Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 10 » Verse 4

Exodus 10:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 Else, H3588 if thou refuse H3986 to let my people H5971 go, H7971 behold, to morrow H4279 will I bring H935 the locusts H697 into thy coast: H1366

Cross Reference

Revelation 9:3 STRONG

And G2532 there came G1831 out of G1537 the smoke G2586 locusts G200 upon G1519 the earth: G1093 and G2532 unto them G846 was given G1325 power, G1849 as G5613 the scorpions G4651 of the earth G1093 have G2192 power. G1849

Proverbs 30:27 STRONG

The locusts H697 have no king, H4428 yet go they forth H3318 all of them by bands; H2686

Joel 2:25 STRONG

And I will restore H7999 to you the years H8141 that the locust H697 hath eaten, H398 the cankerworm, H3218 and the caterpiller, H2625 and the palmerworm, H1501 my great H1419 army H2428 which I sent H7971 among you.

Exodus 8:10 STRONG

And he said, H559 To morrow. H4279 And he said, H559 Be it according to thy word: H1697 that thou mayest know H3045 that there is none like unto the LORD H3068 our God. H430

Exodus 8:23 STRONG

And I will put H7760 a division H6304 between my people H5971 and thy people: H5971 to morrow H4279 shall this sign H226 be.

Exodus 9:5 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 appointed H7760 a set time, H4150 saying, H559 To morrow H4279 the LORD H3068 shall do H6213 this thing H1697 in the land. H776

Exodus 9:18 STRONG

Behold, to morrow H4279 about this time H6256 I will cause it to rain H4305 a very H3966 grievous H3515 hail, H1259 such as hath not been H3644 in Egypt H4714 since H4480 the foundation H3117 H3245 thereof even until now.

Exodus 11:4-5 STRONG

And Moses H4872 said, H559 Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 About midnight H3915 H2676 will I go out H3318 into the midst H8432 of Egypt: H4714 And all the firstborn H1060 in the land H776 of Egypt H4714 shall die, H4191 from the firstborn H1060 of Pharaoh H6547 that sitteth H3427 upon his throne, H3678 even unto the firstborn H1060 of the maidservant H8198 that is behind H310 the mill; H7347 and all the firstborn H1060 of beasts. H929

Joel 1:4-7 STRONG

That which the palmerworm H1501 hath left H3499 hath the locust H697 eaten; H398 and that which the locust H697 hath left H3499 hath the cankerworm H3218 eaten; H398 and that which the cankerworm H3218 hath left H3499 hath the caterpiller H2625 eaten. H398 Awake, H6974 ye drunkards, H7910 and weep; H1058 and howl, H3213 all ye drinkers H8354 of wine, H3196 because of the new wine; H6071 for it is cut off H3772 from your mouth. H6310 For a nation H1471 is come up H5927 upon my land, H776 strong, H6099 and without number, H4557 whose teeth H8127 are the teeth H8127 of a lion, H738 and he hath the cheek teeth H4973 of a great lion. H3833 He hath laid H7760 my vine H1612 waste, H8047 and barked H7111 my fig tree: H8384 he hath made it clean H2834 bare, H2834 and cast it away; H7993 the branches H8299 thereof are made white. H3835

Joel 2:2-11 STRONG

A day H3117 of darkness H2822 and of gloominess, H653 a day H3117 of clouds H6051 and of thick darkness, H6205 as the morning H7837 spread H6566 upon the mountains: H2022 a great H7227 people H5971 and a strong; H6099 there hath not been H1961 ever H5769 the like, neither shall be any more H3254 after H310 it, even to the years H8141 of many H1755 generations. H1755 A fire H784 devoureth H398 before H6440 them; and behind H310 them a flame H3852 burneth: H3857 the land H776 is as the garden H1588 of Eden H5731 before H6440 them, and behind H310 them a desolate H8077 wilderness; H4057 yea, and nothing shall escape H6413 them. The appearance H4758 of them is as the appearance H4758 of horses; H5483 and as horsemen, H6571 so shall they run. H7323 Like the noise H6963 of chariots H4818 on the tops H7218 of mountains H2022 shall they leap, H7540 like the noise H6963 of a flame H3851 of fire H784 that devoureth H398 the stubble, H7179 as a strong H6099 people H5971 set in battle H4421 array. H6186 Before their face H6440 the people H5971 shall be much pained: H2342 all faces H6440 shall gather H6908 blackness. H6289 They shall run H7323 like mighty men; H1368 they shall climb H5927 the wall H2346 like men H582 of war; H4421 and they shall march H3212 every one H376 on his ways, H1870 and they shall not break H5670 their ranks: H734 Neither shall one H376 thrust H1766 another; H251 they shall walk H3212 every one H1397 in his path: H4546 and when they fall H5307 upon the sword, H7973 they shall not be wounded. H1214 They shall run to and fro H8264 in the city; H5892 they shall run H7323 upon the wall, H2346 they shall climb up H5927 upon the houses; H1004 they shall enter in H935 at the windows H2474 like a thief. H1590 The earth H776 shall quake H7264 before H6440 them; the heavens H8064 shall tremble: H7493 the sun H8121 and the moon H3394 shall be dark, H6937 and the stars H3556 shall withdraw H622 their shining: H5051 And the LORD H3068 shall utter H5414 his voice H6963 before H6440 his army: H2428 for his camp H4264 is very H3966 great: H7227 for he is strong H6099 that executeth H6213 his word: H1697 for the day H3117 of the LORD H3068 is great H1419 and very H3966 terrible; H3372 and who can abide H3557 it?

