Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 26 » Verse 15-30

Exodus 26:15-30 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

15 And thou shalt make H6213 boards H7175 for the tabernacle H4908 of shittim H7848 wood H6086 standing up. H5975

16 Ten H6235 cubits H520 shall be the length H753 of a board, H7175 and a cubit H520 and a half H2677 shall be the breadth H7341 of one H259 board. H7175

17 Two H8147 tenons H3027 shall there be in one H259 board, H7175 set in order H7947 one H802 against another: H269 thus shalt thou make H6213 for all the boards H7175 of the tabernacle. H4908

18 And thou shalt make H6213 the boards H7175 for the tabernacle, H4908 twenty H6242 boards H7175 on the south H5045 side H6285 southward. H8486

19 And thou shalt make H6213 forty H705 sockets H134 of silver H3701 under the twenty H6242 boards; H7175 two H8147 sockets H134 under one H259 board H7175 for his two H8147 tenons, H3027 and two H8147 sockets H134 under another H259 board H7175 for his two H8147 tenons. H3027

20 And for the second H8145 side H6763 of the tabernacle H4908 on the north H6828 side H6285 there shall be twenty H6242 boards: H7175

21 And their forty H705 sockets H134 of silver; H3701 two H8147 sockets H134 under one H259 board, H7175 and two H8147 sockets H134 under another H259 board. H7175

22 And for the sides H3411 of the tabernacle H4908 westward H3220 thou shalt make H6213 six H8337 boards. H7175

23 And two H8147 boards H7175 shalt thou make H6213 for the corners H4742 of the tabernacle H4908 in the two sides. H3411

24 And they shall be coupled H8382 together beneath, H4295 and they shall be coupled H8382 together H3162 above the head H7218 of it unto one H259 ring: H2885 thus shall it be for them both; H8147 they shall be for the two H8147 corners. H4740

25 And they shall be eight H8083 boards, H7175 and their sockets H134 of silver, H3701 sixteen H8337 H6240 sockets; H134 two H8147 sockets H134 under one H259 board, H7175 and two H8147 sockets H134 under another H259 board. H7175

26 And thou shalt make H6213 bars H1280 of shittim H7848 wood; H6086 five H2568 for the boards H7175 of the one H259 side H6763 of the tabernacle, H4908

27 And five H2568 bars H1280 for the boards H7175 of the other H8145 side H6763 of the tabernacle, H4908 and five H2568 bars H1280 for the boards H7175 of the side H6763 of the tabernacle, H4908 for the two sides H3411 westward. H3220

28 And the middle H8484 bar H1280 in the midst H8432 of the boards H7175 shall reach H1272 from end H7097 to end. H7097

29 And thou shalt overlay H6823 the boards H7175 with gold, H2091 and make H6213 their rings H2885 of gold H2091 for places H1004 for the bars: H1280 and thou shalt overlay H6823 the bars H1280 with gold. H2091

30 And thou shalt rear up H6965 the tabernacle H4908 according to the fashion H4941 thereof which was shewed H7200 thee in the mount. H2022

Commentary on Exodus 26 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ex 26:1-37. Ten Curtains

1. cunning work—that is, of elegant texture, richly embroidered. The word "cunning," in old English, is synonymous with "skilful."

2. length—Each curtain was to be fifteen yards in length and a little exceeding two in breadth.

3. The five curtains shall be coupled together one to another, &c.—so as to form two grand divisions, each eleven yards wide.

6. taches—clasps; supposed in shape, as well as in use, to be the same as hooks and eyes.

7-13. curtains of goats' hair—These coarse curtains were to be one more in number than the others, and to extend a yard lower on each side, the use of them being to protect and conceal the richer curtains.

14. a covering … of rams' skins dyed red—that is, of Turkey red leather. [See on Ex 39:34.]

15-30. thou shalt make boards … rear up the tabernacle according to the fashion … which was showed thee—The tabernacle, from its name as well as from its general appearance and arrangements, was a tent; but from the description given in these verses, the boards that formed its walls, the five (cross) bars that strengthened them, and the middle bar that "reached from end to end," and gave it solidity and compactness, it was evidently a more substantial fabric than a light and fragile tent, probably on account of the weight of its various coverings as well as for the protection of its precious furniture.

36. an hanging for the door of the tent—Curtains of rich and elaborate embroidery, made by the women, are suspended over the doors or entrances of the tents occupied by Eastern chiefs and princes. In a similar style of elegance was the hanging finished which was to cover the door of this tabernacle—the chosen habitation of the God and King of Israel. It appears from Ex 26:12, 22, 23, that the ark and mercy seat were placed in the west end of the tabernacle, and consequently the door or entrance fronted the east, so that the Israelites in worshipping Jehovah, turned their faces towards the west; that they might be thus figuratively taught to turn from the worship of that luminary which was the great idol of the nations, and to adore the God who made it and them [Hewlett].