Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 1 » Verse 14

Exodus 1:14 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

14 And they made H4843 their lives H2416 bitter H4843 with hard H7186 bondage, H5656 in morter, H2563 and in brick, H3843 and in all manner of service H5656 in the field: H7704 all their service, H5656 wherein they made them serve, H5647 was with rigour. H6531

Cross Reference

Acts 7:19 STRONG

The same G3778 dealt subtilly G2686 with our G2257 kindred, G1085 and evil entreated G2559 our G2257 fathers, G3962 so that G4160 they cast out G1570 their G846 young children, G1025 to the end G1519 they might G2225 not G3361 live. G2225

Numbers 20:15 STRONG

How our fathers H1 went down H3381 into Egypt, H4714 and we have dwelt H3427 in Egypt H4714 a long H7227 time; H3117 and the Egyptians H4714 vexed H7489 us, and our fathers: H1

Exodus 6:9 STRONG

And Moses H4872 spake H1696 so unto the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 but they hearkened H8085 not unto Moses H4872 for anguish H7115 of spirit, H7307 and for cruel H7186 bondage. H5656

Exodus 2:23 STRONG

And it came to pass in process H1992 H7227 of time, H3117 that the king H4428 of Egypt H4714 died: H4191 and the children H1121 of Israel H3478 sighed H584 by reason of H4480 the bondage, H5656 and they cried, H2199 and their cry H7775 came up H5927 unto God H430 by reason of the bondage. H5656

Acts 7:34 STRONG

I have seen, G1492 I have seen G1492 the affliction G2561 of my G3450 people G2992 which G3588 is in G1722 Egypt, G125 and G2532 I have heard G191 their G846 groaning, G4726 and G2532 am come down G2597 to deliver G1807 them. G846 And G2532 now G3568 come, G1204 I will send G649 thee G4571 into G1519 Egypt. G125

Psalms 81:6 STRONG

I removed H5493 his shoulder H7926 from the burden: H5447 his hands H3709 were delivered H5674 from the pots. H1731

Isaiah 51:23 STRONG

But I will put H7760 it into the hand H3027 of them that afflict H3013 thee; which have said H559 to thy soul, H5315 Bow down, H7812 that we may go over: H5674 and thou hast laid H7760 thy body H1460 as the ground, H776 and as the street, H2351 to them that went over. H5674

Nahum 3:14 STRONG

Draw H7579 thee waters H4325 for the siege, H4692 fortify H2388 thy strong holds: H4013 go H935 into clay, H2916 and tread H7429 the morter, H2563 make strong H2388 the brickkiln. H4404

Micah 3:3 STRONG

Who also eat H398 the flesh H7607 of my people, H5971 and flay H6584 their skin H5785 from off them; and they break H6476 their bones, H6106 and chop them in pieces, H6566 as for the pot, H5518 and as flesh H1320 within H8432 the caldron. H7037

Jeremiah 50:33-34 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 The children H1121 of Israel H3478 and the children H1121 of Judah H3063 were oppressed H6231 together: H3162 and all that took them captives H7617 held them fast; H2388 they refused H3985 to let them go. H7971 Their Redeemer H1350 is strong; H2389 the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 is his name: H8034 he shall throughly H7378 plead H7378 their cause, H7379 that he may give rest H7280 to the land, H776 and disquiet H7264 the inhabitants H3427 of Babylon. H894

Isaiah 58:6 STRONG

Is not this the fast H6685 that I have chosen? H977 to loose H6605 the bands H2784 of wickedness, H7562 to undo H5425 the heavy H4133 burdens, H92 and to let the oppressed H7533 go H7971 free, H2670 and that ye break H5423 every yoke? H4133

Isaiah 52:5 STRONG

Now therefore, what have I here, saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 that my people H5971 is taken away H3947 for nought? H2600 they that rule H4910 over them make them to howl, H3213 saith H5002 the LORD; H3068 and my name H8034 continually H8548 every day H3117 is blasphemed. H5006

Genesis 15:13 STRONG

And he said H559 unto Abram, H87 Know H3045 of a surety H3045 that thy seed H2233 shall be a stranger H1616 in a land H776 that is not theirs, and shall serve H5647 them; and they shall afflict H6031 them four H702 hundred H3967 years; H8141

