king's favorite, she would the better insinuate herself into the royal affections; and gain a more suitable opportunity of making known her request.

8. let the king and Haman come to the banquet that I shall prepare—The king ate alone, and his guests in an adjoining hall; but they were admitted to sit with him at wine. Haman being the only invited guest with the king and queen, it was natural that he should have been elated with the honor.