Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Exodus » Chapter 27 » Verse 19

Exodus 27:19 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

19 All the vessels H3627 of the tabernacle H4908 in all the service H5656 thereof, and all the pins H3489 thereof, and all the pins H3489 of the court, H2691 shall be of brass. H5178

Cross Reference

Exodus 27:3 STRONG

And thou shalt make H6213 his pans H5518 to receive his ashes, H1878 and his shovels, H3257 and his basons, H4219 and his fleshhooks, H4207 and his firepans: H4289 all the vessels H3627 thereof thou shalt make H6213 of brass. H5178

Exodus 35:18 STRONG

The pins H3489 of the tabernacle, H4908 and the pins H3489 of the court, H2691 and their cords, H4340

Exodus 38:20 STRONG

And all the pins H3489 of the tabernacle, H4908 and of the court H2691 round about, H5439 were of brass. H5178

Exodus 38:31 STRONG

And the sockets H134 of the court H2691 round about, H5439 and the sockets H134 of the court H2691 gate, H8179 and all the pins H3489 of the tabernacle, H4908 and all the pins H3489 of the court H2691 round about. H5439

Exodus 39:40 STRONG

The hangings H7050 of the court, H2691 his pillars, H5982 and his sockets, H134 and the hanging H4539 for the court H2691 gate, H8179 his cords, H4340 and his pins, H3489 and all the vessels H3627 of the service H5656 of the tabernacle, H4908 for the tent H168 of the congregation, H4150

Numbers 3:37 STRONG

And the pillars H5982 of the court H2691 round about, H5439 and their sockets, H134 and their pins, H3489 and their cords. H4340

Numbers 4:32 STRONG

And the pillars H5982 of the court H2691 round about, H5439 and their sockets, H134 and their pins, H3489 and their cords, H4340 with all their instruments, H3627 and with all their service: H5656 and by name H8034 ye shall reckon H6485 the instruments H3627 of the charge H4931 of their burden. H4853

Ezra 9:8 STRONG

And now for a little H4592 space H7281 grace H8467 hath been shewed from the LORD H3068 our God, H430 to leave H7604 us a remnant to escape, H6413 and to give H5414 us a nail H3489 in his holy H6944 place, H4725 that our God H430 may lighten H215 our eyes, H5869 and give H5414 us a little H4592 reviving H4241 in our bondage. H5659

Ecclesiastes 12:11 STRONG

The words H1697 of the wise H2450 are as goads, H1861 and as nails H4930 fastened H5193 by the masters H1167 of assemblies, H627 which are given H5414 from one H259 shepherd. H7462

Isaiah 22:23-25 STRONG

And I will fasten H8628 him as a nail H3489 in a sure H539 place; H4725 and he shall be for a glorious H3519 throne H3678 to his father's H1 house. H1004 And they shall hang H8518 upon him all the glory H3519 of his father's H1 house, H1004 the offspring H6631 and the issue, H6849 all vessels H3627 of small H6996 quantity, from the vessels H3627 of cups, H101 even to all the vessels H3627 of flagons. H5035 In that day, H3117 saith H5002 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 shall the nail H3489 that is fastened H8628 in the sure H539 place H4725 be removed, H4185 and be cut down, H1438 and fall; H5307 and the burden H4853 that was upon it shall be cut off: H3772 for the LORD H3068 hath spoken H1696 it.

Isaiah 33:20 STRONG

Look H2372 upon Zion, H6726 the city H7151 of our solemnities: H4150 thine eyes H5869 shall see H7200 Jerusalem H3389 a quiet H7600 habitation, H5116 a tabernacle H168 that shall not be taken down; H6813 not one of the stakes H3489 thereof shall ever H5331 be removed, H5265 neither shall any of the cords H2256 thereof be broken. H5423

Zechariah 10:4 STRONG

Out of him came forth H3318 the corner, H6438 out of him the nail, H3489 out of him the battle H4421 bow, H7198 out of him every oppressor H5065 together. H3162

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Exodus 27

Commentary on Exodus 27 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verses 1-3