Isaiah 14:6 STRONG

He who smote H5221 the people H5971 in wrath H5678 with a continual H1115 H5627 stroke, H4347 he that ruled H7287 the nations H1471 in anger, H639 is persecuted, H4783 and none H1097 hindereth. H2820

Psalms 68:13 STRONG

Though ye have lien H7901 among the pots, H8240 yet shall ye be as the wings H3671 of a dove H3123 covered H2645 with silver, H3701 and her feathers H84 with yellow H3422 gold. H2742

Ruth 1:20 STRONG

And she said H559 unto them, Call H7121 me not Naomi, H5281 call H7121 me Mara: H4755 for the Almighty H7706 hath dealt very H3966 bitterly H4843 with me.

Deuteronomy 26:6 STRONG

And the Egyptians H4713 evil entreated H7489 us, and afflicted H6031 us, and laid H5414 upon us hard H7186 bondage: H5656

Deuteronomy 4:20 STRONG

But the LORD H3068 hath taken H3947 you, and brought you forth H3318 out of the iron H1270 furnace, H3564 even out of Egypt, H4714 to be unto him a people H5971 of inheritance, H5159 as ye are this day. H3117

Leviticus 25:53 STRONG

And as a yearly H8141 H8141 hired servant H7916 shall he be with him: and the other shall not rule H7287 with rigour H6531 over him in thy sight. H5869

Leviticus 25:46 STRONG

And ye shall take them as an inheritance H5157 for your children H1121 after H310 you, to inherit H3423 them for a possession; H272 they shall be your bondmen H5647 for ever: H5769 but over your brethren H251 the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 ye shall not rule H7287 one H376 over another H251 with rigour. H6531

Leviticus 25:43 STRONG

Thou shalt not rule H7287 over him with rigour; H6531 but shalt fear H3372 thy God. H430

Exodus 20:2 STRONG

I am the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 which have brought H3318 thee out of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 out of the house H1004 of bondage. H5650

Exodus 5:7-21 STRONG

Ye shall no more H3254 give H5414 the people H5971 straw H8401 to make H3835 brick, H3843 as heretofore: H8032 H8543 let them go H3212 and gather H7197 straw H8401 for themselves. And the tale H4971 of the bricks, H3843 which they did make H6213 heretofore, H8032 H8543 ye shall lay H7760 upon them; ye shall not diminish H1639 ought thereof: for they be idle; H7503 therefore they cry, H6817 saying, H559 Let us go H3212 and sacrifice H2076 to our God. H430 Let there more work H5656 be laid H3513 upon the men, H582 that they may labour H6213 therein; and let them not regard H8159 vain H8267 words. H1697 And the taskmasters H5065 of the people H5971 went out, H3318 and their officers, H7860 and they spake H559 to the people, H5971 saying, H559 Thus saith H559 Pharaoh, H6547 I will not give H5414 you straw. H8401 Go H3212 ye, get H3947 you straw H8401 where H834 ye can find H4672 it: yet H3588 not ought H1697 of your work H5656 shall be diminished. H1639 So the people H5971 were scattered abroad H6327 throughout all the land H776 of Egypt H4714 to gather H7197 stubble H7179 instead of straw. H8401 And the taskmasters H5065 hasted H213 them, saying, H559 Fulfil H3615 your works, H4639 your daily H3117 tasks, H1697 as when there was H1961 straw. H8401 And the officers H7860 of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 which Pharaoh's H6547 taskmasters H5065 had set H7760 over them, were beaten, H5221 and demanded, H559 Wherefore have ye not fulfilled H3615 your task H2706 in making brick H3835 both yesterday H8543 and to day, H3117 as heretofore? H8032 H8543 Then the officers H7860 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 came H935 and cried H6817 unto Pharaoh, H6547 saying, H559 Wherefore dealest H6213 thou thus with thy servants? H5650 There is no straw H8401 given H5414 unto thy servants, H5650 and they say H559 to us, Make H6213 brick: H3843 and, behold, thy servants H5650 are beaten; H5221 but the fault H2398 is in thine own people. H5971 But he said, H559 Ye are idle, H7503 ye are idle: H7503 therefore ye say, H559 Let us go H3212 and do sacrifice H2076 to the LORD. H3068 Go H3212 therefore now, and work; H5647 for there shall no straw H8401 be given H5414 you, yet shall ye deliver H5414 the tale H8506 of bricks. H3843 And the officers H7860 of the children H1121 of Israel H3478 did see H7200 that they were in evil H7451 case, after it was said, H559 Ye shall not minish H1639 ought from your bricks H3843 of your daily H3117 H3117 task. H1697 And they met H6293 Moses H4872 and Aaron, H175 who stood H5324 in the way, H7125 as they came forth H3318 from Pharaoh: H6547 And they said H559 unto them, The LORD H3068 look H7200 upon you, and judge; H8199 because ye have made our savour H7381 to be abhorred H887 in the eyes H5869 of Pharaoh, H6547 and in the eyes H5869 of his servants, H5650 to put H5414 a sword H2719 in their hand H3027 to slay H2026 us.

