Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 18 » Verse 8

Exodus 18:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 And Moses H4872 told H5608 his father in law H2859 all that the LORD H3068 had done H6213 unto Pharaoh H6547 and to the Egyptians H4714 for Israel's H3478 sake, H182 and all the travail H8513 that had come H4672 upon them by the way, H1870 and how the LORD H3068 delivered H5337 them.

Cross Reference

Psalms 106:10 STRONG

And he saved H3467 them from the hand H3027 of him that hated H8130 them, and redeemed H1350 them from the hand H3027 of the enemy. H341

Psalms 81:7 STRONG

Thou calledst H7121 in trouble, H6869 and I delivered H2502 thee; I answered H6030 thee in the secret place H5643 of thunder: H7482 I proved H974 thee at the waters H4325 of Meribah. H4809 Selah. H5542

Psalms 78:42-43 STRONG

They remembered H2142 not his hand, H3027 nor the day H3117 when he delivered H6299 them from the enemy. H6862 How he had wrought H7760 his signs H226 in Egypt, H4714 and his wonders H4159 in the field H7704 of Zoan: H6814

Nehemiah 9:32 STRONG

Now therefore, our God, H430 the great, H1419 the mighty, H1368 and the terrible H3372 God, H410 who keepest H8104 covenant H1285 and mercy, H2617 let not all the trouble H8513 seem little H4591 before H6440 thee, that hath come H4672 upon us, on our kings, H4428 on our princes, H8269 and on our priests, H3548 and on our prophets, H5030 and on our fathers, H1 and on all thy people, H5971 since the time H3117 of the kings H4428 of Assyria H804 unto this day. H3117

Nehemiah 9:9-15 STRONG

And didst see H7200 the affliction H6040 of our fathers H1 in Egypt, H4714 and heardest H8085 their cry H2201 by the Red H5488 sea; H3220 And shewedst H5414 signs H226 and wonders H4159 upon Pharaoh, H6547 and on all his servants, H5650 and on all the people H5971 of his land: H776 for thou knewest H3045 that they dealt proudly H2102 against them. So didst thou get H6213 thee a name, H8034 as it is this day. H3117 And thou didst divide H1234 the sea H3220 before H6440 them, so that they went through H5674 the midst H8432 of the sea H3220 on the dry land; H3004 and their persecutors H7291 thou threwest H7993 into the deeps, H4688 as a stone H68 into the mighty H5794 waters. H4325 Moreover thou leddest H5148 them in the day H3119 by a cloudy H6051 pillar; H5982 and in the night H3915 by a pillar H5982 of fire, H784 to give them light H215 in the way H1870 wherein they should go. H3212 Thou camest down H3381 also upon mount H2022 Sinai, H5514 and spakest H1696 with them from heaven, H8064 and gavest H5414 them right H3477 judgments, H4941 and true H571 laws, H8451 good H2896 statutes H2706 and commandments: H4687 And madest known H3045 unto them thy holy H6944 sabbath, H7676 and commandedst H6680 them precepts, H4687 statutes, H2706 and laws, H8451 by the hand H3027 of Moses H4872 thy servant: H5650 And gavest H5414 them bread H3899 from heaven H8064 for their hunger, H7458 and broughtest forth H3318 water H4325 for them out of the rock H5553 for their thirst, H6772 and promisedst H559 them that they should go in H935 to possess H3423 the land H776 which thou hadst sworn H3027 H5375 to give H5414 them.

Numbers 20:14 STRONG

And Moses H4872 sent H7971 messengers H4397 from Kadesh H6946 unto the king H4428 of Edom, H123 Thus saith H559 thy brother H251 Israel, H3478 Thou knowest H3045 all the travail H8513 that hath befallen H4672 us:

Psalms 105:1-2 STRONG

O give thanks H3034 unto the LORD; H3068 call H7121 upon his name: H8034 make known H3045 his deeds H5949 among the people. H5971 Sing H7891 unto him, sing psalms H2167 unto him: talk H7878 ye of all his wondrous works. H6381

Psalms 145:4-12 STRONG

One H1755 generation H1755 shall praise H7623 thy works H4639 to another, and shall declare H5046 thy mighty acts. H1369 I will speak H7878 of the glorious H3519 honour H1926 of thy majesty, H1935 and of thy wondrous H6381 works. H1697 And men shall speak H559 of the might H5807 of thy terrible acts: H3372 and I will declare H5608 thy greatness. H1420 They shall abundantly utter H5042 the memory H2143 of thy great H7227 goodness, H2898 and shall sing H7442 of thy righteousness. H6666 The LORD H3068 is gracious, H2587 and full of compassion; H7349 slow H750 to anger, H639 and of great H1419 mercy. H2617 The LORD H3068 is good H2896 to all: and his tender mercies H7356 are over all his works. H4639 All thy works H4639 shall praise H3034 thee, O LORD; H3068 and thy saints H2623 shall bless H1288 thee. They shall speak H559 of the glory H3519 of thy kingdom, H4438 and talk H1696 of thy power; H1369 To make known H3045 to the sons H1121 of men H120 his mighty acts, H1369 and the glorious H3519 majesty H1926 of his kingdom. H4438

Psalms 107:2 STRONG

Let the redeemed H1350 of the LORD H3068 say H559 so, whom he hath redeemed H1350 from the hand H3027 of the enemy; H6862