The Altar of Burnt-Offering (cf. Exodus 38:1-7). - “ Make the altar (the altar of burnt-offering, according to Exodus 38:1) of acacia-wood, five cubits long, and five cubits broad ( רבוּע “foured,” i.e., four-sided or quadrangular), and three cubits high. At its four corners shall its horns be from (out of) it, ” i.e., not removable, but as if growing out of it. These horns were projections at the corners of the altar, formed to imitate in all probability the horns of oxen, and in these the whole force of the altar was concentrated. The blood of the sin-offering was therefore smeared upon them (Leviticus 4:7), and those who fled to the altar to save their lives laid hold of them (vid., Exodus 21:14, and 1 Kings 1:50; also my commentary on the passage). The altar was to be covered with copper or brass, and all the things used in connection with it were to be made of brass. These were, - (1) the pans , to cleanse it of the ashes of the fat (Exodus 27:3 : דּשּׁן , a denom . verb from דּשׁן the ashes of fat, that is to say, the ashes that arose from burning the flesh of the sacrifice upon the altar, has a privative meaning, and signifies “to ash away,” i.e., to cleanse from ashes); (2) יעים shovels , from יעה to take away (Isaiah 28:17); (3) מזרקות , things used for sprinkling the blood, from fzarq to sprinkle; (4) מזלגות forks , flesh-hooks (cf. מזלג 1 Samuel 3:13); (5) מחתּת coal-scoops (cf. Exodus 25:38). וגו לכל־כּליו : either “for all the vessels thereof thou shalt make brass,” or “as for all its vessels, thou shalt make (them) of brass.”

Verse 4-5

The altar was to have מכבּר a grating , רשׂת מעשׂה net-work , i.e., a covering of brass made in the form of a net, of larger dimensions that the sides of the altar, for this grating was to be under the “compass” ( כּרכּב ) of the altar from beneath, and to reach to the half of it (half-way up, Exodus 27:5); and in it, i.e., at the four ends (or corners) of it, four brass rings were to be fastened, for the poles to carry it with. כּרכּב (from כּרכּב circumdedit ) only occurs here and in Exodus 38:4, and signifies a border ( סבבא Targums ), i.e., a projecting framework or bench running round the four sides of the altar, about half a cubit or a cubit broad, nailed to the walls (of the altar) on the outside, and fastened more firmly to them by the copper covering which was common to both. The copper grating was below this bench, and on the outside. The bench rested upon it, or rather it hung from the outer edge of the bench and rested upon the ground, like the inner chest, which it surrounded on all four sides, and in which there were no perforations. It formed with the bench or carcob a projecting footing, which caused the lower half of the altar to look broader than the upper on every side. The priest stood upon this carcob or bench when offering sacrifice, or when placing the wood, or doing anything else upon the altar. This explains Aaron's coming down ( ירד ) from the altar (Leviticus 9:22); and there is no necessity to suppose that there were steps to the altar, as Knobel does in opposition to Exodus 20:26. For even if the height of the altar, viz., three cubits, would be so great that a bench half-way up would be too high for any one to step up to, the earth could be slightly raised on one side so as to make the ascent perfectly easy; and when the priest was standing upon the bench, he could perform all that was necessary upon the top of the altar without any difficulty.

Verses 6-8

The poles were to be made of acacia-wood, and covered with brass, and to be placed in the rings that were fixed in the two sides for the purpose of carrying the altar. The additional instructions in Exodus 27:8, “hollow with tables shalt thou make it, as it was showed thee in the mount” (cf. Exodus 25:9), refer apparently, if we judge from Exodus 20:24-25, simply to the wooden framework of the altar, which was covered with brass, and which was filled with earth, or gravel and stones, when the altar was about to be used, the whole being levelled so as to form a hearth. The shape thus given to the altar of burnt-offering corresponded to the other objects in the sanctuary. It could also be carried about with ease, and fixed in any place, and could be used for burning the sacrifices without the wooden walls being injured by the fire.

Verses 9-11

(cf. Exodus 38:9-20). The Court of the dwelling was to consist of קלעים “hangings” of spun byssus, and pillars with brass (copper) sockets, and hooks and fastenings for the pillars of silver. The pillars were of course made of acacia-wood; they were five cubits high, with silvered capitals (Exodus 38:17, Exodus 38:19), and carried the hangings, which were fastened to them by means of the hooks and fastenings. There were twenty of them on both the southern and northern sides, and the length of the drapery on each of these sides was 100 cubits ( באמּה מאה , 100 sc., measured by the cubit), so that the court was a hundred cubits long (Exodus 27:18).