Commentary on Exodus 10 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ex 10:1-20. Plague of Locusts.

1. show these my signs, &c.—Sinners even of the worst description are to be admonished even though there may be little hope of amendment, and hence those striking miracles that carried so clear and conclusive demonstration of the being and character of the true God were performed in lengthened series before Pharaoh to leave him without excuse when judgment should be finally executed.

2. And that thou mayest tell … of thy son, and of thy son's son, &c.—There was a further and higher reason for the infliction of those awful judgments, namely, that the knowledge of them there, and the permanent record of them still, might furnish a salutary and impressive lesson to the Church down to the latest ages. Worldly historians might have described them as extraordinary occurrences that marked this era of Moses in ancient Egypt. But we are taught to trace them to their cause: the judgments of divine wrath on a grossly idolatrous king and nation.

4. to-morrow will I bring the locusts—Moses was commissioned to renew the request, so often made and denied, with an assurance that an unfavorable answer would be followed on the morrow by an invasion of locusts. This species of insect resembles a large, spotted, red and black, double-winged grasshopper, about three inches or less in length, with the two hind legs working like hinged springs of immense strength and elasticity. Perhaps no more terrible scourge was ever brought on a land than those voracious insects, which fly in such countless numbers as to darken the land which they infest; and on whatever place they alight, they convert it into a waste and barren desert, stripping the ground of its verdure, the trees of their leaves and bark, and producing in a few hours a degree of desolation which it requires the lapse of years to repair.

7-11. Pharaoh's servants said—Many of his courtiers must have suffered serious losses from the late visitations, and the prospect of such a calamity as that which was threatened and the magnitude of which former experience enabled them to realize, led them to make a strong remonstrance with the king. Finding himself not seconded by his counsellors in his continued resistance, he recalled Moses and Aaron, and having expressed his consent to their departure, inquired who were to go. The prompt and decisive reply, "all," neither man nor beast shall remain, raised a storm of indignant fury in the breast of the proud king. He would permit the grown-up men to go away; but no other terms would be listened to.

11. they were driven out from Pharaoh's presence—In the East, when a person of authority and rank feels annoyed by a petition which he is unwilling to grant, he makes a signal to his attendants, who rush forward and, seizing the obnoxious suppliant by the neck, drag him out of the chamber with violent haste. Of such a character was the impassioned scene in the court of Egypt when the king had wrought himself into such a fit of uncontrollable fury as to treat ignominiously the two venerable representatives of the Hebrew people.

13-19. the Lord brought an east wind—The rod of Moses was again raised, and the locusts came. They are natives of the desert and are only brought by an east wind into Egypt, where they sometimes come in sun-obscuring clouds, destroying in a few days every green blade in the track they traverse. Man, with all his contrivances, can do nothing to protect himself from the overwhelming invasion. Egypt has often suffered from locusts. But the plague that followed the wave of the miraculous rod was altogether unexampled. Pharaoh, fearing irretrievable ruin to his country, sent in haste for Moses, and confessing his sin, implored the intercession of Moses, who entreated the Lord, and a "mighty strong west wind took away the locusts."

Ex 10:21-29. Plague of Darkness.

21-23. Stretch out thine hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness—Whatever secondary means were employed in producing it, whether thick clammy fogs and vapors, according to some; a sandstorm, or the chamsin, according to others; it was such that it could be almost perceived by the organs of touch, and so protracted as to continue for three days, which the chamsin does [Hengstenberg]. The appalling character of this calamity consisted in this, that the sun was an object of Egyptian idolatry; that the pure and serene sky of that country was never marred by the appearance of a cloud. And here, too, the Lord made a marked difference between Goshen and the rest of Egypt.

24-26. Pharaoh called unto Moses, and said, Go ye, serve the Lord—Terrified by the preternatural darkness, the stubborn king relents, and proposes another compromise—the flocks and herds to be left as hostages for their return. But the crisis is approaching, and Moses insists on every iota of his demand. The cattle would be needed for sacrifice—how many or how few could not be known till their arrival at the scene of religious observance. But the emancipation of Israel from Egyptian bondage was to be complete.

28. Pharaoh said, … Get thee from me—The calm firmness of Moses provoked the tyrant. Frantic with disappointment and rage, with offended and desperate malice, he ordered him from his presence and forbade him ever to return.

29. Moses said, Thou hast spoken well.