Genesis 44:34 STRONG

For how H349 shall I go up H5927 to my father, H1 and the lad H5288 be not with me? lest peradventure I see H7200 the evil H7451 that shall come on H4672 my father. H1

Psalms 71:17-20 STRONG

O God, H430 thou hast taught H3925 me from my youth: H5271 and hitherto have I declared H5046 thy wondrous works. H6381 Now also when H5704 I am old H2209 and grayheaded, H7872 O God, H430 forsake H5800 me not; until I have shewed H5046 thy strength H2220 unto this generation, H1755 and thy power H1369 to every one that is to come. H935 Thy righteousness H6666 also, O God, H430 is very high, H4791 who hast done H6213 great things: H1419 O God, H430 who is like unto thee! Thou, which hast shewed H7200 me great H7227 and sore H7451 troubles, H6869 shalt quicken H2421 me again, H7725 and shalt bring me up H5927 again H7725 from the depths H8415 of the earth. H776

Psalms 66:16 STRONG

Come H3212 and hear, H8085 all ye that fear H3373 God, H430 and I will declare H5608 what he hath done H6213 for my soul. H5315

Exodus 18:1 STRONG

When Jethro, H3503 the priest H3548 of Midian, H4080 Moses' H4872 father in law, H2859 heard H8085 of all that God H430 had done H6213 for Moses, H4872 and for Israel H3478 his people, H5971 and that the LORD H3068 had brought H3318 Israel H3478 out of Egypt; H4714

Exodus 16:3 STRONG

And the children H1121 of Israel H3478 said H559 unto them, Would to God H4310 H5414 we had died H4191 by the hand H3027 of the LORD H3068 in the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 when we sat H3427 by the flesh H1320 pots, H5518 and when we did eat H398 bread H3899 to the full; H7648 for ye have brought us forth H3318 into this wilderness, H4057 to kill H4191 this whole assembly H6951 with hunger. H7458

Exodus 15:22-24 STRONG

So Moses H4872 brought H5265 Israel H3478 from the Red H5488 sea, H3220 and they went out H3318 into the wilderness H4057 of Shur; H7793 and they went H3212 three H7969 days H3117 in the wilderness, H4057 and found H4672 no water. H4325 And when they came H935 to Marah, H4785 they could H3201 not drink H8354 of the waters H4325 of Marah, H4785 for they were bitter: H4751 therefore the name H8034 of it was called H7121 Marah. H4785 And the people H5971 murmured H3885 against Moses, H4872 saying, H559 What shall we drink? H8354

Exodus 15:16 STRONG

Fear H367 and dread H6343 shall fall H5307 upon them; by the greatness H1419 of thine arm H2220 they shall be as still H1826 as a stone; H68 till thy people H5971 pass over, H5674 O LORD, H3068 till the people H5971 pass over, H5674 which H2098 thou hast purchased. H7069

Exodus 15:6 STRONG

Thy right hand, H3225 O LORD, H3068 is become glorious H142 in power: H3581 thy right hand, H3225 O LORD, H3068 hath dashed in pieces H7492 the enemy. H341

Commentary on Exodus 18 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ex 18:1-27. Visit of Jethro.

1-5. Jethro … came … unto Moses, &c.—It is thought by many eminent commentators that this episode is inserted out of its chronological order, for it is described as occurring when the Israelites were "encamped at the mount of God." And yet they did not reach it till the third month after their departure from Egypt (Ex 19:1, 2; compare De 1:6, 9-15).

6. and thy wife, and her two sons—See Ex 4:20.

7. Moses went out to meet his father-in-law, &c.—Their salutations would be marked by all the warm and social greetings of Oriental friends (see on Ex 4:27)—the one going out to "meet" the other, the "obeisance," the "kiss" on each side of the head, the silent entrance into the tent for consultation; and their conversation ran in the strain that might have been expected of two pious men, rehearsing and listening to a narrative of the wonderful works and providence of God.

12. Jethro … took a burnt offering—This friendly interview was terminated by a solemn religious service—the burnt offerings were consumed on the altar, and the sacrifices were peace offerings, used in a feast of joy and gratitude at which Jethro, as priest of the true God, seems to have presided, and to which the chiefs of Israel were invited. This incident is in beautiful keeping with the character of the parties, and is well worthy of the imitation of Christian friends when they meet in the present day.

13-26. on the morrow … Moses sat to judge the people, &c.—We are here presented with a specimen of his daily morning occupations; and among the multifarious duties his divine legation imposed, it must be considered only a small portion of his official employments. He appears in this attitude as a type of Christ in His legislative and judicial characters.

the people stood by Moses from the morning unto the evening, &c.—Governors in the East seat themselves at the most public gate of their palace or the city, and there, amid a crowd of applicants, hear causes, receive petitions, redress grievances, and adjust the claims of contending parties.

17. Moses' father-in-law said unto him, The thing … is not good—not good either for Moses himself, for the maintenance of justice, or for the satisfaction and interests of the people. Jethro gave a prudent counsel as to the division of labor [Ex 18:21, 22], and universal experience in the Church and State has attested the soundness and advantages of the principle.

23. If thou shalt do this thing, &c.—Jethro's counsel was given merely in the form of a suggestion; it was not to be adopted without the express sanction and approval of a better and higher Counsellor; and although we are not informed of it, there can be no doubt that Moses, before appointing subordinate magistrates, would ask the mind of God, as it is the duty and privilege of every Christian in like manner to supplicate the divine direction in all his ways.