Verses 12-16

As for the breadth of the court on the west side, (there shall be) curtains fifty cubits; their pillars twenty; and the breadth of the court towards the front, on the east side, fifty cubits .” The front is divided in Exodus 27:14-16 into two כּתף , lit., shoulders, i.e., sides or side-pieces, each consisting of 15 cubits of hangings and three pillars with their sockets, and a doorway ( שׁער ), naturally in the middle, which was covered by a curtain ( מסך ) formed of the same material as the covering at the entrance to the dwelling, of 20 cubits in length, with four pillars and the same number of sockets. The pillars were therefore equidistant from one another, viz., 5 cubits apart. Their total number was 60 (not 56), which was the number required, at the distance mentioned, to surround a quadrangular space of 100 cubits long and 50 cubits broad.

(Note: Although any one may easily convince himself of the correctness of these numbers by drawing a figure, Knobel has revived Philo's erroneous statement about 56 pillars and the double reckoning of the pillars in the corner. And the statement in Exodus 27:14-16, that three pillars were to be made in front to carry the hangings on either side of the door, and four to carry the curtain which covered the entrance, may be easily shown to be correct, notwithstanding the fact that, as every drawing shows, four pillars would be required, and not three only, to carry 15 cubits of hangings, and five (not four) to carry a curtain 20 cubits broad, if the pillars were to be placed 5 cubits apart; for the corner pillars, as belonging to both sides, and the pillars which stood between the hangings and the curtain on either side, could only be reckoned as halves in connection with each side or each post; and in reckoning the number of pillars according to the method adopted in every other case, the pillar from which you start would not be reckoned at all. Now, if you count the pillars of the eastern side upon this principle (starting from a corner pillar, which is not reckoned, because it is the starting-point and is the last pillar of the side wall), you have 1, 2, 3, then 1, 2, 3, 4, and then again 1, 2, 3; that is to say, 3 pillars for each wing and 4 for the curtain, although the hangings of each wing would really be supported by 4 pillars, and the curtain in the middle by 5.)

Verse 17-18

All the pillars of the court round about (shall be) bound with connecting rods of silver .” As the rods connecting the pillars of the court were of silver, and those connecting the pillars at the entrance to the dwelling were of wood overlaid with gold, the former must have been intended for a different purpose from the latter, simply serving as rods to which to fasten the hangings, whereas those at the door of the dwelling formed an architrave. The height of the hangings of the court and the covering of the door is given in Exodus 38:17 as 5 cubits, corresponding to the height of the pillars given in Exodus 28:18 of the chapter before us; but the expression in Exodus 38:18, “the height in the breadth,” is a singular one, and רחב is probably to be understood in the sense of רחב door-place or door-way, - the meaning of the passage being, “the height of the covering in the door-way.” In Exodus 28:18, “50 everywhere,” πεντήκοντα ἐπὶ πεντήκοντα (lxx), lit., 50 by 50, is to be understood as relating to the extent towards the north and south; and the reading of the Samaritan text, viz., באמּה for בחמשּׁים , is merely the result of an arbitrary attempt to bring the text into conformity with the previous באמּה מאה , whilst the lxx, on the other hand, by an equally arbitrary change, have rendered the passage ἑκατὸν εφ ̓ ἑκατὸν .

Verse 19

All the vessels of the dwelling in all the work thereof (i.e., all the tools needed for the tabernacle), and all its pegs, and all the pegs of the court, (shall be of) brass or copper .” The vessels of the dwelling are not the things required for the performance of worship, but the tools used in setting up the tabernacle and taking it down again.