Exodus 1:13 STRONG

And the Egyptians H4714 made H5647 the children H1121 of Israel H3478 to serve H5647 with rigour: H6531

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Exodus 1

Commentary on Exodus 1 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


Increase in the Number of the Israelites Their Bondage in Egypt - Exodus 1

The promise which God gave to Jacob in his departure from Canaan (Genesis 46:3) was perfectly fulfilled. The children of Israel settled down in the most fruitful province of the fertile land of Egypt, and grew there into a great nation (Exodus 1:1-7). But the words which the Lord had spoken to Abram (Genesis 15:13) were also fulfilled in relation to his seed in Egypt. The children of Israel were oppressed in a strange land, were compelled to serve the Egyptians (Exodus 1:8-14), and were in great danger of being entirely crushed by them (Exodus 1:15-22).

Verses 1-5

To place the multiplication of the children of Israel into a strong nation in its true light, as the commencement of the realization of the promises of God, the number of the souls that went down with Jacob to Egypt is repeated from Genesis 46:27 (on the number 70, in which Jacob is included, see the notes on this passage); and the repetition of the names of the twelve sons of Jacob serves to give to the history which follows a character of completeness within itself. “ With Jacob they came, every one and his house, ” i.e., his sons, together with their families, their wives, and their children. The sons are arranged according to their mothers, as in Genesis 35:23-26, and the sons of the two maid-servants stand last. Joseph, indeed, is not placed in the list, but brought into special prominence by the words, “ for Joseph was in Egypt ” (Exodus 1:5), since he did not go down to Egypt along with the house of Jacob, and occupied an exalted position in relation to them there.

Verse 6-7

After the death of Joseph and his brethren and the whole of the family that had first immigrated, there occurred that miraculous increase in the number of the children of Israel, by which the blessings of creation and promise were fully realised. The words פּרוּ ישׁרצוּ ( swarmed ), and ירבּוּ point back to Genesis 1:28 and Genesis 8:17, and יעצמוּ to עצוּם גּוי in Genesis 18:18. “ The land was filled with them, ” i.e., the land of Egypt, particularly Goshen, where they were settled (Genesis 47:11). The extra-ordinary fruitfulness of Egypt in both men and cattle is attested not only by ancient writers, but by modern travellers also (vid., Aristotelis hist. animal. vii. 4, 5; Columella de re rust. iii. 8; Plin. hist. n. vii. 3; also Rosenmüller a. und n. Morgenland i. p. 252). This blessing of nature was heightened still further in the case of the Israelites by the grace of the promise, so that the increase became extraordinarily great (see the comm. on Exodus 12:37).

Verses 8-14

The promised blessing was manifested chiefly in the fact, that all the measures adopted by the cunning of Pharaoh to weaken and diminish the Israelites, instead of checking, served rather to promote their continuous increase.

Exodus 1:8-9

There arose a new king over Egypt, who knew not Joseph .” ויּקם signifies he came to the throne, קוּם denoting his appearance in history, as in Deuteronomy 34:10. A “new king” (lxx: βασιλεὺς ἕτερος ; the other ancient versions, rex novus ) is a king who follows different principles of government from his predecessors. Cf. חדשׁים אלהים , “new gods,” in distinction from the God that their fathers had worshipped, Judges 5:8; Deuteronomy 32:17. That this king belonged to a new dynasty, as the majority of commentators follow Josephus