Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 22 » Verse 8

Exodus 22:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 If the thief H1590 be not H3808 found, H4672 then the master H1167 of the house H1004 shall be brought H7126 unto the judges, H430 to see whether he have put H7971 his hand H3027 unto his neighbour's H7453 goods. H4399

Cross Reference

Exodus 21:6 STRONG

Then his master H113 shall bring H5066 him unto the judges; H430 he shall also bring H5066 him to the door, H1817 or unto the door post; H4201 and his master H113 shall bore H7527 his ear H241 through with an aul; H4836 and he shall serve H5647 him for ever. H5769

Exodus 22:28 STRONG

Thou shalt not revile H7043 the gods, H430 nor curse H779 the ruler H5387 of thy people. H5971

Deuteronomy 16:18 STRONG

Judges H8199 and officers H7860 shalt thou make H5414 thee in all thy gates, H8179 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 giveth H5414 thee, throughout thy tribes: H7626 and they shall judge H8199 the people H5971 with just H6664 judgment. H4941

Exodus 22:9 STRONG

For all manner H1697 of trespass, H6588 whether it be for ox, H7794 for ass, H2543 for sheep, H7716 for raiment, H8008 or for any manner of lost thing, H9 which another challengeth H559 to be his, the cause H1697 of both parties H8147 shall come H935 before the judges; H430 and whom the judges H430 shall condemn, H7561 he shall pay H7999 double H8147 unto his neighbour. H7453

Deuteronomy 17:8-9 STRONG

If there arise a matter H1697 too hard H6381 for thee in judgment, H4941 between blood H1818 and blood, H1818 between plea H1779 and plea, H1779 and between stroke H5061 and stroke, H5061 being matters H1697 of controversy H7379 within thy gates: H8179 then shalt thou arise, H6965 and get thee up H5927 into the place H4725 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 shall choose; H977 And thou shalt come H935 unto the priests H3548 the Levites, H3881 and unto the judge H8199 that shall be in those days, H3117 and enquire; H1875 and they shall shew H5046 thee the sentence H1697 of judgment: H4941

Deuteronomy 19:17-18 STRONG

Then both H8147 the men, H582 between whom the controversy H7379 is, shall stand H5975 before H6440 the LORD, H3068 before H6440 the priests H3548 and the judges, H8199 which shall be in those days; H3117 And the judges H8199 shall make diligent H3190 inquisition: H1875 and, behold, if the witness H5707 be a false H8267 witness, H5707 and hath testified H6030 falsely H8267 against his brother; H251

1 Chronicles 23:4 STRONG

Of which, H428 twenty H6242 and four H702 thousand H505 were to set forward H5329 the work H4399 of the house H1004 of the LORD; H3068 and six H8337 thousand H505 were officers H7860 and judges: H8199

Psalms 82:1 STRONG

[[A Psalm H4210 of Asaph.]] H623 God H430 standeth H5324 in the congregation H5712 of the mighty; H410 he judgeth H8199 among H7130 the gods. H430

Commentary on Exodus 22 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ex 22:1-31. Laws concerning Theft.

1-4. If a man shall steal an ox, or a sheep—The law respects the theft of cattle which constituted the chief part of their property. The penalty for the theft of a sheep which was slain or sold, was fourfold; for an ox fivefold, because of its greater utility in labor; but, should the stolen animal have been recovered alive, a double compensation was all that was required, because it was presumable he (the thief) was not a practised adept in dishonesty. A robber breaking into a house at midnight might, in self-defense, be slain with impunity; but if he was slain after sunrise, it would be considered murder, for it was not thought likely an assault would then be made upon the lives of the occupants. In every case where a thief could not make restitution, he was sold as a slave for the usual term.

6. If fire break out, and catch in thorns—This refers to the common practice in the East of setting fire to the dry grass before the fall of the autumnal rains, which prevents the ravages of vermin, and is considered a good preparation of the ground for the next crop. The very parched state of the herbage and the long droughts of summer, make the kindling of a fire an operation often dangerous, and always requiring caution from its liability to spread rapidly.

stacks—or as it is rendered "shocks" (Jud 15:5; Job 5:26), means simply a bundle of loose sheaves.

26, 27. If thou at all take thy neighbour's raiment to pledge, &c.—From the nature of the case, this is the description of a poor man. No Orientals undress, but, merely throwing off their turbans and some of their heavy outer garments, they sleep in the clothes which they wear during the day. The bed of the poor is usually nothing else than a mat; and, in winter, they cover themselves with a cloak—a practice which forms the ground or reason of the humane and merciful law respecting the pawned coat.

28. gods—a word which is several times in this chapter rendered "judges" or magistrates.

the ruler of thy people—and the chief magistrate who was also the high priest, at least in the time of Paul (Ac 23:1-5).