If we inquire still further into the design and meaning of the court, the erection of a court surrounding the dwelling on all four sides is to be traced to the same circumstance as that which rendered it necessary to divide the dwelling itself into two parts, viz., to the fact, that on account of the unholiness of the nation, it could not come directly into the presence of Jehovah, until the sin which separates unholy man from the holy God had been atoned for. Although, by virtue of their election as the children of Jehovah, or their adoption as the nation of God, it was intended that the Israelites should be received by the Lord into His house, and dwell as a son in his father's house; yet under the economy of the law, which only produced the knowledge of sin, uncleanness, and unholiness, their fellowship with Jehovah, the Holy One, could only be sustained through mediators appointed and sanctified by God: viz., at the institution of the covenant, through His servant Moses; and during the existence of this covenant, through the chosen priests of the family of Aaron. It was through them that the Lord was to be approached, and the nation to be brought near to Him. Every day, therefore, they entered the holy place of the dwelling, to offer to the Lord the sacrifices of prayer and the fruits of the people's earthly vocation. But even they were not allowed to go into the immediate presence of the holy God. The most holy place, where God was enthroned, was hidden from them by the curtain, and only once a year was the high priest permitted, as the head of the whole congregation, which was called to be the holy nation of God, to lift this curtain and appear before God with the atoning blood of the sacrifice and the cloud of incense (Lev 16). The access of the nation to its God was restricted to the court. There it could receive from the Lord, through the medium of the sacrifices which it offered upon the altar of burnt-offering, the expiation of its sins, His grace and blessing, and strength to live anew. Whilst the dwelling itself represented the house of God, the dwelling-place of Jehovah in the midst of His people (Exodus 23:19; Joshua 6:24; 1 Samuel 1:7, 1 Samuel 1:24, etc.), the palace of the God-King, in which the priestly nation drew near to Him (1 Samuel 1:9; 1 Samuel 3:3; Psalms 5:8; Psalms 26:4, Psalms 26:6); the court which surrounded the dwelling represented the kingdom of the God-King, the covenant land or dwelling-place of Israel in the kingdom of its God. In accordance with this purpose, the court was in the form of an oblong, to exhibit its character as part of the kingdom of God. But its pillars and hangings were only five cubits high, i.e., half the height of the dwelling, to set forth the character of incompleteness, or of the threshold to the sanctuary of God. All its vessels were of copper-brass, which, being allied to the earth in both colour and material, was a symbolical representation of the earthly side of the kingdom of God; whereas the silver of the capitals of the pillars, and of the hooks and rods which sustained the hangings, as well as the white colour of the byssus-hangings, might point to the holiness of this site for the kingdom of God. On the other hand, in the gilding of the capitals of the pillars at the entrance to the dwelling, and the brass of their sockets, we find gold and silver combined, to set forth the union of the court with the sanctuary, i.e., the union of the dwelling-place of Israel with the dwelling-place of its God, which is realized in the kingdom of God.

The design and significance of the court culminated in the altar of burnt-offering, the principal object in the court; and upon this the burnt-offerings and slain-offerings, in which the covenant nation consecrated itself as a possession to its God, were burnt. The heart of this altar was of earth or unhewn stones, having the character of earth, not only on account of its being appointed as the place of sacrifice and as the hearth for the offerings, but because the earth itself formed the real or material sphere for the kingdom of God in the Old Testament stage of its development. This heart of earth was elevated by the square copper covering into a vessel of the sanctuary, a place where Jehovah would record His name, and come to Israel and bless them (Exodus 20:24, cf. Exodus 29:42, Exodus 29:44), and was consecrated as a place of sacrifice, by means of which Israel could raise itself to the Lord, and ascend to Him in the sacrifice. And this significance of the altar culminated in its horns, upon which the blood of the sin-offering was smeared. Just as, in the case of the horned animals, their strength and beauty are concentrated in the horns, and the horn has become in consequence a symbol of strength, or of fulness of vital energy; so the significance of the altar as a place of the saving and life-giving power of God, which the Lord bestows upon His people in His kingdom, was concentrated in the horns of the altar.

Verse 20-21

The instructions concerning the Oil For the Candlestick, and the daily trimming of the lamps by the priests, form a transition from the fitting up of the sanctuary to the installation of its servants.

Exodus 27:20

The sons of Israel were to bring to Moses (lit., fetch to thee) olive oil, pure (i.e., prepared from olives “which had been cleansed from leaves, twigs, dust, etc., before they were crushed”), beaten , i.e., obtained not by crushing in oil-presses, but by beating, when the oil which flows out by itself is of the finest quality and a white colour. This oil was to be “for the candlestick to set up a continual light.”

Exodus 27:21

Aaron and his sons were to prepare this light in the tabernacle outside the curtain, which was over the testimony (i.e., which covered or concealed it), from evening to morning, before Jehovah. “The tabernacle of the congregation,” lit., tent of assembly: this expression is applied to the sanctuary for the first time in the preset passage, but it afterwards became the usual appellation, and accords both with its structure and design, as it was a tent in style, and was set apart as the place where Jehovah would meet with the Israelites and commune with them (Exodus 25:22). The ordering of the light from evening to morning consisted, according to Exodus 30:7-8, and Leviticus 24:3-4, in placing the lamps upon the candlestick in the evening and lighting them, that they might give light through the night, and then cleaning them in the morning and filling them with fresh oil. The words “a statute for ever unto their generations (see at Exodus 12:14) on the part of the children of Israel,” are to be understood as referring not merely to the gift of oil to be made by the Israelites for all time, but to the preparation of the light, which was to be regarded as of perpetual obligation and worth. “For ever,” in the same sense as in Genesis 17:7 and Genesis 17:13.