Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 18 » Verse 15

Exodus 18:15 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

15 And Moses H4872 said H559 unto his father in law, H2859 Because the people H5971 come H935 unto me to enquire H1875 of God: H430

Cross Reference

Numbers 15:34 STRONG

And they put H3240 him in ward, H4929 because it was not declared H6567 what should be done H6213 to him.

Numbers 27:5 STRONG

And Moses H4872 brought H7126 their cause H4941 before H6440 the LORD. H3068

Exodus 18:19-20 STRONG

Hearken H8085 now unto my voice, H6963 I will give thee counsel, H3289 and God H430 shall be H1961 with thee: Be thou for the people H5971 to God-ward, H4136 H430 that thou mayest bring H935 the causes H1697 unto God: H430 And thou shalt teach H2094 H853 them ordinances H2706 and laws, H8451 and shalt shew H3045 them the way H1870 wherein they must walk, H3212 and the work H4639 that they must do. H6213

Leviticus 24:12-14 STRONG

And they put H3240 him in ward, H4929 that the mind H6310 of the LORD H3068 might be shewed H6567 them. And the LORD H3068 spake H1696 unto Moses, H4872 saying, H559 Bring forth H3318 him that hath cursed H7043 without H2351 the camp; H4264 and let all that heard H8085 him lay H5564 their hands H3027 upon his head, H7218 and let all the congregation H5712 stone H7275 him.

Numbers 9:6 STRONG

And there were certain men, H582 who were defiled H2931 by the dead body H5315 of a man, H120 that they could H3201 not keep H6213 the passover H6453 on that day: H3117 and they came H7126 before H6440 Moses H4872 and before H6440 Aaron H175 on that day: H3117

Numbers 9:8 STRONG

And Moses H4872 said H559 unto them, Stand still, H5975 and I will hear H8085 what the LORD H3068 will command H6680 concerning you.

Deuteronomy 17:8-13 STRONG

If there arise a matter H1697 too hard H6381 for thee in judgment, H4941 between blood H1818 and blood, H1818 between plea H1779 and plea, H1779 and between stroke H5061 and stroke, H5061 being matters H1697 of controversy H7379 within thy gates: H8179 then shalt thou arise, H6965 and get thee up H5927 into the place H4725 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 shall choose; H977 And thou shalt come H935 unto the priests H3548 the Levites, H3881 and unto the judge H8199 that shall be in those days, H3117 and enquire; H1875 and they shall shew H5046 thee the sentence H1697 of judgment: H4941 And thou shalt do H6213 according to the sentence, H6310 H1697 which they of that place H4725 which the LORD H3068 shall choose H977 shall shew H5046 thee; and thou shalt observe H8104 to do H6213 according to all that they inform H3384 thee: According to the sentence H6310 of the law H8451 which they shall teach H3384 thee, and according to the judgment H4941 which they shall tell H559 thee, thou shalt do: H6213 thou shalt not decline H5493 from the sentence H1697 which they shall shew H5046 thee, to the right hand, H3225 nor to the left. H8040 And the man H376 that will do H6213 presumptuously, H2087 and will not hearken H8085 unto the priest H3548 that standeth H5975 to minister H8334 there before the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 or unto the judge, H8199 even that man H376 shall die: H4191 and thou shalt put away H1197 the evil H7451 from Israel. H3478 And all the people H5971 shall hear, H8085 and fear, H3372 and do no more presumptuously. H2102

Commentary on Exodus 18 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ex 18:1-27. Visit of Jethro.

1-5. Jethro … came … unto Moses, &c.—It is thought by many eminent commentators that this episode is inserted out of its chronological order, for it is described as occurring when the Israelites were "encamped at the mount of God." And yet they did not reach it till the third month after their departure from Egypt (Ex 19:1, 2; compare De 1:6, 9-15).

6. and thy wife, and her two sons—See Ex 4:20.

7. Moses went out to meet his father-in-law, &c.—Their salutations would be marked by all the warm and social greetings of Oriental friends (see on Ex 4:27)—the one going out to "meet" the other, the "obeisance," the "kiss" on each side of the head, the silent entrance into the tent for consultation; and their conversation ran in the strain that might have been expected of two pious men, rehearsing and listening to a narrative of the wonderful works and providence of God.

12. Jethro … took a burnt offering—This friendly interview was terminated by a solemn religious service—the burnt offerings were consumed on the altar, and the sacrifices were peace offerings, used in a feast of joy and gratitude at which Jethro, as priest of the true God, seems to have presided, and to which the chiefs of Israel were invited. This incident is in beautiful keeping with the character of the parties, and is well worthy of the imitation of Christian friends when they meet in the present day.

13-26. on the morrow … Moses sat to judge the people, &c.—We are here presented with a specimen of his daily morning occupations; and among the multifarious duties his divine legation imposed, it must be considered only a small portion of his official employments. He appears in this attitude as a type of Christ in His legislative and judicial characters.

the people stood by Moses from the morning unto the evening, &c.—Governors in the East seat themselves at the most public gate of their palace or the city, and there, amid a crowd of applicants, hear causes, receive petitions, redress grievances, and adjust the claims of contending parties.

17. Moses' father-in-law said unto him, The thing … is not good—not good either for Moses himself, for the maintenance of justice, or for the satisfaction and interests of the people. Jethro gave a prudent counsel as to the division of labor [Ex 18:21, 22], and universal experience in the Church and State has attested the soundness and advantages of the principle.

23. If thou shalt do this thing, &c.—Jethro's counsel was given merely in the form of a suggestion; it was not to be adopted without the express sanction and approval of a better and higher Counsellor; and although we are not informed of it, there can be no doubt that Moses, before appointing subordinate magistrates, would ask the mind of God, as it is the duty and privilege of every Christian in like manner to supplicate the divine direction in all his ways.